Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday 13 - Take time to love me

In life, we may find it easy to allow ourselves to love and accept multitudes of other people, but when it comes to loving ourselves we're not as forgiving. In fact, we can be quite relentless in our pursuit of perfection. So, how then do you learn to put aside all the shoulds and should nots we face, and really begin a love affair with yourself?

The first step is to realize that you are somebody. You're a friend, someone's daughter or son, possibly a lover, an employee or employer, or maybe even someone's spouse. No matter how your role changes, you're still somebody. Nothing will ever change that.

The next step is to take time out to actually love yourself. In romantic relationships it is often said that true love is shown through actions, not words. Learn to apply this to yourself with the following ideas, and you'll be on the road to a lifetime romance, with yourself!

1. Dear Me...
Write a love letter to yourself. In the letter describe what you really like about you, and what you'd like to improve about yourself. Keep it in a special place you can refer to when needed.

2. Scheduling Time
Make appointments with yourself to do artistic or spiritually uplifting activities. For example, you might enjoy going on a picnic at the park, taking a tour through an art museum, or taking a walk in a secluded area.

3. The Finer Things In Life
Enjoy the finer things in life! Eat on your "good" dishes. Enjoy a candlelit meal. Listen to a favorite CD over champagne. Wear your favorite clothes. Treat yourself to unexpected present.

4.Enlighten Yourself
Try learning an enlightening hobby such as yoga or meditation.

5. Freedom Of Yourself
Give yourself freedom to make mistakes. Instead of questioning why you are doing, or may have done, something, just accept that you did it. Know inside that you'll handle it when you're ready to, and that it is okay to do just that.

6. Forgiveness
Forgive yourself for something in your past. Write a letter of apology that includes everything you might have done. Seal it in an envelope, and keep it somewhere private.

7. Day-By-Day
Live life day-by-day. Try not to worry about what will, or will not happen in the future. Or, what may, or may not have happened in your past. All things are created in the present. Remember, your future and your past are created by what you are doing right now this very moment.

8.  Change jobs.
Find a job that you enjoy.  Sometimes you might not make as much, but you will certainly be happier.

9. Take up a hobby.
Find something you not only enjoy doing but that you are good at.  This will build up confidence, self esteem, and may introduce you some new friends.

10. Friends.
Share your feelings with a special friend or two.  You might be surprised they feel the same way.  Perhaps you could set small goals for yourselves and work together to achieve them.

11.  Take a class.
Sign up for a creative writing class if you like to read.  Again, you'll build confidence and make new friends. 

12.  Be a Diva.
Embrace your femininity.  Spend some time on yourself and with other women in your life such as mother, sisters, girlfriends.  silly things like facials while sharing a bottle of wine and cheesecake can help you remember the importance of being a female.

13.  Smile.
Smile through the day and your heart will eventually believe your face.  At bedtime, end your night thinking of something that made you laugh that day.  Find the small joys in life and your heart will make you shine!

What are your thoughts?
Take a moment and share your thoughts or experiences on this topic!

Please take time to read this article

Monday, December 5, 2011

"The Real Saint Nic is a hot holiday story with a difference. It tells the story of Aimee, a woman whose life changed when she staked one vampire to save another. The vampire she saved then became her best friend and benefactor and when Christmas rolls around, she goes home with Brenda, rather than spending it alone.

Aimee’s not expecting much, as she’s spent years alone with no family or friends, so when she meets Brenda’s family, she’s pleasantly surprised. Especially when she feels a spark of something between herself and Brenda’s brother, Nic. Something that can’t be ignored.

The Real Saint Nic tells the story of the growing bond between Aimee and Nic, and how this seemingly hard-hearted vampire in fact has a heart of gold. It’s a sweet and sexy tale, and despite some editing issues here and there, I really enjoyed it and would like to read more about these characters and what happens next."

~*Erotica For All*~


With a flick of his hand, the lights next to the bed turned on as did a few lamps across the room. Once my eyes adjusted, I got a better look at the amount of presents. Hundreds, littered the room. The only space not filled was around the bed and a path to two doors in opposite directions. Red, green, and golds splattered the room in a festive show of color.

“You really are Saint Nic.” Astonished I tried desperately to keep my mouth closed.

“Please don’t call me that.”

“Why not?” Turning away from the presents I turned my gaze to Nic’s in question.

“Because I’m nowhere near a saint.” Brows furrowing Nic stared intently at the computer screen.

“Then how did you get the name?”

“That would be Jaysen’s doing. One day, not to long after I started giving the gifts, we got into an argument. I don’t remember most of what was said, after all, it was quite a while ago, but I do remember the comment was rather snide. To this day neither of us knows how it ended up outside our argument, but it still reminds me of that comment. Besides saints are deemed so because of the greatness they do for mankind all I do is give a few toys to some kids.”

Moved by the noticeable hurt in his eyes, a relentless knot twisted in my stomach. Though I still didn’t know him, the connection between us grew with each passing moment.

Whether it was hormones or the fact that we were supposed to be mates, I didn’t know, but I couldn’t stand to see him sad.

I scooted out of the bed and made my way to him, wrapping paper shuffling under my feet. Then, as if it were the most natural thing to do, I lowered myself into his lap and hugged him close. “To those kids you are the world.”

“That’s why I do it every year. Though not in the grand scale that everyone thinks. I try to help at least a few orphanages and hospitals each year.”

“See, you are a saint. Every year you create the biggest rush of hope and joy to the children across the world. Though you can‘t help them all, the small sacrifices you have made over the centuries have helped to shape our world and helps friends and families learn the true meaning of giving. Without you there would be no hope of a perfect

Christmas. If that isn‘t the act of a saint, I don‘t know what is.”

With a grunt in my ear, Nic’s arms tightened around me as he buried his head in the hair between my shoulder blade and ear.

Pulling away slightly, I raised my hands and held of each side of his head. My fingers ran though the silken strands of his hair using that leverage I brought his head up until our eyes met. Leaning down I kissed his full lips with a slight brush of mine.

You are the best mate anyone could ask for. Speaking while our mouths were still fused, Nic sipped from my lips slowly.

The Real Saint Nic Buy Links

My Wish For Christmas Is You

Growing up Drea Becraft wanted to save the world one dead body at a time as a homicide detective. After high school her dreams turned to the wayside when she found out she was going to be a mother. Eight years later she is now the mother of three beautiful girls, who are a handful, and married to her high school sweetheart. When she is not frantically getting two kids to and from school, to cheer practice, or cleaning up the after a full household she enjoys reading anything and everything she can get her hands on. After a few years of simply reading for enjoyment she began to get excellent ideas for stories of her very own and began to write them as much as time will allow. Watching as her dreams and characters become solid on paper has been exciting to say the least. Drea can't wait to share every dream one story at a time. Until then she enjoys tons of conversation and laughs on twitter, facebook, and yahoo loops and would love to hear from you on any or all of them.


Friday, December 2, 2011

A Personal Note - "You Don't Look Sick"

I’m not one to put my personal laundry out there,
but today I feel the need to rant a bit.

I have Lupus, a “sub-category” of Connective Tissue Disease and at times my body is racked with pain to the point of sitting and doing nothing hurts even more. Most people don’t know I have it, and many that do know don’t understand what it is.... because I don’t look sick.

"My immune system attacks itself. What does yours do?"

What is Connective Tissue Disease?
Connective tissues are groups of fibers and cells that “connect” the framework of the body and literally hold it together. Their functions include cushioning, protecting, supporting, insulating and strengthening the body’s tissues and organs. Examples of connective tissue are tendons, ligaments, cartilage, blood, bone, and the dermis of the skin. Because connective tissues exist in so many structures of the body, disorders of these tissues may involve a variety of symptoms, including pain and dysfunction in different areas of the body.
Overall, treatment should include a lifestyle plan to optimize health and reduce symptoms. A well-balanced nutritional plan, regular physical activity, plenty of rest, and routine testing to monitor the progress of disease will aid in controlling this disease.

Complications of connective tissue disease include:
■Difficulty performing daily tasks (uh... like opening the lid to the pancake syrup or snapping my jeans.)

■Increased pain and dysfunction (hurts to walk, move, breathe)

■Joint deformity and destruction (don’t even want to think about it)

■Severe discomfort or pain (due to side effects from pain killers, secondary medications may be needed to treat those)

Basically, there is no cure... the pain will only get worse. One may have to fight depression if the thought becomes to consuming. Suicide rate is high; I guess you could say lack of relief from pain and lack of compassion can make a person literally go crazy.  "Brain Fog" is hard to explain when others get upset with your lack of attention and forgetfulness. 
A chronic inflammatory condition caused by an autoimmune disease. May cause depression, fatigue, hair loss, sensitivity to sunlight and changes in weight.
May cause optimism, excuse to stay in bed, experimentation with new hair styles, getting to flaunt your Derby Hat all year round and more shopping sprees.

A positive goal is to live a life of some kind of remission and have a strong network of people who will be there when things get tough, even though you don’t look sick - they know when your body and heart hurt.
I hope this helps and if you know of someone with CTD, please share this with others. Sometimes the pain is so bad I want to cry, but even crying hurts. However, what wounds the most is when I’m in pain and others look at me as if I’m lying and say, “You don’t look sick.”



Visit the Lupus Foundation of America

Buy a Fighting Lupus t-shirt


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Victoria Blisse - Rosey, Raunchy Romance with a Curvy and Pervy Twist

I'd like to welcome Award Winning Rosy, Raunchy Romance Author Victoria Blisse to Romantic Interludes.  Victoria is an amazing lady who is equally at home behind a laptop or a cooker - creating stories, poems, cakes and biscuits.  (I bet things get pretty hot in her kitchen!) Passion, love and laughter fill her works, just as they fill her busy life.

I love how her northern English quirkiness shows through in all of her stories.   So let's have a bit of fun with this Rubenesque Erotic Romance Author.

What’s the kinkiest, sexiest thing you’ve ever done?

Well there was one particularly memorable incident on a train. It was early on a Sunday morning and my husband and I managed to get on the wrong train.

I didn't mind though because it was so quiet that we got to some serious canoodling and were not interrupted. What do I mean by serious? Well, that would be telling but I do count it as the sexiest thing I've ever done...

Hmm... make mental note to try canoodling on a train.  My imagination is kicking naughty do you get with your writing? Are we talking just suggestion or downright bondage?

I write everything from suggestion to explicit. I love suggestion; you can get really sexy with it. I love building tension between characters and sexual tension is the best.

I also write very explicit sex scenes with very colorful language. It depends from story to story what I deem as appropriate. Some of my characters get down and downright dirty whereas others a little more restrained.

Joe and Leanna in the Rendezvous series are very kinky and seriously explicit!

Wow.  (Fans self.)  What’s the best thing you’ve ever written—the best line?

You ask me this another time and I'll say something else, an author's favorite line is usually something they just wrote. Here's a great little scene from Naughty Rendezvous that I love. I tried to pick just one line but I didn't manage it!

"Do you need a hand?" He stands in the doorway, hips cocked and arm stretched up the inner jamb of my doorframe.

"Cheers, love." I pass him the popcorn and pick up the other bits myself. I move to walk past him into the living room but he doesn't budge. So I dip beneath his arm and brush past his slanted hips, my whole body presses up tight against him. I barely withhold a gasp when my crotch rubs against his hardness beneath the soft fabric of his suit trousers. I lift my head and my gaze upwards, meeting his intense stare.

I am hypnotized, my limbs heavy, and I can barely force myself to move. I notice the distance between our faces closing and then his lips are upon mine.

It is not a soft kiss. It is hard and passionate and demanding. His hand drops down the jamb and cups the side of my head as his lips sear and slide across mine, his tongue pressing against my own. I taste the harsh bitterness of coffee as our tongues dance and I feel his erection bob with excitement as he presses himself harder against me.

He abruptly pulls his lips from mine with a pop. "The game's started."

"Cool!" I manage to reply and I continue on my way to the sofa, my legs wobbling, my breath coming in pants and my brain reeling. I hope he doesn't keep this up for much longer. I think I might come if he blows on me right now.

Yummy... he sounds like a hottie.  If you could have any movie star take on a role as one of your heroes, who would it be?

Well I think Nicholas Cage would make a pretty brilliant Joe. He's a dominant American business man with a sexy voice and charm by the bucketful.

If Nicholas cage were to play Joe, though, I'd have to insist on playing Leanna! Rawr!

Rawr!  You are so wicked!  Size counts… on average how loooooonnnnnggg do you like your (um, how do we put it delicately) manuscripts to be; (in words silly, not inches) and how steamy?

Well I do love short, sweet and sexy; I often write flash fiction which is only 1000 words in length. However other times I crave for something heavy and hefty. I find stories often creep over 15000 words and even head up to double that or more when I write these days!

What are the hardest scenes to write for you?

I find it tough to write anger. I don't deal with it very well myself and just like Rex from Toy Story I hate confrontation! I always find it a challenge to write any scene where my characters are angry. There's a scene in Seductive Rendezvous that has Leanna screaming at Joe and it took me a long time to sit down to write it!

Perhaps it is because you have such a happy heart.  Hugs.
How close in real life have you gotten to one of your fantasies?

Pretty close.

 OH?  (Moves to edge of seat.)

What? You never said I had to share details! ;)

Well, here on Romantic Interludes, I like to share tips in the world of love.  What bit of romantic advice would you give your readers?

You can never have too much romance. Try and work a little romance into your day every day and you'll feel so good for it. Remember to romance your other half, it doesn't take much, a written note slipped in their coat pocket, a small gift left on their desk, cook their favorite meal and spend a little time pampering the one you love. A little effort bears much fruit when it comes to romance!

Now you've got me thinking about the heat in the kitchen while cooking. 
And finally… anything you would like to share with us, an excerpt, a tidbit, or anything else about yourself?

Here's an excerpt from the second book in the Rendezvous Series. It's hot, hot, hot!

”Shhh, Lucy’s asleep. We don’t want to wake her.”

“And hello to you too, sweetheart,” He smirks and drops a soft kiss on my lips, “I have missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” I sigh as he pushes the door to behind him and drops his briefcase on the floor, “it’s been too long.” He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to his hard, tall figure.

“Way too long, sorry babe, it’s manic at work right now, you know I don’t mean to neglect you, right?” he kisses me again and the fire instantly flames up inside me.

“I know,” I gasp as his lips slip down to my neck and nuzzle there, “I’m just glad you’re here now.”

“Shall we go upstairs?” he asks with a cheeky squeeze of my buttocks. I yelp and giggle.

“Sure,” I reply, “just let me get the baby monitor.” I slipped from his arms and was pretty sure I heard him sigh but maybe I was imagining it. Joe loves me, of that I have no doubt but sometimes I do wonder how he really feels about Lucy. I pick up the baby monitor from the coffee table and slip it onto the shelf by Lucy’s pram. She’s still asleep, I guess I should be thankful for the fact she is a deep sleeper, I can even use the vacuum around her when she’s sleeping and she won’t wake up. I flip it on and adjust it to pick up any noise from that end.

When I walk back into my little hallway it is empty bar a long, heavy coat hanging on the end of the banister. Joe certainly doesn’t hang about. Once again the fire is in my stomach and I race upstairs. I burst into the bedroom and Joe smiles. He’s lying on the bed in his boxers.

“Strip off and join me,” he says, “I am desperate for you.”

I smile and put the baby monitor down on the bedside table. I feel his stare on my skin as I pull off my clothes as fast as I can. I hear him gasp as my bra is loosened and pulled away and my breasts shift to their natural position on my chest. I push off my trousers and knickers and slide onto the bed bedside him.

“Oh yeah,” he moaned as he rolled over and pressed his naked flesh to mine, “this is what I’ve been dreaming of. Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” His hands cup my breasts as we kiss. I had missed him too but each day he would ring telling me he was working late, I understood but I was always disappointed. Being with him now makes up for that though as his hands skim over my hips and squeeze my buttocks as I push my pubis against his naked hardness. He must have stripped his boxers off when I was concentrating on undressing myself.

“I’ve missed you,” I gasped when he shifted his lips from my mouth to my neck, “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I know darlin’, I’ve missed you too. I miss this hot body, and this cute smile,” he runs his hand up and down my side then kisses my lips, “and I’ve longed to fuck you, you’re the best,” he presses me back into the pillows and slips between my thighs. Sometimes you want foreplay. You need the slow build up, the massages and the ticklingly soft touches and all the teasing and tempting and then other times the arousal is so strong, so powerful you just need to fuck. This was one of those other times.”

Thank you so much, Victoria Bliesse for joining me today. 
Naughty Rendezvous and Seductive Rendezvous are both available from Xcite now, the third book, Wild Rendezvous will be released on the 15th of December. If you'd like all three of these books in one volume you can buy Tempting Rendezvous in Print now!


Joe gives Leanna her perfect punishment.

Joe likes to tease and single mum Leanna loves it too. When they meet up for their first official date, the sparks fly but who's going to crack first? Will Joe's intimate questions and kiss and run tactics bring Leanna to her knees or will Leanna's curves, flashed in moments of exhibition drive Joe to rip off all her clothes and indulge his urges?

How will she react to Joe's domination and will she be turned on by his spankings? She's going to be a naughty girl, so she's bound to find out.

Buy links:
Best Erotic Romance Ebooks

All Romance Books


Amazon UK



Victoria Blisse is a Mother, Wife, Christian, Manchester United Fan and Award Winning Erotica Authoress.
If you want to keep up to date with what’s going on in the world of Blisse visit Victoria Blisse

Comment on this post or any in the Naughty Rendezvous Blog Tour and you will be in with a chance to win one of these prizes:

A Print novel, Tempting Rendezvous.

All three eBooks in the Getting Together trilogy.

A copy of the eBook Restoration.

All you need to do is comment on this post and make sure your email address is included there somewhere (feel free to type as myname AT myemailprovider DOT com to avoid attracting spam!) and your comment will be counted in the draw.

One comment per blog will be counted but there are 10 blogs in the Naughty Rendezvous blog tour and if you comment on all of them that gives you 10 chances to win!

Victoria Blisse will choose the three winners on the 4th December and will announce them on her website. Good Luck!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mojo Monday - Meet Brooks Johnson

For some Monday morning inspiration I'll grab a cup of java and admire the covers of my personal romance novel collection.  Some cover models stand out and here's one of them.  Maybe he'll inspire good things on your Monday.

Brooks Johnson was born and raised in South St. Louis with some Choctaw ancestry.  He went to Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor Degree in Business. In addition to his formal education, he is a certified Sports Massage Therapist.

Brooks received the Readers' Choice award in 2003 at the Romantic Times Convention and has gone on to grace the covers of numerous romance books.

Kim Killion with cover model Brooks Johnson
I had the pleasure of meeting Kim at a writers convention.  What a talented gal, and she sang praises for her model. 
For more than ten years, Brooks has worked as a model and is available for film, print, runway, commercial, and fitness modeling.

He has three dogs a cat & two King Snakes.

Favorite meal? Homemade mac and cheese with white Parmesan

Favorite movie? Smoke Signals
Favorite past time? Canoeing!

•Height 6'1"
•Weight 200 lbs.
•Chest 42"
•Waist 32"
•Inseam 34"
•Neck 16"
•Shoe Size 12

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Early Bird Black Friday Sale.


Decadent Publishing is having an
Early Bird Black Friday Sale at Smashwords.

Starts Thanksgiving Day at Smashwords
30% most of their catalog

Pick up the $79 Kindle and load some Decadent Publishing ebooks on it right away. Since Decadent has most genres available and 30% this weekend at Smashwords, it is an easy gift idea!

for savings and download
Handcuffs & Silk at Smashwords.

Here's to a happy holiday and GREAT SALES!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tempting Tuesday - Look at what I found

I'm always preaching on this blog about keeping it fun in the bedroom
and ways for couples to continue enjoying each other.
Well... I came across this and after slapping my head with a "why didn't I invent this first" moment, I thought I'd share the idea.

The Make Your Own Dildo kit was designed to allow any man to make a completely accurate rubber copy of his own penis from the comfort and privacy of his own home. Everything contained in the kit is medically tested, simple to use, and completely safe for the novice molder. The ingredients are neatly packed in our beautifully redesigned box. All that's required to make an incredibly accurate replica of your own penis is a Make Your Own Dildo Kit and some water

Step 1

Mix the molding powder with water

Step 2

Pour the mixture into the Specialized Molding container

Step 3

Insert your penis.. and balls into the Specialized Molding container

Step 4

Pull away mold and fill with rubber

Step 5

Slide out a copy of your own dildo
"Put the Oomph back into long-term relationships"
- Oprah Magazine

The Clone-a-Pussy is perfect for bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, and birthdays - any time you need a SEXY gift. This one of a kind!


I really need to quit playing on Google.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Mojo - Meet Jeremy Rowback

What is stronger than coffee on a Monday morning to get you going?
Jeremy Rowback
Jeremy Rowback 28 Years Old from Amsterdam, New York.
His family owns Perth Ultimate Fitness, he obviously enjoys working out and a healthy diet.

Confidence is sexy, and he has confidence by the bucket load.

Jeremy AKA Derek Atlas is a full-time fashion and muscle fitness model,
and has been making the rounds doing some...uh... adult work.

Jeremy is a favorite subject of artistic photographers such as Eddie Christie and Joseph Smileuske.
His masculine beauty
is the visual inspiration for my character Dustin Stiles in my current erotic WIP Taming Rachel.


 "We only live for a short period of time, but our images live forever." - JR

What a hunk!

From his Model Mayhem Profile:  "I'm all about projecting the best overall image possible, and helping others to increase their image, in both mind and body. My goal with this site is to put myself out there and to be seen as someone who takes life seriously and works hard to look and feel great. I have experience and I have a busy schedule. I am a very open-minded model and I love to try out new ideas."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Blog Tour = prizes

Decadent Publishing is hosting a Blog Tour for their authors of the 1 Night Stand Series.
This tour is part of their Book-A-Day Giveaway

Stop by Romance Writers Behaving Blog to view my blog post on the tour.

"Most romantic evenings involve food. To share a meal together is an intimate act in itself. Meals are an important “tool” in romance. A carefully selected menu will sweep that special someone off his or her feet."

This post features an excerpt from my latest book,
Handcuffs & Silk as well as a recipe for a desert featured in the story.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday 13 - 13 of my favorite Lines from Handcuffs & Silk

1. Being a Las Vegas cop, Steph recognized the evil lurking in the shadows of the beautiful city, also known as Sin City.

2. Rubbing the smooth part of his neck where a collar had rested for over a year, he remembered the day Ericka removed the soft, blue, leather strap with her initials stamped on it.

3. Miss Stephanie Johnson is a lovely lady with the type of personality I’m sure you will find to your liking, and perfectly capable of fulfilling your current desires.

4. “Grow up, Hunter. Drop this damn beta act and be the alpha you were born to be.”

5. Nicely curved hips accented by shiny, black leather hot pants, high-heeled, thigh-high boots laced up her long legs, and a small leather bag hung on a silver chain snug against her hip.

6. Her mouth watered at the sight of his muscular chest peeking from the opening of a black Armani shirt with the sleeves rolled past his elbows, and one hand rested on his thigh while the other held a rose.

7. Stepping tighter between her legs, he grasped Steph around her nape with one hand and pulled her to him for a hard kiss.

8. Sex appeal coupled with willingness to satisfy equaled a very appealing combination in a one-night stand.

9. The room filled with heat, yet the only sounds were their breathing, the creak of the bed, and the rasp of her boots as they brushed against his legs.

10. “You have the right to remain silent.” She clamped a handcuff roughly onto a wrist and raised both arms over his head to hook around the headboard rails then attached the remaining cuff to his free wrist. “Anything you say can and will be used against you for my pleasure.”

11. She opened the drawer and found a couple of black silk scarves.

12. With a wicked grin, she paused to pick up the glass with the key resting under the melting ice cubes.

13. “I win.” His deep voice wrapped seductively around her entire body.