Monday, September 21, 2020

Allergy Sufferer Finds Romance

 There is nothing romantic about suffering allergies but that doesn't mean something romantic can happen.

I raised my boys to share and like a good son, #3 shared his sore throat with me. Oh, joy!As I lay on the couch suffering in silence, hubby brought me a steaming cup of tea. Awww......and it gets better. It was a cup of herbal tea designed to ease a flaming throat! AWWWWW! He's such a romantic guy. *sigh*

The primary ingredient in this herbal tea is Slippery Elm. Native Americans especially the Eastern Woodland Peoples have been using Slippery Elm for ages to treat a variety of ailments. The inner bark when combined with water, created a gummy substance that could be used as a soothing ointment. Gram said the Chippewa peoples of our state cut small flat dolls from the bark. Because of the calming attributes, the dolls were often chewed upon by fussy, teething toddlers.

I've used Slippery Elm in tea for years due to suffering sore throat issues regularly since childhood. Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat is one of my go-to teas. I like the silky licorice flavor, reminding me of Gram's homemade tea, thus adding an extra layer of comfort. Keep in mind there are several variations of Throat Coat depending on which flavor you prefer or what you are trying to achieve. Some blends are good for overall health, while others add in improving respiratory health or the immune system. Check out Amazon for a list of all the teas for a side-by-side comparison.

In the name of romance, I will sit and enjoy every cup of herbal tea hubby brings to me.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sexual Daydreaming

Sexual daydreams are pretty common and most definitely normal. But what do they mean?

(Image: © Yuri Arcurs, Shutterstock

 "People often ask me if sexual daydreams are normal. They are! Here's what the most common ones say about you." Dr. Hilda Hutcheson, a clinical professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

1. Sex with another man
(usually he's a celerity). This doesn't mean you're dissatisfied with your real sex life, just that your excited by new experiences and, of course, gorgeous stars.

2. Ménage a trois. If you're picturing yourself with two men, you want to be adored and doted on, heck, maybe even fought over. Thinking about yourself and your guy with another woman ignites the very sexy idea that other ladies find your guy attractive too.

3. Domination. This fantasy allows you to engage in sexual stuff that may seem taboo, without any guilt. Seeing yourself as submissive can signify a desire for a loss of control, freedom from responsibility is thrilling!

4. Sex with a woman. No, this doesn't necessarily mean you're questioning your sexuality. It shows that you appreciate the sexiness of the female form (we are gorgeous) and that your open-minded about pleasure.

5. Last but not least: Sex with your guy. This is the most common fantasy for women. It's usually more exciting than your average rol in the hay,say, a replay of your hot honeymoon. And it simply means that sex with your partner turns you one. What a great thing!

Dr. Hilda Hutcheson is a nationally renowned expert in women's health. She is a firm believer in education and is often found speaking across the county or dolling out information via a monthly column. Her medical commentary has been featured on TV, magazines.

By Hilda Hutcherson, M.D.

Hilda Hutcherson, M.D., is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City and the author of Pleasure. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Vanilla-Infused Oil for Mouthwatering Romance

Sunday is a good day to set aside for some personal spa time. I don’t mean GOING to a spa, I’m referring to a make-it-at-home spa. Create healthy, soft skin during this somewhat therapeutic activity. Some ingredients you might already have on your pantry shelves; others can be found in a local market or health food shop. Your honey, a daughter or friend might want to join in the event as well.

Welcome to Sunday Spa

It has been said that men prefer scents of “edibles” such as vanilla, citrus and spice to those of flowers and powders. Maybe that’s were the saying, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” comes from. Use a vanilla-infused oil on your skin and you just might get him drooling over you.

Vanilla-Infused Oil

8 oz jojoba oil or carrier oil of your choice (almond and coconut are nice too)
2-3 vanilla beans 
4 vitamin E capsules

What you will need:
Double boiler (if one is not handy, I use a glass measuring cup placed in a saucepan then fill pan half full with water.
Strainer, 8oz bottle, funnel.

1.    Boil water then turn down to simmer. Add carrier oil to top of boiler or glass measuring cup.
2.    Using a sharp knife, slice the vanilla beans lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with the edge of the knife. Put the seeds in to the oil.
3.    Chop the vanilla pods into small pieces and add to the oil.
4.    Cover and let simmer for an hour or longer. Check periodically to make sure there is still enough water in the pot.
5.    Remove from heat and let cool.
6.    Pour into bottle. (Straining is optional.)
7.    Pierce the vitamin E capsules, squeeze the liquid out. Discard gel caps.
8.    Place cap on bottle tightly and shake.
9.    Will keep 2 years or longer if stored in the bottle in a cool dark place out of direct sunlight.

Use as a moisturizer, massage oil or add a couple of teaspoons to bath water. Can be used as a base for body scrubs too!

Where's The Romance in Fall Football?

 Fall brings football to our little town. The stands full of families cheering, hot chocolate flowing, and cuddles under warm blankets. But 2020 has different plans.

This year, is so very different. Each player is allow two guest per game. I picked up my season passes in the office this week. Despite being so few, we still hung banners, cheered loudly and rang our cowbells in support of our boys. We don't complain, this season wasn't even supposed to happen. The Michigan governor wanted football to be played in the spring. Ah... we have snow until April. (?????) Lucky for us the powers-that-be in high school athletics managed to keep fall sports in the autumn but with few adjustments. (Read the MHSAA article.) We parents complied because our kids NEED this and the games are for them not us. We are simply supporters.

Nevertheless, the game went off without a hitch. Our team is wearing a first of it's kind type of  shield on their helmets so they don't have to wear fabric over their mouths on the field. (Read the article here.) The players have matching gators around their necks they pull up when they are on the sidelines sporting their team name and colors. Coaches sport masks and gators showing their team spirit and unity.

2020 Montrose Rams games look very different than years past.

Teams are a little smaller this year and they struggle with all the Covid restrictions. No team dinners or bonding exercises are allowed. Masks, spatial codes, crazy school schedules, online courses and mental stress are all factors weighing on these boys. Somehow, the boys manage with a team group chat and having fun on the field. 

As I sat in the stands, I closed my eyes for a moment. Was the romance of fall football gone?

The cool breezed carried the faint smell of  bonfires and grills tickled my nose. The grunts and and smacks of powerful young men pushing themselves to their limits for the love of the sport could be heard between the cheers of proud parents. 

I opened my eyes to look around. Bottles of water and a thermos or two were spotted among  the small crowd. Moms were chewing on their nails when their boys hit the ground. Dads jumped and shouted encouragement to their sons. Couples cuddled close and smiled at each other with love as if to say, "That's our boy!". The sky blessed us with a lovely sunset. 

Love and pride abundant. The romance of fall football remains.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Morning Happiness

With it being 39 degrees outside this morning, I chose to do my yoga inside. I love being outside, it's good for my body, spirit and mind. I set up near my sliding glass door so I could at least see the outdoors. 

I sat cross legged on my mat, focused on my meditative breathing with my eyes closed. A flicker of light tickled me behind my eyelids. I lifted my lashes and saw the sun was reaching out to me. 
I smiled and basked in happiness. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Thursday 13 - Lines from Handcuffs & Silk

I was lucky enough to be one of the first authors to write in the 1 Night Stand series for Decadent Publishing. I've written several since but Handcuffs & Silk was my first. I had fun writing the story. A high school class mate of mine & hubby's was a Las Vegas Detective at the time I worked on the book. He loved being my go-to-guy with my "police stuff" questions. The book is dedicated to Keith and his lovely wife, Hilda.

Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is a tough Las Vegas cop who many men find too intimidating to date. Steph begins to wonder if something is wrong with her so she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.

Hunter Morgan left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different. Turning to 1 Night Stand, he hopes to sample his options.

A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.

I've listed my personal favorite lines from Handcuffs & Silk

1. Being a Las Vegas cop, Steph recognized the evil lurking in the shadows of the beautiful city, also known as Sin City.

2. Rubbing the smooth part of his neck where a collar had rested for over a year, he remembered the day Ericka removed the soft, blue, leather strap with her initials stamped on it.

3. Miss Stephanie Johnson is a lovely lady with the type of personality I’m sure you will find to your liking, and perfectly capable of fulfilling your current desires.

4. “Grow up, Hunter. Drop this damn beta act and be the alpha you were born to be.”

5. Nicely curved hips accented by shiny, black leather hot pants, high-heeled, thigh-high boots laced up her long legs, and a small leather bag hung on a silver chain snug against her hip.

6. Her mouth watered at the sight of his muscular chest peeking from the opening of a black Armani shirt with the sleeves rolled past his elbows, and one hand rested on his thigh while the other held a rose.

7. Stepping tighter between her legs, he grasped Steph around her nape with one hand and pulled her to him for a hard kiss.

8. Sex appeal coupled with willingness to satisfy equaled a very appealing combination in a one-night stand.

9. The room filled with heat, yet the only sounds were their breathing, the creak of the bed, and the rasp of her boots as they brushed against his legs.

10. She opened the drawer and found a couple of black silk scarves.

11. With a wicked grin, she paused to pick up the glass with the key resting under the melting ice cubes.

12. I win.” His deep voice wrapped seductively around her entire body.

13. “You have the right to remain silent.” She clamped a handcuff roughly onto a wrist and raised both arms over his head to hook around the headboard rails then attached the remaining cuff to his free wrist. “Anything you say can and will be used against you for my pleasure.” (Yeah, I know it's more than one line, but it's my all time favorite in the entire book!)

I hope you enjoyed the little snippets.

Do you have a favorite book or line from a book that sticks with you?

Buy on AMAZON or Barnes & Noble 

Handcuffs & Silk on GOODREADS

Sexy Tea for Fall

 Flavors of fall are starting to arrive but let's not talk about pumpkin spice. Let's talk about something a little more sexy. Sit on my porch for spell and enjoy some Red Roobios.

Red Roobios (pronounced ROY-boss) herbal tea is made from a South African broom-like grass. It has a beautiful, sensual golden red color with a drool-worthy flavor. Hubby brings me tea from all over the world on his travels and red roobios is often one of the ingredients. I love the woody, earthy taste with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Red Roobios is often paired with spices and dried fruit.

My gal pal, Nicole, introduced me to a new tea today and it's become one of my favs!

Good Earth Sweet & Spicy herbal tea is a all natural with the warm flavors of cinnamon and orange. The one I tried is the true herbal blend with no caffeine, there is another made with black tea. You can drink the herbal blend like black tea by making it stronger (darker) and adding milk, cream or sugar. A great substitute if you're cutting back on coffee.

This tea can be enjoyed hot or cold, but I think it's perfect for fall served warm. The color matches changing leaves, pumpkin pie, apples and squash. I plan to enjoy a cup while curled under a wool blanket on my porch with my honey.

Besides being delish... Red Roobios has some wonderful health benefits.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Story Behind The Story - Crow Magic

Living in the woods, I have several feeding stations for the wildlife. Families of critters often become regulars. I've had the privalige of watching a family of crows. They are very intelligent and when they watch me, I often wonder if there is more than what I see and my imagine takes over....

One day, I sat on my porch with a cup of tea watching the critters. A crow flew up to me and morphed into a drop-dead sexy man with obsidian eyes, long black hair and tanned skin covering delicious muscles asked me to tell his story. I couldn’t refuse. A story filled with spirituality, sexual awakening and love. A story of a man falling into darkness and finding a woman who surrounds him with light.

The intelligent gaze, silken feathers and the mystical legends of crows led my imagination to create the hero in Crow Magic. Tecumseh "Seth" Crowe, is a Shawnee shaman who guides people out of the spiritual darkness of their lives, but at a cost on his own stability. He is naturally charming but from his demanding “work”, his family fears he’s on a path of becoming bad-tempered and destructive. His mother and brother convince him to use Madame Eve and her 1 Night Stand service to find a special woman before it's too late and he's lost into the darkness forever.

Crow Magic, 1st book in the Legend of the Spirit Series

The belief is that the two are meant to be mated: a legend that toes nicely with the story and with the sociology of actual crows, and the path to this awakening for Lucy and claiming the mate for Tecumseh is both spiritual and sexual: both with their own levels of beauty and intrigue that is carefully described and defined. - Gaele, Book Reviewer, Editor, Author

Available on 

Orgasms and the Egg McMuffin

Now who would have thought that something as simple as food could increase or decrease the benefits of sex?

Egg McMuffin: A bacon and egg McMuffin may seem like a very unhealthy meal choice, but for sex this food combination is very beneficial. It contains zinc which helps keep the woman lubricated and the ingredient that the man needs to produce semen. It also contains a B vitamin that helps trigger explosive sneezes and orgasms.

Well, I'll be damned.

(Text messages between author and her hubby.)
Me: Have you left the store yet?
Flyboy: Just got in the truck. Sitting in the parking lot. 
Me: Good
Flyboy: Did you forget something? Need me to go back?
Me: I need you to stop at McD's and pick up a couple Egg McMuffins. They serve breakfast all day.
Flyboy: ????????
Me: Just do it. 
Flyboy: Okaaaayyy ????
Me: I'll explain when you get home. Trust me... you'll like it. *wink, wink*
Flyboy: Are you working on your blog again? And just two muffins?
Me: Yes and Yes. I don't want to get fat.
Flyboy: *thumbs up* I know a way to work off those extra calories. *winky face*
Me: *kissey face*
Son #1: I'm at work and you're not very subtle. *gagging face*
Son #2: Ewwwwww
Son #3: Ah... this is the family group chat if you didn't notice. But...get 2 McMuffins for me and I'll pretend this text never happened.
Me: No McMuffins for you! You're too young.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Shower Scene From Eagle Dance

 In today’s hectic life with busy schedules, it’s hard to find time for each other. Grab the moments when you can. Add a little romance to your life by taking a sensual shower with your honey. (I suggest finding a shower gel or soap you both enjoy and saving it for such an occasion.)

 The hero and his lady take the opportunity for a shower together. This is the first time they see each other completely naked.

Please enjoy this shower scene from Eagle Dance.


“Damn!” His jaw dropped. She stood gloriously naked, water dripping from her hair into her face. Blonde strands plastered the skin of her shoulders above high breasts. The areolas were like large cherries begging to be plucked, and he had every intention of exploring each inch of her toned belly to the neatly trimmed fair hair at the junction of her thighs. He wanted her long, lean legs wrapped around his waist while she rode him into tomorrow. Blood drained from his brain and rushed to his cock again, and the need to taste and touch her everywhere forced his feet to move.

“Holy shit.” Her eyes grew wide as she gawked at his naked body. Stepping back, she let him slide under the water. 

“Is something wrong?” Pleased with his effect on her, he smirked and placed his hands on his hips.

“I wondered what you looked like under all those clothes, but didn’t expect perfection. Wowza.”

 He kept his body in peak physical form and secretly coveted her admiration. Moving her soapy hands over his body, she used the slipperiness to her advantage, setting him on fire. He reached out to pull her close for a kiss, but she moved back to skim over his shoulders, massage his neck then up and down his arms. She splayed her long fingers on his chest and across his abs and ribcage.

Even in the military, he’d never been so thoroughly inspected. His beauty knelt and massaged his thighs and calves. She soaped along his hips then cupped his balls and palmed his hard cock. Intense bliss suffused all parts of his body, especially the one in her grasp. Glancing down, he admired the scattering of freckles over her creamy skin. He almost fell out of the tub at the sight of the smooth curve of her backside. Amanda must have noticed her effect on him because she giggled softly. Continuing to stroke and pet him while she rose, she licked water off his belly and chest.

“You are too good to be real. You can’t be human.”With tiny kisses, she sucked droplets off his chin.

 “I am.” Tempted to say more, he only chuckled. “Mostly.”

 “I could have wild monkey sex with you all night.” she whispered against his lips and continued to stroke his cock.

 Ikwe, that can be arranged, but I’d like to slow things down.” Closing his eyes, he focused on her touch.


Dyami Schafer, a Native American from the Chippewa tribe, leads a lonely life due to his large size and unusual appearance. When his nesting instinct sets in, he turns to Madame Eve and 1Night Stand to help him find his spirit mate. Or at least a woman who accepts him as an eagle shifter.

 Amanda Collins never stopped loving the Chippewa boy she knew from her childhood. Maybe a night with a Native American man will help her forget the past and let her move on with her life.


Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step into the past before dancing into the future. With the help of Madame Eve, will the Spirit of the Eagle carry Dyami and Amanda?