Saturday, July 22, 2023

Roadtrip Day #2 "Enjoy the Moment You're In"

When you don't give yourself a time limit you can enjoy more of the moment you are in.

After waking to "pea soup" fog, we left Michigan an entered Wisconsin via a 2-lane highway and didn't see much traffic but enjoyed wounderful morning scenery. 
Road work is a common occurrence during the summer months here in the mid-west. Jokes are made and even a couple songs have been writen. After graduation, the Menace took a summer job with the county Road Commission and has been a flag person lately. 
So of course I had to share this photo on the family group chat with the caption "Hey look, it's the Menace!"

In a blink of an eye we were in Minnesota.

 We stopped for gas and to sooth rumbling stomachs. The station bustled with travelers like ourselves exhibitinga sense of comradery as if we all belonged to a secret club of sorts. Inside the shop, the delicious smell of grilling sausages greeted our noses. Isles were lined with products often needed by cross country adventurers as well as snacks, fresh pastries and ripened fruit. Flyboy and I nibbled on all-beef hotdogs filled with Wisconsin cheese.  

About an hour from our destination, we stopped to pick up the adult beverages for the reunion.  Flyboy walked into the shop, stopped and exclaimed, "I'm in heaven!"

Oh, boy....

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