Showing posts with label Q&A with cover model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Q&A with cover model. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fitness Friday Check In - Interview with John Quinlan

Today we Check In with the hot, cover model John Quinlan.

Despite being fairly new to the romance cover world, he’s no stranger to good health, fitness and hard work. He’s a former American bodybuilder and professional wrestler who follows a practical regimen to sustain his hunky physique. John is a great guy who “keeps things real”.

Here’s a peek at his resume:
*Nutrabolics Supplement Company Image Model & Brand Ambassador, 2012 
*Athletic Xtreme Supplement Company Image Model, Brand Ambassador & Sponsored Athlete, 2012-2013 
*Official Alpha Male Underwear Image Model, 2013 
*Romanticon Convention Romance Cover Model Billboard, 2013 
AND is now carries the title of The World’s Most Tattooed Cover Model!

Hey, John thanks for allowing me to pick your brain for some fitness tips today.
 How did you get started in fitness? 
Youth sports like most kids and then over time I became more focused on weight training with a more structured diet and here I am today.

What is your favorite motivating quote?
“Sometimes to get to Heaven you have to go through Hell”

Ain’t that the truth? Hell can be physical, emotional or mental. Great quote.
Can you give an example of your workout routine?
I train 5x per week with cardiovascular exercise 3x per week for 45 minutes each session. I work out with weights all 5 of the days although on non-cardio days I train a bit heavier. I take the weekends off although if I have a shoot/show coming up I will add another cardiovascular workout in on Saturday morning.

What kind of music do you listen to when you are working out? 
Anything loud that gives me energy, this morning I enjoyed a lot of Nickleback songs which seemed to get me going pretty good.

Oh, I love their song, Rockstar. It’s crazy, funny and talks about following your dream.  Love Burn It To The Ground. Okay… we all have that one embarrassing tune on our iPod. What’s yours?
This is funny as I threw together a big batch of songs that included many of the 80’s hairbands. One of the songs on there is by the 80’s duo, Nelson! The song, After the Rain is on there and I always just skip it as I can’t remove the damn thing J

Awww… come on. I grew up with those '80’s hair bands; Motley Crue, RATT, Poison, Def Leppard. But Nelson? Ewe… I don’t mean to burst your bubble babe, but After the Rain was released in 1990. You might have some s'plaining to do.  *Laughs* You’re killing me!

*Wipes tear off my cheek.*
Ok, back to your bod…uh…I mean your fitness routine. What is your favorite body part to train?
 I love training triceps. I think many people always feel the need to train their biceps because it is a social thing and the triceps are often neglected a bit in comparison. People have said I have the same triceps as former NFL running back Ricky Williams. I laugh because one guy said just my right triceps looked just like Ricky’s and not the left. I have to admit my right triceps does appear to protrude a bit more than the left, too funny!  

Hmm…I’d like to get you and Ricky in the same room. To compare triceps, that is.
After a good workout (or shower) and you’re looking in the mirror, fess up and tell - what is your favorite body part to admire? *wink, wink*
Great question Mary, actually my arms because of my tattoos. I have always been unique and the tattoos I have on my arms nobody else in the world has. Every time I see them it reminds me how unique I am, especially as a romance cover model. I currently have 24 individual tattoos and I am the most tattooed male romance cover model in the world.  

One of these days we need to have a chat about the ink. I think I need to count them to make sure you’re not bluffing.

Did I say that out loud?

I mean, I’d like to find out the meanings behind some of them. It'd make a great story, but we’ll save that for another day.
Do you have a special diet or take supplements?
There is nothing scientific to my diet and supplements. I am consistent with my diet just like my workouts as they go hand in hand. I eat clean healthy food majority of the time with my protein coming from mainly chicken, fish and steak once a week along with whey protein powder for that little extra while I am training. Quality carbohydrates of oatmeal and rice with low sugar cereal at breakfast. I keep my fat relatively low with a focus on good fats (the Omega’s) coming from things like olive oil. I drink plenty of water and I avoid soda and high sugar drinks. Of course with young children I do splurge with them at times and I love Greek pizza and Dove chocolate with caramel which are my Kryptonite!

Ah….. Dove chocolate….*sigh*

My supplements are pretty basic with vitamins that consist of a good multi-vitamin, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, flax seed oil for Omega 3-fatty acids and potassium. Supplements I love are from the company Athletic Xtreme out of Tempe, Arizona who I was a sponsored athlete and image model in 2013. Their products really work. I still use their Supersize pre-workout powder and Stim-X. I love whey protein by CytoSport as it is one of the best tasting on the market.

I have three boys; I bet your kitchen is the center of a lot of activity in your house. If I went to your house right now, what are the top 10 foods I’d find in your kitchen?
This of course includes me and the babies, powdered doughnuts, cinnamon bread, oranges, eggs, oatmeal, gummy bears, chocolate chip cookies, grilled chicken salad, 1 gallon of water and a bag of Dorito’s. I think you can guess which food is mine and what belongs to the kids J
Dorito's?  Just kidding...LOL
Nothing is better than a hot guy in the kitchen. If you were making me a meal, what would it be?
It would be for my kids of course as when I am home I cook them lunch. Like most kids they love the classic chicken fingers, fries, pizza and grilled cheese. I slave over a hot stove for hours heating up frozen chicken pieces and fries in the toaster oven. It’s hard work but somebody’s got to do it J 

I’m sure a lot of your fans are picturing you slaving over a hot stove right now, but wearing an apron…only an apron and a smile.

Minus chicken fingers and fries, what advice would you give to beginners or anyone looking to get fit?
Make it a life change as something you want to do for the rest of your life. Make it fun so you stick with it. Little changes one thing at a time will get you on the righteous path. It can be as simple as drinking more water instead of soda, taking the stairs rather than the elevator or just cutting things back a bit. Set short term goals for yourself and every time you reach one of them reward yourself for a job well done. Keep doing this and over time watch how fast your body builds up and the overall progress you will make.  

You make it sound so simply, John. But then again, I think we sometimes make things harder than what they really are. You are right, drink more water and daily exercise along with small goals are a great way to start! Thank you so much for the tips today!

For more on John Quinlan 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fun Friday - Fan Questions for Cover Model

We've had a super fun week with an extremely sexy cover model.
 Lucky for us, John Quinlan is a good sport and took time to have some FUN with us today.

Go ahead... ask me anything.

Fans put together some simple questions for their favorite cover model to answer.
Luck or Destiny? - Destiny

Mountains or Beach? - Mountains

Camping or Hotel? - Hotel
Hair-Long or Short? – Short (I am bald, LOL! Just like Dwayne Johnson)

Gazing at the stars or watching the sun rise? - Stars

Hot or Cold? - Hot

Satin or Lace? - Lace

Bikini or One piece? - Bikini

East coast or West coast? – East, duh….that’s where I am from

Sweet or salty? Sweet

Favorite thing to drink? – Long Island Iced T’s

Favorite meal? – Greek Pizza

Favorite cheat (comfort) food?- More Greek pizza

Favorite pastime? – Anything sports

And finally, you probably get asked this all the time, but......
 readers simply gotta know…boxers or briefs?
Sometimes boxers, sometimes briefs and sometimes I wear nothing at all which is what I have going on right now sitting here with you Mary J

 On that note, I think we’ll leave that image with our fans.
A huge thanks to John Quinlan for taking time out of his very busy schedule to talk with me.
He’s the best!
He is truly as nice as he is handsome. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Living the Fantasy with John Quinlan

John Quinlan enhances readers' fantasies as he graces delicious book covers. 
The tattooed body creates an image of a bad boy or dangerous cop;
a confident protector of those he loves. 
The chiseled face is that of a powerful warrior.
The sculpted planes of his chest and abs make one's fingers itch to caress.
Cover model John Quinlan
John Quinlan as "Vampire"
by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations
Be sure to enter the drawing at the end of this post
for a chance to win an autographed photo of John!

Let's continue our interview....

Mary: I’m sure you’ve traveled plenty. What’s your favorite place to visit? How about the most romantic place you’ve ever been?

John: Las Vegas is my favorite as the atmosphere is second to none. There are so many romantic places and I couldn’t name just one but anything in the Caribbean is right up there. A warm night on a Caribbean balcony is a perfect setting.  

Mary: I enjoyed Vegas and used it as the setting in my book, Handcuffs & Silk. But I have to agree there is something special about the Caribbean. If you were stuck on a deserted island, what would be the three things you’d want to have with you? 

John: My beautiful lady
A spear so I could catch fish and never run out of food.
Clean underwear, ha ha ha!

Mary: Oh, honey… I don’t think you’d need underwear.  Just make do with some leaves or a loincloth like Tarzan... sorry, my mind drifted. What is your idea of the perfect romantic evening?
John: I think atmosphere is key. I know it sounds cliché but anything great can happen in a nice setting with some candles in the evening. You can figure out the rest.


Mary: I emphasize the use of candles quite often. They are a key (cheap and simple) component to romance.

You already have accomplished so much in life. What is next?

John: I live for the day Mary.
My acting debut as hit man Beckett Taylor in Debra Anastasia’s Return to Poughkeepsie came out on 12.30.13.
Mary: Very exciting and you get to be the bad guy with the heart of gold! 
What a credit to your reputation to be a part of something so grand.
John: Thank you God for blessing me with this honor!
In the next few months I will have a few model shoots and physique competitions.
Followed up by the 2014 RT Booklovers Convention in New Orleans where I will be appearing as an official featured Cover Model Man of Romance May 13-18th. 

 I was selected as a lead actor in Jillian Bullock’s film ‘A Sense of Purpose – Fighting for Our Lives’ which is set to start filming in June.
Mary: Wowza! You are one busy fella! We will have fun following your career. Thanks again for sitting through my questions. You are truly a genuine guy!
John: Much love and respect for you always Mary. Thank you for interviewing me as it was my pleasure.
We'll leave the fans with this teaser from Return to Poughkeepsie

Special thanks to Claudia McKinney from Phatpuppy Creations
for providing permission to use her images in this interview.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy Humpday with John Quinlan

We are back with cover model, John Quinlan.

He is our featured HumpDay Hottie today
so take a moment to drool.

John is a former American bodybuilder and professional wrestler who is now a fitness model, fashion model, art model, and romance cover model.
Now onto our interview....

Mary: It is my understanding that modeling isn’t the only thing you are good at. Can you tell us about something else you enjoy being involved with?
John: love charities and helping others. Donating signed pieces to organizations like the I Heart Books Foundation and the Holiday Hope program to help the children of Saint Croix with Vicki Stewart are just a couple examples of giving back. In cooperation with Anita Jeter-Peterkin I have helped spread the word about Breast Cancer Awareness through her Wrapped-N-Pink publication. Such an incredible lady. 

Mary: If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? OR if money wasn’t an issue, what would you do?
John: I would wipe out illness and cancer. Bring all the good people back where they belong.

Mary: You've done so many different things in your life. Is there one accomplishment that stands out as having given you the greatest sense of satisfaction? What would you say is your ultimate passion? What gives you the most joy?
John: My greatest accomplishment isn’t a title or award Mary. It is all the great people I have been blessed to become friends with during this journey. I include you in this list as I think you are a great author, mother and friend. My ultimate passion and joy are synonymous, being a good father to my 3 beautiful children. 

 Mary: Did you just here that cumulative sigh from our fans. Wow! 

I think it's awesome how you've managed to successfully balance fatherhood and a career. I grew up as a “Daddy’s Girl”. My father was a WWII vet often said, “It takes courage to tell the truth and admit when you are wrong.”  I’ve shared that same principle as well as “Believe and all things are possible,” with my sons. What lessons or principles do you hope to instill in your children?
John: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Hold your head high and believe in yourself that you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. Daddy will always love you no matter what! 

Mary: Do you have any pets?
John: A fish, LOL! He is a Japanese Beta and my oldest son named him Spike Fighter.
Mary: My son had one, named Beta.  He wasn't creative with pet names. LOL. However, the fish lived a very long time. 
Give fans a little glimpse into your life.
What is a typical day?
 John: Up at 3am to do the dishes while I wake up and cook some healthy meals for the day. Get to the gym when it opens around 5am and get back to see my little children before school. Then whatever I choose after that. Today I am doing an interview with the great Mary Quast which I am really enjoying so thanks Mary!   

Mary: 3AM? That's the time I go to bed after being on a writing binge. The fact you cook AND do the dishes will have women swooning all around the world. LOL
Zombie Killer
by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations
Have you ever been teased or razzed by your male buddies for being a romance novel cover model (even though I bet they're all envious!)?

John: Of course, it is all in good fun but just like my good friend Richie Lamontagne who is a model and former cruiserweight boxing champion of the world they know when to stop because I can still knock them out if they keep pushing J 

Mary: I know you have to maintain a good body all the time, do you ever cheat? Be honest now… do you sneak something decadent in the middle of the night? I heard through the grape vine you like ice cream.
John: Well... I am human. But I love Greek pizza! I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is my favorite “cheat” as you call it.
Starman by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations.

Mary: What advice would you give to our readers who have made New Year’s Resolutions to get fit?
John: Make it realistic, make it fun and make it part of your new life change.  

Thanks, John. The Greek Pizza is done.
Let's take a break and chow down.

There will be more interview with the hot John Quinlan tomorrow!

Speical THANKS to Claudia McKinney
for providing permission to use her beautiful images from Phatpuppy Creations for this interview.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Cover Model John Quinlan

Most of the time, I’m curled up in my favorite chair reading when I should be writing. Like any fan, I enjoy interviewing the authors who write the words that create the stories inside the pages of romance novels, but what about the outside and those scintillating book covers?

We all know that beautiful packaging can really help to sell what's inside, and I think that most romance readers (even if they won't admit it) have been guilty of drooling over those decadent covers every once in a while.
That's why I'm very excited to have as my special guest today, romance cover model John Quinlan!

John Quinlan
2013 – The World’s Most Tattooed Cover Model
Mary: I'm the type of girl who likes to know something about the man behind the handsome face and buff body, so let's start with giving me five to ten words that best describe your personality.
John: Humble, emotional, driven, respectful, fighter

John was named a featured model
for Duemila Magazine in Italy.
Mary: I see that you have modeled for a variety of formats and venues. How did you get into modeling for romance covers?
John: Many people kept telling me over and over again I had the look for it. After quite some time I gave in and went for it and here I am talking with you as the most tattooed male romance cover model in the world.

Mary: With authors creating tattooed heroes I bet you are in demand. How many book covers have you graced?
John: A bunch and there are dozens of cover images that have been purchased by authors globally that have yet to be released so all is good and I am so very grateful for all the love & support.

Mary: Of all the covers you’ve adorned, do you have a favorite?
John: To be honest no book cover is better than the other as they are all unique. What I can say is that I am honored when any author believes in me to grace his/her cover.

Mary: Have you ever read any of the books you've appeared on?
 John: No Mary, I don’t read any of the books I have appeared on as I personally feel it is bad luck if I do….just my personal thought.

Mary: Oh, trust me… I know all about superstitions! I’m a football mom after all but we’ll save that topic for another day.
Is there one photo shoot that stands out as having been particularly fun or memorable, and is it also the one with which you were most pleased with the end result?
Chain Break by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations
John: Yes, the cover art piece done of me by Claudia McKinney of Phatpuppy Art. This piece was called ‘Chain Break’ and it is one of the greatest pieces ever done of me. I am coming out of the water with all the lightning. Just amazing! It is currently also still available for purchase.

Mary: I love the more artistic images such as that one. I think The Wanderer is my fav. I love Claudia's work. Stories start to pop into my head.
The Wanderer
 by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations.



I've seen a number of romance novels that have the irresistible combination of hot guys and adorable kids or cute animals on the cover. I know you are dad to three super cute children, so have you ever worked with kids or animals in your photo shoots?

John: Thanks Mary, you are an amazing mother yourself by the way.
Honestly, I try and keep my children away from the modeling and covers ideally.
I like them to just be kids and not be broadcast all over the globe in that sense.
Just my personal opinion. 

Mary: I understand. Part of me would like to see you in a cowboy hat holding a lab puppy with a big red bow.  Hmmm….

What is the best way for authors, publishers and cover designers to see your work and contact you about purchasing stock photos? How can fans find out when you will be appearing on a new cover?
John: I think between these links anybody can keep up with everything John Quinlan:


Mary: If you could be magically transported inside the pages of a romance novel for a day, what type of romance hero would you like to be?
John: The bad guy looking with the heart of gold which is the real me.

Mary: For many romance readers, you have become the embodiment of the perfect romantic hero. If you were to write the perfect romantic heroine, what would she be like?
John: She would be my perfect other half. She would complete me in every way and even though it would take some time, even many years, in the end she would be mine.

*Fans self*

Thanks, John.

I think we'll stop here to take a little break. Readers will have to join us tomorrow for some more of the interview.

 I have a craving for some cheesecake and strawberries.

Special thanks to Claudia McKinney from Phatpuppy Creations
for providing permission to use her images in this interview.

a Rafflecopter giveaway