Thursday, June 19, 2014

Author Interview with Brina Brady

Brina Brady is the author of the hot new book, Rent Me, available on Amazon and Smashwords. Brina's genre is M/M erotic contemporary romance and she's been busy promoting this story with a little bit of taboo and a whole lot of HOT. I managed to catch up with her for a little interview.

Let's just jump in, what’s the kinkiest, sexiest thing you’ve ever done?
My best friend and I got trapped in a boat with these two guys we picked up. We both were having sex with our male partners in the same room. The strangest thing is we bumped into each other some how. Weird. Way back when I was young and crazy.

Oh, the days of being young and crazy. Now we're older and...maybe I better not continue that thought. LOL
How naughty do you get with your writing?  Are we talking just suggestion or downright bondage?
Extremely naughty.  Bondage and explicit sexual encounters for the two males. My story was a bout a Rent Boy and he was not shy.

No, he certainly isn't shy but that's what I love about him. What’s the best thing you’ve ever written—the best line?
This is from Bend Over, my WIP from Brennen.
No one will ever know my secret unless one of them tells on me. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to hell for what I had done. Certain sins were unforgivable especially when both the Reverend and Mom warned me many times.

Sweet! Oh, you are such a tease!
If you could have any movie star take on a role as one of your heroes, who would it be?
I want the young Travis Fimmel with his long blond hair to be Shane O’Rourke in my new novel Bend Over. I would want the young Charlie to be Brennen.

I L O V E Travis Fimmel. One of my characters was based on his delicious looks. Size counts… on average how loooooonnnnnggg do you like your (um, how do we put it delicately) manuscripts to be; (in words silly, not inches) and how steamy?
I like novels to be at least 100,000 words and very steamy.

Steamy is good!  What are the hardest scenes to write for you?
I wrote a lap dance scene between two men and that was difficult.

How close in real life, have you gotten to one of your fantasies?
Not close at all since I write about two men sleeping together and I am a woman.

LOL. What bit of romantic advice would you give your readers?
Be honest and faithful.

And finally… anything you would like to share with us, an excerpt, a tidbit, or anything else about yourself?    
I am a Los Angeles retired high school teacher. I worked in the Juvenile correction facilities and loved it. Now, I write and read.

Write, read, write, read... that's a perfect life!  Thanks for joining use today, Brina!  I hope all our readers check out your new book, Rent Me.

Rent Boy Brennen wants to belong to his lover Dmitri Dubrovsky. The Russian mobster controls every inch of his life in and out of bed. Brennen works for Dmitri’s escort service. His only desire is to please his lover.

When Dmitri marries Nika, his lover moves him out of their home to an apartment in Beverly Hills and tells him nothing has changed. 

What is Brennen going to do now? 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Mojo - Sexting

Over half of American adults have used the phone, email or text message to have sex.
The best sexts are like great foreplay—they're spicy but still leave a little to the imagination. 

And remember...
laughter is an aphrodisiac as well.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fitness Friday - Girls' Nite Out Tip

I belong to a coffee club who occasionally meets at night for cocktails. We often discuss weight and fitness. We came up with a great tip to share!

 If you know you'll be imbibing more than one drink, feel (and sip!) right by always ordering water between cocktails. You won't rack up sneaky liquid calories (and ruin your inhibition to resist those mozzarella sticks!). But your H20 doesn't have to be boring. Make it festive by ordering the sparkling variety with plenty of fruit, like a lime, lemon, and orange wedge in a martini or highball glass. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Mojo - Sexual Intellect

44% of women find it impossible to enjoy sex 
with a man who is not their intellectual equal. 

Just 31% of men share this problem.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Fitness Friday - Police Your Portions

To be healthy and fit you may need to police you portions. 

No I don't mean him.

Does your steak take up more than half your plate? Think about cutting your serving of beef in half. That's because it's best to try and fill half your plate with veggies or a mixture of veggies and fresh fruit so it's harder to overdo it on the more caloric dishes (like cheesy potatoes or barbecue sauce–slathered ribs—yum!). 
Create a romantic evening and share a meal with your honey. Eat off the same plate and feed each other.