Showing posts with label #FunFacts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #FunFacts. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2024

Sneezes & Orgasms

Statistics show fewer people are getting colds due to taking preventative measures and being mindful of their health. 
However, some folks are complaining their allergies have worsened.

Did you know...
 a change in temperature can make you sneeze?
But then again, sometimes we seem to sneeze for no reason.


 Sneezes, along with orgasms, are the only physiological responses that cannot be voluntarily stopped once they have started.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A Writer's Dilemma - Euphemisms

When you are a Romance Writer, you often have to use euphemisms. 

We reach out to other writers at times to help when the mind goes blank. 
I love being in this industry. There is never a boring day.

plural noun: euphemisms
  1. a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

There are about 1,000 recognized euphemisms
for ‘vagina’
in the English language.
There's even a Pocket Guide to Vaginal Euphemisms

How about Camel Toe song from the Bob & Tom Show to start your day?
Fur Burger, Flesh Cavern, Gash, Pink Taco, Penis Cozy,
Whisker Biscuit, Honey Pot, Squish Mitten, Meat Wallet, Fish Barrel?

Okay... that will keep me busy all day.

Friday, January 29, 2021

#FridayFunFact - Sex Dolls

Authors are experts at researching and we often come across trivia and interesting facts.

Grab another cup of java and get ready for something that will make you go, "Hmmmm...."

SEX DOLL -  1941
The urban legend is that "During World War II, Nazi Germany was responsible for creating the world’s first sex doll, code name: Borghild.  The “field-hygienic project” was initiated by Himmier, and was said to create the doll as a “counterbalance” to the sexual tension felt between his storm troopers."
Are your eyes rolling?
The more believable story is of French and Spanish sailors of the sixteenth century creating "dolls" by sewing clothing and fabric. Later, the Dutch and the Japanese had versions as well.
First manufactured "dolls" show up around 1908. In the 1920's, artists became involved and were often commissioned to create more life-like dolls. The 1950's led to the "Barbie" appearance. 
Today, the market for sex dolls is pricy. They can sell for up to $3000.