Showing posts with label #WinterHealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #WinterHealth. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Get Outdoors for a Healthy Libido


Between weather and work, everyone spends too much time inside. It's probably time for you and your honey to get back outside in the fresh air if you both feel the consequences of a sedentary winter lifestyle. Toss on your warm gear and hit nature. Get your pulse circulating while admiring the incredibly lovely backdrop of a winter wonderland by going for a trek in the woods or a nearby park.

Walking in cold weather is beneficial to your health.

> Burn more calories

> Sleep better

> Cooler temps boost brain power

> Boost your immune system to fight infections

> Reduces stress

The bleakness of winter often brings about depression and can be responsible for a low libido. Head outdoors for a bit of fun with your honey. A little bit of winter sunshine can do wonders as well. Afterwards, warm up with a hot beverage or snuggle time for an improved libido.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sunny With A Chance of Happiness

 It's a chilly but a beautiful day in my neck of the woods. It's only 15 degrees outside and no breeze, I was able to walk outside comfortably without a coat to take a few photos.

Did you know sunshine is very important to your health in winter? 
According to an article in Good Housekeeping, a little bit of sun exposure is a good thing.

* Provides Vitamin D - protects against disease & slows the aging process. “Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin with strategic sun exposure, enabling the body to build bones, tame inflammation, and boost immunity,” writes Frank Lipman, MD. for Well + Good. Just 10-15 minutes a day is enough.
Vitamin D does a lot for us.
* Improves mood Half a million people in the United States have seasonal affective disorder (SAD)—which is just as serious as other forms of depression—and 10 to 20 percent of people deal with a less severe case of the winter blues. Sunlight has been shown to help improve your mood, helping keep those feel-good vibes going.
* Improves sleep
* Lowers blood pressure

Today's view from my office.
I have a large window facing the north.
Sunlight energizes also you. “When your eyes detect light, that tells your brain to wake up and release the cortisol you need to increase your metabolism and get through your day,” hormone expert Anna Cabeca, DO. Maybe lack of sunlight is why I get so sleepy some days in my office.

The paths at our local park are clear.

Get outside today! Step onto your porch & take a few deep breaths.
Let the sun touch your face.
Grab your honey for a little winter stroll and catch a few rays.