Tuesday, February 25, 2020

#TastyTuesday - Gypsy's Simmer Pot

Today's post isn't real isn't just "Tasty" but it smells really good.
"Tis the season of the common cold, the creeping crud, the flu and other seasonal ailments. 
I have a special gypsy friend who is wise and has many wonderful tips to share. 
She recommends the use of a Simmer Pot during the cold, dry winter months.

Gypsy Lady

A Simmer Pot is any large pot of water placed on the stove to simmer for many hours. The steam will add much needed humidity to your home and help with breathing issues. Adding fragrance to the simmer pot will add comfort to your home as well as fight winter blues.

Here are many Simmer Pot recipes I like to use -
*add orange slices, whole cloves, and a few sticks of cinnamon
*lemon slices, slices of fresh ginger
*lemon slices, sage leaves
*dried lavender, sage leaves
*lemongrass, dried lavender, sage leaves
*a handful of pine needles, couple of cinnamon sticks
*a sprig of fresh rosemary, a few drops of peppermint

If a family member is suffering from a bug, Gypsy Lady recommends making a pot of soup early in the day and let it simmer. Use all fresh vegetables herbs and good stock. For sore throats add a bit of lemon and maybe a shot of whiskey. Check it often as you may have to add water. Such a pot will fill the home with wondrous, welcoming aroma that will also fill a body with nourishment. If you make a pot of soup that simmers all day... make sure you share it!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Mindful Moment - Take a Break

Our attention is often scattered amidst myriad responsibilities like work, family and friends. But mindful moments can offer reprieve, helping to combat stress and bring a greater sense of calm into our day, one minute at a time.

Take a moment to simply be mindful of your surroundings. Sit back take a deep breath, exhale slowing. Gaze out a window... what do you see? Look around you...search for the little things. Watch a bird fly, a squirrel scamper. Notice a child's drawing hanging in a special spot. Admire the lush leaves on a houseplant.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

#Thursday13 - Ways to Feel Sexy

Busy schedules and unsuccessful diets are the primary reasons many of us don’t feel sexy.  Who can feel sexy when they feel tired and frumpy?  Women are beautiful creatures; we just need to remind ourselves of it periodically.  Now put the chocolate away (well, maybe not) for this one and take notes.  

1.       Do your make up and/or hair.  Have you ever noticed how good you feel after a visit to the beauty shop or when you get all dressed up? You can capture that same feeling by paying a bit of attention to your self for a simply dinner at home.

2.       Visit a spa, take a long bath, or give yourself a facial.  Take a break to enjoy your own skin.  Touch it, caress it… then let your honey touch it and caress it.

3.       Work out.  Go to a gym, join Curves, or just get a couple of girlfriends to walk with daily.  The effort not only makes you healthy (may or may not lose weight), but you’ll notice little things about yourself that make you feel sexy.  Sometimes, just actually working out fires you up.

4.       Wear sexy clothing.  I don’t me movie star red carpet stuff or even hooker style.  A nice tight silk t-shirt that feels good when you wear it.  Or an old worn pair of jeans that really flatter your assets.  Look in your closet, take a close look at your favorites and think about how you feel when you wear them.  If they all make you want to take a nap… go shopping.

5.       Find a material that makes you feel good.  I don’t mean flannel because it makes you cozy; I’m talking about silk or cotton and how it feels against your skin.  When you find yourself feeling sexy in a particular fabric, purchase more items made with it.  Instead of your old blend button down shirts, try an inexpensive machine washable silk blouse.  It will go with everything from jeans to a pair of dress pants.

6.       Wear lingerie that flatters you.  Don’t buy something and wear it because it looks good on the mannequin or honey’s eyes bug out.  Wear it because it feels good and looks good on you. 

7.       Don’t worry about your appearance.  Everyone has flaws; just no one else cares about them as much as you do.  So what that you have a scar from a surgery or a little pouch from having kids.

8.       Plan at least one sensual experience a week for you love.  Planning a sensual escapade can be very arousing.  Add a little teasing in there to build confidence.

9.       Take a shower together.  Hmmm… water, wet, skin, slippery… oh, ah…

10.   Dance seductively with your partner.  Turn on the music just for the two of you.  Have fun and do some dirty dancing.

11.   Try being the dominant one in the next love-making session.  Being in control can be a rush and very sexy.

12.   Accept compliments regarding you looks and abilities.  This can be a simple lesson in building confidence; and confidence is very sexy.

13.   Allow yourself to feel sexy.   Take time to reconnect with yourself.  Try to find things that work for you, that make you feel good about you and sexy… and then do them.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

#WednesdayWritingPrompt - Desert Islands

It's a chilly Wednesday in my neck of the woods. Temp is 18 degrees and only a little snow on the ground. On the bright side... we have sunny. Let's escape the cold and visit a desert island. Here's today's Writing Prompt to help train your mind to write, to exercise your brain, to encourage you keep a journal. Use these prompts to break a writer's block if needed.


Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen.

You are marooned on a desert island. It is warm, without dangerous creatures, offers plenty of easily obtainable bananas, coconuts, other fruits and fish to eat as well as fresh water and tree shelter. You have time on your hands.

Write for three or four minutes about each of the following:

A.   What and who you would most miss, explaining why.
B.   What you would be glad to get away from.
C.   Which two objects you would choose to have with you from your home to make your life more bearable and give it some interest. (Phone, radio and TV are not available.)
D.   How you would cope with isolation and structure your time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

#TastyTuesday - Teaser from Handcuffs & Silk

Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is a tough Las Vegas cop who many men find too intimidating to date. Steph begins to wonder if something is wrong with her so she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.

Hunter Mason left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different. Turning to 1 Night Stand, he hopes to sample his options.

A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.

Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is an intimidating Las Vegas cop who turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.

Hunter Mason left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different.
 A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.

The blades of the chopper sliced through the heat of the night as it flew over the City of Lights. Casinos glowed in various hues of blue, plum, gold, green, and silver, casting a magical aura. Spotlights danced in the night, graceful fingers tickling the sinister side of Vegas. Unsuspecting people moved about, flitting from place to place, searching for excitement and fulfillment while cars in traffic jams occasionally brought the pulsing arteries in the heart of the city to a temporary halt.
Being a Las Vegas cop, Steph recognized the evil lurking in the shadows of the beautiful city, also known as Sin City. As the chopper made a turn, she viewed the vast landscape as an artist’s canvas. The awesome structures designed and built by nameless men. So many lives below. Where there is sin and sadness, one will also find love and happiness.
With a deep sigh, Steph continued to gaze at the site, wondering where she fit into the street party of existence. Not a single malicious bone in her body, yet a monster lurked inside, crying to be set free. And, despite the desire to have a special someone to share a lifetime of love and happiness, meaningless one-night stands never filled the emptiness inside. Lately, living and breathing her job had become her reason for lack of a social life. That, and always being looked at as one of the guys and a hard ass.
Some of the cops’ wives had made it their mission to fix her up with someone. Despite their efforts to feminize her, she intimidated the men they’d found for her. Not considered butch—she had all the right curves in all the right places and could wear sexy clothing that normally only looked good on a model—but everyone knew how tough she could be.
Controlling the power hidden deep inside her proved to be difficult and had ruined many relationships. Her last boyfriend liked to try kinky things, but had his limits. She’d gone out with a guy who’d insisted she be submissive to him, but that felt completely false and ended shortly after it began.
What’s wrong with me?
Frustrated at her inability to escape her reputation, she’d applied with an online dating service, 1NightStand. Not a regular matchmaking site, but more upscale; the mysterious owner, Madame Evangeline, had an amazing ability to find just the right person to satisfy one’s needs. Or so Steph had been told.
Her cell phone vibrated. Glancing at the screen, she noticed an email from 1NightStand. Instinct told her Eve was probably letting her know the dating service could not match her up. To avoid disappointment until back on the ground, Steph put the phone back in its holster.
The chopper began its descent.


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sneak Peak Sunday - Queen of Hearts

 I'm giving you a sneak peek from a Valentine Story. The characters are at a Alice in Wonderland theme costume party.  The characters, dressed as Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter, have been best pals lusting after each other.

The story was inspired by this photo in a Lover's Lane Costume Edition Catalog.
 Jenny turned to see what had caught her friend's eyes and saw Josh stepping with bold confidence into the penthouse looking around.  He moved with the elegance of a showman, slow and fluid.  Their eyes locked  the moment he spotted her.
With a wink, he struck a pose leaving her breathless.  Playing with her, he wanted her to look at him.  A red ribbon wrapped around his black top hat, resting at an angle over his right eye.  His brows arched, daring her to continue the inspection but she paused a the slight smirk of his lips.  As if he knew her focus, he blew her a kiss.  Heat spread through her body and pooled between her legs.
His tuxedo coat accented his broad shoulders.  Only Josh could pull off the sapphire blue bow tie which lay crooked at the base of his throat.  The blue matched his eyes.  The lapel opened to reveal a red vest, and black shirt.
Buttoned, the fitted garment gave him a commanding appearance.  Standing with his feet wide apart, black tails of his coat hung behind legs clad in black.  High polished black shoes added to the imposing stature. He wore fingerless red and black gloves with one hand resting on a carved rabbit head on his white cane.  His other hand fisted yet resting at his hip with determination.
Lifting her eyes back to his face, Josh's eyes bore into her soul with need and desire.  His jaw was taunt, until his lips slowly slide into a sexy smile.
"Two can play at this game." With a turn of her waist, she posed.
Queen of Hearts blurb :

 Jenny has secretly lusted for her sexy next door neighbor for years but won't cross that invisible line dividing friendship and romance even if it is Valentine's Day.
Josh is done with his provocative life and ready to settle down. With a few tricks up his sleeve and the Valentine's Day costume party, he takes a chance on seducing his best girl pal.
Will the Queen of Hearts allow herself to be seduced by Madd Hatter's kiss and offer of more?                

Queen of Heart is available on Smashwords.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Valentine Special - Queen of Hearts on Sale

Jenny has secretly lusted for her sexy next door neighbor for years but won't cross that invisible line dividing friendship and romance even if it is Valentine's Day.

Josh is done with his provocative life and ready to settle down. With a few tricks up his sleeve and the Valentine's Day costume party, he takes a chance on seducing his best girl pal.

Will the Queen of Hearts allow herself to be seduced by Madd Hatter's kiss and offer of more?

Jenny turned to see what had caught her friend's eyes and saw Josh stepping with bold confidence into the penthouse looking around.  He moved with the elegance of a showman, slow and fluid.  Their eyes locked  the moment he spotted her.

With a wink, he struck a pose leaving her breathless.  Playing with her, he wanted her to look at him.  A red ribbon wrapped around his black top hat, resting at an angle over his right eye.  His brows arched, daring her to continue the inspection but she paused a the slight smirk of his lips.  As if he knew her focus, he blew her a kiss.  Heat spread through her body and pooled between her legs.

His tuxedo coat accented his broad shoulders.  Only Josh could pull off the sapphire blue bow tie which lay crooked at the base of his throat.  The blue matched his eyes.  The lapel opened to reveal a red vest, and black shirt.

Buttoned, the fitted garment gave him a commanding appearance.  Standing with his feet wide apart, black tails of his coat hung behind legs clad in black.  High polished black shoes added to the imposing stature. He wore fingerless red and black gloves with one hand resting on a carved rabbit head on his white cane.  His other hand fisted yet resting at his hip with determination.

Lifting her eyes back to his face, Josh's eyes bore into her soul with need and desire.  His jaw was taunt, until his lips slowly slide into a sexy smile.

"Two can play at this game." With a turn of her waist, she posed.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday's Writing Prompt - Personal Landscapes

It's Wednesday and here's a Writing Prompt to help train your mind to write, to exercise your brain, to encourage you keep a journal. Use these prompts to break a writer's block if needed.

Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen. Write for 10 -15 minutes.


 Picture an outdoor place or landscape that was special to you in your childhood or some years back. It may be a location you saw frequently, somewhere you went occasionally, or a place you visited only once. It could be a garden, a road, a river, beach, playground, zoo, mountain, view from a window, the outside of a building. 

Describe the place, picking out features that were important to you. Include any sounds, colors, textures and smells you remember. Explain how you felt about the place and also how you feel as you think and write about it now.

Simple rules of keeping a journal:
* Sit in a comfortable place where you won't be interrupted for a few moments.
* Don't spend alot of time. Set a timer if needed. Use only a few minutes to write. Think of it as drinking a glass of water rather than an entire gallon. Once you get the  hang of it, you might have times where your thoughts may take up several pages.
* Don't be a critique. Journal entries are raw. Think of them as rough drafts if your wish, but don't change them. It may ruin the beauty of the words. If editing is your thing, save the original and edit a copy. Keep every draft you make. I've done that and it's fun to look back at the growth.
*Keep a journal in a notebook or on a computer. It doesn't matter. Whatever is comfortable to you. I like a journal I can hold and carry. There is something about writing with a pencil on paper that feels good.
* Don't just write, keep other things in your journal. Paste a poem or comic that you enjoyed. Clip an article. Save those doodles! Keep inspirational photos.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

#TastyTuesday - Death by Chocolate

What's better than chocolate and whipping cream? Having fun with your honey in the kitchen and putting two favorite ingredients into a dessert!

1 (19.8 ounce) package brownie mix
2 (3.9 ounce) packages instant chocolate pudding mix
1 (16 ounce) package frozen whipped topping, thawed
3 (1.4 ounce) bars chocolate covered English toffee

1.Prepare brownies according to package directions. Let cool.
2.Mix pudding according to package directions.
3.In a glass punch bowl, layer in the following order: 1/2 of the brownie, crumbled; 1/2 of the pudding; 1 toffee bar, crushed; 1/2 of the whipped topping.
4.Repeat layers in the same order. Save the last toffee bar to crumble and sprinkle on top before serving.
5.Refrigerate. Best if made the day before you serve it.