Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Bot Attack

It may appear I've neglected my blog, but I really stepped away for a while. 

I tried a free trial of one of those blog promotion programs. At first I was excited with the new hits. International hits increased. I have always had readers in the armed forces and England. However when the numbers increases in non-English speaking areas and the hits were more than the US, I knew something wasn't right. site was bot attacked. So went into radio silence to clean things up. Luckily, since this isn't a monetary sight, the thieves didn't get much. Well...maybe a few tips on being romantic.

Thanks for hanging in there with me and I'll make it up to readers soon. Hawk's Honor is in edits and the cover mock-up is done. SO HAWT!!! 

I'm been plunking away at Wolf Whispers as well as plotted two more books.

I'll share more soon.


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