I 'd like to take a moment to wish the special men in my life a
Happy Father's Day
Starting with my Dad.
He was 42 when I was born. A WWII Marine and my hero who kept the scaries away, gave honest opinions and practical advise. He taught me to dance by letting me stand on his feet so I could follow. He died from pancreatic cancer when I was 27 and newly married. Dad never met my sons, but he certainly lives within them; they have his teasing demeanor and "shitty grin".
My brother was 17 when I was born and left shortly after to join the Navy during Vietnam and became my other hero. His crazy personality and humor hid his extreme intelligence but it was his love of adventure that inspired me. It was while I was on an adventure of my own when I became a writer. He never gave me unsolicited advice but always let me know he believed in me. I love spending time with him and enjoy the laughs we share. He's been great at filling in for my dad and teaching my sons about their grandpa.
Middle son played a special baseball game in honor of his uncle. |
My brother-in-law starting dating my sister when I was a year old. He's been in my life for so long he's more of a brother than an in-law. Steve, affectionately called Stevie, is 15 years older and never made any qualms about me tagging along his dates with my sister. He was often the one inviting me. I have so many memories of driving to our cottage in his Triumph with the top down, singing Joe Walsh tunes at the top of our lungs; laying on our bellies reading Mad Magazine; him giving me advise on boys, and going gift shopping for my sister. He certainly keeps my sister from becoming too serious.
My sister & Stevie with my youngest son at his confirmation. |
I'm so blessed to have an amazing Father-in-law who stepped in and filled my dad's missing shoes. He has always be available to fix or build something. His sarcasm drives me crazy but I've learned to embrace his lack of filters and sense of humor. I love hearing stories of his childhood (all the trouble he got into) and his time in the Army. Dementia is inflicting him and I'm blessed to have him in my life each day. Dad raised an amazing son and has been a wonderful grandpa and role model to my boys. He & Mom have never missed any of the boys' games.
Fall 2019 |
And last by not least...Happy Father's Day to the man who made me a mother...
my dearest hubby.
He's a great dad, a sexy pilot and at the end of the day manages to make me feel pretty.
He's the best Research Assistant a romance writer could dream of having.
I'm so glad he's mine.