Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Mojo - Sexual Intellect

44% of women find it impossible to enjoy sex 
with a man who is not their intellectual equal. 

Just 31% of men share this problem.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Fitness Friday - Police Your Portions

To be healthy and fit you may need to police you portions. 

No I don't mean him.

Does your steak take up more than half your plate? Think about cutting your serving of beef in half. That's because it's best to try and fill half your plate with veggies or a mixture of veggies and fresh fruit so it's harder to overdo it on the more caloric dishes (like cheesy potatoes or barbecue sauce–slathered ribs—yum!). 
Create a romantic evening and share a meal with your honey. Eat off the same plate and feed each other. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Humpday Hottie

Lordy, lordy... with these crazy schedules... 
baseball games, practices, track meets, birthday parties, graduation parties... 
Gotta write & edit!
I need to relax.

Oh, look... Sven has drawn me a bubble bath!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Teaser - Rent Me by Brina Brady

Grab your party hats and a glass of bubbly. It's time to celebrate! My good friend, Brina Brady has her first release. I guess we can say she's popped her publishing cherry. LOL She's a talented writer and her new book is receiving 5 star reviews. Sit back and prepare for a teaser!

This is a Gay adult consensual story focused on themes of corporal discipline punishment and explicit sex with some elements of BDSM between adult men over the age of eighteen.

 Rent Boy Brennen wants to belong to his lover Dmitri Dubrovsky. The Russian mobster controls every inch of his life in and out of bed. Brennen works for Dmitri’s escort service. His only desire is to please his lover. When Dmitri marries Nika, his lover moves him out of their home to an apartment in Beverly Hills and tells him nothing has changed. What is Brennen going to do now?


Dmitri pounded his fists on the table and said, “Now, you are being disrespectful to me.”
“Well, you are siding with all our enemies.”
 “What the hell are you talking about? You are under my protection and in exchange, I asked you to respect me. And if you disrespect me, I am in charge of the consequences. You agreed to this. Do you remember our written agreement?”
“Yes, I remember. Sorry if I was disrespectful, but I feel you don’t treat me like an adult.”
“Sorry is not good enough this time. For your punishment, you have three choices. Your first choice is to quit being an escort. Your second choice is for me to take you back to Adrik. Your third choice is to give your consent to be whipped with my belt and it won’t be play discipline.”
“I can’t believe you want to bring me back to Adrik.” Brennen shook his head. “I’m not quitting my job. Especially now since you are married. And you are not going to punish me with a belt. You're my boyfriend.”
Dmitri got up from the table, picked up the red apple timer on the stovetop, and set it down in front of Brennen. When he had gotten into trouble, Dmitri and Mischa used the timer for time-outs. The timer was their way of giving him some quiet space to think about what he had done wrong.
“Why a belt? Brennen looked up at Dmitri.
“Did you think I would discipline you with our play paddle?”
“But Adrik used to hit me with a belt.” He was annoyed at his own whining voice.
“It’s punishment. Quit your damn escort job, then.”
“I can’t believe you are doing this to me,” Brennen said.
“You have twenty minutes to decide which punishment you want. You only have three choices, but if you don’t accept any of the choices, then you are choosing to walk away from me as your lover.”
“You don’t mean this, do you?” Brennen asked.
“Have you ever known me to lie to you?”
“I will always take care of you, but you will no longer be my lover if you don’t choose one of the three punishments. Our relationship is based on me being the top man who makes the rules and you are the bottom man who follows the rules. You knew this when we became lovers.”
 Dmitri set the apple timer. “You have twenty minutes to decide.” He left him alone in the kitchen with the red ticking frying pan clock.
Why was he doing this?
Brennen knew Dmitri could force him back to Adrik. But even if he made him go there, he would probably be able to run away. He did not want to take any chances. No, that was not an option, and Dmitri knew that.
Dmitri playing God again.
This was all about Dmitri forcing him to quit the escort job at the agency. Brennen was not going to quit his job. He loved it, and it made him feel good about himself. But to walk away from Dmitri as his lover was not what he wanted either. The only thing left was to give consent to be punished with the belt. How hard would he hit him? The timer continued to tick along with the clock on the wall. His nerves went to hell.
Dmitri entered the kitchen as the timer buzzed. Brennen covered his ears and slapped it. He picked the apple timer up and returned it to its proper place.
“What have you decided?” Dmitri asked.

Purchased Links

Tell us a bit about yourself, Brina.
I am from Huntington Beach, Ca. I taught various subjects at a Continuation High School in Los Angeles, California for 27 years. I obtained a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in history, Secondary Social Science Credential and a Master’s Degree in Secondary Reading and Secondary Education from California State University, Long Beach. I also enrolled in some creative writing classes at UCLA. I am currently taking classes from Romance Writers of America. I belong to the Rainbow Romance Writers.

I would love to hear from my readers, so please drop me a line.
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Monday, June 2, 2014

My Writing Process Blog Tour

Thank you Libby Waterford for involving me in this awesome blog tour.  

Libby writes California-set steamy contemporary romances. She lives in Los Angeles with her family and works off her weekly pilgrimage to in–N-Out by swimming and climbing the city’s hidden staircases. She’s currently working on a trio of novellas that take place during the reunion/commencement weekend at a New England liberal arts college. Passionate History will be released soon by Decadent Publishing. I love reunion stories so I’ll be first in line top pick this one up!

Find Libby Waterford at
Her Website     Email      Facebook      Twitter 


What am I currently working on?
 I write novellas for the 1 Night Stand series from Decadent Publishing. Right now, I am editing a steamy Native American eagle shifter romance, Eagle Dance. It’s the second book in the “Legend of the Spirit” series. (Crow Magic was the first book.) In between edits I’m working on three more Native American shifter stories for 1NS.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I write contemporary erotic romance and I'm currently playing with Native American shifters (crow, eagle, hawk and falcon). I use sensuality and eroticism to emphasize the spiritualism of sex and how it creates a unique bond between lovers.

Why do I write what I do?
I was told by my mentor to “write what you know”. Growing up in Michigan and spending time near a Chippewa Reservation I became enthralled with the legends and stories of the people. The tales of animal spirits and shifters show how man/nature/woman work together to create balance in life. I center my novellas on these ideas and collect my research on Tribes of the Great Lakes Region. I give special thanks to two friends, Marion Roth & Ann Orr, for my Chippewa education.

How does my writing process work?
I get an idea in my head and it wormholes me! I have to write it down! My over active imagination often creates more than one story at a time so I often work on multiple stories. Once each story is like a movie in my head and I feel like I’m simply recording it. After a story is complete, I print a hard copy and read over it making corrections with a red pen. Once all changes/corrections are complete, I submit to my publisher and prepare for edits.

Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.

 BUY CROW MAGIC      Amazon      Barnes & Noble     Decadent Publishing

What Readers are saying.
Crow Magic is a story filled with spirituality and self-awareness. The author uses Native American culture and beliefs to spin her own tale of romance centered around inner peace and freedom.

About the Author
Romance author and Artist Mary Quast lives in a log home affectionately named "Camp Run-A-Muk" located in the woods of Michigan with her husband, three sons, and a collection of animal family members.

As a professional artist, Mary Quast answered the call to express herself creatively. With her descriptive writing style she has developed a knack for creating passionate characters and realistic settings. These features are prominent in her published novels of the "Soul Series".

When this Michigan author is not busy writing contemporary erotic romance for Decadent Publishing, Mary doles out sensual tips and yummy eye candy on her blog “Romantic Interludes”. She also can be found lecturing college classes on the importance of Journal writing.

Where to find me
Twitter: @MaryQuast

Thank you to all who checked out my writing process. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fitness Friday - Take the Stairs

I know life can be crazy busy...I wrote the book. It's difficult to afford time or money to attend a gym regularly. Working around work, school and kids' schedules can be tiring. Who wants to have a huge fitness routine on top of it? A while back, John Quinlan gave us some great advice on how to start to be fit.

"Make it a life change as something you want to do for the rest of your life. Make it fun so you stick with it. Little changes one thing at a time will get you on the righteous path. It can be as simple as drinking more water instead of soda, taking the stairs rather than the elevator or just cutting things back a bit. Set short term goals for yourself and every time you reach one of them reward yourself for a job well done. Keep doing this and over time watch how fast your body builds up and the overall progress you will make." - John Quinlan, Cover Model and Fitness Competitor  

I like his idea of making a small change. When you get to the grocery store, the hardware or where ever you are going, let the others compete for the front parking spaces. 

"We're young, healthy and good looking, let's walk." I tell hubby when we park far out. 

If you are at the shopping center or a store, take the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator. Every step makes a positive contribution to your health. 

Unless you are disabled, there is no good reason to park close or use a people mover. Get used to the back of the lot and the stairs. You'll be getting more fit every day!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday Mojo - Threesomes Down Under

Australians are the most receptive to the idea of having a threesome
 – 28% of them claim to have tried it.

Maybe that's why they are always have a G'Day!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fitness Friday - Private Spa

Top athletes will submit to a post work out soak in a tub filled with cold water.

During strenuous 2-A-Days my football players will add ice to the tub!  Brrrrrrr….not my thing!

A friend told me about a different kind of soak that works on aching muscles from a work out as well as a good detox.  Basically, a spa treatment in your own bathroom.

Draw a bath, as hot as you can stand.  
Add 1-2 cup of Epsom salts, 5-10 drops of lavender or peppermint oil, and just before you get into the water add a 1-2 cups of baking soda. Have a bottle of water handy to drink from. A 20 minute soak is great for muscles!  

I did this and felt like I could run a mile after. She explained the Epsom salts contain magnesium that is absorbed into your body to ease pain and inflammation. The salt and heat of the water draw out toxins while the baking soda neutralizes said toxins so they won’t return to your body.  As for the scented oil… that’s a bit of aroma therapy to relax your mind and soul.
If you have a cold, flu or some sort of but try a complete detox.  Add 1 tsp -1/3 cup of ground ginger or ginger tea. Try mixing lavender with some eucalyptus essential oil and add some drops to the bath. Be sure to have a drink handy.  Soak for up to 40 minutes.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

HumpDay Hottie - Coffee?

I've decided to give up coffee.
But it's so hard.

Someone hold him down while I steal his joe.