Saturday, July 22, 2023

Roadtrip Days #3 and #4 "The Inlaws and the Outlaws"

When you marry into large family remembering names can often be a challenge. My mother-in-law is one of 5, born and raised on a farm in Fergus Falls, MN. As the siblings married the family grew with girls outnumbering the boys in the "cousins" generation. (Poor Flyboy was the only boy when his parents went home to MN.) Now those cousins are not only parents but also grandparents!

So here I am, trying to remember names of the cousins and their spouses whom I haven't seen in 25 years. The first day of the reunion I focused on getting to know them all over again. The second day, I began learning names of their kids.

Needless to say, the Battle Lake is beautiful. The Quast Crew is under one roof as all 14 of us share an Airbnb. 

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