Showing posts with label #RomanceAuthor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #RomanceAuthor. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

One night, one chance, one love

One night can change everything. Dive into a world of sexy romance where intriguing characters discover how a fleeting moment can lead to a forever love in the most realistic of settings.

My new website is now LIVE! YAY!!! Please visit and sign up on my email list to receive newsletters and information on new releases, sales, contests and extras. 

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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Blindfolds and Word Count

Today was a productive day of working on Wolf Whispers, Legend of the Spirit book #4.

Sometimes an author needs visual inspiration when writing. I have photos of the Poconos Mountains, cute cabins, lakes and landscapes to help me visualize the physical setting in my stories. Today, I needed a good description of Carson "Dawg" Batitise and thank Nanji Liam for the inspiration.

Writing romance has its challenges. One is creating characters and sex scenes unique to each book. As I approached the smexy stuff in Wolf Whispers, I wanted a different approach when dealing with a sexually experienced MMC and a virgin MFC. Hmm... a creative way to bring her into the world of sensuality. I came up with the answer of using all her senses. I used such a technique in Taming Rachel. So I did a little research on  using a blindfold to enhance sensual play. My word count for the day isn't as high as what I'd like, but it's definitely on a roll. I like the direction my mind is going.

I'm sure when Flyboy arrives home from his last flight, he'll enjoy it as well.

Teaser/excerpt from 1st draft.

Too distracted by the emotions coursing through her to answer, she could only sigh. He stood like a bronze warrior in tight leather pants and wild hair falling over his thick shoulders. One hand rested on his belt buckle while the other held a small swatch of black silk. A slow growl crept up from deep inside him then faded. He tossed the black silk onto the bed and undid his buckle. With a quick snap, he pulled the belt from around his waist.

“I’ll ask one more time.” His gaze held the promise of pleasure. “Do you trust me, Delany.”

Friday, March 5, 2021

Author Talk With KT Egan


Personal writing has become quiet popular over the last year. More people are picking up reading as a hobby and fans are reaching out to their favorite authors. YA Romance Author KT Egan stopped by today to chat with us about being a writer.


I’ve taught several writing classes over the years and the most common question is regarding how an author begins and evolves. Tell us about your career in a nutshell.

KT: I’ve been writing since I was five years old. My parents were both avid readers and they had always been super supportive of me following my dreams. I have one book published and one that will be published next May.


I’m normally a smut miser but do enjoy any good romance. All You Hold On To is one of my favorites. I look forward to your next book. Tell us about what you write.

KT: I write contemporary romance, mainly for YA and NA audiences. I don’t think I could ever write historical fiction – I studied history and literature in parallel in college and I loved it but I don’t have the passion for historical fiction the way I do for other things.


Do you have a special place you like to write or any quirks when it comes to writing?

KT: Not really…I’m more of a ‘need to write while I’m inspired’ type of writer. I can write anywhere as long as I have some background noise.


I always have to have my tunes playing when I write. I find a lot of fans enjoy authors plays lists. Do you ever get to meet your readers?

KT: I haven’t had the chance due to the pandemic…but I’m really excited to be able to get the chance in the future.


I’m sure that will happen. I look forward to catching up with you at writers/readers conv. It’s great fun chatting with readers in person. I’m sure you catch up with everyone via the net tho. What is a question most people ask you?

KT: Where did I get the inspiration for the plot of the series.


We’ll save that answer for the interview in May. *wink, wink* What is the strangest thing you’ve Goggled while working on a story?

KT: I once Googled about eight different can designs for Folger’s coffee cans – it was a very miniscule detail to the story I was working on but something I was determined to get right.


They say (I’m not sure who THEY are) that good writers are good readers. What is on your TBR pile right now?

KT: A ton of ARCs from some really awesome authors, and Tinder Fella by Jennifer L. Schiff


Are you a daydreamer?

KT: I think that, to be a good author, you need to be a daydreamer. You need to find yourself getting lost in your head, at least every once in a while. And for me, that does seem to happen a lot – maybe a little bit more than I would wish for.


So true. Now to get a little silly…If we were to take a sneak peak in your purse, what would we find?

KT: Some dairy digestive pills, a ton of handsanitizer, and at least three tubes of lipstick.



EBooks or Print? EBooks

Wine or beer? Neither – I’m not much of a drinker

Coffee or tea? Tea

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

What is your biggest “girlish” vice? (Nails, shopping, chick flicks?) I need to have my nails done constantly.

Romantic dinner at home or dinner out? Dinner out

What is your favorite flavor or ice cream? Strawberry or vanilla


Thanks for joining us today, KT! 


Connect with KT Egan:






Make sure to check out her book, All You Hold On To.


Aspiring author Roxanne Wortham lives a comfortable life in Las Vegas. She spends her days at her nine-to-five job and comes home to her boyfriend, Ethan, and an unfinished novel that she can’t seem to crack. Her life is simple— that is, until she gets a phone call saying that her childhood best friend and ex-boyfriend, Maverick Sterling, has been in a near-fatal car crash.

As Roxanne discovers that she still has power of attorney over his affairs, she places her life on hold and rushes to Maverick’s side in Scranton, Pennsylvania. While helping him to recover, memories of childhood and old relationships resurface, making it difficult for Roxanne to balance her new life with her old one. Roxanne is left to sort through complicated feelings from her past alongside the realization that Maverick may still have feelings for her— and even worse, she may still have feelings for him, too.



Thursday, November 5, 2020

On Deck - Marie McKinney Chats About The Arrangement


The evening light is upon us and the fire table is lit. I have a special guest on the deck today so please welcome Marie McKinney. She used to be a counselor but her own mind turned her into a romance author. You will find the human drama that makes life interesting in the contemporary and paranormal romances she writes. 

I love the diverse characters from different backgrounds she creates and helps them fall in love. Her book,  After Paris captures all that plus emotional twists and turns with a second chance romance.


I’m so excited Marie has a new book out and she’s here today to tell us about it. The Arrangement was released in August. She has joined me at the high-top fire table for drinks. She’s enjoying a Vanilla Coke with Tennessee Honey Jack Daniels. I decided to have one too since I’m a sucker for Vanilla Coke. We have a bowl of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups between us. Marie and Flyboy share the love of these wonderful sweets. Lucky for us, he’s out flying thus leaving all the Reese’s for us!


Thanks for joining us, Marie. Since the temps are going down, I’m going dive right into this. I know you have After Paris and now the 1st book in the Wilde Men series but how many books to you have prior to these?


The Arrangementis not my first book but it is only the second book I’ve written under my name. I started writing professionally as a ghostwriter in 2012 and did that for a few years until that little voice in the back of my head said, “Enough. Don’t you want to see your name on your work?” In all I’ve probably written somewhere in the neighborhood of fifteen or sixteen books. I’m not real sure since once it’s approved by the client, I’d ceremoniously let it go, delete the file, say goodbye and move on. A nice little figurative trashcan fire of my ex’s things. 


I’ll drink to that! *We clink glasses and take a drink* It’s crazy how the mind works. What inspired you to write your latest book, The Arrangement?


Usually the characters come to me before the story, with this one though, it was the other way around. I wanted to write an arranged marriage trope but make it modern day and realistic. The only scene I “borrowed” from real life is the opening scene with Maggie at work and her customers chanting “salad, salad” at her. My niece worked as a waitress while putting herself through med-school and was always blessed with the most interesting customers. The restaurant Black Tin Roof will show up from time to time and most of that comes from her fabulous rendition of life in the service industry.


I love basing fiction on the reality in my life. Good for your niece and her inspiration. Do you give her a cut of the fame?


No she doesn’t get royalties, but I do give the best Christmas presents. Lol. 


I’d rather have the wonderful gifts. LOL Sounds like you have a nice arrangement. LOL See what I did there. LOL How did you come up with the title, TheArrangement?


Laziness was my inspiration, lol. “The Arrangement” for a story about an Arranged Marriage.


I think it sounds a little dirty, in a sexy way. I love your character names, Magdalena and Aidan. How do you come up with your characters’ names?


Sometimes it just comes to me and those times I have to be careful and check my long list of already used character names to make sure I’m not double dipping, or repeating consonants. Once I had a Diana, Deirdre and Daniel all in the same book, no lie. Apparently, that month was represented by the letter “D.” When I’m stuck on a new name, usually the character’s backstory helps me. Even if that backstory isn’t used in the actual novel. Magdalena and her sisters Miriam and Guinevere had a young mom who fantasized about being rescued by Robin Hood or a literal knight in shining armor hence the names. 


Oooh, I love the story behind the story, or I should say…the story behind the name. Hey, if you could have any movie star take on a role of one of your characters who do you think it would be?


AHhh. I don’t know! I never visualize my characters as actors or actresses. I know, I’m the only one in the world. They always appear in my mind’s eye as themselves, though, so I really don’t know.


Come to think of it, my characters look more like regular people than movie starts. Anyways… back to your writing. How naughty do you get with your stories?


I consider myself pretty middle of the line. I don’t fade out and close the door but I’m not pulling out whips and chains and making them beg in excruciating detail. There are sex scenes, they get pretty steamy, there’s a lot of build-up and intimacy even when they’re not having sex. But I think everyone has their own way of rating so my just enough might be someone else’s whoa buddy. Only one way to find out, hint hint, nudge nudge. Lol. 


The build-up makes a scene even more intense and sexy. Yes, friends, you need to dive into The Arrangement to find out! Now, Marie, you like to take readers on an emotional ride and do it well. What would you say were difficult scenes to write?


The second chapter when her sisters are getting loaded into a car and taken away. That scene took the longest because it punched me in the cry-box every time. Especially when Maggie settles her little sister who has Autism and sends her off, knowing she can’t explain why they’re not going together. I have an eight-year-old on the spectrum and I might have over-personalized the moment, imagining how he might feel.


Personal things like that pull a reader in. As an author, I know how research goes when writing so what is the strangest thing you’ve Googled while working on a story?


This story was pretty tame. The wackiest it got was putting together the Kilabarian language. But I have had stories that would get me convicted on an episode of CSI. The strangest thing I’ve ever googled for a novel was “How much of the body remains after a house-fire.”


Hopefully “big brother” isn’t watching you. LOL Do you have any rituals to must haves while you are writing?


Each book is different. I’ve had books where I’ve had to write it the old-fashioned way, pen and paper. Then there were books where I powered through with chocolate and snacks. Luckily those are few and far between. The Arrangement wanted to wake me up in the middle of the night for just one more scene that could not wait. All my recent work, though, does not get started or completed without my grandmother’s picture siting right in front of me.


Okay…now for some fun stuff. What’s your favorite food?


Ice cream. Any. All. Vanilla with sprinkles. Birthday cake. Chocolate Chip cookie dough. Ooo Ben and Jerry’s used to have this flavor: sweet cream ice cream with cashews but they were coated in something first. If I had a genie, I’d completely waste a wish on bringing that sucker back. 


Oh, girl… we are going to be best friends! I have a freezer dedicated to ice cream! LOL What is your favorite thing to wear?




Yes! Nothing is better than wearing leggings and curling up with a good book such as The Arrangement. Where is you favorite place to read?


I live in the south, there are very few days I have the need for a fireplace. Still. I imagine curling up on my couch in front of a roaring fire, reading away. In reality it’s my bed. Lol.


You need to visit my log home in the wood in the middle of winter. Flyboy will build us a nice fire in the fireplace, make us Jack and vanilla cokes, and make sure we have cuddly blankets handy. Oh, Flyboy wanted me to ask you, what place would you like to visit some day?


It’s on my bucket-list to write underneath an Irish sunrise. Or sunset. Ireland and sun. Wildflowers. Fields.


Flyboy has been there and said it’s definitely worth it. Do you have any special words for your readers today?


Hi!! I hope you’re enjoying my novels as much as I’m enjoying releasing them to you. The best part about being an author is being able to share some small piece of a world I get to create with an infinite number of other people to appreciate. The second best thing is getting to hear what you think about it. Reviews are our (authors) life-blood. Feed me, Seymour. Lol. No, seriously, thank you for taking a chance on me.


Thanks for joining Marie McKinney and I on the deck. Sorry, we won't share the remaining Reeses with you, I'm letting Marie take the rest home. You can find Marie


Twitter and Instagram: @mckinney_writes


Check out MarieMcKinney’s Amazon Author Page


Please check out her latest book, The Arrangement, the 1st book in the Wilde Men series.


When Magdalena was a little girl, the worse thing she could imagine was never knowing who her father was. Then she grew up and met him.
Now with the threat of what’s left of her family being ripped apart, she’s forced to wed his rival to stop a brewing war from imploding a world she never knew existed.

When the girl he’d pledged to marry was murdered, Aidan Wilde swore he would never share his life with anyone else. He promised her he’d dedicate every breath to ruining her killer. Who would have thought that in order to do the second he’d have to break his promise about the first? But that doesn’t mean he’s going to give away his heart.

He’s not the husband she wanted but he’s the one she needs.
She’s not the wife he wanted but she’s the one he’s owed.
Together Magdalena and Aidan could be a force to be reckoned with.
But first they have to get out of their own way.


The Arrangement on Amazon 


 Pick it up now to read while waiting for the 2nd book, Stay coming in November.