Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Random Acts of Fantasy by Julia Kent

From New York Times bestselling author Julia Kent comes the third in her Random series:

You ever really think that you'll win the lottery? Meet Mr. Right? How about two Mr. Rights?

Somehow the universe is handing me everything I want (except for that lottery part...), and I don't like it. Not one little bit. Because just when you get all your dreams handed to you on a silver platter, that's when an airplane dumps its sewage on your house. Or your mama's diabetes takes a bad turn. Or your mobile phone gets stuck in your hoohaw.

(What? It happens…)

Boring old average me got everything I wanted already, moving from small-town Ohio to big-city Boston to follow my heart. So when the fancy invitation offering me a pile of money to come with the band, Random Acts of Crazy, to perform on an island resort and be their manager arrived, I thought it was a cosmic joke. Enough money to help my mama get what she needed, five days in sunny paradise, and a shot at greatness for the band? Unreal. One big shoe was waiting to drop. On my head.

Just like no one really ever finds a naked man wearing only a guitar standing by the side of the road hitchhiking and ends up falling in love with him and his friend and moving halfway across the country for true love, no one gets an invitation to come to what turns out to be a resort where people make what me and Joe and Trevor do together look like a chaste peck on the cheek. But...


I guess these things do happen.

To me.


Buy Now links:

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fitness Friday Check In - Interview with John Quinlan

Today we Check In with the hot, cover model John Quinlan.

Despite being fairly new to the romance cover world, he’s no stranger to good health, fitness and hard work. He’s a former American bodybuilder and professional wrestler who follows a practical regimen to sustain his hunky physique. John is a great guy who “keeps things real”.

Here’s a peek at his resume:
*Nutrabolics Supplement Company Image Model & Brand Ambassador, 2012 
*Athletic Xtreme Supplement Company Image Model, Brand Ambassador & Sponsored Athlete, 2012-2013 
*Official Alpha Male Underwear Image Model, 2013 
*Romanticon Convention Romance Cover Model Billboard, 2013 
AND is now carries the title of The World’s Most Tattooed Cover Model!

Hey, John thanks for allowing me to pick your brain for some fitness tips today.
 How did you get started in fitness? 
Youth sports like most kids and then over time I became more focused on weight training with a more structured diet and here I am today.

What is your favorite motivating quote?
“Sometimes to get to Heaven you have to go through Hell”

Ain’t that the truth? Hell can be physical, emotional or mental. Great quote.
Can you give an example of your workout routine?
I train 5x per week with cardiovascular exercise 3x per week for 45 minutes each session. I work out with weights all 5 of the days although on non-cardio days I train a bit heavier. I take the weekends off although if I have a shoot/show coming up I will add another cardiovascular workout in on Saturday morning.

What kind of music do you listen to when you are working out? 
Anything loud that gives me energy, this morning I enjoyed a lot of Nickleback songs which seemed to get me going pretty good.

Oh, I love their song, Rockstar. It’s crazy, funny and talks about following your dream.  Love Burn It To The Ground. Okay… we all have that one embarrassing tune on our iPod. What’s yours?
This is funny as I threw together a big batch of songs that included many of the 80’s hairbands. One of the songs on there is by the 80’s duo, Nelson! The song, After the Rain is on there and I always just skip it as I can’t remove the damn thing J

Awww… come on. I grew up with those '80’s hair bands; Motley Crue, RATT, Poison, Def Leppard. But Nelson? Ewe… I don’t mean to burst your bubble babe, but After the Rain was released in 1990. You might have some s'plaining to do.  *Laughs* You’re killing me!

*Wipes tear off my cheek.*
Ok, back to your bod…uh…I mean your fitness routine. What is your favorite body part to train?
 I love training triceps. I think many people always feel the need to train their biceps because it is a social thing and the triceps are often neglected a bit in comparison. People have said I have the same triceps as former NFL running back Ricky Williams. I laugh because one guy said just my right triceps looked just like Ricky’s and not the left. I have to admit my right triceps does appear to protrude a bit more than the left, too funny!  

Hmm…I’d like to get you and Ricky in the same room. To compare triceps, that is.
After a good workout (or shower) and you’re looking in the mirror, fess up and tell - what is your favorite body part to admire? *wink, wink*
Great question Mary, actually my arms because of my tattoos. I have always been unique and the tattoos I have on my arms nobody else in the world has. Every time I see them it reminds me how unique I am, especially as a romance cover model. I currently have 24 individual tattoos and I am the most tattooed male romance cover model in the world.  

One of these days we need to have a chat about the ink. I think I need to count them to make sure you’re not bluffing.

Did I say that out loud?

I mean, I’d like to find out the meanings behind some of them. It'd make a great story, but we’ll save that for another day.
Do you have a special diet or take supplements?
There is nothing scientific to my diet and supplements. I am consistent with my diet just like my workouts as they go hand in hand. I eat clean healthy food majority of the time with my protein coming from mainly chicken, fish and steak once a week along with whey protein powder for that little extra while I am training. Quality carbohydrates of oatmeal and rice with low sugar cereal at breakfast. I keep my fat relatively low with a focus on good fats (the Omega’s) coming from things like olive oil. I drink plenty of water and I avoid soda and high sugar drinks. Of course with young children I do splurge with them at times and I love Greek pizza and Dove chocolate with caramel which are my Kryptonite!

Ah….. Dove chocolate….*sigh*

My supplements are pretty basic with vitamins that consist of a good multi-vitamin, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, flax seed oil for Omega 3-fatty acids and potassium. Supplements I love are from the company Athletic Xtreme out of Tempe, Arizona who I was a sponsored athlete and image model in 2013. Their products really work. I still use their Supersize pre-workout powder and Stim-X. I love whey protein by CytoSport as it is one of the best tasting on the market.

I have three boys; I bet your kitchen is the center of a lot of activity in your house. If I went to your house right now, what are the top 10 foods I’d find in your kitchen?
This of course includes me and the babies, powdered doughnuts, cinnamon bread, oranges, eggs, oatmeal, gummy bears, chocolate chip cookies, grilled chicken salad, 1 gallon of water and a bag of Dorito’s. I think you can guess which food is mine and what belongs to the kids J
Dorito's?  Just kidding...LOL
Nothing is better than a hot guy in the kitchen. If you were making me a meal, what would it be?
It would be for my kids of course as when I am home I cook them lunch. Like most kids they love the classic chicken fingers, fries, pizza and grilled cheese. I slave over a hot stove for hours heating up frozen chicken pieces and fries in the toaster oven. It’s hard work but somebody’s got to do it J 

I’m sure a lot of your fans are picturing you slaving over a hot stove right now, but wearing an apron…only an apron and a smile.

Minus chicken fingers and fries, what advice would you give to beginners or anyone looking to get fit?
Make it a life change as something you want to do for the rest of your life. Make it fun so you stick with it. Little changes one thing at a time will get you on the righteous path. It can be as simple as drinking more water instead of soda, taking the stairs rather than the elevator or just cutting things back a bit. Set short term goals for yourself and every time you reach one of them reward yourself for a job well done. Keep doing this and over time watch how fast your body builds up and the overall progress you will make.  

You make it sound so simply, John. But then again, I think we sometimes make things harder than what they really are. You are right, drink more water and daily exercise along with small goals are a great way to start! Thank you so much for the tips today!

For more on John Quinlan 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Mojo - How about a Quickie?

It's a busy day so I'll make this quick.
Most men under 40 years of age can achieve an erection in less than 10 seconds.

Well... that explains alot!

Here's a Monday Funny to start your day:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fitness Friday - Greek Yogurt?

While there are heaps of good-for-you foods out there, some key ingredients make it a lot easier to meet your weight-loss goals. Next grocery store run, be sure to place three diet-friendly items in your cart.

1. balsamic vinegar (it adds a pop of low-cal flavor to veggies and salads)
2. in-shell nuts (their protein and fiber keep you satiated)
3. fat-free plain yogurt (a creamy, comforting source of protein).  Greek yogurt also works wonders as a natural low-calorie base for dressings and dips—or as a tangier alternative to sour cream. 

Okay... nothing sexy or romantic about this post. But hey, since we ended with some Greek yogurt I'll give you a yummy Greek to go with it. Check out the new Voskos Greek Yogurt ad campaign.

THAT That can make even the most lactose intolerant women give yogurt another try!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fool For Love Blog Hop WINNERS

Congratulations to our winners! And a huge thank you to ALL of our visitors. You make these hops so much fun and something to look forward to each time. We haven't scheduled our next hop yet, but if you're on our mailing list we'll let you know when it arrives. Or you can also keep an eye on our page here or our Twitter: twitter.com/justromance.me
 Karen S. 
Grand prize: Kindle Paperwhite!
 Nay Nay 
Door prize: $25 gift card to an e-book retailer of winner's choice
Nina Pierce: $15 Amazon gift card and Maid for Master (e-book)
Emma Weylin: Druid's Wish (e-book)
 Diana M. 
Beth Rhodes: $10 Amazon or B&N gift card
PG Forte: Old Sins, Long Shadows (e-book)
Eva Lefoy: Perfect Ride (e-book)
 Tina B. 
Trina M. Lee: Alexa O'Brien Book 1-4 Box Set (e-books)
Moira Keith: Anything but Safe (e-book)
Maddy Barone: Choice of digital backlist
 Denise S. 
Rebecca L. Gillan: $5 Amazon gift card
Diane Saxon: Flynn's Kiss (e-book)
Tara Quan: Tower in the Woods (e-book)
 Jody F. 
Gem Sivad: Unlikely Gentlemen series (e-books)
Houston Havens: Sinful Surrender (Psychic Menage #1) (e-book)
Alanna Coca: Choice of digital backlist
 Jessica J. 
Dena Garson: Risky Business (e-book) and author swag package
A. Catherine Noon: Tiger Tiger (e-book)
Virginia Cavanaugh: Magical Kiss (e-book)
 Elena K. 
Shapeshifter Seductions Authors: E-books from our backlist
TD Hassett: Loving Link (e-book)
Rhonda L. Print: Choice of digital backlist
 Amber J. 
Mary Quast: Crow Magic (e-book)
Kayelle Allen: The Last Vhalgenn (e-book)
Monette Michaels: Weather the Storm (e-book)
Separate drawings:
 Diana M. 
Maddy Barone: $15 Amazon gift card
 Cheralyn, Brenda W., Laura L., Jody F., Christine M. 
Jean Joachim: If I Loved You (e-book)
 Bethanne S. 
Vivien Dean: Pink Cosmo clutch
 Diana M.  (Wow, a very winning day for Diana today!)
Vivien Dean: Jules Smith fangs bracelet
 JoAnna B. 
Vivien Dean: Enthralled in Silver (e-book)
 Mona L. 
Annie Nicholas: $10 Amazon or B&N gift card
 Diana B. 
Paige Tyler: Choice of digital backlist (excluding box sets)
If you've won something and don't hear from us within a few days, please check your Spam. Winner announcements have an unfortunate habit of ending up there, especially for Yahoo users.
Have a great Spring, folks, and never stop being a fool for love!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

HumpDay Hottie

It's Spring Break and we're all sleeping in. Shhhh...

Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tasty Tuesday - A Taste of Rome by Lucy Felthouse

I love Italian food especially when it's prepared with my honey.  When I think of a taste of Rome, I imagine hearty food, olive oil, sweet wine... Now my friend Lucy Felthouse has me thinking of a whole new Taste of Rome. Time for a quickie in the kitchen.

Book three of the World of Sin series.

Ryan Stonebridge and his friend Kristian Hurst have travelled to London and Paris on their “gap year” adventure, before starting university. Now it’s on to Rome.

The American girls they met in Paris are along for the ride, providing lots of sexy fun for the boys. But as no one in the foursome is looking for commitment, there’s still plenty of scope for hooking up with the locals. Voyeurism, cougars, risky outdoor sex and threesomes abound in the Italian leg of the boys’ European adventure.

Ryan came to the conclusion that perhaps this journey wasn’t so horrendous after all. He’d been a little miffed that the American girls, Shanna and Taryn, had wanted to tag along from Paris to Rome with him and Kristian. He’d been keen not to end up with any chicks who wanted more than a one night stand, figuring that any romantic entanglements would screw up their footloose and fancy-free gap year trip. Their last year of freedom, without commitment, before they went to University and had to grow up, buckle down.
In the here and now, however, Ryan decided that Shanna actually wasn’t that bad. It seemed she was determined to spice up the never-ending coach trip from Paris to Rome. Eight hundred and seventy miles, thirteen hours. They’d known when they’d booked it that it would be nigh on intolerable, but it was the cheapest way to travel. And having sat in the increasingly stuffy, tiny coach, Ryan could see why. It made cramped seats in coach class on a flight feel like first class.

Shanna had removed her jacket as the crap air-conditioning was utterly failing to cool down the cabin. It had been draped over her lap for a while before she slid it across so it covered part of his too. Ryan frowned, wondering why she thought it was a good idea to make him warmer. He was already melting in the heat. Then she slipped her hand beneath the jacket and moved it over his crotch. She squeezed his flaccid cock, making her intentions absolutely clear. He realized that if he continued to stare down at their laps it would be painfully obvious to anyone who glanced in their direction what they were up to. So he leaned over and kissed Shanna’s cheek, nuzzling her red hair out of the way to murmur into her ear.

“I’m going to try and act natural.” Then, remembering what had happened to him back in London when he’d ended up with cum-filled boxer shorts, he added, “Can you, uh, catch it in a tissue?”

Grinning, Shanna revealed the flimsy white material in her other hand. It appeared she’d already thought of that. Saucy wench—he liked her. She was a fun girl, gorgeous-looking and a great lay. Had things been different, he might have considered pursuing something long-term with her, but it wasn’t going to happen. He and Kristian had this one chance, this few months to live life to the fullest, do what they wanted, do who they wanted, go where they liked, and he wasn’t going to throw it away for a green-eyed, cute-accented chick. 

No way.

He wasn’t worried about upsetting her, though. He knew that she and her friend had a similar pact and outlook on their European travels. They too were hooking up, having a good time and moving on.
Ryan grinned out of the window. Life was good. A sexy girl was about to get his cock out on a coach and toss him off, and he was heading to the third destination on his gap year adventure. The Italian capital awaited and he couldn’t wait to see what it had in store.

Before he got there, though, he was going to have another orgasm on public transport. First the toilets on the Eurostar, now beneath a jacket on a coach. God, what was it with women and doing it in cramped, risky places? And Blanche—the French bird on the Eurostar—and Shanna weren’t the only ones he was thinking of. He was beginning to forget what it was like to have sex in a bed. Not that he was complaining—Christ, no. If a sexy woman propositioned him, who was he to refuse?

By now Shanna had undone his belt, button and fly and released his cock from his boxers. It had taken a while as she’d had to keep her movements slow, subtle, so no one realized what was happening. As a result of all the fumbling, his dick was rock hard by the time she got it out, and it sprung eagerly into her hand.
She leaned her head on his shoulder and he slipped his arm around her, pulling her close. Anyone who looked now would just see a couple of young people having a cuddle. Or possibly a hot redhead sleeping on the shoulder of a young man who could either be her boyfriend or a total stranger.

Carefully, she began to stroke him, getting into a rhythm that would drive him to climax without anyone knowing.

Ryan turned back to the window, giving the appearance of looking out at the darkening sky. Shanna’s grip tightened, her movements grew faster and he grew closer to coming. He dug his teeth into his bottom lip in an attempt to regain some kind of control. It didn’t help—his hormones raged and the familiar tingle at the base of his spine was a dead giveaway.

Looking as chilled out, as casual as possible, he turned to Shanna and whispered, “You’d better get that tissue ready—otherwise I’m going to make an awful mess.”

She gave a single nod of understanding and moved her other hand beneath the jacket, slowly, languidly. It probably looked as though she was just changing position, rather than anything naughtier. Ryan, however, was at the stage where he didn’t care. If anyone happened to look across, happened to confront them, he’d hold a hand up to keep them quiet until he finished.

Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, and is book editor for Cliterati. Find out more at http://www.lucyfelthouse.co.uk. Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/gMQb9

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Mojo - Sexual Daydreaming

At any given time, 25% of people are daydreaming about sex.

Daydreaming is one of the most common things we do, and also one of the most private – in a survey carried out at the University of Minnesota, 80 per cent of people said they would rather admit to an embarrassing experience than reveal their daydreams.

The most common sexual daydreams women admit to:
1. Sex with another man - usually a celebrity
2. Ménage à trois
3. Domination
4. Sex with a woman
5. Last but not least: Sex with your guy

Daydreaming is actually healthy and can be good for your sex life. You see... daydreaming exercises imagination which is very important for a healthy mind. Besides, a little imagination in the bedroom is a good thing.  

Friday, April 4, 2014

Fool For Love Blog Hop - Don't Stop Being the Fool April 4-6

The characters in romance often do foolish things while they fall in love. They say things they don’t mean and hurt each other. They leave things unsaid that should be said. One often lets the other walk away “because it’s for the best”. Sometime she insists he chase her, despite the fact she checks her phone for texts from him every twenty minutes. He may drop by her office “because he was in the neighborhood”. My favorite is when he sends her flowers but forgets to sign the card or sends them to the wrong place then gets discouraged when she doesn't fawn over his gesture.

I don’t mean to burst your bubble but in the real world people in love do foolish things. Many of you know I am a huge fan of strange studies regarding sex and love. So I did a little research and found studies have shown intense, passionate feelings of love really can mess with your mind and body.

  1.  People who are passionately in love are less able to focus and to perform tasks that require attention. -  Leiden University in The Netherlands
  2. When you fall in love, the same neural system in your brain linked to cocaine addiction becomes active, giving you that feeling of euphoria. – MRI scan study, Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
  3. Forget the Vicodin, love eases physical pain. Some of the areas of the brain activated by feelings of intense love are the same areas that drugs use to reduce pain. -  Stanford University

Here are a few other facts I found:
1.       Men adjust their walking stride and speed when they are in love with the woman they are walking with.
2.      When a couple is in love, their hearts beat the same rate.
3.      Sometimes a partner is willing to take unnecessary risks for their lover.

After being married for almost 23 years, I appreciate my honey making ridiculous gestures and doing silly things. The fool in him makes me smile from my heart to my face. They are simple signals that make my body hum. Nothing is better than a good laugh followed by a passionate kiss.

Whether you are falling in love or have been in love for a long time, 
don’t stop being Fools In Love.

Be sure to leave a comment. 
I will be giving away a FREE download of Crow Magic during the blog hop.

Thank you for stopping by and please be sure to continue with 
the Fool For Love Blog Hop 
and check out many amazing authors and chances to win super cool prizes.