Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Meet Dyami Schafer – Hero of Eagle Dance

One story produced a series…the Legend of the Spirit Series. 
Native American shifters learn to follow their hearts to find love.

When I finished writing Crow Magic, a lovely story featuring a Shawnee Crow shifter named Tecumseh "Seth" Crowe, an eagle visited me. 

The large bird sat on my porch railing looking me over with golden eyes and flexed his powerful talons. Through a mist the creature shifted into an incredibly sexy man. His eyes were the same gold as the eagles. His appearance dominated my porch but he moved in a graceful manner. 

He stood tall with a naked barrel chest and when he turned I noticed a huge tattoo of wings covering his back from shoulders to under his waistband. Dressed in baggy jeans and worn boots he had a rugged sexiness. His black hair cut in a modified military crop looked like velvet. Spiked on top was white while the sides were tipped with grey.  I’d never seen anything like it. He ran his hands through the silky layers and explained like the eagle, his hair would change to white as he ages but he assured me he’s in the prime of his life. I couldn’t agree more. Wowza! 

He flashed a quick smile but I was captivated with his golden eyes.

Dyami comes from a Chippewa tribe and is currently a Conservation Officer for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in a secret division used to catch wildlife poachers. When he was a kid he spent his summers with relatives at their cottage on Coldwater Lake in Michigan. Even though his name means “EAGLE”, his uncle called him "Little Otter" because he would spend more time swimming than fishing. He still likes to fish but prefers dancing with a beautiful woman.

He is looking for a gal to live in his heart, warm his bed and love him for who/what he is. He loves to dance ladies! A friend told him to fill out an application for 1 Night Stand. He is seriously contemplating the idea.

Pick up Eagle Dance, 2nd story in the Legend of the Spirit Series,   to see what happens.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More Shifter Month Give-A-Way

Since we having so much fun celebrating Shifter Month,
 we have a second contest running until the end of the month.

I'll be giving away dowloads of the first two books in the Legend of the Spirit series:
Crow Magic 

Eagle Dance

 a pair of goldtone dangle feather earrings

 a pair of silvertone dangle feather earrings


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, August 18, 2014

Looking for a Lesbian Werewolf Erotic Romance?

 Sometimes such a simple thing can lead to such an unexpected and wonderful future…

“Second Saturday.” Ed. Liz Silver. Musa Publishing, Forthcoming July 2012.
ISBN: 978-1-61937-295-5

I'd like to welcome Stan Hampton 
who joins us today to talk about his hot Lesbian, shifter, erotic romance.

Give us the  Story Behind Second Saturday

            So, what is the inspiration behind the lesbian werewolf erotic romance, Second Saturday?
            Pardon me while I play Loreena McKennitt’s Nights from the Alhambra, particularly The Mummer’s Dance and Huron ‘Beltane’ Fire Dance. I have always enjoyed her music, whether I am relaxing or writing.
            Anyway, the inspiration?
            Well, I once saw a Call for Submissions for a lesbian shapeshifter anthology. The subject sounded interesting, even challenging, as I had never written anything like that. After all, I am a man. What did I know of lesbians, especially lesbian shapeshifters? I finally decided to give it a try—and the story was not accepted for the anthology.
            Second Saturday is a fairly simple story made up of several elements.
            There is in Las Vegas, a monthly arts event called First Friday. Once a month, on the first Friday of the month, the arts district located not far from Fremont Street in Old Las Vegas hosts an evening long art crawl. Large crowds wander among the various shops and studios, and arts and crafts stalls, food stalls, and beer stalls.
            By nature and experience I am a photographer and a people watcher. I also have an interest in painting, drawing, and sculpting—unfortunately, in spite of having taken several college classes, I have yet to discover my natural talent for those skills. One can always hope.
            And regarding the two characters, Sharon Rogers, a bicurious UNLV art student, and Patricia Renner, a lesbian and an attorney… Not meaning to sound sexist, but is there not something beautiful about two women making love with one another?
            As for the shapeshifter element—researching a different story I once read of the Greek historian Herodotus and his claim that northwest of the now-Black Sea there was a tribe that turned into wolves once a year. The tribe was called the Neuri.
            After Second Saturday was rejected for the anthology I let the story sit for a little while, then went back and did some writing and editing. I knew that I had a viable story, and even a subject that was deserving of additional stories.
            Fortunately, events proved my belief correct.
            The chaos that is life sometimes gets in the way of writing; I have not added to the story of the Neuri since the publication of Second Saturday in 2012. But I have not forgotten them.
            So, for a moment imagine yourself in a Mycenaean king’s columned hall, one of many gathered around a smoky, flame-filled hearth. The evening has already heard of Jason and his search for the Golden Fleece, and of Helen and the Mycenaean and Trojan heroes who fought over her before the walls of Troy.

            There remains other tales to be told before the fire becomes glowing embers in a silent night—tales of strong warriors, part wolf, who came from the frozen north where colorful spirits danced in the night sky. Even the Neuri women, born with sword and spear in hand, were unafraid of men and death and were likewise unafraid to love other women…

Tease us some more....

BLURB: Sharon Rogers is a young university student in Las Vegas, working part-time at a nearby donut shop. She is hard at work one morning when Patricia Renner enters the shop--and Sharon's life. Not long after meeting Patricia, she begins dreaming. Sharon turns her dreams of male and female warriors with wolves' heads into sculptures. When Sharon and her fellow art students band together to host an "art crawl" for the public, she invites Patricia to attend, hoping to seduce her. However, Sharon discovers that Patricia is intent on seducing her; not only that, Patricia is very territorial and will not permit rivals for Sharon's hand. Patricia has a secret, though, and Sharon must accept it if they are to be together forever.

EXCERPT: Sharon Rogers opened her eyes and stared at the darkness of her bedroom ceiling with the echo of the tremulous howls still ringing faintly in her ears. Many times before, she had dreamed of powerful warriors; men and women, who ran with giant wolves across moonlit steppes. With the fading of the dream she felt an unexplained pang of loss.
            As a matter of routine, Sharon woke very early; when she wasn’t a starving university student, she worked part-time at the Mom and Pop Donut Emporium not far from the university. Baking and icing trays of donuts and serving coffee was her momentary purpose in life.
            Though she had the day off, she grumbled about having such an early rising job—in spite of the Ground Zero recession with so many Las Vegans out of work—and went back to sleep. When she finally awakened, she lay naked in her large bed and stared at the whirling ceiling fan.
            It was Saturday, the first “Second Saturday” for the Maryland Parkway Salon, as the local group of university students called themselves. The students who lived in the weathered apartment buildings had spent two months planning this art crawl. For a few hours, the public could visit apartments where art work was for sale, help themselves to refreshments in the sandy lot between the buildings, and visit with the artists in their workshops at the back of the lot.
            If Second Saturday was successful, they planned to hold more art crawls every couple of months.
            But for Sharon, Second Saturday had the potential to be much more than an art show.
            First, there were the more than a dozen foot-high clay figures that she had sculpted and fired. The figures were of naked men and women with wolves’ heads—warriors armed with shields, spears, and swords. As an artist, Sharon appreciated the human male and female form, and she loved wolves. The two subjects complemented one another, reinforced by dreams she’d had. She was hoping to sell one or more of the figures.
            Second, was the boorish Rodney Boatman, a sometime-patron at the donut shop. He was a delivery driver for a local company. He hit on her frequently, never taking no for an answer. When he saw the flyer announcing Second Saturday, he had promised to show up and take her out for dinner and drinks afterward. She dreaded his possible appearance.
            Third, was Patricia Renner…

Wowaz! Since he's new here, I thought I'd give a little bio for him.
            Stan Hampton, Sr. is a full-blood Choctaw of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, a divorced grandfather to 13 wonderful grandchildren, and a published photographer and photojournalist. He retired on 1 July 2013 from the Army National Guard with the rank of Sergeant First Class; he previously served in the active duty Army (1974-1985), the Army Individual Ready Reserve (1985-1995) (mobilized for the Persian Gulf War), and enlisted in the Nevada Army National Guard in October 2004, after which he was mobilized for Federal active duty for almost three years. Hampton is a veteran of Operations Noble Eagle (2004-2006) and Iraqi Freedom (2006-2007) with deployment to northern Kuwait and several convoy security missions into Iraq.
            His writings have appeared as stand-alone stories and in anthologies from Dark Opus Press, Edge Science Fiction & Fantasy, Melange Books, Musa Publishing, MuseItUp Publishing, Ravenous Romance, and as stand-alone stories in Horror Bound Magazine, The Harrow, and River Walk Journal, among others.
            In May 2014 he graduated from the College of Southern Nevada with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Photography – Commercial Photography Emphasis. A future goal is to study for a degree in archaeology—hopefully to someday work in and photograph underwater archaeology (and also learning to paint).
            After 13 years of brown desert in the Southwest and overseas, he misses the Rocky Mountains, yellow aspens in the fall, running rivers, and a warm fireplace during snowy winters.
            As of April 2014, after being in a 2-year Veterans Administration program for Homeless Veterans, Hampton is officially no longer a homeless Iraq War veteran, though he is still struggling to get back on his feet.
            Hampton can be found at:

Ravenous Romance


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shifter Month Winners Announced

Thank you to all who participated.

Crow Art Beaded Necklace
Shelley Summers (US)

Crow Dangle Button Earrings
Eleanor Harkins (US)

Silver Dream Catcher Pendant with Garnet Bead & Feather
Handmade by a Native American, comes with certificate of authenticity, chain not included
Caroline Toye (UK)

 Silver Feather Dangle Earrings
Angela Matheson (Canada)

Contest ran Aug. 1-16, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Magic of the Medicine Man

Seth Crowe in Crow Magic is a Shawnee Shaman or medicine man. He was selected as a young boy to being his training and when he hit puberty, it became apparent he was a crow shfter. He trained hard every day like a Navy SEAL would. The theory was that one had to have control over not only one’s mind, but be in the most excellent physical condition, if he were to be able to connect with the spiritual realm.  Both mind and body could hold the spirit back, thus the emphasis on training.But once the boy had a master over his mind, as well as his body, he was ready to develop the other side his nature, the spiritual side. 

Medicine men were often very handsome when they were young.  Imagine, they have been trained all their life into physical alertness, they have trained to act in the best interest of their tribe, they have schooled their mind so that they us their skills only for the good of the people, and not evil, and they kept their word of honor as though their life might depend upon it.    Ritual was highly important, because a ceremony done incorrectly was believed to bring bad luck.   A medicine man was also expected to do such things as set broken bones, take care of sprains or pulled muscles and he was expected to be able to attend to deep wounds.  This they did without flinching. 

Medicine men often became solitary, spending time in meditation, connecting with the earth. Mainting a balance with nature and the spirit world is a constant battle.

Seth, finds himself falling into a black hole. If he isn't rescued soon, he won't be able to return.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#HumpDay Hottie - John Quinlan as a Shifter

Look who stopped by to celebrate Shifter Month with us!
The delicious John Quinlan! 

Congrats John on being named 
Most Tattooed Cover Model 2014. YAY!  

Check out this really cool pix John brought us. I love how artistic it is.

Let's have some fun now with a party game...
Hey, John's shifter month.
If you could shift, which animal would it be?

"Lion.....king of the jungle and most feared!"

What do you think?

If I put John in a book
what animal shifter should I make him?

Celebrate with us and enter the contest on the sidebar for a chance to win a piece of Legend of the Spirit inspired jewelry.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday Teaser - Pack of Lies by Lucy Felthouse

Squeeeee! I have one of my favorite people on the blog today. My good friend, Lucy Felthouse! Boy, does she have a sexy teaser for us.  Get your fan out before reading on. 
Be sure to drool over the cover!

Nathaniel’s grip on Isaac’s hair increased until his scalp tingled, and he let out a strangled moan. His entire body stiffened, his cock throbbed and his hole twitched. Then after a second, Nathaniel’s balls drew up tight to his body and emptied their load directly down Isaac’s throat. His back entrance gripped Isaac’s fingers tightly, and he waited until the other man had finished ejaculating before gently removing them. Pulling off Nathaniel’s cock with a pop, Isaac stood up on shaky legs and headed for the sink to wash his hands.

When he returned to where he’d left Nathaniel, the other man hadn’t moved from his position on the sofa. He still sat there, his cock softening and a silly grin on his face. “Hey,” he said huskily, seeming to struggle, as though he hadn’t quite regained the ability to speak.

“Hey,” Isaac said, plopping down next to him. “That better?”

“Ooh, yes. But I can make it better still.”

“You can?” Isaac suspected he knew what was coming next, but it was more fun to pretend he didn’t.

“Yep. Come here.” Nathaniel snaked out a hand and gripped the back of Isaac’s neck, pulling him in for a heat-filled, passionate kiss. Their need for each other made them clumsy. Their teeth clashed together, but neither man cared. They continued to kiss hungrily, their tongues dueling for dominance, fighting then dancing together in an erotic movement that had them both gasping for air within seconds. Moving away to drag in precious lungfuls, they gazed at each other before diving back into their kiss.

Isaac cupped Nathaniel’s stubble-covered cheeks and pulled him in harder still, until their lips were pressed so bruisingly together they’d be showing signs for a long time afterward. God, he wanted him. Needed him. At this stage being sucked off and exploding down Nathaniel’s throat would do, but what he really wanted was to be buried deep inside his arse, fucking him until they both screamed their climaxes.

Kissing the other man until his jaw ached, Isaac pulled away and ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the hungry look on Nathaniel’s face, not to mention the glimpse of his cock, which was hard again despite his recent orgasm.

“Fuck, Nath, I want you.”

Nathaniel grinned, his green eyes glinting and his dimples deepening, threatening to send Isaac into a meltdown. “How do you want me, gorgeous?”

“On your back on the bed. I want to see your face as I fuck you.”

“Fair enough. Race you.” He quickly kicked his trousers and boxers off from around his ankles and scurried, bare-arsed but still wearing his fleece and T-shirt, into the bedroom. Smiling, Isaac jogged after him.

Closing the door, Isaac hurriedly removed all his clothes, leaving them in a pile at his feet before crossing over to the bedside table and grabbing a packet of lube. He crawled across the mattress to where Nathaniel now lay in the middle, his legs spread, ready.

“Hurry up, Isaac. I need you.”

Concentrating hard on not dropping the packet of lube, Isaac tore it open and spread plenty over his rock-hard shaft, gasping at the sensation of his own touch, then squeezed the rest out onto his fingers and used it to make Nathaniel’s arsehole slippery and ready for him. After a couple of pumps that weren’t really needed—he just wanted to tease his lover that much longer—he settled between Nathaniel’s thighs, then grabbed his calves and lifted them onto his shoulders. This gave him easy access to his destination and he gripped the base of his cock and guided it into position, keeping a firm hold on it as he pushed against Nathaniel’s hole so the lube didn’t make him slip.

As he’d already been penetrated, Nathaniel’s arse didn’t offer up much resistance, and the head of Isaac’s cock was quickly swallowed up, followed by inch after slow inch of his shaft. He wanted desperately to ram home in one long stroke and fuck Nathaniel as fast and furiously as he could possibly go, but he forced himself to hold back. It would undoubtedly feel good—for both of them—but it also meant it would all be over way too quickly.

Moving his hands to cup Nathaniel’s arse cheeks, squeezing and kneading the delectable flesh, Isaac looked at his lover’s face. Their gazes met and held as they made love, their grins widening, then disappearing as they bit their lips, gasped, moaned and swore. After a while of long, slow thrusts, Isaac could hold back no more. He upped the pace, alternating between shallow and deep penetration, stimulating them both where they needed it most.


Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:

Friday, August 8, 2014

Flirty Friday – Flirty Scenes from Eagle Dance

Dyami and Amanda flirt throughout their story. 
Their easy, flirtatious banter compliments the heat flaming between them. 

Here is a scene at the begining of Eagle Dance.

Definitely one delicious piece of man candy she couldn’t wait to unwrap. Amanda imagined what had to be well-defined pectorals and bulging biceps hiding under the heavy coat. If he had washboard abs, she’d jump at the chance to lick thick, warm chocolate-fudge topping off them. Hopefully one night with him would end her craving.

“Let’s get the pizza then head to the cabin.” He dropped the phone in a cup holder.

She spoke matter-of-factly. “We should pick up some chocolate or caramel syrup, too.”

He blinked sinfully long eyelashes and as the suggestive words sank in, he smirked. Leaning over the center console, he framed her cheek with one large hand. His eyes bore into hers as he took her mouth in a searing kiss that ended much too soon. “You got something planned for dessert?”


Pizza, fire in the fireplace, a little dancing, and hot sex on the couch, everything was going great until Dyami fell off the couch. But our lovers manage to make light of it. Then Amanda wants to get her man completely naked in the shower.

She wiggled her bottom then hopped off. “I like the way you rumba. Would you care to join me in a nice hot shower?”

“I most certainly would.” He stood and tugged on his jeans. “I’ll add some wood to the fire first.”

“Oh, honey, you already did that.” Purposely swaying her bare hips, she sashayed away.

“I don’t want the fire to go out.”

“Don’t worry about that.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “It won’t.”

“But it needs more stoking.”

“Oh, I love it when you talk dirty.”

The sound of his hearty burst of laughter followed her into the bathroom.


Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter Drawing on the side bar! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Happy #HumpDay, here's your #Hottie

Since it's Shifter Month, 
I thought I'd  introduce you to Jamie Hawke.
Jamie is a Native American shifter serving in the USMC.
He's the hero of my current WIP
Hawk's Honor.

Box Set Coming Friday!

Decadent Publishing presents some of the very best of the 1Night Stand series featuring NYT and USA Today Bestselling authors Jennifer Probst, Jen McLaughlin (writing as Diane Alberts) and J.M. Madden, along with 18 other trendsetting authors such as HOLT Medallion winner Desiree Holt. 

When Madame Eve arranges a date, you are guaranteed more than you'll ever expect. More heat, more heart, more SIZZLE!

 Sizzling Nights!
Find it on Amazon!