Sunday, August 23, 2020

DYI Fancy Wine Glasses

 Fancy wine glasses don't need to be expensive. Purchase some quality inexpensive glassware, wire and glass beads and you have a DIY project.

The house on the lake we rented for summer vacation had the cutest bar ware. My daughter-in-law and I examined the pieces carefully to realize they are crafted.

Four packs of wine glasses and goblets can be found for a reasonable price at Walmart and Meyer. Wire and glass gem marbles are easy to come by at any craft store. Use glass glue and you're all set. We thought a set would be a lovely gift for a new couple or home.

Self Isolation Sucks

 A couple days ago a close friend tested positive for Covid-19 therefore all of us who had been with her during a certain time are in self isolation for 5 days. I figured this would happen eventually to me.

Currently, it's just me and the youngest at home. I must say, my 15 yr old is pretty freaked out about everything. He's more worried about missing weight lifting and football workouts than being sick. 

Hubby and I discussed a plan early on if one of us would get sick. With his job as a freight pilot traveling around the world, we guessed he had a high chance of contacting the virus. Our bedroom is on one side of the house, has it's own bathroom, is on the first floor and has doors directly to the outside. These are all features first responders say are good to have. Hubby said if it were  him, he'd put a mini fridge in the room (for beer).

So my bedroom has become the "Rona Room" according to the youngest. When I leave the room, I don a mask and sanitize the shit out of my hands.

The first few days were quiet; solitary. I swam more, meditated more, did more yoga, walked the dog more, read more (I'm hooked on Pippa Grant) see where I'm going with this. I've cleaned my room, organized my bathroom cupboard and decorated my space with bouquets of wildflowers picked on my walks. 

I've been keeping a little journal to record my activities and thoughts. During this self-imposed quiet time, I'll catch up on blog posts and work on Hawk's Honor. Maybe I'll learn some new book promo tricks. 

The idea of me having the virus scares me - I have asthma, lupus and fibromyalgia. But I will cross the bridge when I come to it on Wednesday with the test. Hubby comes home from his 2-weeks assignment so I'm hoping it's good news.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thursday 13 - Ode to Baseball

Baseball...a game to love as a player and a fan.

I live in Michigan and I'm a Tiger's fan who has never been to a live game in Detroit.
Hey... I'd rather watch them on TV. Don't hate me for it.

Friends, Nick & Carol are HUGE Cubs fans. I love how they "go all out" for their team.

Our Police Chief played pro ball "back in the day" and is my son's pitching coach.
The stories he tells could be in Pippa Grant's books.

My middle son has played baseball when he was in school and my youngest since he was a wee one, travel teams and all. 2020 was the year of no baseball for him. I miss the games, the crowds, Twizzlers.

Hats off to the players and teams who are struggling through this messed up season.

 Inspired by those who love the game, today's list is dedicated to all those hard working ball players and those who love to watch them. 

I've taken liberty to borrow some phrases from Ernie Harwell's Definition of Baseball.


Photo M. Quast

Baseball is the tossing out the first ball of the season.

Baseball is a scrubby school boy playing catch with his dad on a Mississippi farm.

Photo M. Quast
So is the scout reporting on a sixteen year old pitcher in Cheyenne.

Baseball is a spirited race of man against man, reflex against reflex.

 A game of inches. Every skill is measured. Every heroic, every failing is seen and cheered, or booed. And then becomes a statistic.

Baseball is a rookie.
 His experience no bigger than the lump in his throat as he begins fulfillment of his dream.

(Mitchell Leff/Getty Images)

It a veteran too, a tired old man of thirty-five hoping that those aching muscles can pull him through another sweltering August and September. 


Nicknames are baseball, names like Zeke and Pie and Kiki and Home Run and Cracker and Dizzy and Dazzy

 Baseball is the cool, clear eyes...and the flashing spikes.

Baseball is just a game, as simple as a ball and bat, yet as complex as the American spirit it symbolizes.


 A sport, a business and sometimes almost even a religion.

Photo M. Quast

Baseball is a tongue tied kid from Georgia.


Still a game for America, this baseball! 


Listen to Ernie Harwell's "Definition of Baseball", as recited at his Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

#TeaTime - A Little Cup of #Happiness


Had a McD's burger on the run yesterday and today my body is pissed. I've been eating too much good food lately and now my body is rebelling against the McDecision so I grabbed my favorite Detox tea in an attempt to bring happiness and balance to my gut..

Ahhhh.... tea makes me happy.

What makes you happy when you're feeling yucky?

Happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can't help but smile. It's the opposite of sadness. Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Tasty Tuesday - Blueberry Cobbler for Couples

This post is in honor of the Montrose Blueberry Festival that wasn't.
For the first time since it began, The Montrose Blueberry Festival did not happen. All over social media people posted photos and memories of past events. The Montrose Orchard still hosted some small blueberry events and made blueberry sweets. The local ice cream shop still offered blueberry ice cream. I purchased my berries, did you? 

August is blueberry season.  Grab your guy and head out to the fields for some ripe, juicy berries waiting for you to pick them.
When you get home, put on a cute apron and invite him to help.

Pour a glass of blueberry wine
while you make this delicious recipe.

Ingredients for 8×8 Square Pan
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
Fruit filling of choice - 1 1/2 cartons of blueberries (her favorite is 1 carton of blackberries and 4 peaches, thinly sliced)
1/2 cup melted butter

Preheat oven to 350˚
Spray baking dish
Combine flour and sugar
Spoon 1/2 of the dry ingredients to cover the entire bottom of the dish, keeping the dry mixture loose, not packed
Spoon have the butter over dry ingredients (it will just sit on top)
Add your fruit filling
Combine the remaining dry ingredients and butter to create a dough
Place the dough in cobbles over the fruit
Sprinkle with cinnamon
Bake for 45 minutes
Enjoy warm with ice cream!

I recommend trying blueberry wine.  
My favorite is Blueberry Splash from Warner Vineyards in Paw Paw, MI.  

Support your local blueberry growers.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Poet's Corner

I Wonder

I wonder if you know
how much you mean to me.
I wonder if it shows
how wonderful I think you are....
or how many times a day
I think of you
and look forward
to holding you close.
I wonder
if you can read my mind
or see into my heart
and know just how happy I am
to be sharing this life with you.

Sometimes I don't know how
to let you know,
and it keeps me from telling you
as often as I should....
Because you are the one
I want to live with
and dream with
and laugh with every day
for the rest of my life...
and I just wondered if you knew

- Anonymous

#SneakPeakSunday - The Earring Thief in Crow Magic

Today we are featuring a Sneak Peek from Crow Magic, 
a contemporary romance with a Native American Crow Shifter Hero. 

The scene featured is the day of Lucy's blind date Madame Eve of 1 Night Stand arranged. She's rather nervous but relaxes while visiting with a crow on her porch. The large bird entertains her with typical crow behavior when she shares a slice of toast with the bird. Little does she know, she will meet up with crow again, but in his human form.

Putting her head into her hands, she croaked, “Can you believe it? I’m so stupid. Here I am talking to a bird like he’s a person when I should be getting ready for my date. Maybe I should pack my bags and leave.”

The delicate beat of wings whispered in her ears and the rocker moved from the weight of him as he landed. She sat up and wiped a tear from her cheek. He began tugging at her earring.

“Really? Again with the earring?” She tried to lean out of reach. “I suppose it’s true that crows like to steal shiny objects and always act the clown. Is it because you seek the bright and shiny aspects of life?”

With unrelenting focus, he elongated his neck.

“Or are you getting tired of my reading?” She shooed him away.

With a sharp backward pull, he yanked the silver loop out of her ear and took to the sky.

Jumping from her seat with a yelp, she raced off the porch. “Damn you!” She shook her fist at him. “Give that back to me!”

The silver hoop glistened in the tight hold of his beak. He taunted her. Keeping her eyes on him, she walked away from the cottage. As he flew close, he emitted a throaty grumble before flying toward a path leading into the woods. The mission of retrieving the earring became a game of follow the leader

She sought to have the jewelry returned, but the words from Madame Eve’s note haunted her. May you learn from the spirit of the Crow. Something told her to follow the thief. She ran along the well-traveled dirt trail and he glided, beckoning her to follow.

The canopy of trees shadowed  the corridor, the cool air fragrant with pine, cedar and sweet fern. Woodland flowers dotted the route. She ducked under a low pine branch, giddiness swelling within her. Taking pleasure in the sudden happiness, she followed the path until the forest opened to a field and a lake.

A little winded, she slowed her pace, becoming conscious of the beauty surrounding her. She stood in the same meadow depicted in the painting above her bed. Flying to a large oak tree in the center of the meadow, he slowed then perched.

Mountains climbed from the edges of the lake reaching for the cloudless sky. Envisioning she was the first human to witness such beauty, she listened to the whispering pines, lapping waves, and songs of the living earth. No boats graced the water, no calling children played, only pure nature. Clean air filled her lungs with every purifying breath. Dropping her robe to take in the rays of sunlight, she journeyed to the beach. Enchanted, she extended her arms and waded into the water in expectation of a baptism by nature.

She imagined the spirits of the natural world calling out to her and instructing to let go of the  loneliness. A simple task of emotional spring cleaning so room could be made for the physical intimacy she craved. Standing with the water surrounding her legs, an eerie power seeped into her pores. Tingling pulses in rhythm with the waves traveled through her cells.

Looking at her own reflection in the water, she watched a grin find its way from her heart to her lips. A shadow circled above, still carrying her earring. In a bold move, she flexed her fingers in invitation for him to land on her arm. Tucking his head, he arched his wings and flapped in short, quick strokes, accepting her unspoken summons. He landed on her wrist and dug his feet into her skin. A drop of blood beaded under a claw. Shifting his weight, he gazed into her eyes. Held in the ebony pools, her soul reached out to his. A longing to soar on the waves of the wind made her arms ache. Her vision grew hazy. The image of an ancient warrior with copper skin, strong brow and chiseled features, flashed in her mind then disappeared.

He dipped his head and broke the gaze then flexed his toes, apparently uneasy about the wound on her wrist. Lucy blinked.

“It doesn’t hurt.” She gave him a small smile.

After a gentle game of tug-o-war and an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve her earring from his beak, she tapped her fingers on his back to distract his attention in hopes that he’d drop it.

But content with his position on her arm, he held the earring tight. With her arm extended slightly, she left the water and sat on the warm sand of the beach. She tucked one foot under her while keeping one knee raised to rest her arm and support his weight.

Gazing upon him with wonder as he sat at ease, she slid her palm leisurely over his back and stroked his lustrous feathers. The heat of the animal greeted her skin and a low, throaty sound drifted to her ears.

“You are so beautiful; I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything or anyone so perfect.” 

Desire sparked in her womb and surged through her veins. The sudden liberation made way for the stronger yearning  to fly and soar on the winds of passion. In the daydream, strong hands touched her, drawing out her feminine cravings. Erotic visions of lying under a dark warrior flamed her desire to life. She imagined charcoal eyes and a masculine face framed by wild strands of black hair.

Inner strength rose and unlocked the door of reservations and opened it for the pleasure of human contact. She welcomed the strange power that greeted her. The crow  gave a low purr then shuddered and flew to the oak tree with the silver earring still in his grasp.

“You’re not going to give my earring back, are you?” She shook her fist. Pacing under the tree, she called out to him several times “Please, give it back. Crow!”

So very unusual from any animal, or human for that matter, that she’d ever known. Perhaps magic does exist. Something fascinating had transpired between her and the creature, yet she didn’t understand it all.

Without a glance at her, he focused on the mountains before him. With a deep sigh, she paused again to absorb the beauty of the panoramic view and thought of Madame Eve’s words. May you discover the magical power of the mountains and their crystal clear waters.

Majestic mountains jutted into the heavens from the green robe of earth and trees. She breathed in the enchanted air.

“Maybe it’s time to quit holding on to all things of the past.” For some reason the world seemed brighter. “If you truly are a spirit, then I guess I just have to accept defeat. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. However, if you change your mind, I’ll be in the cottage until tomorrow and you can bring it back to me.”

Without a sound, he crouched then leapt into the air, taking flight over the lake and out of sight. The loss of the earring didn’t affect her as deeply as she’d thought it would. Her adventure with her feathered friend materialized into a lesson of self-growth. Her new, fragile, emotional state developed into a fresh beginning with the confidence to prepare for her date.


Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men and turns to Madame Eve to give her a man for a night that will help her overcome her fears to feel like a real woman. Eve arranges a night tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach her to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Seth Crowe, a shape shifter and Keeper of the Spiritual Law, considers himself to be a carrier of souls from darkness to light and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic. When his brother refers him to 1 Night Stand he certainly didn’t expect to find a fiery angel sleeping in a sensuous body and experience the true balance of nature. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

#MomentOfCalm - Little Things

In these chaotic times we need to find balance. Finding balance within oneself will make you a stronger person for your honey,  your kids, family, co-workers and yes even strangers.
A friend says she begins each day sitting on her porch with a cup of coffee. As she looks around she reminded what a big, beautiful world we live it.

We are just small cogs in the great machine of life. BUT we are still very important. Little things we do affect others.

When I first walked outside,  I left the stray cat alone as she hunted chipmunks in my yard. She'll get a meal and help me control my pest population. (We suspect she may be the other cat our Mona was dumped with, but she went feral.)

As I sit on my deck, drinking my coffee, I watch my hummingbird feeder. Maybe I'll be blessed with a visit from the little female...maybe not. I'll feel good all day knowing she has a feeder with fresh food available. 
My soul is happy. I'll smile more today. Ill share my happiness and show support as I visit small local businesses today to make my purchases.

Yesterday high school football was cancelled. This is breaking their hearts more than a girl could. I have a son & his buddies to console. I have the strength to do it.

What do you do for a #MomentOfCalm, to create balance within yourself?

What good little thing will you do today?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

#Thursday13 - Love Notes

Simple little love notes are a great way of letting someone you love know you are thinking of them. 

This is a recycled post from 2018 but I thought about it would be perfect today.
My fly-boy hubby leaves today and I've already slipped some cute little notes in his suitcase.
I carefully tuck them between folds of clothing. He enjoys finding the love notes during his two weeks he's away from home. 
It's fun to leave little love notes around the house.

Stash a note somewhere you know your honey will find it. Here are a few of my favorite hiding places...

1. In his underwear drawer.
2.Tapped to the bathroom mirror.
3. Inside the case of his favorite CD.
4. On the visor in the car.
5. In a favorite coffee mug.
6. As a sticky note on the computer monitor.
7. Under his pillow.
8. Inside the latest Bass Pro Shop ad.
9. Wrapped around the dog's collar.
10. Tucked in his sneakers.
11. Taped to the TV.
12. In the refrigerator on a carton of milk.
13. On the TV remote.

Happy Thursday 13!
CLICK HERE to read some more amazing Thursday 13 lists!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

#WineWednesday - Michcato White

 A hot summer day spent at the beach with the girls then finish the day with a glass of Michcato White Wine.

After spending the day floating in Lake Huron with the ladies a very cold beverage is due. I cooled my thermos cup with ice before pouring the chilled wine in. My beverage remained cool the entire time we sat in Adirondack  chairs at the water's edge watching the sun set.

A Michigan Michcato.

Michcato White is produced by St. Julian Winery. This light wine is derived from specialty grapes grown on the western shores of Michigan. I love the soft sweetness with hints of fruit. The crisp finish is perfect for a summer evening.

TIP: This wine pairs nicely with roasted marshmallows and good friends.

Michcato White from St. Julian Winery is available at most grocery stores for a reasonable price.