Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Fancy Pants - A Lesson on Panties

What's the first thing you put on when you dress? 
Ever give it any thought?
What you wear under your clothes should make you feel good, happy, maybe even sexy.

Origins of underwear date back to 4500 BC in Egypt. However, origins of women's underwear are not exactly known but is estimated to have begun around the 18th century. Pant-like garments were documented being worn during the Renaissance  and then the French put their spin on design to make them more appealing. Softer material, ribbons and lace made for lovely panties. As dress lengths shortened so did the legs of the under garment. By the 1902's the design became more of what we know today. 

In 1949 an American tennis player named Gertrude Moran or Gussie Moran (1923-2013) caused a sensation when she appeared at Wimbledon wearing frilly panties. She was known as Gorgeous Gussie and it was very daring in 1949! Pantyhose was invented in 1959. - A BRIEF HISTORY OF PANTIES By Tim Lambert

By the 1960's panties became a part of the fashion world with disposable panties. bikini briefs, and thongs. Panties are available in a wide range of material and design.

Skivvies, Knickers, Panties, Underwear... whatever they are called should fit comfortably and not be distracting. But who says they have to be boring? Just because they are "sensible" doesn't mean they need to be "granny panties".

Shopping for pretty panties can be classified as quality ME TIME. #1 rule is to always pick something that fits your body shape. Here's a nice video that explains how to do it.

Pick panties that are an expression of you. Flowers, ribbons and silly prints to reveal your girlish charm. Bold patterns and bright colors to shout you are a girl who likes to laugh. Soft cotton, bright colors, sparkles? 

Select something that speaks to and makes you feel sexy when you are striping them off.

For more magic, buy a simple style and decorate them yourself with ribbons, lace or sparkles.

Monday, August 10, 2020

#TastyTuesday - Double Chocolate Cookie Bars

We all have days when we need a little pick-me-up.  Chocolate is a great indulgence for an emotional lift.  This is a delightful treat.... try it on your next blue day.

2c finely crushed Oreos (approx 24 cookies)                 
1/4 c margarine or butter, melted
2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips (12oz)
1 (14oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1tsp vanilla
1 c chooped nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350'.  Combine crumbs and margarine; press firmly on bottom of 13x9 inch baking pan.  In medium saucepan, over medium heat, melt 1 cup chocolate chips with sweetened condensed milk and vanilla.  Pour evenly over prepared crust; top with nuts and remaining chips.  Bake 20 minutes or until set.  Cool.  Chill if desired.  Cut into bars.  Store tightly covered at room temperature.  Makes 24-36 bars.

I tried the mint Oreos and YUM!!!

Have fun in the kitchen with your honey. A little bit of laughter and companionship feels good.

Share the treat with others.

Love Reunited at a Class Reunion

Have you ever found love at a class reunion? Or been reunited with an old flame?

Some class reunions are held during the summer (like my high school) but often they are held during the homecoming event of a school (like my college). In my small town most class reunions are held during Blueberry Festival or during the high school Homecoming.

When it comes to class reunions, there is sweet nostalgia, sharing of memories and some times the rekindling of romance. I'm the reunion secretary for my Class of 1985 Reunion. I've been finding "lost" classmates since 1995. From my position of planning, a reunion can be nerve-wracking and the night of the party is a complete relief. However, while talking to classmates prior to reunions I've heard many stories of apprehension and concern in regards to relating one's former self to the present. While attending a college reunion I heard the full power of who was married to whom and who was divorced. Gossip fodder usually included  "Class couples" who broke up before graduation, later married other people, then divorced after a short marriage. Bets were being placed on whether those old flames would strike up again.

Needless to say, the inspiration for Taming Rachel was derived from the many class reunions I've planned and attended. This book is a stand alone story but is part of the 1Night Stand series created by Decadent Publishing. 

I'm curious - have you rekindled with an old flame at a reunion? 
Tell me in the comments below. 

Rachel Willis signed up for a 1Night Stand with hopes of finding something that is missing in her life. Is it a coincidence her date is scheduled during a class reunion? And why did the one person she’s avoided for years have to show up?
Dusty Stiles never recovered from the one that got away. Madame Eve is his last hope to get her back.

Will one night be enough to erase the pain of the past and rekindle the passion they once shared?

Deep in thought and alone, she continued to watch the fountains. The scrape of a chair nearby distracted her. Large, warm hands grasped her shoulders. She jumped but couldn’t turn to see who stood behind her. The sweet melody of citrus with a hint of spice tickled her nose. The signature scent and familiar touch belonged to only one man.
“Hello, Rachel.” A man’s deep voice washed over her as he caressed her nape with his lips.
“Hello, Dusty.” The words came out with a sigh. “It’s been a long time.”
“Too long, babe.” He pulled her back against his broad chest.
“You’re awfully brave to come up to me like this. You startled me, and I could have cracked one of your ribs with my elbow.” She playfully jabbed at him.
“You could never hurt me.” He ran his hands down her arms and pinned her elbows at her sides. “At least not physically.”
“Is that what you think?” She stiffened in his grasp.
“Baby, there are ways you could kill me.” The silken tone still softened her dissent. “You are fucking gorgeous in this dress. I imagine you wearing something like this as a wedding gown.”
Her stomach flipped with excitement at his praise. The strapless white bustier dress bared her shoulders. A tilt of her head gave him easier access to her neck, where he placed soft kisses. He slid his hand under her arm and around her satin-covered torso. He would be pleased at what lay hidden under the layers of lace making up the skirt. Wait a minute. The white stockings and satin thong were meant to impress her date, not him! She tried to pull away, but he held her firm.
“I saw you watching me, and I know that expression in your eyes.” His voice caressed her ear, sending waves of heat through her. “Come with me.”


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Last Day Blues

Check out time us 19am. Packing up three vehicles and a boat is not fun. I wish it wasn't included in the vacation package.  Everyone is grumpy. Is there such a thing as a vacation hangover?
I think I need to go back to work to get some rest.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Romance During Family Vacation

 A family vacation full of fun and chaos may be hard to squeeze in a little romance, but it's not impossible.

Letting Son #2 drive the boat while hubby & I play footsie.

Vacation time is the perfect time to break the every day routine and enjoy new moments of romance. Many couples find watching a sunset together every night during vacation as their romantic  moment. 

Hubby & I found waking before everyone to enjoy a cup of coffee together as our special romantic moment. 

We also found a lot of fun in tormenting our children with PG-13 open displays of affection. 

Needless to say, find a few moments every day during vacation time to add a little romance.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Is Everlasting Love Real?

 Everlasting love exists. Some may doubt, but I'm a believer. 

Love Begins. My husbands parents met in high school. They married while Dad was in the Army serving during the Korean War. Dad barely made it to the ceremony as he hitchhiked across the country to norther Minnesota on leave. Their mothers joined them on a short honeymoon so they could take Mom back to Fergus Falls because Dad's leave ended.

Love is Caring. Mom takes care of Dad by setting out his clothes, cooking his favorite dish, and watching over him as his health begins to fail. Dad would grab tools and make anything Mom every wanted or needed. He was always there to hug her and tell her it was time to sit down. Even today, it's obvious they "have each other's back" and the looks they give each other are pure love.

Boating, Aug. 2020.

Love Has No Bonds.Together (mostly Mom, if you ask the kids...LOL) they raised four amazing kids, one of which is mentally challenged. While Dad is sharp, silly and sarcastic with very few filters, Mom is soft, quiet, gentle and a busy-body. Family is everything to them and their love has enveloped so many there are several who call them Mom & Dad or Grandma & Grandpa.

Dad and Mom have been wonderful examples of LOVE for our boys.

Endless Love. Last night at the bonfire, Dad pulled Mom onto his lap. Hubby questioned the action. Mom replied, "Because we want to snuggle." Hubby rolled his eyes but all the grand-kids smiled. 

Love is Everlasting.

They show our family that love endures all things and time.

Do you believe in everlasting love?

Do you see it in your every-day life?

Thursday, August 6, 2020

#Thursday13 - Favorite Vacation Photos

 I'm currently on vacation on Lake Twenty Seven in Gaylord, Michigan. I love Northern Michigan and find being #UpNorth is good for the soul. Here a few of my favorite photos so far.


The start of every day.


Got one on!


Enjoying a Michigan wine.


A pink evening.


Sunset fishing.


My week's view.


DYI wine glasses.


Happy family.


Selecting the perfect lure.


The trail to somewhere.


Morning hike in the woods.


Fishing on the water


This is how you beach a kayak.

To find more cool lists
for other amazing writers who are participating in the fun!

Romancing The Fish

Nothing beats the serenity of fishing on a quiet lake with your favorite fishing partner.

Fishing is good for your physical and mental health but I have seen how fishing can strengthen bonds of friendship, love and romance. When I was young and spent my summers on a lake, I witnessed my aunt and uncle leaving early in the morning for a fishing trip in a small aluminum row boat. Aunt Ann packed a picnic lunch and Uncle Charlie took a special cushion for her to sit on. Hours later, they'd return with a few fish and smiles.

Hubby and I took the row boat out in our early years. A few years later, he took our boys out when they were small to teach them the basics of fishing. 
Family Fishing Fun

I managed to cast the line during our vacation but enjoyed sitting back and watching the others fish. My heart filled with warmth seeing them horse around when a "grass pike" was caught then become serious when hubby had a bass on the line.

Son #3 really took to casting.

Fishing requires lots of focus and awareness. This takes your mind off internal conflict and stress, similar to meditation. As a result, it helps to reduce anxiety, fight off depression, and promote relaxation. Studies have shown that fishing lowers your cortisol levels (otherwise known as the stress hormone).Jul 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Love, The Next Generation

As they grow, children look at their parents as an example of how balanced love is. 

Parents fight but they also make up.  Parents disagree but also respect each others opinions. Parents experience sadness and show how they comfort each other. Parents continue to have fun and laugh. Parents show their kids, that no matter how old they are, they can still be romantic. 

Being on vacation with our adult children has shown me that we've done a pretty good job setting an example of love for our boys. I've seen snippets of our romance in them.

My son and his wife of less than 2 weeks, enjoyed quiet time reading together. 

Son #2 and his love are the picture of silly romance, 
they have a lot of fun simply being together.

When you go on vacation with adult children, let the love flow. 

Cabin Comfort Food

A cold rainy day calls for some old fashion comfort food for the crew.

Trevor brought some summer squash from his garden. I diced it up and put it in a pan with some olive oil, a dash of cloves and cinnamon to give a little warmth to the dish. I added a couple ice cubes and a dash of garlic salt then covered the pan to let it simmer. 

Slow cooking a smoked ham in the oven warms to a kitchen. A cabin's open layout lets the wonderful scents to travel throughout. Cinnamon and smoky clove waif through the rooms. Waiting for dinner to be done, is a perfect opportunity for some cuddle time.

Three boxes of Mac-n-Cheese were needed to feed my gang. 

By the end of the  meal, everyone was warm, comforted, and full. At least for a few hours.

What comfort food do you make while on vacation?