Showing posts with label #EndlessLove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #EndlessLove. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2020

Is Everlasting Love Real?

 Everlasting love exists. Some may doubt, but I'm a believer. 

Love Begins. My husbands parents met in high school. They married while Dad was in the Army serving during the Korean War. Dad barely made it to the ceremony as he hitchhiked across the country to norther Minnesota on leave. Their mothers joined them on a short honeymoon so they could take Mom back to Fergus Falls because Dad's leave ended.

Love is Caring. Mom takes care of Dad by setting out his clothes, cooking his favorite dish, and watching over him as his health begins to fail. Dad would grab tools and make anything Mom every wanted or needed. He was always there to hug her and tell her it was time to sit down. Even today, it's obvious they "have each other's back" and the looks they give each other are pure love.

Boating, Aug. 2020.

Love Has No Bonds.Together (mostly Mom, if you ask the kids...LOL) they raised four amazing kids, one of which is mentally challenged. While Dad is sharp, silly and sarcastic with very few filters, Mom is soft, quiet, gentle and a busy-body. Family is everything to them and their love has enveloped so many there are several who call them Mom & Dad or Grandma & Grandpa.

Dad and Mom have been wonderful examples of LOVE for our boys.

Endless Love. Last night at the bonfire, Dad pulled Mom onto his lap. Hubby questioned the action. Mom replied, "Because we want to snuggle." Hubby rolled his eyes but all the grand-kids smiled. 

Love is Everlasting.

They show our family that love endures all things and time.

Do you believe in everlasting love?

Do you see it in your every-day life?