Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Tasty Treat #Sci-FiRom Excerpt from Just Desserts by Gail Koger

Action, adventure, romance, sci-fi/paranormal and lot’s of steamy lovin’.  
Throw in some humor and you’ve got yourself a great read.
Welcome to Gail Koger’s Coletti Warlord series.  Nothing is hotter than a Coletti Warlord. He’s an alpha male who considers conquering the universe is a piece of cake. He is a master of psychic seduction but finds his match in a spitfire heroine. Gail has a new release that needs to be added to your summer reading!

Messing with a pregnant, hormonal woman is never a good idea.


Kaylee knew being a Coletti Warlord's mate wasn't going to be easy. Not only was Talree downright scary, he had a bossy streak a mile long and collected enemies like most men collected lovers. But while Kaylee's life might not be perfect, Talree truly loved her.

Flash forward nine months to a very pregnant, insanely hormonal and cranky as hell Kaylee. If the pregnancy wasn't enough to drive her crazy, Talree's enemies are tap dancing on her last nerve. The Shani Queen Mother, a psychotic alien with a bone to grind against Talree, decided she wanted the planet Tartum - a barren piece of crap loaded with Ditrum crystals, and part of the Coletti Empire. Her master plan? Kidnap Kaylee and hold her for ransom. If the Overlord refused to give the Queen Mother Tartum, she would feed Kaylee and her son to the Tai-Kok.

She thinks Kaylee will beg for mercy. Boy, is the alien bitch in for a surprise. She's about to meet a woman suffering from hormone overload and a serious lack of chocolate. The only one begging for mercy will be the Queen Mother.

I took a deep breath and gave him my spiel. “Why pick me? There have to be hundreds of females on your worlds pleading for the chance to be your mate.”

Something carnal flared to life in his amber gaze. “I desire only you.”

Well, shit. “Here’s the thing. I don’t desire you. I know it’s a big disappointment, but you’ll get over it.” I jumped as invisible psychic fangs nipped my throat. “Don’t touch me.”

“I will touch you when and where I wish.”

“Like hell.” My body clenched as phantom hands shaped, kneaded, and claimed my breasts with a sensuous urgency.

“Come to me,” Talree commanded in my head.

I took an involuntary step forward as a surge of blistering need hit me. No! This had to be some kind of mental voodoo. There was no way I suddenly craved his touch. Talree had been in my head for weeks, and I had never wanted to lick him all over. Until now. Crap, it had to be the blood exchange he had forced on me when I was tossed into his cell on the Rodan ship. That was when the horrible truth hit me.

If he took me, I would be his forever. “Listen, you’ve made a really big mistake. Being locked up for so long has messed with your head. You’re not my mate.”

Talree’s tone was adamant. “I am your mate.”

“Jeezus. Just because you believe it, doesn’t make it true.” I hissed as mental fingers slid down my stomach and glided between my legs. My pussy clenched as his fingers penetrated me. “Stop it! We’re not even the same species. Our parts won’t fit.”

“They will fit.” He moved toward me, a predator stalking his prey. “Take off your clothes.”

This guy had a one-track mind. “No.”

An implacable resolve filled Talree’s eyes. “You accepted my claim. Does your word mean nothing?”

He had a point but… “I would have said just about anything to keep you from eating me.”

“I will bind you to me.”

“You can try, fang boy.” Those damned ghostly fingers moved deeper inside me, inflaming every nerve ending until my body shook with raw want and all logic fled.

A hot tongue licked my clit. I clenched my fists as lightning arced through me. Another lick, and my knees buckled. Helpless with desire, I hit the floor and rode out a crest of ecstasy so intense, I thought I would die. “God. I’m totally screwed.”

“You will be.” Talree tilted my head up, and his lips covered mine with a passionate desperation. Whoa! Who knew kissing was universal?

Talree’s tongue invaded, tasted, possessed. He began thrusting into my mouth, the rhythm matching the movement deep inside me. I was dimly aware of him unbuttoning my shirt. A part of me was screaming in protest. Another part of me welcomed his invasion, embraced it.


JUST DESSERTS by Gail Koger at Loose Id.

Other books in Coletti Warlord series I recommend:

Vexing Voss 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

#TastyTuesday - Ignite-the-Flames-of-My-Desire Bananas Foster

 Images of placing food onto that delicate tongue excited him. "I'm new in town. What's the best on the menu?"

"Well, you're in the right place."

 "If you like beef, they have the best Filet Mignon with a mushroom and wine sauce. Oh, and get the garlic and thyme roasted asparagus to go with it. To die for."

"Sounds superb!" He smiled. "I'm sure you have something in mind for dessert."

"Ignite-the-Flames-of-My-Desire Bananas Foster."


"That's the name of the dessert." Steph's laugh rolled over him like a warm wave. "It's rich with rum, creamy, and spicy with cinnamon. The waiter actually sets it on fire."

"Hmmm... sensual."
                                                      - Excerpt taken from Handcuffs & Silk 

How would you like to have your own sensual dessert?

Romantic Dessert:
Ignite the Flames of My Desire Bananas Foster

1/4 C. butter
1 C. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
4 bananas
1/4 C. dark rum
1/4 C. banana liqueur
vanilla ice cream

Cut peeled bananas in half lengthwise, then halve each length. Set aside.
In a large skillet combine butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon over med-low heat. Stir until sugar dissolves.

Add bananas. Saute, stirring gently, until banana pieces begin to cook and brown slightly.

Pour in dark rum and banana liqueur. Heat through, about 30 seconds to one minute.
Tilt skillet slightly. Using a long-handled lighter, ignite the rum and liqueur. Shake gently to spread the flames.

When flames have subsided, serve one banana (4 pieces) with one or two scoops of ice cream, to taste. Spoon over lots of warm sauce. Serve before it melts.

Serves 2-4 depending on pigginess factor.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Last chance to enter contest from Elodie Parkes

An erotic romance, with Dom/sub and spanking elements—a contemporary, magical love story.

When a fleeting encounter with a handsome stranger ignites Patti’s repressed loneliness, she has to admit she longs for the love of a sensual Dom.

Luck is on her side when she goes out for the evening, and meets delicious Cameron in The Club—but is he all that he appears to be?

Cameron’s overwhelming attraction to Patti is tested when she inexplicably fails to show up for a date—just what is going on and will they ever get together?

Buy the book:

Contest ends in a few days.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July

Stop what you're doing....

Take a moment to remember why we celebrate this day....

Think about what it means....

And thank those who gave it and continue to give it to us....

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#TuesdayTeaser - New Release & Contest from Elodie Parkes

There is a hot new release from Elodie Parkes.
this one is a MUST HAVE!
(Be sure to enter the contest at the end of this post!)

When a fleeting encounter with a handsome stranger ignites Patti’s repressed loneliness, she has to admit she longs for the love of a sensual Dom.

Luck is on her side when she goes out for the evening, and meets delicious Cameron in The Club—but is he all that he appears to be?

Cameron’s overwhelming attraction to Patti is tested when she inexplicably fails to show up for a date—just what is going on and will they ever get together?

An erotic romance, with Dom/sub and spanking elements—a contemporary, magical love story.

The scene with her tonight enchanted him. He glanced over to where she was dressing.

Patti struggled with the zip of her dress.

Cameron went to her. He fastened her dress and ran his hand along the nape of her neck, turning her to face him.

Cameron’s heart filled with hope at Patti’s tender smile. He handed her shoes over. “Here you go.”

Patti took them. “Thank you, Sir.”

He watched her balance to put them on for a moment before scooping her up and helping as she laughed and clutched his shoulders. Walking with her in his arms, he deposited her on a barstool. “I’d like it very much if you’d call me Cameron.”

She nodded. Her thick blonde hair shone in the light from the bar. The white strip lights reflected in the mirror tiles at the back of the bar sent streaks glistening as she pushed her hair from her face and nodded in agreement. “Yes, Sir.”

Cameron hardened his expression. “I expect you to do as I say, even though our scene is over. I’ve asked you to call me by my name. It will be great if you’d do that.” He turned to the bartender. “Coffee for me, thanks.” He looked at Patti for her order.

She sat sideways on the stool, turned toward him. “For me too. Thank you, Cameron.”

Just how much he enjoyed hearing his name from her lips sent a spike of surprise through him. He stared into her chocolate brown eyes as he pulled the next barstool along and sat to face her. For a whole minute, he drank in the sight of her. With her small rounded nose, the pretty shape of her face, and those oh so kissable lips slightly parted as if she waited for his mouth on hers—she was just right. He gave in to the sweet temptation of her mouth and leaned over to kiss her.

Cameron breathed in the soft scent of her skin as his nose pressed against her cheek. Her response to his kiss sent him hurtling into desire so strong he pushed his hand up between her thighs and his fingertips traced the shape of her slit through the soft fabric of her panties.

A low groan escaped him. He broke away from the kiss. “If you have no Master or wish for a more permanent Dom, I’m inclined to apply for the vacancy.” He murmured the words as he gazed into Patti’s eyes. “I will expect your fidelity. I can’t share you, unless you’re desperate to have a ménage, and then I’ll choose the third partner in our sexual pleasure. I don’t do pain, so fair warning. I do spank when you really ask for punishment by continued disobedience and if it makes you wet…” He stopped talking for a moment as he saw a fleeting emotion in her eyes and knew it did make her wet, and then continued. “I will want some extended scenes with some restraint you’re comfortable with, so that I can fully appreciate your sexy little body and response to my attention—I will take care of you. What do you think?”
Copyright Elodie Parkes 2015 Evernight Publishing

Find a #NSFW excerpt on Elodie’s blog
Buy the book:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Monday Mojo - Sex Leads to Weight Loss

 Things that make you go Hmmm....

Fascinating Fact: Sexual acts lead to weight loss

The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Squirrely Alter Ego of Author Sara Daniel

You may have caught our earlier interview with RomanceAuthor Sara Daniel where she told us a secret. Well, maybe it’s not a secret… she told us she has also written a couple children’s books about squirrels under her alter-ego Sara Shafer. She said that one of the strangest things she ever Googled  was “how many toes do squirrels have?” (18 – 4 toes on the front paws and 5 toes on each back paw in case you’re wondering!)

When the grew, so did their love of peanutbutter cookies.
Early feedings.
Some know that for several years I lived in Northern Michigan and worked for the Department of Natural Resources. 

One spring I brought home three tiny black squirrels for my new hubby and I to raise then release. 

What an experience!!!

 We all have a soft spot for nature and I’m sure you’ll enjoy these little tid-bits. 

The Bravest Squirrel series is an on-going series of stand-alone chapter books, each starring a different squirrel character. These children's books are written at an approximately third grade reading level and are told from the squirrel's point of view. Any Bravest Squirrel book purchased in print through Amazon can then been downloaded free through their "Kindle Matchbook" program.

The Bravest Squirrel Ever
: Scared of thunder, lightning and being "flopped" by the humans, Pippi the squirrel wants to return to her mama's warm, cozy nest. Instead, she and her siblings stumble on a better forbidden human territory. When she becomes trapped inside, Pippi must depend on her wits to survive, proving to herself and the world just how brave a little squirrel can be.

The Bravest Squirrel in the Forest: Max is determined to prove he is the bravest squirrel ever. He devises a plan to rescue his Uncle Louie. Instead, he is locked in cage, sprayed by a skunk, dumped out of a truck, and abandoned with a hungry coyote hot on his trail. Max has to give up being brave and beg others to help him. When he has the chance to save Uncle Louie or risk his life to save a friend, Max discovers just how brave he really is.

The Bravest Squirrel in School: Lana has no interest in being brave, but she would like to be cuddled by a human. She ends up in a school bus full of children with no other squirrel to take care of her. With no one coming to rescue her, Lana needs to stand up for herself against the playground bullies and figure out a way to get back home. If she’s not brave enough to rescue herself, she’ll be stuck in school forever.

The Bravest Squirrel Drives a Race Car: When his baby cousin Zander runs away, Chaz finally has a chance to live his dream of rescuing someone and proving his bravery. But Zander doesn’t want to be rescued, and he certainly doesn’t listen. After crawling into a race car, the little squirrel attempts to try everything the humans do. When the race car spins out of control, Chaz is the only one who can save them. If he’s not brave enough, not only will they crash, he’ll lose Zander forever.

About Sara Shafer: When two squirrels invited themselves to live in her attic, Sara went on a quest to figure out what they were doing. When she knocked on the ceiling and they scratched back, she was hooked. Although her attic is currently squirrel-free, the squirrels outnumber the humans in her neighborhood and could decide to take over at any moment. She watches for signs of invasion as she plots her next story of squirrel bravery. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

#Thursday13- Rewards of Romance

  1. We all know romance is an important element in a relationship.

  2. Here are some key rewards of being romantic
  3. 1. Adds spice, sparkle and zest to our lives
  4. 2. Hugs, kisses, caressing
    3. Makes us feel sexy and attractive
    4. Helps love grow
    5. Helps a couple feel closer
    6. Provides intimacy
    7. Keeps things fresh
    8. Makes daily routines bearable
    9. Brings fun and joy into a relationship
    10. Provides an atmosphere of mutual support
    11. Let’s a couple hear the little things that are important
    12. Makes us feel special and valued
    13. Reminds us how lucky we are to be sharing life and love together

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

#HumpDayHottie from Crow Magic

“I am your instrument to use tonight. Open yourself up and delve into this opportunity I offer. I am yours to command. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I think so.” She considered his offer. “What do I do?”

“Follow your feminine intuition.” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Touch me, tickle me, beat me, kiss me, bite me, lick me, suck me…whatever you want. Take whatever you need from me to strengthen you.”

In the moonlight, an endearing, innocent blush spread across her face. Amazing how a woman who lived her life in fear caused by abuse could be so naive of her own sensual power. If she knew her potential, she could bring him to his knees.

Please, bring me to my knees.

Crow Magic Blurb:
Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday Teaser - Before the Rain By JoAnne Kenrick

Before the Rain is book five in Fated Desires’ multiple author series of stand-alone stories. In JoAnne’s addition to this series, a sworn-off-love Southerner escapes her failing life in Georgia and flees to the UK for a three month ‘no men allowed’ sabbatical where she unwittingly falls for the rustic charm of Rose Farm and its Welsh owner.

Three fiancés in three years makes Zoe Chantilly’s relationship column for the Georgia Times her only semblance of commitment…that is until her dating advice takes a dive down the Suwannee and she’s fired.

Unemployed and single, she leaves the sweltering heat of the south and heads to the UK for a man-free break from life. The plan? Get with nature, write a novel, and be alone. Be very much alone. But nature has other plans for Zoe.

Navigating the backcountry roads of Wales seems just as complicated as her love life. A near-collision hones her desires in on Dylan Mostyn, a Leo seething with a raw prowess and macho magnetism the Aquarius in her can’t resist.

This Welshman is as arrogant as he is gorgeous. He’s also her landlord. The undeniable and thunderous attraction between them pinnacles during a karaoke duet at the village fete, but what starts as a no-strings fling quickly spirals toward dangerous ground.


Present Day, August 1, 2015

Dwi’n caru ti,” he rasped in Welsh, rounding out his vowels and sharpening his Rs.
Uh-oh. Dylan Mostyn only slipped into his native language around Zoe when he was horny.
He entwined his fingers with hers, his gray stare fierce yet his touch gentle.

“Did you hear me, Chantilly?” he prodded, his voice low and gruff with his own brand of rustic charm and raw macho energy. “Dwi’n caru ti…I love you.”

Ah, heck, how was she supposed to resist him now?

Like a teenager about to get her first-ever kiss, she quivered, her knees knocking together.

Damn him for being so…so…so British. With his sexy accent and his Hugh Grant hair flop and Gerald Butler’s down and dirty swoon factor. And his dimples. Gah. If she wasn’t so weak-willed, she’d squeeze in one last wham-bam before heading back to the States.

Who was she kidding? A quickie wouldn’t sate her needs. Not anymore. What had Wales—what had Dylan—done to her? Love, a four-letter word she dreaded. In all her thirty-one years, she hadn’t truly loved anyone. Had she inadvertently fallen for him? Truly fallen for him? Like head-over-ass and giddy-in-love fallen for him?


“You can’t leave.” He edged her against the wall of the farm-style kitchen in the stone cottage, his chest pressing against hers. “Not yet.”

“Umm.” Between his hard body and a stone wall, Zoe dodged his lips by leaning to the left and pointing to the whistling kettle atop the gas stovetop. His masculine scent with subtle hints of amber and musk enveloped her and melted her a little more.

“Do you love me?”

Publisher: Fated Desires.
Flame Rating: Three
Setting: North Wales, UK
Genre: Small Town Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Vacation romance, Opposites Attract
Release date: July 21st 2015

Pre Order available for 1-click now!
#Kindle International 



About JoAnne Kenrick

JoAnne Kenrick is a multi-published author who writes both contemporaries and paranormals. She was born and raised in a wee seaside town in North Wales, and has traveled far and wide. In true Brit form, she is a teaholic.

She now lives in North Carolina with her very own British hero, where she creates ever afters with a backdrop of those wonderful places she's visited. Come across the pond and faraway...with JoAnne Kenrick.

For more about JoAnne and her books, please visit her website

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