Thursday, August 15, 2024

Too Busy to Love Yourself?

Magzines, social media and mental health experts tell us to take time to love ourselves. In today's hectic world it is hard to find time to do much of anything for yourself.

I suggest looking at your daily routine and finding a few moments of calm. Yes, a few minutes is a good start. Once you find that mysterious quiet time, use it to think of one thing that you like about yourself. Think about something that made you laugh recently. Name one thing you are thankful for.

I like to grab a cup of coffee to sip while the dog is doing her morning routine. I admire the flowers I managed to plant during a fybro flare and I remember fun times around the bonfire pit. I enjoy the sun on my face and am thankful for another day. 

Take a mindfull minute today for you! 

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