Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Distractions or Procrastinations?

I'm busy working on Wolf Whispers and fighting distractions such as reorganizing on of the several bookcases in my cave.

Simple Romance

Flyboy and I joined another couple one night. We met at the Prost Wine and Charcuterie Bar in Frankenmuth. (You msy have heard of the quaint little German town in Michigan. If you're into music, it is the home of Greta VanFleet,)

My gal pal told me of another time she and her hubby visited the bar.

It was a workday for both. By chance, their morning meetings finished early thus giving them the rest of the day off to spend together. Since they were in Frankenmuth,  they decided to stop at Prost for a bite. Being a cool but sunny day, they chose to sit on the patio near the gas fire. Sipping wine, nibbling on a selection of meats and cheeses while enjoying quiet conversation turned a quick stop into an afternoon of calm joy. 

Their busy lives were put on hold for a time so they could simply be. They talked, laughed and shared dreams. With only the two of them on the patio, they could've been anywhere in the world. They may have been in a beer garden in Germany or an outdoor resturant in France, they only saw each other. People strolling past the garden were oblivious to the love in the air...or perhaps they felt it too.

No matter how busy, be sure grab those little romantic interludes when you can.

Bot Attack

It may appear I've neglected my blog, but I really stepped away for a while. 

I tried a free trial of one of those blog promotion programs. At first I was excited with the new hits. International hits increased. I have always had readers in the armed forces and England. However when the numbers increases in non-English speaking areas and the hits were more than the US, I knew something wasn't right. site was bot attacked. So went into radio silence to clean things up. Luckily, since this isn't a monetary sight, the thieves didn't get much. Well...maybe a few tips on being romantic.

Thanks for hanging in there with me and I'll make it up to readers soon. Hawk's Honor is in edits and the cover mock-up is done. SO HAWT!!! 

I'm been plunking away at Wolf Whispers as well as plotted two more books.

I'll share more soon.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tasty Tuesday - Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake


In honor of St. Patrick's Day

I thought I'd post something Irish to get your mojo going.


Here is a couple of my favorite St. Patty recopies.  I suggest making them and enjoying them with your special someone.

Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake

Ingredients:Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake

·         1 1/2 cupsfinely crushed chocolate wafers (about 18 cookies)*

·         6 tablespoons butter, melted*

·         1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

·         3 8 ounce packages cream cheese, softened

·         1 8 ounce carton dairy sour cream

·         1 cup sugar

·         1 8 ounce package semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled

·         3 eggs

·         1/2 cup Irish cream liqueur

·         2 tablespoons whipping cream or milk

·         2 teaspoons vanilla


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. For crust, in a medium bowl, combine crushed chocolate wafers, melted butter, and cinnamon; toss gently to mix. Press mixture onto the bottom and up the side of a 9- or 10-inch spring form pan. Set aside.

2.  For filling, in a large bowl, combine cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, and melted chocolate. Beat with an electric mixer on medium to high speed until smooth. Using a wooden spoon, stir in eggs just until combined. Stir in liqueur, whipping cream or milk, and vanilla.

3.  Pour filling into the crust-lined pan. Place springform pan in shallow baking pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until center appears nearly set when gently shaken.