Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Art in Old Town

A recent trip to my hometown of Saginaw, Michigan made me a little nostalgic and proud of the "Old Town" district.

Old Saginaw City, aka Old Town, is one of the oldest commercial areas in the Saginaw Valley. Along the river, history is rich; including tales of Native American battles, a fort, early military and lumber barons. Despite devastating fires in the past and dealing with the loss of several historical buildings, new buildings were designed to keep the antiquity of the past and blend in with the old. Locally owned shops still line the streets that close down periodically to support local art fairs. 

I love how the arts still thrive in my hometown. On my recent visit I witnessed the raising of a sculpture by American painter-turned sculptor, Seward Johnson. Several people gathered to watch and photograph. I could feel the excitement within the community.

Several of Johnson's life size figures are featured throughout the riverfront district and will be on display through October. 

There are a couple of Frisbee players by the hospitals I need to find. I only managed to see a couple but will certainly return to check out more. For more info check out this article about the sculptures taking over Saginaw. 

If hubby is with me, I'm sure we'll stop in the Old Town Distillery. I heard their whiskey is on point, the vodka is smooth and the handcrafted cocktails are excellent. Watch for a review in the future.

Old Town Distillery

Check out Old Town Distillery on Facebook.
Check out Old Town Saginaw Association on Facebook for info on shops, restaurants and events.
Check out Saginaw Arts & Enrichment Commission of Facebook for more info on events.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

New Yoga Partner? Catnip Anyone?

My son's cat joined me for yoga today. I was moving into Downward Dog when I felt her soft fur against my arm. She slithered around my arms and legs, rubbing her face as she purred a happy sound.

Believe it or not, Cat Yoga is a thing. It started back in Asia around 1998. Yoga studios featuring friendly felines have popped up around the county. The yoga features a restorative, slow-paced sequence that allows for plenty of time for fawn over the furballs while still guaranteeing a feel-good stretch. The presence of the cats isn't distracting but actually helps "keep you in the moment".

While I enjoyed the Mona's company and she left a trail of fur everywhere she went. I think yoga tired the little gal out... or bored her to death, she left me to curl up for a nap.

I'd love to hear from anyone who has tried Cat Yoga!

Coming Soon - The Glittering World Anthology

Have You Heard About The Glittering World Charity Anthology?

My Legend of the Spirit series was inspired by childhood friends who were part of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. Every year I looked forward to spending summers together on Coldwater Lake. Native American lore wove it's way into my my life and stayed. Time and life separated all of us but my friends & memories hold a special place in my heart. (I tip my wine glass to my beta readers, Ann & Marion, and I love them like sisters.) 

When I found out some of my writer pals were participating in a big project I wanted in and offered to help promote this wonderful venture. For the next few weeks I'll feature snippets from the writers.

These amazing authors are excited to be part of The Glittering World Anthology in support of The Navajo Nation CoVid-19 Fund. Ten fantasy and paranormal stories that will take you away from it all from Elle Boon, Jamie K. Schmidt, Stephanie Burke, Wendi Zwaduk, Lia Violet, Kate Richards, L. Loren, Barb Shuler, Trinity Blacio, and S.E. Smith.

 Come join the fun, sassy and sometimes heated worlds today. Find a new hero or heroine to fall in love with.

Ten, never-before-released short stories fill The Glittering World Charity Anthology with tales that will take you away. Created with love, authors S.E. Smith, Elle Boon, Trinity Blacio, Jamie K. Schmidt, Stephanie Burke, Wendi Zwaduk, Lia Violet, Kate Richards, L. Loren, and Barb Shuler have teamed up to support The Navajo Nation fundraising efforts in their fight against COVID-19. These ten unique Paranormal and Futuristic Romance stories are filled with diverse characters you can’t help but fall in love with from a Navajo god to futuristic tales of romance The Glittering World Charity Anthology has a story for everyone. 


Out on July 21st. 

Preorder here 👉🏿

 Preorder on Amazon

Preorder on B&N

All the proceeds from this anthology will be donated to The Navajo Nation COVID-19 Fund. For more information on this organization, you can visit their website:


Donations to The Navajo Nation COVID-19 Fund can be made directly here: 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

....And Just Breathe

Today is a good day to breathe.
The one thing about doing yoga outside is breathing. Yes. I know we breathe all day long, but we rarely focus on a single breath. 

When we take a deep breath, its almost as if time stops. Anxiety and tension melts. I feel my awareness sharpens. My senses wake up.

Take a moment to go outside or open a window and stick you nose close to the screen. Close your eyes and slowly take a deep inhale. Feel your chest rise. Hold that air for a couple seconds, feel the oxygen enter your lungs. Exhale slowly pushing bad air out. Cleansing your lungs, your body. Try it 3 times. 

How do you feel? What do you hear? What do you taste? 

Maggie found today's exercise very calming.

I tried a new video today.

Yoga With Adriene is pretty nice. I like the way she calmly explains the poses. As I learn yoga, sometimes I get caught up in the correct way to pose rather than to relax into it and breathe. 
I'm definitely going to use this video and will check out more of hers in the future.

Friday, June 26, 2020

#TakeABreak Get on Your Back, Baby!

Remember when you were a kid during the summer and you would lay on your back finding animals in the shapes of clouds?

My friends & I would lay on the front yard, school ground, vacant field, beach, or dock  and "see things". Sometimes one of us would doze off due to being so relaxed. Don't you wish you could bring that feeling back? Well, you can.
I was on my back doing my morning yoga when I something caught my eye. (Other than Maggie's head).
I saw Shamu. A cloud looked just like a statue of the famous killer whale I bought at Sea Workd when I was 10.

As I lay there, I saw more.
Three shapes reminded me of koi fish. There was a koi pond in the middle of the hotel we stayed at during our honeymoon. The critters were literally came to the surface begging for treats from anyone who stopped to admire them. Three clouds "looked like" those fish.

My heart filled with warm fuzzies with the memories of our honeymoon. I rose from my yoga mat with a smile on my face. 

Take a moment and lay on your back, gaze at the clouds. Have a friend, a child or your honey join you on this exercise. 

What do you "see"? What do you think of? How do you feel? Did it wake up the kid in you? Is your heart full?

Come on...get on your back,  baby. 
I double-dog-dare ya!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Today's Yogi Tea Tag

A good day for a cup of tea on the porch. 
Sit a spell.

"The purpose of life is to 
know yourself 
love yourself 
trust yourself 
be yourself."
 - Yogi Tea tag

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Love On the Other-side of the World

My pilot hubby spends half each month "on the road" and many people ask how we "deal with him being gone". 

After being together for almost 30 years, I simply shrug and say it's not that hard, after all, it's like a mini-honeymoon when my fly boy comes home. Ooo...I love a man in uniform!

Capt. "Quast in his "office"

I've learned to take fix things such as a broken washer, flooded basement, power outage, etc. You see, things only happen when he's gone. But that train of thought is best left for another day.

Keeping romance alive goes hand in hand with creativity. Before he leaves, I hide things in his luggage such as a mini card, small gifts, candy, sex coupons... you get the idea. I highly recommend getting to know your local Hallmark shop owner and Lover's Lane managers well; they will keep you in the loop for unique items and sales. 

Right now he's in Hong Kong while I'm in Mid-Michigan.
I love the photos he sends and it's fun hearing the antics of the crews while they bond during down time.

The 12 hour time difference gives us a small window to chat but we celebrate morning greetings and bed time murmurs every day. Little texts throughout the day are nice but we have to be considerate when the other is sleeping. (These guys are Freight Dogs and often fly at night which is a challenge state-side.) A phone call often starts with the entire family on speaker phone but ends in private time. Sure, we miss each other, but we don't focus on how much it hurts to be apart. Ending the day while sharing something that makes us laugh makes our hearts full. 

I believe the key is to find laughter and romance everywhere.

If you had to break down your day into only a few minutes with your honey, how would you handle it? What would do to make it bearable?

Monday, June 22, 2020

Which Wine for Dinner Tonight?

A hot evening calls for a light dinner.
I prepared some tilapia filets with fresh asparagus spears. Neatly placed them in a shallow stoneware baking dish, I drizzled melted butter over all then added a bit a salt, pepper and chopped parsley from my garden pot. (Bake at 400 for 15-20 min).  Instead of a heavy starch, we had Michigan produced cottage cheese and chives from my garden pot.
A reader suggest I try Michcato from St. Julian Winery. This semi-sweet white is a perfect compliment to our dinner. Subtle flavors of mango, pineapple and lemon cool the pallet. Serve chilled. I enjoyed a glass after dinner instead of dessert.

The wine is made primarily with Traminette grapes grown along Lake Michigan and bottled in Paw Paw, MI. The Michcato is Michigan's version of a Moscato. 

A great wine with a light meal or just for summer sipping. Sip on a glass while your honey grills or enjoy together after a meal while the kids do the dishes. 

This wine is also available in a can; perfect for picnics.
Visit St. Julian Winery for more info.

#ListenUpLadies - Learn From the Burn

Listen up ladies of all ages! 
If you pick up your razor and there is any doubt in your mind of how fresh the blade is... grab a new one!!!

I held a razor in my hand last night and had no idea of when or if at all, I changed the blade and then I did the worst thing ever. I used it! This morning I woke with a nasty razor burn on my legs. Argh!!!

Luckily, razor burn doesn't usually last long. A few hours usually, a couple days at the most. The key treatment is to moisturize and resist all urges to itch. 

Learn from my mistake, ladies!

Gram used an essential oil blend she made for all burns - razor, sun, stove... etc. 
3 Tbsp Aloe Vera gel
10 drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops peppermint oil
Mix well and store in the fridge.

My mom had a friend who swore by and used cold coffee. She kept a jar in her fridge and applied it with a cotton ball. Mom & I never tried it tho.

What is your go-to treatment for razor burn?

Check out this great article, 
by Mora Gluskin & Naomi Torres 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day

I 'd like to take a moment to wish the special men in my life a 
Happy Father's Day

Starting with my Dad. 
He was 42 when I was born. A WWII Marine and my hero who kept the scaries away, gave honest opinions and practical advise. He taught me to dance by letting me stand on his feet so I could follow. He died from pancreatic cancer when I was 27 and newly married. Dad never met my sons, but he certainly lives within them; they have his teasing demeanor and  "shitty grin".

My brother was 17 when I was born and left shortly after to join the Navy during Vietnam and became my other hero. His crazy personality and humor hid his extreme intelligence but it was his love of adventure that inspired me. It was while I was on an adventure of my own when I became a writer. He never gave me unsolicited advice but always let me know he believed in me. I love spending time with him and enjoy the laughs we share. He's been great at filling in for my dad and teaching my sons about their grandpa.
Middle son played a special baseball game in honor of his uncle.

My brother-in-law starting dating my sister when I was a year old. He's been in my life for so long he's more of a brother than an in-law. Steve, affectionately called Stevie, is 15 years older and never made any qualms about me tagging along his dates with my sister. He was often the one inviting me. I have so many memories of  driving to our cottage in his Triumph with the top down, singing Joe Walsh tunes at the top of our lungs; laying on our bellies reading Mad Magazine; him giving me advise on boys, and going gift shopping for my sister. He certainly keeps my sister from becoming too serious.
My sister & Stevie with my youngest son at his confirmation.

I'm so blessed to have an amazing Father-in-law who stepped in and filled my dad's missing shoes. He has always be available to fix or build something. His sarcasm drives me crazy but I've learned to embrace his lack of filters and sense of humor. I love hearing stories of his childhood (all the trouble he got into) and his time in the Army. Dementia is inflicting him and I'm blessed to have him in my life each day. Dad raised an amazing son and has been a wonderful grandpa and role model to my boys. He & Mom have never missed any of the boys' games.
Fall 2019

And last by not least...Happy Father's Day to the man who made me a mother...
my dearest hubby.
He's a great dad, a sexy pilot and at the end of the day manages to make me feel pretty.
He's the best Research Assistant a romance writer could dream of having.
I'm so glad he's mine.