Thursday, August 8, 2024

Corny Memories

While sitting next to the bonfire and husking the fresh corn I picked up from a local farmer, memories tickled my mind.

Flyboy says this time of year reminds him of hawking corn with his cousins on a rural corner in Fergus Falls, MN.

My thoughts take me to Coldwater Lake in central Michigan. I return to sitting on the back porch of the family cottage with my sister and cousins, husking fresh ears of corn. I'm sure my gram could've stripped all the ears in a fraction of time it took us, but I think we had the job to stay out of the way and out of trouble. 
Nonetheless,  I cherish that quiet time we had and the family dinners that followed.
Stop at a roadside farmer's stand and pick up some corn or other fresh produce. Ask a loved one to join you to enjoy preparing and share a meal.

What fond memories pop up this time of year for you?

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