Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Little Afternoon Delight from Crow Magic

A busy day? Take a few minutes (or hours) grab a cup of tea,  a book and curl up on a cozy seat. Join me on the porch if you wish. I won't interrupt since I'm reading too. 
Here's a little snippet from my book Crow's Magic.

Birds chattering pulled her from sleep. She wiggled under the cozy comforter to steal one more moment of utter bliss before rubbing her face to wake up. Pushing flyaway hair past her ears, Lucy opened her eyes and stretched. Arriving late the night before, she’d unpacked then gone straight to bed. Her best friend had convinced her to try Madame Eve’s 1Night Stand, and now miles from home, she lay in the Rose Cabin on Cherry Lane, a private but exquisite cottage at the Castillo Resort in the Poconos Mountains.

She took a deep breath and rose to the beauty of a new day and the possibilities of the coming evening. Sunlight dappled the floors of her cabin. Finding the long terry robe the resort supplied, she pulled it on then pulled back the cream-colored curtains to allow the morning radiance to enter and spread its cheerfulness. The delicate scent from the white roses in a vase on the nightstand mingled with the pine and cedar cabin. She picked up a card next to the flowers.

May you discover the magical power of the mountains and their crystal clear waters.
May the life force of the woods stir your soul.
May you learn from the spirit of the crow.
Tecumseh will help you fly if you believe in him.
Madame Eve

He had only one name. Not Bob, or Roger, but Tecumseh, and without doubt, Native American. Names held power and his name sounded powerful. What kind of person had the name Tecumseh? Was he a real man, a shaman or a spirit?

“Enough worrying about tonight, time to enjoy the day.” She adjusted the sheets of the Queen Ann bed and smoothed the antique quilt bright with turquoise and shades of fuchsia. An impressive painting of a floral meadow and a large tree near a lake hung on the wall and she made a mental note to explore outside to discover if the meadow was local. She gazed at the bed, wondering what the night would bring and shuddered with anticipation.

Crow Magic Blurb:
Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Romance Tip - Enjoy the Hummers... Birds That Is

Living in the woods has provided my family with hours of enjoyment watching wildlife. We have feeding stations (store bought bird feeders as well as simple platforms made from stumps) placed in the yard. We have glass hummingbird feeders hanging on the front porch as well as on our back deck. I can't grow many flowers so I try to select a few hummers and butterflies enjoy.

Hubby and I enjoy quiet moments sipping wine and watching our neighborhood humming birds visit a feeder which is only a few feet from where we sit. Once in a while a couple females get scrappy and poor hubby has to duck out of fear of getting flown into by one of the tiny creatures. (He likes wearing red t-shirts... perhaps it makes them amorous.)

Grab your honey and visit your local hardware or home store and pick up a brightly colored humming bird feeder. Together in the kitchen brew up a batch of Hummingbird food. Find a spot in your yard where you can hang the feeder and sit to enjoy some quiet time together. Early morning while enjoying your coffee or in the evening sharing a bottle of wine is the best time for simple romance while bird watching.

Below is some tips on food and care of your feeder. 

    In nature, hummingbirds eat flower nectar for energy and bugs for protein.  Flower nectar is 21% to 23% sucrose - regular table sugar - so it is very easy and inexpensive to make.  Here is the recipe for making hummingbird nectar:

  1. Mix 4 parts water to 1 part table sugar in a pan.  For example, use 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water.  Do not use honey, Jell-O or brown sugar.   Especially do not use artificial sweeteners.  Putting hummingbirds on a diet will kill them.  They burn prodigious amounts of energy for their size and need real sugar.  Do not use red food coloring.  It is unnecessary and can harm the little hummers even in low concentrations because they eat so much nectar.  If your feeder isn't red, tie a red ribbon on it as described in the Feeders section, above.  Do not add anything else that you might think of.  Just sugar and water, that's all.
  2. Bring to a boil then remove from the heat.  Stir it while it is heating until all of the sugar is dissolved.  Don't boil it for long because that will change the ratio as water is boiled off.  The reason for boiling is not to make syrup, but to drive out the chlorine in the water and to kill mold and yeast spores that might be in the sugar.  This will help make the nectar last longer both in the feeder and in your refrigerator. 
  3. Cover and allow to cool before using or pouring into the storage bottle.  We recommend making a large batch of nectar and storing it in the refrigerator in a 2 liter soda bottle (washed thoroughly first.)  This makes refilling the feeder so easy that you won't mind doing it every few days.
    Sugar water is a very rich growth medium.  Yeasts like to eat it causing fermentation which can harm hummingbirds.  Mold and bacteria grow in it and can also harm the birds.  That is why it is important to keep the feeder clean and the nectar fresh.  You must change the nectar frequently to avoid these contaminants.    In cooler temperatures we recommend changing it every seven days.  If the temperatures are getting above 70 degrees, follow this chart:

High temperaturesChange nectar after
71-756 days
76-805 days
81-844 days
85-883 days
89-922 days
93+change daily

Monday, August 31, 2020

Better Than Sex - What?

 What is better than sex? Why cake of course! 

If you love chocolate and caramel and whipped cream and prefer to forget about calories, you need to try this decadent confectionery.

You just licked your screen, didn't you!

Tammie brought this cake with her to our Girls’ Weekend. 

Oh, Lordy!!! It was soooo goooooddd!!

Even Amy’s brother, Lucius Larry, agreed with us ladies.
Tammie said it’s super easy to make.

1. Take one box of chocolate cake mix and make it according to the directions on the box. Allow it to cool.

2. Use a wooden spoon handle to poke holes all over the cake.

3. Grab a 12 oz jar of caramel ice cream topping and 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk. Pour all over the cake. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

4. Top with 8oz of whipped topping. Add mini chocolate chips, or crushed Oreo cookies or heath bars or whatever floats your boat. 

Store in the fridge or it can be frozen.

Give it a try. 
You'll love it! 
It's orgasmic!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

My Morning Has Gone To The Dogs

 Or at least one dog.

Mornings are the same each day... yoga, fill the feeding stations for the wildlife then walk the dog. I started this routine this spring after our chocolate lab passed away. My girl Maggie needed more "Momma Time". The vet says my 13-yr old girl is healthy for her age considering a bit of arthritis in her spine and the beginnings of liver failure. To slow the aging process,  my lab takes meds in the morning with breakfast and two daily walks.

Benefits of walking for both human and dog include improved cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, stronger muscles and bones as well as decreased stress. When hubby is home he often joins us for the strolls. This time is perfect for holding hands and talking.

Maggie often points out wonderful things in nature - animal tracks or scat, turkeys, deer, lovely flowers, babbling streams, making our senses come to life.

Next time you walk your dog or simply taking a stroll, notice what's around you. Look for the little things. Take time to breathe deep. If you're with your honey, use this opportunity to walk in silence and simply BE.

Maggie used to visit nursing homes and rehab centers.

Research has shown that being around a dog can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and dampen other physiological stress responses. The effect is so strong that service dogs are sometimes used to help war veterans manage PTSD.Apr 17, 2014

Saturday, August 29, 2020

#SneakPeakSunday - Taming Rachel

 Imagine you went to the same college as your brother and he held a strict bro code of not ever letting his friends near his sister. Imagine if one of them broke that code then broke your heart. Imagine seeing him ten years later at a class reunion.

Ten years had passed since their college graduation. Tired of the typical class reunion socializing, Rachel stepped into the shadows to sip her wine. To most people, being in a room containing several ex-lovers could be a bit of a downer, but enough time had passed and everyone greeted each other like old friends. The evening consisted of meeting spouses, seeing photos of children, and hearing about various occupational paths. Of course, gossip of divorces topped the conversations.

Some were using the opportunity to network for their careers. The school district she worked for had made some drastic cuts, leaving her jobless. All her belongings were in storage, and she lived out of a suitcase while job hunting. Surely there had to be districts looking for an innovative art teacher. A couple of classmates who held positions as principals offered their business cards with the promise to accept her resume.

A loud shout drew her attention. Members of the championship football team were honored guests at her class reunion. Gazing across one of the finest rooms in the Vegas Castillo Hotel, she watched her twin brother, Bill, ham it up with old friends. He wore a permanent smile as he laughed with his long-lost, but not forgotten, teammates. She suspected after being blessed with fatherhood and a job as a corporate lawyer, he didn’t see much of his college buddies. With animated gestures, they were talking about the season of fame. One fellow gently tossed the championship football with the players’ signatures to a couple of guys. What a rough and burly bunch they still were.

She loved her brother but often wondered if she’d made a mistake going to the same college as him. During their four years, she enjoyed the popularity that went along with being the star quarterback’s sister. She’d tolerated the overbearing nature of her twin who criticized her choice of men, even if she dated one of his close friends. Any man he pushed her toward never seemed to satisfy her and became one more in a string of onenight stands.

Lucky for her, he stayed out of her love life after his wedding. Most of the men she knew had married and settled into neat, scheduled lives. So much had changed over time; once lean, vigorous bodies had given in to the softness of sedimentary lifestyles revolving around their budding families.

One man managed to still have his muscular physique and remain as hot as ever; Dustin “Dusty” Stiles, the legendary linebacker who’d led the team in tackles. Back in the day, the girls on campus considered him the epitome of tall, dark, and hunky. From the stares he received as he walked past them, they still deemed him so. He wore his black tie loosened around the open collar of the white dress shirt tapering down to his narrow waist. Black pants covered the world’s perfect butt and thighs. Polished Durango boots with silver tips reflected his cowboy side.

Rachel had managed to dodge him all night. She’d evaded everything regarding him for years. After college, she left Michigan and her family to move to a small town in New York. She didn’t see much of her brother and always avoided discussing news of his friends, especially after what happened with Dusty after Bill’s wedding.

However, any thoughts of him usually accompanied a self-induced orgasm. No other man she’d dated could compare to him. He pushed her to sexual heights not reached since. She loved what he did to her and hated how he used her. Memories of how she gave in to him time and time again still generated pain in her heart. She missed his friendship, his dominant qualities, and his magical touch. He haunted her.

Time had passed. According to the talk of the night, he’d moved to Wyoming for work as an engineer on the wind turbines but ended up making a fortune when oil was discovered on the property he bought. They were different people now, but what if they still had that volatile magnetism between them? 



Rachel Willis signed up for a 1Night Stand with hopes of finding something that is missing in her life. Is it a coincidence her date is scheduled during a class reunion? And why did the one person she’s avoided for years have to show up?

Dusty Stiles never recovered from the one that got away. Madame Eve is his last hope to get her back.

Will one night be enough to erase the pain of the past and rekindle the passion they once shared?


Friday, August 28, 2020

Can A Dead Artist Come Back To Life?

 My life as an artist died when I could no longer hold a brush, a pencil or a pen.

I was a professional artist for almost 20 years. I had a one-woman show. I schmoozed with all the artsy fartsy folk and loved it. Then my fingers, hands, wrists, and other parts hurt. Holding tools became more and more difficult. Fibromyalgia came and took up residence in my body. Over the last ten years, art has been delegated to football posters and locker decorations. I created a new image for our school mascot. But even then, I could only do so much.

Last year, I started Lyrica. Since January I've been participating in NOOM a weight-loss program designed to tackle issues scientifically and psychologically. I've been developing healthier habits including yoga, meditation, walks, good food.

Through this covid crap, I've been following my friend, Virginia Nelson on Facebook as she posts her latest paintings and projects. She inspired me.

When I was on vacation with the family at Lake 27, I attempted to draw. I managed a couple little illustrations. I must say, I felt really good afterwards. Maybe all is not lost. 

Sitting on the end of the dock, I played with a marker and paper.

Perhaps the artist within me will rise again to draw and paint. We shall hope and take small steps.

What do you inspire to do?
What's stopping you?

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Freaky Fibro Friday - Ever Have One of Those Days?

 With the disease comes the fog, forgetfulness and funnies.

Yep... with Fibromyalgia, comes the Fibro Fog. Fibromyalgia affects thinking ability and memory. I'm only 53 so I really can't blame it on old age. Over time, my family and I have learned to laugh at some of the crazy stuff that results from the fog.

Take for instance, just the other day. After dinner, I decided I wanted  little scoop of vanilla ice cream (smothered) with chocolate syrup.  I pulled the pail of frozen goodness from the freezer and was greeted with a surprise. I had left the ice cream scoop inside from the last time I made myself a sundae.

Oh, Lordy, Lordy.

Hubby say, "It's okay, honey. We'll take care of you."

Do you every do crazy stuff?

Do you every have one of those days?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

#Thursday13 - #GirlsNightOut - Wine and Cheese Party

Thursday Night during Blueberry Festival is the Annual Wine & Beer Tasting events sponsored by our local grocery store, Riverside Market. Half of the Coffee Club works the event while the other half does the tasting. Oh, trust me... those that work get plenty of tasting as well.

Because this year's festival was cancelled due to the Covid crap, Coffee Club held their own Wine and Cheese party. Debbie hosted the event in her backyard and her decorations were super cute! Each Coffee Club "member" brought two bottle of wine to share and a unique cheese. We took turns presenting our wines with flare. 

These are a few of my favorite photos taken. 

Debbie, our gracious hostess.

Most Michigan wine was presented, but several came from other states with fun stories of how they were obtained. (Kendra - getting the wine from a gas station while picking up piglets from North Carolina, they one getting carsick and running loose at a welcome center.)

Leslie found this bag and thought it fit our group.
We've decided to start a book club so we can all have bags like this,
and have an excuse to read books & drink wine.

Beautiful pic one of the gals took.

Deb finds the most unique items.

One of my favorite photos of the night.

My favorite wine of the night. Amy found it at small batch winery in Northern Michigan.


Me & my bestie with her daughter.

An attentive group of ladies, ready for some serious wine tasting.

Kendra & Peggy

Kendra & Tammie

Kendra & Deb

The entire party. Sorry it's a bit blurry. No, it wasn't the wine.

Bonus pic and my ultimate favorite, perhaps of all the Coffee Club photos over the years.
We're just missing a few gals.

Is there something you do with close friends, whether it be weekly, occasionally or yearly?
Isn't it awesome having friends to share this journey of life with?
What special things do you & your pals do?

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Destination North Peak Brewing Co

 A stop at North Peak Brewing Company is a must on every trip to Northern Michigan.

Flyboy Jr moved into a new apartment so of course the entire family helped. Actually, we use any excuse to head to Traverse City. Minion #2 is following his father's footsteps in attending Northwestern Michigan Community College aviation school, living and working in TC. 

At least one night during every visit we share a meal at the North Peak Brewing Company. The food is amazing and the service suburb.  A few years back, they accommodated the entire Quast clan as we were there for my sister-in-law's Special Olympics winter competition.

We love the food, hubby and minion #1 enjoy the North Peak brews with names such as Siren and Diabolical. There is a quaint bar downstairs we hang out before dinner during the winter . The North Peak menu has a great selection of Brew Pub fare with a Northern Michigan flavor.

This TC trip was no different. We were pleased North Peak was open during the Covid crap.

Hubby & I enjoyed drinks on the patio while we waited for a table to become available.
A beautiful day helped with the social distancing allowing us to be outside.

They seated us in a wide-open space upstairs.
(One of our favorite locations, btw.) 

We like the view of the vats. My guys are into all this craft brewing stuff.

For a starter, we ordered two bowls of Beer Steamed Muscles.
 Roasted garlic, Cajun sausage, muscles, and shrimp, in a tomato beer broth that I could drink every day. Even our pickiest eater chowed down on the sausage. The home made bread was perfect for dipping. Nest time I'm shopping, I'm going to stop in for just this dish!

 I wonder if I bring a 5 gallon pail, if they'd fill it for me. Hmmmmm...?

They guys pig out on the BBQ ribs or the monster Cowboy Steak almost every time we visit. I always get the same entree as it's my FAVORITE! 

The Atlantic Salmon with a Cherry Porter BBQ sauce. Smokey meets sweet. If you haven't ever had BBQ sauce on your salmon, you have to try this! But then again, I could put that Cherry Porter BBQ on everything. (Try it on the fries. Delish!)

The building built in 1899 once housed a candy factory, still has that old industrial feel.

The atmosphere was relaxed and our waiter was AMAZING!! He picked up on my guys sense of humor quickly and his whit matched theirs. We've always had a wonderful server every time we've visited. 

While we were there, all the wonderful covid restrictions were practiced. Tables were spaced apart inside and the number of guests inside limited. The normally busy place was still bumping since they utilized the outside. Carryout and Doordash delivery are also options.

We always recommend North Peak Brewing Company to our friends and family. Hubby and I have enjoyed a romantic meal to ourselves at least once and I'm looking forward to another. If you are ever in Northern Michigan swing over to Traverse City to had a drink or a meal at North Peak Brewing Co. Definitely worth the drive!




Monday, August 24, 2020

#TastyTuesday - Cherry Smash!

I missed the Traverse City Cherry Festival this year. *sigh* Stupid Covid crap. 
To honor one of the many things that didn't happen this summer, I lift a drink. 
Park your tush on my deck and enjoy a Cherry Smash with me.
Bottoms up to Summer 2020.

This flirty cocktail has only 161 calories and a nice amount of Vitamin C

1 cup pitted fresh or frozen cherries
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, 4 mint sprigs
8 teaspoons of sugar
6 ounces (3/4 cups) dark rum
1/4 cup lime juice
3 cups cherry-flavored seltzer (plain
seltzer will work too)

Using 4 glasses evenly divide the cherries, mint leaves and sugar. Mash the ingredients with a wooden spoon and then stir in the rum and the lime juice, top it off with seltzer. Add mint sprig for color.


When we first moved in, I planted two different kinds of mint in my ditch. It's gone a bit wild over the years. I will often pick a few springs in the morning after a walk to place in a vase, add to a dish or feed to Teeko the guinea pig.