Saturday, October 28, 2023

Top 10: Halloween Sex Positions

 This article was originally written by a male author who wishes to remain an anonymous ghost writer. He intended this post for entertainment purposes only; its content should not be taken as practical advice.  Enjoy! 

The time has come to breathe new life into Halloween -- to replace the confectionary-fueled fun you enjoyed as a kid with the pheromone-laced action you want as an adult. After all, you probably won’t be spending All Hallows' Eve donning masks and egging cars outside the house, so shouldn't you at least be releasing your inner demons inside the bedroom? This is something that is easily done with the help from some evil Halloween sex positions. So, while we’ll happily leave the Kama Sutra to hippies, yoga nerds and people who treat scented candles as a lifestyle, those of us more partial to dancing with devils in the pale moonlight will be generating shrieks and moans this year courtesy of the following Halloween sex positions.


No.1 Witch's Brew

 Wart of mute child, eye of albino newt… unless you’re Prince or Charlie Sheen, this stuff probably doesn’t turn you on. But here for Halloween is the first-ever sexy witch's brew. Though swingers would probably have an easier time accomplishing this one, a drunk girlfriend and the girl she kissed in college should suffice. The key to this position is all in the setup (and the alcohol): Fill a hot tub with brown food coloring, novelty eyeballs, Gothic candles, and two revved-up bisexual females. The bonus in this one is the post-witch's brew shower, in which you’ll either get to clean your partners or sit back and watch evil take its course.



2 Pumpkin Head

 Jack-o’-lanterns are supposed to act as guides for lost spirits in the night. But in our twisted minds, they act as beacons for downright nasty things. While your girl is painting her face with orange and black makeup, you’ll cut a hole in a box to act as the table. Your girl will kneel down with her pumpkin-looking head poking out of the hole. You’ll stand in front of her, aim for the gaping black grin and put a candle of a different kind into the mouth of this jack-o’-lantern.



No.3 Monster Mash

 Only a blindfolded eunuch could watch Godzilla movies and not get riled up by the overwhelming sexual tension between Mothra and the radioactive lizard. That’s why we’re suggesting you and your partner try out the “Monster Mash” this Halloween. The premise is simple, but potentially expensive, depending on the cost of the outfit you’re willing to invest in. Go down the costume shop, pick out costumes for you and your partner, then cut out sections around the genitals in each costume; unless you’re Paris Hilton, we assume you possess the mental powers to deduce the nasty act that should follow.



No.4 Night Of The F*cking Dead

 Squirming, convulsing and moaning isn’t something that only happens at Jack in the Box -- case in point: “Night of the F*cking Dead.” In this ingenious brain-dead Halloween sex position, partners start off in a standard missionary position, but once the male has comfortably entered the female, that’s when things really get dumb -- er, fun. Specifically, neither partner is allowed to use their arms or legs to support themselves during intercourse, leaving both sex-starved individuals to be grunting, struggling and shaking in order to get off.



No.5 Sleepy Bat

 Courtesy of the public education system and some unpleasant personal experiences, we are extremely aware that it is unwise to put unprotected genitals anywhere near a sleeping bat -- that is, unless, your partner has assumed the role of a blind, flying carnivore for the evening. In this Halloween sex position, your partner will require a stable pull-up bar or shower pole on which to hang upside down. Once she is comfortably locked in, position your mouths at each others' genitals and engage in 69-ing until the sunlight comes up (or the blood rushing to her head causes your partner to pass out).



No.6 Bobbing For Boobies

 This sex position is pretty self-explanatory: Fill up a bathtub with two or more breasts, stick your hands behind your back, and bob your head in until you catch yourself an endorphin rush



No.7 The Scarecrow

 Aside from Michael Hutchence, a little bondage never (seriously) hurt anyone, and this sex position is no different. One partner is strapped to a cross-brace and must act as if they have no skeletal system; the other partner gets to enjoy the benefits of having someone strapped to a cross-brace in front of them. That involves groping, teasing, prodding, and just about anything else you want, just as soon as you get those cumbersome overalls unhooked. Best of all, when you are done, there’s all that straw to help clean up.


No.8 Tail In The Crypt

 Let’s face it: The first thing that comes to mind when you project sexual deviancy on a high-pitched decomposing corpse is Michael Jackson; but don’t worry, our carnal take on the famous Tales from the Crypt TV series is much more legal. In this Halloween sex position, you and your partner make your way under your bed (the “crypt”) and engage in anal sex (the “tail”) -- we leave it up to you (the “crypt keeper”) to decided whether or not you’d like to annoyingly stimulate your partner with scratches to her back.



No.9 Grave Robber

 The key to this Halloween sex position is finding a successful mix between the sexual thrill of robbery and the somewhat unappealing odor of putrid human innards. The way it works is that you wait for your girlfriend to fall asleep, then you ransack your laundry hamper and surround her with dirty, dank clothes to mimic the atmosphere of a grave. Once you’ve buried your corpse -- er, partner -- you give her the unexpected thrill of luring her back into consciousness with oral sex.


No.10 Ghost Rider

 Before you start writing us letters about this one, we want to make it clear that we’re not suggesting you set your partner’s head on fire while she’s faced the other way in doggy style -- that would fall under a "Mike Tyson Sex Positions." No, the Ghost Rider is much more humane, though slightly tougher on the eyes. The way it works is that when the female is riding the male, the man puts a white sheet over her head -- all while resisting the overwhelming urge to cue up the Ghostbusters theme on his stereo.


                                                HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Monday, October 23, 2023

Cuff Him, Safely


Handcuffs are an important accessory for a cop costume but also can be a lot of fun in the bedroom. Keep in mind, handcuffs used in sex play are made to be comfortable and safe so don’t borrow your buddy’s police issue. Having restricted movement will intensify the senses and make for very sensual loving.

A recent study found that men who engage in bondage say they feel less sad, nervous or hopeless than men do generally. They're not markedly different from other men-bondage may be just a way "to express their heightened interest in sex and sexual permissiveness," says Richard O de Visser, PhD, author of the study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. "It's simply a sexual interest that's attractive to a minority, and not indicative of past abuse or difficulty with 'normal' sex," Visser says.

Use handcuffs designed for sex play. These can often be found at retail shops such as Lover's Lane or online. Look for handcuffs make from strong material and have a safety release. Be sure they are the correct size to prevent injury.

Always communicate with your partner regarding desires and boundaries. Begin play gently and slowly move to more intense levels. Play safe and enjoy!


For some fun reading, check out Handcuffs & Silk. 


Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is a tough Las Vegas cop who many men find too intimidating to date. Steph begins to wonder if something is wrong with her so she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.

Hunter Mason left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different. Turning to 1 Night Stand, he hopes to sample his options.

A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Take Time Together


Home is where the heart is, so take time to spend together at home. You can find many delightful ways to spend time together around the house. 

The Chemist and his wife enjoy reading and listening to music together.

Morning coffee in bed is one of my personal favorites or breakfast on a sunny deck. A card game or watch a video on a rainy day. Unplug yourselves from the electronics and quiet time at home can be simple. Just sitting together watching a ballgame is cozy contentment. Go for a walk or take a nap. In the evening, enjoy a glass of wine, play soft music and give each other a massage.

Flyboy Jr and his girl take a break from outdoor sports to watch a movie.

Take a break from the daily grind and revive that feeling of being relaxed and close.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday Funnies - Bad Pickup Lines

 Bad pickup lines are sad but funny.

 1. If I have a strong desire, don't say it is a sin. I'm already on fire, and just want to touch your skin.

2. You're eyes are soft and tender, as sweet as they can be. There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!!

3. Your daddy must be a terrorist. Because you are DA BOMB!

4. If love is a crime, lock me up, I'm guilty baby!

5. I dream those eyes, those lips, that face, that body...Ok, enough about ME! Tell me something about you!

6. I think I should tell you what people are saying behind your back.... Nice Ass!!!!!!! Flirty

7. Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less ... in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!

8. Love is a name, Sex is a game. Forget the name and play the game!

9/ Do you know what does position 68 mean? .......You are doing me and I owe you one!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Say Whaaaat? Calorie Counts


A teaspoon of semen contains approximately 5 calories.

A minute long kiss can burn 2-5 calories, depending on how intimate it is.

Studies have confirmed sex does equate to light-moderate exercise

Sex burns off an average of about 100-200 calories per session.

The top calorie burning sex positions:

1. The Butter Churner 211 calories

2. Standing 198 calories

3. Doggie Style: 182 calories

Note: Men burn calories faster than women.

In 2020, Apple watches kept track of calories burned during sex.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tempting Tuesday: Sleepwear


There comes a stage in every relationship when things just start to get a little too comfortable and you find yourself starting to reason that it's okay to wear those flannel pajamas, leggings and ratty t-shirts to bed. Those tempting, sexy items are pushed to the back of the closet.

Well, if you are about one night's sleep away from pulling out that frumpy, granny nightgown you swore you'd never wear... STOP!   There are lots of sleepwear options out there that are as equally sexy as they are comfy.

I don't mean you have to pack away those sexy little lace or leather outfits for good.  Heavens to Betsy... don't do that!  However, the sleepwear you choose to wear on a nightly basis doesn't have to come out of your mother's closet!  (No offense, Mom.)

You can find sleep wear from sensuous silk and satin to cozy cotton and even flannel at Victoria's Secret.  Silky chemises and sexy camisoles worn with drawstring PJ pants or shorts can be found in many stores.

Soft fabrics that feel good against your skin will make you feel relaxed, comfortable and still sexy.  You just won't have to tolerate the binding thong or itchy lace bodice that's squeezing the girls to tightly.  Your honey might occasionally settle for cuddling in front of the TV rather than jumping your bones 7 nights a week...well...maybe.

Monday, October 16, 2023



Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same feel-good chemical responsible for the ecstatic high people experience through sexual attraction and love.

Scary thing for the guys, is that 52% of women said they'd prefer quality chocolate over steamy sex. The reason comes down to the fact chocolate is seen as a comfort food. When polled, people will rarely give up comfort foods for other things, even sex.

Chocolate also produces endorphins that help women maintain a hormonal balance. Thus the desire for monthly doses of chocolate.

Studies have found dark chocolate leads to greater sex drives in men and woman. Keep in mind, the act of sex burns calories. So enjoy the sweet because you'll burn the calories off.

With all the sales on Halloween candy, it's time to stock up a personal stash of chocolate! After all, it's important to our health.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sultry Sunday Floor Play


A nice quiet Sunday and just the two of you; the room is lit by firelight and candles.  Fluffy pillows are tossed onto the floor.  Spread a soft blanket or two next to the pillows.  Hmm…sounds nice, doesn’t it?  Romantic lighting, sensual fabrics, you just need skin to skin contact, and you’ll be all set for a deeply intimate encounter.

Pour a glass of wine and drop your clothes. It’s time for some Floor Play!

Lie down and get comfortable.  Blindfold your honey and straddle him, letting your legs rest along side of his body.  Begin by dripping warmed massage oil over his body, rubbing it in with long sensual strokes.  The key to sensual massage is to adore every inch of your partner’s body.  Enchant his senses by varying the intensity of your touch and being creative.  Use your fingertips, knuckles, and the heel of your hand, your elbows, and your forearms. 

Tease him with an ostrich feather from head to toe, and then pleasure him orally for a few moments.  Go back to massaging him.  Slip a piece of ice into your mouth and let it melt.  Delight his senses with your cold mouth on his hot body.

Rip off his blindfold (or not) and have your way with him. 

Repeat this process only with you wearing the blindfold.  Ask him to drip wine down your back then lick it off for an erotic effect.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sinful Saturday: Absolutely Sinful Chocolate Chip Cookies


Grandma always told me the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... then she gave me this recipe.

 Absolutely Sinful Chocolate Chip Cookies.



  • 2 1/2 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate
  • 1/2 cup butter (melted and browned)
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 white sugar
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar packed
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2/3 cup sour cream
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


1.    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In the microwave or over a double boiler, melt unsweetened chocolate and butter together, stirring occasionally until smooth. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt; set aside.

2.    In a medium bowl, beat sugar, eggs, and vanilla until light. Mix in the chocolate mixture until well blended. Stir in the sifted ingredients alternately with sour cream, then mix in chocolate chips. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.

3.    Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container.

Try it... I dare you.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday 13 - Sexy Lines from Handcuffs & Silk

 Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, sit back and let's open a sexy book. It’s Thursday and time for some little teasers from Handcuffs and Silk.  Enjoy these Tempting tidbits.

I hope you like these one liners from Handcuffs and Silk.

1. “No.” Her red lips slid into a wicked grin that made his dick take notice. “I’ll dole out any punishment necessary.”

2. “Do you want to kiss me?” Her breath brushed against his neck, inches from his ear.

3. “Ignite-the-Flames-of-My-Desire Bananas Foster.”

4. “I suppose you can see it that way.” He focused on the creamy dessert “But you can have love without sex, and sex without love. Either way can be fulfilling.”

5. “You just have to be willing to take a risk.” She took extra care licking the ice cream off her spoon.

6. “Not at the moment.” He winked. “But with the right person and the right coaxing, I might be willing to sample things I’m not familiar with.”

7. “I only wish to serve and please you.” His voice dripped with sex as he dropped to his knees in a submissive pose: head bowed with his hands behind his back.

8. “You have the right to remain silent.” She clamped a handcuff roughly onto a wrist and raised both arms over his head to hook around the headboard rails then attached the remaining cuff to his free wrist. “Anything you say can and will be used against you for my pleasure.”

9. “Hunter.” Her breath caressed his ear as she whispered, “I’ve put the key to the cuffs in a glass of ice. Once the ice melts, you can set yourself free. If you free yourself within an hour, you can perform any sex act on me you wish. If you can’t break yourself free, I expect you to perform any sex act I wish. Until then, you are my prisoner and will do as I say.”

10. “Ah....” She patted his head. “You are a good little prisoner.”

11. “I win.” His deep voice wrapped seductively around her entire body.

12. “Show me what you can do.” She tapped a finger against her chin. “Then I’ll decide.”

13. “Beg for it, Steph,” Hunter rasped.

 Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is a tough Las Vegas cop who many men find too intimidating to date. Steph begins to wonder if something is wrong with her so she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.

Hunter Mason left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different. Turning to 1 Night Stand, he hopes to sample his options.

A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.

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