Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday Teaser - Spirit of the Legend Series


I spent my childhood summers at our family cottage on Coldwater Lake in Michigan. A friend of my uncle’s and a member of the local Chippewa tribe rented the cottage next door for several summers. Indian Dave would thrill my cousins and me with legends and dances of his people. He taught us the importance and spirituality regarding the balance of nature. My favorite stories of people who could shift from human to animal at will influenced me to write my own versions. My cousin and I would often wonder if the fox or eagle we saw where Indian Dave or one of his friends. Who knows…perhaps they were!

Little did I know, those stories heard around a campfire would become fodder for the Legend of the Spirit series.

Legend of the Spirit book 1 - 
Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.
Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.

Legend of the Spirit series book 2 - 
Dyami Schafer, a Native American from the Chippewa tribe, leads a lonely life due to his large size and unusual appearance. When his nesting instinct sets in, he turns to Madame Eve and 1Night Stand to help him find his spirit mate. Or at least a woman who accepts him as an eagle shifter.

Amanda Collins never stopped loving the Chippewa boy she knew from her childhood. Maybe a night with a Native American man will help her forget the past and let her move on with her life.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step into the past before dancing into the future. With the help of Madame Eve, will the Spirit of the Eagle carry Dyami and Amanda?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Mojo- Spirit Animals

“Once a man opens himself to the Great Spirit, a guardian in the form of an animal spirit will be gifted upon him. When this awakening happens, the animal is a part of his soul. The spirit within the chosen gives the body the ability to shift from human to creature at will. The man must maintain control over the magical power and instinctive urges. However, it is most wise for the man listen to the animal’s wisdom. The spirit can sense good and evil as well as the man’s one true love, the mate for both man and beast.” – Indian Dave

Indian Dave rented the cottage next to ours and every summer he shared wonderful stories with me and my cousins around the evening bonfires. He taught us customs, legends, dances and the imporance of the harmoney between nature and the spirit world. 

Animals and humans inhabit the physical world together. The spiritual world is made up of angles,archangles, departed loved ones and animal spirit guides (aka Totem Animals). All these beings help protect, educate heal and inspire us along our life path journey. Animal spirit guides choose their human and come into their life for a reason. The spirit animal will offer insight, power and guidance, helping them with their duties. In return the human honors the wisdom and knowledge the animal gifts upon him.

Celebrate SHIFTER MONTH with me. 
Enter the Raffelcopter for a chance to win an amazing prize.
 Prizes are shown in the right sidebar.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, August 3, 2014


who won a download of Crow Magic
and these earrings

Thanks to all who participated in the Sizzling Summer Nights Blog Hop 
and who stopped by my blog.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sizzling Summer Nights Blog Hop - Meet my sexy shifters

 Welcome to the Sizzling Summer Nights Blog Hop hosted by JustRomance.Me! If you’re just happening by my post and want to slip n slide into the fun, just click on the hot man with the wet tee shirt, he’ll help you. After all, you could win a treasure from a cooler-load of prizes including a Kindle Fire!

 Hot Sizzling Summer Nights call for some Hot Reading Material so I'm giving away a free download of my crow shifter book, Crow Magic and a pair of sexy crow earrings. 

Did you know August is SHIFTER MONTH? (Be sure to enter the Shifter Month Rafflecopter GiveAWay*. Check out the prizes & enter on the sidebar.) 
*separate contest from this blog hop.

I spent my childhood summers at our family cottage on Coldwater Lake in Michigan. A friend of my uncle’s and a member of the local Chippewa tribe rented the cottage next door for several summers. Indian Dave would thrill my cousins and me with legends and dances of his people. He taught us the importance and spirituality regarding the balance of nature. My favorite stories of people who could shift from human to animal at will influenced me to write my own versions. My cousin and I would often wonder if the fox or eagle we saw where Indian Dave or one of his friends. Who knows…perhaps they were!

Little did I know, those stories heard around a campfire would become fodder for the Legend of the Spirit series.

The Legend of the Spirit series has hot Native American avian shifters who finally allow their spirit animal to give them a dose of their own “medicine”. Meet, Tecumseh “Seth” Crowe… a dark and very powerful shaman in Crow Magic. Then enjoy a dance with Dyami Schafer, a sexy Chippewa with golden eyes in Eagle Dance.

Legend of the Spirit book 1 - Crow Magic
Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.
Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.
Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.
Crow Magic Excerpt:
“I am a man who is yours tonight, Lucy.” He walked toward her with arms out from his sides, exposing his nudity. “Draw on the power within you. Look at me. Overcome your apprehension of men. Have I not shown you gentleness?”

She nodded and approached him while tugging the strap of her sundress.

“Keep your dress on. Take it off when you are ready. This night is about you. Explore my body, learn from it, and take whatever you want. You are in control.”

He led her to the center of the blanket and faced her. She stood still with her fingertips resting on his waist. Cupping her face, he lost himself in her eyes.

“I am your instrument to use tonight. Open yourself up and delve into this opportunity I offer. I am yours to command. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I think so.” She considered his offer. “What do I do?”

“Follow your feminine intuition.” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Touch me, tickle me, beat me, kiss me, bite me, lick me, suck me…whatever you want. Take whatever you need from me to strengthen you.”

In the moonlight, an endearing, innocent blush spread across her face. Amazing how a woman who lived her life in fear caused by abuse could be so naive of her own sensual power. If she knew her potential, she could bring him to his knees.

Please, bring me to my knees.


CLICK HERE to place your vote for
Eagle Dance
in the Affaire de Coeur Cover Art Contest
Legend of the Spirit series book 2 - Eagle Dance
Dyami Schafer, a Native American from the Chippewa tribe, leads a lonely life due to his large size and unusual appearance. When his nesting instinct sets in, he turns to Madame Eve and 1Night Stand to help him find his spirit mate. Or at least a woman who accepts him as an eagle shifter.

Amanda Collins never stopped loving the Chippewa boy she knew from her childhood. Maybe a night with a Native American man will help her forget the past and let her move on with her life.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step into the past before dancing into the future. With the help of Madame Eve, will the Spirit of the Eagle carry Dyami and Amanda?

Eagle Dance EXCERPT
She brushed the gray tips and white strands of hair that gave him such untamed nobility. With a finger, she traced his face from his temple to his jaw, across his lips, then scraping her nails along the fine hair under his chin. A man of his enormous size would be capable of great strength, and a gal could easily lose herself in his arms for more than one night. His gaze intensified under her scrutiny.

“What do you see when you look at me?” he asked and lowered his eyes. Sinfully long lashes brushed his cheeks.

She considered him to be the most gorgeous man alive. His eyes mesmerized her. Some would consider the unusual color to be eerie, but she saw a whirlwind of emotions, from pain to hope, drawing her into his soul. Did his unusual appearance cause issues and uncertainty in his life? Despite his intimidating frame, he exhibited control and gentle qualities in the tender way he’d held her when they danced and the way he’d admitted his soft spot for animals. In arms like his, a woman could find paradise in many ways.

She cupped his face and forced him to meet her gaze. “I see a handsome, mystical warrior from another world.”

“Handsome, huh? I think you need your vision checked. I am nothing more than a simple Chippewa from Michigan.” His mouth was inches from hers. “However, I can be magical and take you wherever you want to go.”

“Then dance with me,” she whispered.

Celebrate Sizzling Summer Nights with me! 
Tell me what kind of animal you'd be if you could shift and you'll be entered to win 
a free download of Crow Magic and these earrings!

Be sure to enter my other contest
 the Shifter Month Raffelcopter give a way on the sidebar 
for a chance to win one of four prizes to be awarded on Aug. 17.

Enjoy the rest of the Hot, hot, hop. 

Here's a cool one to take with you.
Porch Crawler

Vote for Eagle Dance cover in contest!

 Eagle Dance is in the Affaire de Coeur cover art contest.

 Please vote for my sexy eagle shifter.
Voting begins Aug. 1

thank you

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tasty Tuesday - Hot New Military Romance Release

Look at what I just bought

Hot Alpha SEALs Mega-set  

All of the material is BRAND-NEW!

 Here's the blurb and excerpt from Unbreakable SEAL!

Maxwell Tate fights against a psychotic dream world, his sense of reality warped until he no longer knows what’s real and what’s not. Lacey Adams knows she can’t save all of her cases, but Max appeals to her more than any other. Can she salvage the Unbreakable SEAL?

Knowing from experience that if she reached out to touch him she risked her life, she stopped a few feet away. “Sir, I need you to look at me. Whatever it is you think is attacking you isn’t there. I promise you. Can you look at me?”
It only took a moment for him to look at her, but it seemed ever so much longer as she watched him strike himself over and over again. Obviously he felt it was the only way to rid himself of whatever he thought was after him. She continued to speak to him in the calm voice she’d used on many frantic patients until his movements began to slow.
“Hey, buddy, I know you can fight it off. Can you look at me?”
His dark head lifted and fierce, brilliant, yellow-gold eyes latched onto hers. Lacey felt like she’d just landed on a lunch order. She smiled at him as reassuringly as she could, then dared to step forward. She reached out a hand but he jerked away.
“No,” he snapped, deep voice taut with strain. “They’ll get you.”
Lacey pressed forward, hand outstretched. “There’s nothing there, I promise you.”
She rested her hand on his quivering arm and ran it down his skin to clasp his broad wrist. His frantic gaze followed her movement, then he turned to her and looked her arm up and down. Blinking, he shook his head, then held his own arms out in front of himself. When he lifted his eyes to her, she knew the hallucination was gone.
She tried to put all the reassurance she could into the smile she directed at his dazed expression.
“What did you see?” she asked.
“Spiders,” he gritted out. “Stabbing at my skin as they crawled up my body.”
Holding his arms out again, he skimmed his palms down their length, as if brushing away the experience.
Lacey realized as she stood there that his eyes still seemed a little dazed. Was that normal?
She held out her hand. “Lacey Adams.”
The man straightened and clasped her hand. “Maxwell Tate. Thank you.”
Lacey gasped as he tugged her into his hard arms, then allowed herself to be bear hugged. She expected to be released quickly, but instead he held on, as if he needed the contact. The man smelled incredibly good, as if he’d just rolled in laundry softener. Relaxing, she allowed him to take what comfort he needed from her. She’d actually been hugged many times like this, as if she were the last lifeline in the world. She looped her arms around his waist and rubbed his back. He would let her go when he was able.
When she felt his nose nuzzle into her loose hair, sudden shivers danced down her spine and the tenor of the hold changed. She became aware of how solid his arms felt around her. Muscular pecs rested just above her breasts and he was curled over her to accommodate his size. Heavy thighs pressed directly against hers.
When he eased back, she thought he was releasing her, but instead he shifted his strong hands to cup her jaw. Before she could breathe out a question or protest, his head lowered and his mouth settled against hers.
Lacey’s normally level-headed brain short circuited as his soft, full lips began to move over hers. The stubbly hair around his mouth tickled, but arousal surged through her body and she opened her mouth when his tongue glided over the seal of her lips. Damn. It had been an embarrassingly long time since she’d been kissed like this. Against her better judgment, she leaned into him, tilting her head.
The man groaned at her compliance and one of his arms wrapped around her arched back, clutching her tight. He shifted forward until their hips were more tightly aligned and she could feel exactly how much he was enjoying their kiss.
Then he jerked away.
Lacey blinked, shocked at the sudden loss. Her heart was thudding with anticipation, then suddenly bereft. She looked up and the guy was looking at her as if he didn’t know who she was. Well, he didn’t, actually, but he’d instigated the kiss. Why was he looking at her as if she’d been the one to grab him?
He frowned down at her for several long seconds before his eyes cleared. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
Surprise had her mouth falling open inelegantly. She cleared her throat. “Uh, no, not really.” But as she looked at him, that sense of familiarity nagged at her again. “I’m an RN with Dr. Petrovic’s office. Maybe I’ve seen you there?”
The man squinted. “Can’t remember right this second.”
Lacey eased back, straightening her purple t-shirt. “I thought you might need some help.”
His eyes hardened and a shift settled over his body. Though he didn’t move, tension saturated the air. “I’m fine now.” His cold gaze drifted over her lips, then skimmed down her body. “Thank you for the help.”
Lacey Adams seldom was at a loss for words, but as she watched the scrumptious man walk away, it was all she could do not to breathe fire. Of all the rude insinuations she’d ever been slammed with, that had to top the list as the most reprehensible. And she had a huge list. Hell, she’d worked at Walter Reed for years, caring for some of the most wounded warriors to come home. Some of the things she’d seen and heard would peel the paint off a car. She’d had one guy whose answer to everything was ‘fuck you’, but she’d even gotten along with him eventually. Still talked to him occasionally. And she’d done it because she’d genuinely loved doing her job. In spite of the hurtful things the men said, for the most part they needed the help and care.
And that’s what she needed to remember. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing. If he were in his right mind, he never would have said something so hurtful. She hoped, anyway.

I got mine!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Release Day to Me!

It's finally here! I know you've been waiting for it. 
Sorry I took a year to write it, but at the time Crow Magic released I didn't realize a series would be born. And then an eagle visited me....

 Legend of the Spirit Series

I hope you enjoy Dyami and his story.

Dyami Schafer, a Native American from the Chippewa tribe, leads a lonely life due to his large size and unusual appearance. When his nesting instinct sets in, he turns to Madame Eve and 1Night Stand to help him find his spirit mate. Or at least a woman who accepts him as an eagle shifter.

Amanda Collins never stopped loving the Chippewa boy she knew from her childhood. Maybe a night with a Native American man will help her forget the past and let her move on with her life.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step into the past before dancing into the future. With the help of Madame Eve, will the Spirit of the Eagle carry Dyami and Amanda?

She brushed the gray tips and white strands of hair that gave him such untamed nobility. With a finger, she traced his face from his temple to his jaw, across his lips, then scraping her nails along the fine hair under his chin. A man of his enormous size would be capable of great strength, and a gal could easily lose herself in his arms for more than one night. His gaze intensified under her scrutiny.
“What do you see when you look at me?” he asked and lowered his eyes. Sinfully long lashes brushed his cheeks.
She considered him to be the most gorgeous man alive. His eyes mesmerized her. Some would consider the unusual color to be eerie, but she saw a whirlwind of emotions, from pain to hope, drawing her into his soul. Did his unusual appearance cause issues and uncertainty in his life? Despite his intimidating frame, he exhibited control and gentle qualities in the tender way he’d held her when they danced and the way he’d admitted his soft spot for animals. In arms like his, a woman could find paradise in many ways.
She cupped his face and forced him to meet her gaze. “I see a handsome, mystical warrior from another world.”
“Handsome, huh? I think you need your vision checked. I am nothing more than a simple Chippewa from Michigan.” His mouth was inches from hers. “However, I can be magical and take you wherever you want to go.”
“Then dance with me,” she whispered.

Crow Magic - 1st book in the Spirit of the Legend series is on sale for 99cents. 

 Eagle Dance on Amazon

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I thought I'd post the visual inspiration for the characters in Eagle Dance.
This pic of Jay Tavare started the entire story.
MMA Fighter, Ben Henderson let me use his back for inspiration.
Dyami's golden eyes

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Mojo - Cover Reveal & Count Down


Eagle Dance will be released this Friday.

I'd like to take a moment to publicly acknowledge Ben Henderson and his awesome manager, Julius Henderson of Smooth Entertainment for their help with the book cover. The hero's tattoo was based on the beautiful wings tattooed on Ben's back. With Julius' help,  Ben allowed us to use his image to be used on the cover. (Ben is a mixed martial arts fighter.)

The real Ben Henderson and his gorgeous wings.

How about that for your dose of Monday Mojo!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday 13- Cheap Summertime Date Ideas

Doing activities together strengthen the bonds in a relationship. However, not everything has to lead to lovemaking, simply being together doing non-romantic things gives a relationship a boost. Social science researches have discovered key activities that seem to help couples stay healthily bonded.
* Taking on a challenge together
*Being active together
*Sharing interest or exploring new ones
*Celebrating or learning more about your partner
*Doing the sexy stuff
*Making time for talking and laughing

Here is my list of 13 Cheap Date Ideas:

1. Visit your childhood... 
visit your old elementary schools, climb on the monkey bars. Share stories about your childhoods.

2.Take a camping class....
North Face, Columbia, Coleman and Bass Pro shops offer one day Camping 101 classes.

3. Just get in the car and drive...
Pick up some iced coffees or ice cream cones and go for a drive. Need a destination? Open a map, close your eyes and put a pin on the map and see where you might head off to.

4. Picnic...
Pack a picnic and head to a park. A change of scenery is nice.

5.Visit an observatory...
Many are open to the public once a month for free or a small fee. Some include lectures or concerts.

6. Find a night program at a park...
Many state and national parks offer nighttime programs such as moonlight hikes and star gazing.

7. Take dancing lessons...
many dance studios and clubs offer free dance once-a-week classes.

8. Volunteer...
Habitat for Humanity has programs running all summer long.

9. Reenact your first date...
If you can't go back to the original location, simply get creative.

10. Go shopping...
You don't have to save shopping for when you need something, but go just to go and not be interrupted by kids. Enjoy the ability to look at everything. Don't be afraid to get a little silly... just don't get thrown out by security.

11. Go to a community event….
Concerts in the park and outdoor movies are common in many areas. 

12. Attend a local movie festival…
See one-of-a-kind movies shown in smaller venues.

13. Visit your local coffee shop…

They often host local poets and authors for readings as well as musicians.

CLICK HERE for more Thursday 13