Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Eagle Dance EXCERPT

She brushed the gray tips and white strands of hair that gave him such untamed nobility. With a finger, she traced his face from his temple to his jaw, across his lips, then scraping her nails along the fine hair under his chin. A man of his enormous size would be capable of great strength, and a gal could easily lose herself in his arms for more than one night. His gaze intensified under her scrutiny.


“What do you see when you look at me?” he asked and lowered his eyes. Sinfully long lashes brushed his cheeks.


She considered him to be the most gorgeous man alive. His eyes mesmerized her. Some would consider the unusual color to be eerie, but she saw a whirlwind of emotions, from pain to hope, drawing her into his soul. Did his unusual appearance cause issues and uncertainty in his life? Despite his intimidating frame, he exhibited control and gentle qualities in the tender way he’d held her when they danced and the way he’d admitted his soft spot for animals. In arms like his, a woman could find paradise in many ways.


She cupped his face and forced him to meet her gaze. “I see a handsome, mystical warrior from another world.”


“Handsome, huh? I think you need your vision checked. I am nothing more than a simple Chippewa from Michigan.” His mouth was inches from hers. “However, I can be magical and take you wherever you want to go.”


“Then dance with me,” she whispered.



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Monday, January 8, 2024

Ask the Author: "How did you become a writer?"

As a child, I was a daydreamer. I loved creative play and listening to my grandmother tell tales of her youth. As I grew older, I fell in love with books and learned to put words together to create my own stories. In high school I wrote silly love stories for friends and poetry. In college I learned from a wonderful professor the skills and freedom of how to use the words I knew rather than fancy words not in my everyday vocabulary. With such tools and the creativity in my mind, I became a writer.

Ironically, my first book "Painted Soul" published in 2004 was based on a short story I wrote in a notebook when I was 16 years old, visiting friends in England. "Painted Soul" became the first book in a series of five, three of which were published by Vanilla Heart Publishing.

The Soul Series has been pulled out of publishing and I've received the rights back. I am currently reworking the books and completing the series for future publishing.

I recommend to those who wish to write, to do so often. Keep notebooks full of stories and poetry. You never know when years later, one of those little tales will inspire something much larger. 😉

Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Cozy Date Night

It's doggone cold out.

Here in Michigan, the temps are dropping and baby, it's freezing! Who wants to go out?

Is there anything better than watching a wonderful movie while cuddling with someone special?

Make Don't simply put on the same old boring movie, make it Date Night. Have some yummy snacks, mull some wine or spike that cocoa. then grab a clean snuggly blanket. *Clothing optional under the blanket.

For a bigger event, pick a movie in advance and plan dinner with a theme similar to the movie. Enjoy your dessert during the film. Be sure to save some whipping cream for afterwards.

If a night without the kids isn't an option, involve the whole family to plan the night. With a little extra effort, Netflix and chill will actually feel special again.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday 13 - Favorite Heavy Metal Christmas Tunes

This is a list of my favorite Metal Holiday Tunes from the past. These are ones, I play year after year. In the last couple years and lately, some new holiday music has been produced. I'll make a new list of those on another date.

1.     Christmas Dreams – Trans-Siberian Orchestra

2.       Heavy Metal Christmas – Twisted Sister

3.       We Three Kings – Halford

4.       Walking in the Air – Nightwish

5.       Kidnap the Sandy Claws – Korn

6.       Naughty Christmas – Lacuna Coil

7.       Viking Christmas – Amon Amarth

8.       The Magic of Christmas – Dee Snider & Lizzie Hale

9.       On Christmas Day – Magnum or Christmas Truce – Sabaton

10.   Carol of the Bells – August Burns Red

11.   Mistress for Christmas – AC/DC

12.   X-M@$ - Corey Taylor

13.   Little Drummer Boy – Christopher Lee

For more fun and Thursday 13 lists visit:


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thursday 13 - Holiday Fun


Christmas doesn’t have to just be for kids, but it can also be a time to relight that fire with your honey. Here are a few ideas to add some romance to your holiday.

1. Take a walk in the park
2. Go ice skating
3. Sip hot chocolate (or something a little stronger) by the fire
4. Rent a cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway
5. Share a dessert by candlelight
6. Cook a meal together
7. Have a leisurely breakfast in bed
8. Spend the evening at the theatre
9. Take a drive to "nowhere in particular" and stop whenever inspired to enjoy the scenery
10. Park in a secluded spot (be sure to have lots of blankets) and gaze at the stars.

11. Watch a Christmas themed movie together. Enjoy popcorn and warm spiced cider.

12. Visit a local coffee shop you’ve never been in

13. Go to a local tree farm. Cut down a fresh tree. If you use an artificial tree, see if you can collect fresh greens and make an outdoor arrangement for your porch.

For more Thursday 13 lists and fun, visit:

Have a great Thursday! I'm heading to a From Ashes to New concert tonight!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Romance Novel Role Play


Flyboy enjoys telling folks that he is the inspiration behind the sexy scenes in my books. He also refers to himself as "Author's Research Assistant". Putting jokes aside, married fans have confided in romance author of how much fun they have with their spouse acting out scenes from our books. 

Couple counselors say such activity can bring a couple closer together. After all, couples who play together, stay together.

Read from an erotic book and play the characters.

Pick out your favorite romance novel or story. Read the scene aloud, each of you playing a character. Every time one of you have to read an ertoic passage involving touching or fondling body parts, read the action and then do the exact same thing.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Taste of Family History

 Grandma Kleinbriel was a country girl at heart and could bake better than anyone I knew. She believed in using ingredients on hand. Her bread pudding was a favorite with me and my cousins. Lucky for us, she had a huge apple tree in her backyard.

I enjoy making this recipe for my boys when they are home. The best part is having Flyboy in the kitchen with me while I bake. Spike some warmed apple cider and enjoy some romantic fun in the kitchen.

Grandma’s Apple Raisin Bread Pudding

Preheat oven 350

Grease 7x11 baking dish



4 cups bread cubes

¼ cup raisins

2 cups peeled and sliced apples

1 cup brown sugar

1 ¾ cup milk

¼ cup butter (1/2 stick)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon vanilla

2 eggs beaten


·       In a large bowl, combine bread, raisins, and apples

·       In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine brown sugar, milk and butter. Cook until butter is melted.

·       Pour over bread mixture. Blend gently then pour mixture into prepared baking dish. 

·       In a small bowl, whisk together cinnamon, vanilla and eggs. Pour over bread mixture.

B  Bake 40-45 min

Friday, November 24, 2023

A Christmas Weekend Picnic

 Everyone is a kid at Christmastime, and I love when new holiday music comes out for the season that makes me have a little fun. Teens in the ‘80’s demanded our favorite bands put a modern spin on Holiday Classics. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed covers and originals from AC/DC, Twisted Sister, Type O Negative and Korn just to name a few. I’m excited since Covid, so many bands are really letting their creativity flow and Holiday tunes are included.

Being from Michigan, I love to promote my Mid-Western peeps and would like to spotlight a band from Minneapolis, MN. Friends who have caught them on the bar scene in the cities tell me they put on a hellava show and say the band is going places. Weekend Picnic released A Christmas Weekend Picnic EP, a must listen!

The EP opens with traditional Deck the Halls with jingle bells, a pause then BAM! Welcome to a heavier version of the classic holiday tune and more. Kinda like the Kool-Aid guy busting through a wall. Yeah, baby!

Weekend Picnic’s own tune, Wish List, is something of an ode to those who were kids in the 90’s and were creating their wish lists. If you were making your list then, you’ll recognize a lot of the lyrics. Listening to the tune will make you nostalgic for being a kid. Who says during the season, you can’t be a kid? Come on head bangers, admit there is always a kid inside of you and often comes out at concerts.

Thank God, they did a better version of “All I Want for Christmas”. I want to hijack every retail store and slip this one and Frosty into their Holiday Playlist. I’ll spend more time in shops. The darker sound in the reimagined Frosty the Snowman is F’ing awesome. I love the light-hearted tempo and vocals with sprinkling of the growls with a hint of dark guitar. Fun stuff!

Wrapping up with “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” shows a softer side of the band. Don’t let the word “soft” fool anyone. While classical music is played the focus is on the rich vocals of Ehren Thomas. While the musicians are the soft glow of a fire, Thomas’ voice will wrap around you like a blanket on a cold winter’s night. This tune is a perfect romantic moment!

Personally, I think this release is not only fun but also shows the diversity of the band. So grab your honey, a few holiday beverages and decorate the tree tonight. Feel like a kid again and end the evening with romance.

The EP is an example of the band's talent and humor. The videos that accompany some of the tunes are a hoot.  Watch on YouTube

A Christmas Weekend Picnic

Listen here :


Now through Dec. 8, the band is giving back by donating portions of proceeds to Marine Toys for Tots Foundation for kids in need now through December 8th!

For more information visit:

For more information regarding Weekend Picnic visit:

Crow Magic Book 1, Legend of the Spirit series

 Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.


“I am a man who is yours tonight, Lucy.” He walked toward her with arms out from his sides, exposing his nudity. “Draw on the power within you. Look at me. Overcome your apprehension of men. Have I not shown you gentleness?”


She nodded and approached him while tugging the strap of her sundress.


“Keep your dress on. Take it off when you are ready. This night is about you. Explore my body, learn from it, and take whatever you want. You are in control.”


He led her to the center of the blanket and faced her. She stood still with her fingertips resting on his waist. Cupping her face, he lost himself in her eyes.


“I am your instrument to use tonight. Open yourself up and delve into this opportunity I offer. I am yours to command. Do you understand what I’m saying?”


“I think so.” She considered his offer. “What do I do?”


“Follow your feminine intuition.” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Touch me, tickle me, beat me, kiss me, bite me, lick me, suck me…whatever you want. Take whatever you need from me to strengthen you.”


In the moonlight, an endearing, innocent blush spread across her face. Amazing how a woman who lived her life in fear caused by abuse could be so naive of her own sensual power. If she knew her potential, she could bring him to his knees.


Please, bring me to my knees.





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Celebrating Love With Metallica

Romance doesn't need to be a dinner by candlelight or a romp in front of the fireplace. Romance can be loud and obnoxious. 

Metallica performed recently on Ford Field here in Michigan. Several couples purchased tickets as their anniversary gift to each other. It didn't matter they were surrounds by a kazillion people, they only had eyes for each other and the musicians on stage of course. 

Did you know the traditional gift for the 1st Anniversary is PAPER? Therefore concert tickets make a perfect gift (even if they are all digital now days.) Concert tickets make for a romantic stocking stuffer too.