Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Humpday Hottie & Dishwashing 101

Seeing a man on his own accord washing dishes is HOT.

1.      Dishes wash easily if you keep them under the water while scrubbing them. Particles lift away. Bring the dish out of the water to check for missed spots. 
2.      Stacking a few dishes in the sink at a time allows dishes a few minutes of soaking time while you work on washing another dish. 
3.      Try drying pots and pans with a paper towel to reduce residue from the pan staining the dishcloth.
4.      Don't allow aluminum to soak while dishwashing. Doing so can darken the finish. 
5.      Dish washing silverware can be tricky. Use a lint free cloth for drying silverware.

 Wanted a man who empties the dishwasher. And if you want to really sweep me off my feet load it too. Then baby I’m all yours. The sight of you with those plates in your hand has me tingling from head to toe. Oh I’m all yours darlin’ and I ain’t ever gonna let you go.”

What do you think ladies….
does a man who will do the dishes start your engine?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Interview with Erotic Romance Author Chloe Thurlow

Welcome to this stop on the Blog Tour for Katie In Love, 
the new release from erotic romance author Chloe Thurlow.

Chloe Thurlow is an amazing blogger with her short, dynamic and sometimes controversal essays. When she's not working on her blogs she's writing steamy erotic romance. Chloe is super busy these days with a new release and a huge blog tour. We are super lucky to have her stop by today!  

Thanks for joining us today, Chloe. This book, Katie is Love is brilliantly written. Is this your first book? How many books have you prior?
Katie in Love is my 6th novel, but it is the first I have self-published and the first time I feel as if my blood, sweat and very soul appears pressed between the pages.

You put alot of work into the book and it shows. It's obvious you LOVE to write. How naughty do you get with your writing?  Are we talking just suggestion or downright bondage?
Erotica is a literary genre, so that blend of suggestion and the explicit should be nuanced. Sex should evolve from plot and all my books are always from the female point of view. 

Readers love to hear the story behind the story. What inspired you to write your latest book? Is anything in the book based on someone you know or events in your own life?
Mmm. I met a man. I was bored with my job. I broke my finger falling on the ice in East London.  I had been making notes and thinking about who I was, where I was going, what I wanted. I put all these thoughts into a big pot, sprinkled in some hot chilli erotica and stirred in a pinch of art, philosophy and politics to create a romance that would resonate with women and with our times.  

Hmm... sounds like a tasty dish.  How do you come up with your characters’ names? 
The name Katie for Katie in Love dropped in my head like a leaf falling from the trees – Katie sound a bit like Chloe, of course, but that's just a coincidence. Tom is based on someone I know and love. I stole his personality, kindness and intellect to create Dr Bridge.  Tom and Katie are very different: the seeds of attraction and conflict.

Those seeds of attraction & conflict make a book too good to put down. We appoligize to readers in advance if they suffer a book hangover from staying up all night reading. A good book is like a movie, except the reader sees the film in her head. If you could have any movie star take on a leading role, who would it be?
Emily Blunt would play Katie all the way to the Oscars in Katie in Love. Felicity Jones was born to play Bella in my first novel, The Secret Life of Girls.

LOVE Emily Blunt!!!  Now back to writing, you are amazing but every author travels a journey. What would you say were the hardest scenes to write for you?
My earlier novels were personal growth, coming of age stories, and linear. There is an easy A to B to C structure. Katie in Love is a romance with reflection, regret, misunderstandings and envy (Katie for Tom's ex-girlfriend, a French cellist named Marie-France). Scenes where Katie is going through changes were complex and needed to be subtle. I tried to make the reader feel for Katie and identify with the pain of change. When Katie sees Marie-France performing in concert, her feelings are so sharp I wanted to prick the readers tear ducts into for a little sob of sympathy and empathy.

I think you handled the complexity with beauty and grace. Periodically a writer has to come up for air and visit real life. What is the strangest thing you’ve experienced while working on a story?
Two strange things happened: the first, when I started writing the book, I saw a woman jump from the Albert Bridge in Chelsea. She was swept away on the strong current.  I learned later that she died and was reminded that all things are impermanent. 
OMG!!! I can see how that can make one take a moment to remember the constant flow of life.
Another time, I was drinking cava with a girlfriend named Lizzie Woodham in a bar in Wardour Street. We saw two people I am sure were strangers, a woman in a gold dress and a man with a huge moustache, first dancing and then having sex  in a dark booth in the corner of the bar. The girl reminded me of me when I was younger.

Lordy, I might have to ask you what you were like "back in the day". We could have fun swapping stories over a glass or four of vino. That will have to be saved for another day. Say, I like the simplicity of your book title. How did you come up with it?
My other books all have the word GIRL in the title. Katie in Love is a romance, and Katie is a woman, not a girl. I thought: mmm, I need the word LOVE. Now, who is the book really about? Katie. So, there it was: Katie in Love.

Readers will for sure love Katie in Love! Do you have anything you would like to say to your peeps in cyberland?
Yes, please buy my book. It changed my life and it may change yours, too
xx - Chloe

Chloe Thurlow's WEBSITE

Before you leave, folks want to know some fun stuff. 
What is your:
Favorite drink: cava, same grapes as champagne, less fizzy, smoother and less alcohol content so you can drink more.
Favorite candy: dark chocolate.
Favorite food: pizza and ice cream. One day I will write the Pizza, Ice Cream and Cava Diet.
Favorite article of clothing or jewelry: shoes, dangly earrings, skirts short enough to embarrass my Mother.
Favorite place to read: in bed.
What place would you want to visit some day: the Great Wall of China, the only man made structure (except for the US highways) that can be seen from the moon; at least that's what they say and I would like to find out for myself.

Thank you Chloe Thurlow for visiting today. 
Be sure to check out her new book, Katie in Love and enter the Rafflecopter at the end of this post. Visit the other stops on the tour for more fun.

Katie Boyd has nothing in common with Tom Bridge, the volunteer doctor she meets at a party – except in bed she finds a passion to match her own. Tom is intense, puzzling, a man who cares about others and compels Katie to question her own life drifting through the hip clubs and London party scene.

When Tom returns to his post in a Sri Lanka orphanage, Katie isn’t sure if their passion was lit by its brevity, or if love, unexpected and not entirely wanted, has edged its way into her life. Should she go back to being who she always was? Or follow Tom into the unknown?

Katie in Love is a compelling erotic-romance that will grip readers as they follow Katie’s journey to an ending they may have expected – but not in the way they expected it.

Brilliantly written and coolly self-aware, Chloe Thurlow was described by KM Dylan on Amazon as “…the Anaïs Nin of our times.” With Katie in Love  – her sixth novel – Thurlow reveals a writer at the height of her powers.
Link for Amazon downloads -

Link for Amazon books -

Use the Rafflecopter to gain entries—and be sure to follow the tour. The more posts you comment on, the more entries you will get into the drawing:

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Flirting Tips

Flirting is a subtle and not too serious aspect of romance. It is a basic instinct to want to charm the other sex.   However, flirting isn’t only for singles; just because you are in a committed relationship doesn’t mean you need to stop flirting with your honey.  Flash an unexpected smile at him and watch his eyes begin to twinkle as he smiles back.  Flirting can be fun and sexy.

Here are a few tips:

Body Language
  • Throw sidelong glances frequently
  • Prolonged eye contact -Eye contact is very essential at the time of flirting. It shows that you are confident about yourself.
  • Arched eyebrows
  • Winking
  • Touch your neck or hair after looking at him
  • Smiling - A smile not only breaks the ice and makes the atmosphere easy going, but also improves your face value.
  • Licking of lips
  • Touching the lips or teeth with tongue
  • Any form of touching
  • Laughter
  • Whispering
  • Personal questions, everyone likes to talk about themselves
  • Singling someone out in a group for conversation and questions

However if you are single and you flirt, keep in mind that flirting should indicate your interest in getting to know someone.   Flirting is designed to make the person you're flirting with feel attractive and special, not intimidated. The most important tip on flirting is BE YOURSELF.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Another Sweet Teaser from Elysium

As promised... here's your second teaser....

Will April ever be ready to love another man?

Two years have passed since April Patterson’s husband was shot and killed in the line of duty, and she’s trapped in a haze of grief and uncertainty. Having grown frustrated by all other efforts to engage her in activities where she could meet new people, her cousin pays for a date via 1Night Stand. Not thrilled with the idea, April nevertheless contacts Madame Eve and requests the impossible: a date with her deceased husband.

Brilliant software engineer Drew Monroe created his company, Elysium, to help give closure to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, through the use of virtual reality. Though passionate about his work, being constantly surrounded by heartache and death has taken a toll on his mental health. When he accepts the case of a young widow referred to him by Madame Eve, her tragic tale depresses him further, but he commits himself to programming April the romantic date she desires.

April arrives at Elysium and prepares to enter Drew’s virtual realm. Will she find the solace she seeks within? Or will she discover she doesn’t need a fantasy world to discover happiness again?

I came over to her in an effort to console her, and I doubted I’d even succeeded at that. In trying to offer her comfort, I’d contorted myself into an awkward position, trapping us between her chair and mine. The helmet she flung at me balanced on one leg, and my opposite elbow stuck out at an unnatural angle as I struggled to hold her in some sort of odd embrace. Terrific.
Her tears pooled on my upper arm, soaking through the shirt. “I’m sorry,” she kept repeating, her voice strained and muffled. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry….”

“No, I’m sorry.” My throat constricted, and for a second I thought I’d start crying with her. I grieved for a man I never met, and twinges of guilt tugged at my conscience as I thought about all the times I’d envied him. Coupled with the blatant shortcomings in operating Elysium’s software, I was not feeling very good about myself. “I’m sorry I let you down.” One arm tightened around her and shame pushed the next selfish words out. “I wanted to give you something no one else could. I wanted to let you be happy again.”

Little by little, April calmed down. She stopped shaking and her breathing slowed. Lifting her head, she stared at me with red-rimmed eyes. Something shifted within their gray depths, and she moved as if to stand. I expected her to disentangle herself from me and gather her belongings, but she leaned against the edge of the chair, wedging one knee between my thigh and the armrest. Before I could react, her hands were in my hair, her tongue was in my mouth, and she kissed me with a blazing intensity as if it was the last thing she’d ever do.


Kiss her back, you idiot.

Without breaking contact, I tilted backward in the chair and set the virtual headset on the floor behind me. When I had both hands free, I grasped her waist and pulled her closer. Her lips were soft and inviting, and the taste of her tongue as she swirled it around mine hypnotized me. Could this really be happening?

I skimmed both palms over her sides and back. Her body was warm through her thin T-shirt, and I yearned to discover what her skin felt like beneath her clothing. Afraid to push too far too fast in case I broke whatever spell we were under, I settled for weaving my fingers through her long, smooth locks.

Any intentions I had of keeping our exploration innocent flew out the window when she climbed farther onto the chair. Straddling me, she gave my lower lip a sharp nibble, and I tried not to groan in response. Wrapping my arms around her, I lost myself to the fervor of our kiss. She had to have felt the expanding erection stirring beneath her.

She pulled away from me, her face flushed scarlet. “Oh my God,” she mumbled, clasping her hands over her mouth. “What is wrong with me?”

Are you hooked? Buy it now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patty's Treats

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  
 I thought I'd list my favorite St. Patty treats 

1.  Shamrock Cookies.

2. Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake. Get the recipe

3. Irish Black Bun Shamrock Cookies Get the recipe.  

4. Irish Chocolate Ice Cream (You add a cup of Irish whiskey to chocolate ice cream.  Yeah, baby!)

5. Shamrock Milkshake Cupcakes.

6. Black & White Irish Cream Cupcakes.  Get the recipe.  

7. Chocolate Stout Shake.  (Chocolate stout beer + choc. fudge + vanilla bean ice cream + milk = YUMMY!)

8. Toffee-Coffee Brownies.  Get the recipe

9.  St. Patty Cupcakes with green M&Ms

10. Dublin Eggnog.  (Eggnog + double-strength coffee + 6oz of Irish whiskey= wide awake fun)

11. Green beer.  I don't usually drink beer but thought I'd better put it on my list any ways.

12.  Rainbow Cupcakes. This recipe is so cool.  Check it out

13. Toffee Shortbread.  Ah... buttery shortbread, a layer of toffee with chocolate topping.  Sigh.  A favorite sweet among families in Ireland.  Get the recipe

If you've been paying attention, you'll notice McDonald's shamrock shake is not on my list.  I'm trying to watch my calorie intake. Wait a gosh darn minute... I've already had two.  Oops. My bad... so spank me.

I'll leave you with this thought... what better way to burn calories than to get all hot over a sexy Irishman!  Here ya go! 

Who is your favorite Irishman?

Check out this FREE St.Patty's Day story
Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns. Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Irishman, Robbie Mac Donnell never wanted to stay in one place very long. His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone. However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.
In honor of St. Patty's Day
Love Knot is 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Favorite St. Patty Recipies

In honor of St. Patrick's Day
I thought I'd post something Irish to get your mojo going.

Here is a couple of my favorite St. Patty recipes.  I suggest making them and enjoying them with your special someone.

Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake
Ingredients:Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake
·         1 1/2 cupsfinely crushed chocolate wafers (about 18 cookies)*
·         6 tablespoons butter, melted*
·         1/2teaspoon ground cinnamon
·         3 8 ounce packages cream cheese, softened
·         1 8 ounce carton dairy sour cream
·         1 cupsugar
·         1 8 ounce package semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled
·         3 eggs
·         1/2cupIrish cream liqueur
·         2 tablespoons whipping cream or milk
·         2 teaspoons vanilla
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. For crust, in a medium bowl, combine crushed chocolate wafers, melted butter, and cinnamon; toss gently to mix. Press mixture onto the bottom and up the side of a 9- or 10-inch springform pan. Set aside.
2.  For filling, in a large bowl, combine cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, and melted chocolate. Beat with an electric mixer on medium to high speed until smooth. Using a wooden spoon, stir in eggs just until combined. Stir in liqueur, whipping cream or milk, and vanilla.

3.  Pour filling into the crust-lined pan. Place springform pan in shallow baking pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until center appears nearly set when gently shaken.

4.  Cool in springform pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Using a small sharp knife, loosen from side of pan. Cool for 30 minutes more. Remove side of springform pan. Cool for 1 hour. Cover and chill for at least 6 hours or up to 24 hours. Makes 16 servings.

Chocolate Stout Shake
  • 1/4 cup chocolate stout beer or stout beer
  • 1/2 cup prepared chocolate fudge ice cream topping
  • 1/2 gallon vanilla bean ice cream
  • 1 cupmilk
  • 6 purchased chocolate-and-nut-covered pretzel rods (optional)
1. In a small saucepan heat beer and chocolate topping until warm and combined. Cool slightly.

2. Meanwhile, in a blender combine ice cream and milk, half at a time. Cover and blend until combined. Divide ice cream mixture among 8 glasses. Drizzle with chocolate sauce and, if desired, serve with chocolate-covered pretzel rods. Makes 8 servings.
Chocolate Stout ShakePreheat oven to 325 degrees F. For crust, in a medium bowl, combine crushed chocolate wafers, melted butter, and cinnamon; toss gently to mix. Press mixture onto the bottom and up the side of a 9- or 10-inch springform pan. Set aside.
Cool in springform pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Using a small sharp knife, loosen from side of pan. Cool for 30 minutes more. Remove side of springform pan. Cool for 1 hour. Cover and chill for at least 6 hours or up to 24 hours. Makes 16 servings.
 Cool in springform pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Using a small sharp knife, loosen from side of pan. Cool for 30 minutes more. Remove side of springform pan. Cool for 1 hour. Cover and chill for at least 6 hours or up to 24 hours. Makes 16 servings.

Friday, March 13, 2015

FREE St. Patty Read

Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns. Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Irishman, Robbie Mac Donnell never wanted to stay in one place very long. His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone. However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.

In honor of St. Patty's Day
Love Knot is 

Without saying a word, Robbie placed a box he carried as well as a highly polished apple onto the table and walked towards her. His hand slipped under her hair to cup the base of her head, while his other arm circled around her. When his lips came down on hers, Mimi had to grab onto him to keep from falling over in surprise.

Not a sweet kiss of friendship but an obvious promise of decadent pleasure. With a tilt of his head, Robbie took the kiss deeper. The scent of milled soap and masculinity made her heady. She could barely remember the last time he kissed her, not that she complained at the moment. Robbie slowly pulled away, tugging at her lip with his teeth as he did. 

“Ah... welcome home?” She choked on the words. 

“Aye, I'm happy to be home.” The deep sultry voice slid down her body to her feet.

“Easy there big boy. Sheesh! What's with the kiss?”

“What's with the kiss? You're brutal, woman.” He grabbed his heart and faked feigned a heart attack. “You didn't like it?”

“You are such a goofball. It's just... you've never done that before.”

“I've kissed you before; many times actually.”

“But not like that.”

“That? Was something wrong with my kiss?”

“No, definitely nothing wrong; just different.”

“I want to do it more often.” He stepped in front of her and again pulled her against his hard body. “That is, if it’s okay with you.”

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sex tips to boost your love life

It's important to remember that sex should be fun. Communication with your partner is the most important element in any relationship. Other keys are maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seek out some of the may excellent self-help materials on the market, and just having fun can help you weather the bumps and keept things on track.

Here are a few points:

1. Be confident
It's the sexiest thing any woman can do to turn on her man - take control and be sure about what you want and how you want it done.

2. Enjoy each other's bodies
Give each other compliments, pay special attention to a person's less favourite bits, make them feel desired and sexy. Body confidence is sexual gold!

3. Talk.
Tell your partner what you're enjoying and why, even what could be done to make the sex better; faster slower etc.. The sure-fire way to better sex time and time again!

4. Engage in foreplay
It's easy to forget that foreplay is all part of your sex life. Make sure you have enough foreplay with your partner until you're both ready for intercourse. Prolong it by putting your clothes on, go out for a drink or a meal. Keep the evening going on as long as you can until you have to run home for the most intense sex ever!

5. Surprise your partner
Put on some sexy lingerie one evening after work and wait for him. Don't let him touch you, dominate and lead him to the bedroom.

6. Drink coffee
Research has indicated that a couple of cups of coffee could well boost the female libido. Even if that's not 100% guaranteed, the caffeine will improve your concentration - very important if you're getting hot and steamy in the bedroom.

7. Turn off the TV
You may love watching what Rita and Norris are up to in Corrie, but it's a bit of a passion killer. Hit the off button and pay attention to each other.

8. Do a strip-tease
It doesn't have to look professional, as long as you move seductively in front of him and slowly take off your clothes. Don't allow him to touch either - this will turn him on even more.

9. Choose the right music
Having the right tunes playing in the background can improve your bedroom experience. The right rhythm will make your lovemaking far more enjoyable. Try Dr. Amgad & Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing for starters.

10. Ice ice baby
If you're performing oral sex on your fella, try popping an ice cube in your mouth halfway through - the sensation as it goes from warm to cold will drive him wild.

11. Eat salmon.
Obviously, it's a great choice for dinner, but it's also known as a sexual powerhouse. The vitamins in salmon will help lift the libido, it contains mood-enhancing Omega-3 oils and is protein rich, which is good for stamina.

12. Turn off the lights
In fact, go one step further and blindfold each other. By getting rid of the sense of sight, you'll be forced to use your other senses.

13. Don't touch his private parts
By not going for the one place he's desperate for you to touch, you'll drive him wild. Delay it as long as possible and when you do get there, make only the faintest touch at first.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

#HumpDayHottie Taste of Irish

Meet Robbie MacDonnell
Robbie is a hot Irishman in the 
St. Patrick's Day story, Love Knot.

Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns. Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Irishman, Robbie Mac Donnell never wanted to stay in one place very long. His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone. However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.

In honor of St. Patty's Day
Love Knot is