Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy Humpday with John Quinlan

We are back with cover model, John Quinlan.

He is our featured HumpDay Hottie today
so take a moment to drool.

John is a former American bodybuilder and professional wrestler who is now a fitness model, fashion model, art model, and romance cover model.
Now onto our interview....

Mary: It is my understanding that modeling isn’t the only thing you are good at. Can you tell us about something else you enjoy being involved with?
John: love charities and helping others. Donating signed pieces to organizations like the I Heart Books Foundation and the Holiday Hope program to help the children of Saint Croix with Vicki Stewart are just a couple examples of giving back. In cooperation with Anita Jeter-Peterkin I have helped spread the word about Breast Cancer Awareness through her Wrapped-N-Pink publication. Such an incredible lady. 

Mary: If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? OR if money wasn’t an issue, what would you do?
John: I would wipe out illness and cancer. Bring all the good people back where they belong.

Mary: You've done so many different things in your life. Is there one accomplishment that stands out as having given you the greatest sense of satisfaction? What would you say is your ultimate passion? What gives you the most joy?
John: My greatest accomplishment isn’t a title or award Mary. It is all the great people I have been blessed to become friends with during this journey. I include you in this list as I think you are a great author, mother and friend. My ultimate passion and joy are synonymous, being a good father to my 3 beautiful children. 

 Mary: Did you just here that cumulative sigh from our fans. Wow! 

I think it's awesome how you've managed to successfully balance fatherhood and a career. I grew up as a “Daddy’s Girl”. My father was a WWII vet often said, “It takes courage to tell the truth and admit when you are wrong.”  I’ve shared that same principle as well as “Believe and all things are possible,” with my sons. What lessons or principles do you hope to instill in your children?
John: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Hold your head high and believe in yourself that you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. Daddy will always love you no matter what! 

Mary: Do you have any pets?
John: A fish, LOL! He is a Japanese Beta and my oldest son named him Spike Fighter.
Mary: My son had one, named Beta.  He wasn't creative with pet names. LOL. However, the fish lived a very long time. 
Give fans a little glimpse into your life.
What is a typical day?
 John: Up at 3am to do the dishes while I wake up and cook some healthy meals for the day. Get to the gym when it opens around 5am and get back to see my little children before school. Then whatever I choose after that. Today I am doing an interview with the great Mary Quast which I am really enjoying so thanks Mary!   

Mary: 3AM? That's the time I go to bed after being on a writing binge. The fact you cook AND do the dishes will have women swooning all around the world. LOL
Zombie Killer
by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations
Have you ever been teased or razzed by your male buddies for being a romance novel cover model (even though I bet they're all envious!)?

John: Of course, it is all in good fun but just like my good friend Richie Lamontagne who is a model and former cruiserweight boxing champion of the world they know when to stop because I can still knock them out if they keep pushing J 

Mary: I know you have to maintain a good body all the time, do you ever cheat? Be honest now… do you sneak something decadent in the middle of the night? I heard through the grape vine you like ice cream.
John: Well... I am human. But I love Greek pizza! I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is my favorite “cheat” as you call it.
Starman by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations.

Mary: What advice would you give to our readers who have made New Year’s Resolutions to get fit?
John: Make it realistic, make it fun and make it part of your new life change.  

Thanks, John. The Greek Pizza is done.
Let's take a break and chow down.

There will be more interview with the hot John Quinlan tomorrow!

Speical THANKS to Claudia McKinney
for providing permission to use her beautiful images from Phatpuppy Creations for this interview.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Cover Model John Quinlan

Most of the time, I’m curled up in my favorite chair reading when I should be writing. Like any fan, I enjoy interviewing the authors who write the words that create the stories inside the pages of romance novels, but what about the outside and those scintillating book covers?

We all know that beautiful packaging can really help to sell what's inside, and I think that most romance readers (even if they won't admit it) have been guilty of drooling over those decadent covers every once in a while.
That's why I'm very excited to have as my special guest today, romance cover model John Quinlan!

John Quinlan
2013 – The World’s Most Tattooed Cover Model
Mary: I'm the type of girl who likes to know something about the man behind the handsome face and buff body, so let's start with giving me five to ten words that best describe your personality.
John: Humble, emotional, driven, respectful, fighter

John was named a featured model
for Duemila Magazine in Italy.
Mary: I see that you have modeled for a variety of formats and venues. How did you get into modeling for romance covers?
John: Many people kept telling me over and over again I had the look for it. After quite some time I gave in and went for it and here I am talking with you as the most tattooed male romance cover model in the world.

Mary: With authors creating tattooed heroes I bet you are in demand. How many book covers have you graced?
John: A bunch and there are dozens of cover images that have been purchased by authors globally that have yet to be released so all is good and I am so very grateful for all the love & support.

Mary: Of all the covers you’ve adorned, do you have a favorite?
John: To be honest no book cover is better than the other as they are all unique. What I can say is that I am honored when any author believes in me to grace his/her cover.

Mary: Have you ever read any of the books you've appeared on?
 John: No Mary, I don’t read any of the books I have appeared on as I personally feel it is bad luck if I do….just my personal thought.

Mary: Oh, trust me… I know all about superstitions! I’m a football mom after all but we’ll save that topic for another day.
Is there one photo shoot that stands out as having been particularly fun or memorable, and is it also the one with which you were most pleased with the end result?
Chain Break by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations
John: Yes, the cover art piece done of me by Claudia McKinney of Phatpuppy Art. This piece was called ‘Chain Break’ and it is one of the greatest pieces ever done of me. I am coming out of the water with all the lightning. Just amazing! It is currently also still available for purchase.

Mary: I love the more artistic images such as that one. I think The Wanderer is my fav. I love Claudia's work. Stories start to pop into my head.
The Wanderer
 by Claudia McKinney
Phatpuppy Creations.



I've seen a number of romance novels that have the irresistible combination of hot guys and adorable kids or cute animals on the cover. I know you are dad to three super cute children, so have you ever worked with kids or animals in your photo shoots?

John: Thanks Mary, you are an amazing mother yourself by the way.
Honestly, I try and keep my children away from the modeling and covers ideally.
I like them to just be kids and not be broadcast all over the globe in that sense.
Just my personal opinion. 

Mary: I understand. Part of me would like to see you in a cowboy hat holding a lab puppy with a big red bow.  Hmmm….

What is the best way for authors, publishers and cover designers to see your work and contact you about purchasing stock photos? How can fans find out when you will be appearing on a new cover?
John: I think between these links anybody can keep up with everything John Quinlan:


Mary: If you could be magically transported inside the pages of a romance novel for a day, what type of romance hero would you like to be?
John: The bad guy looking with the heart of gold which is the real me.

Mary: For many romance readers, you have become the embodiment of the perfect romantic hero. If you were to write the perfect romantic heroine, what would she be like?
John: She would be my perfect other half. She would complete me in every way and even though it would take some time, even many years, in the end she would be mine.

*Fans self*

Thanks, John.

I think we'll stop here to take a little break. Readers will have to join us tomorrow for some more of the interview.

 I have a craving for some cheesecake and strawberries.

Special thanks to Claudia McKinney from Phatpuppy Creations
for providing permission to use her images in this interview.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Mojo - Drool worthy cover art

More and more romance writers are creating tattooed heroes
thus putting a demand on cover designers to create the visual.
Cover featuring popular model, John Quinlan
To illustrate John Quinlan would be to paint a picture involving some athletics, professional wrestling, fitness and modeling. He’s been an image model for dozens of apparel brands around the world over the years, along with appearing in television documentaries, commercials, art gallery print work and many book covers. AND NOW carries the title of The World’s Most Tattooed Cover Model.

Regarding the tattoos, John says:  
I just don’t get a tattoo because I want to get it on the spur of the moment. I have put lots of time and thought into each and every piece. I do have one that is very low on my left abdomen which is very close to the “goods” which is the Oriental Kanji symbol for ‘Courage’. Courage, front and center, is very important and this is why it is placed front and center on my body.

“John, is an example that tattooed bald guys can be sexy.”   – Margie Church, Best Selling Author

Need some more inspiration?
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 200lbs
Neck: 17"
Chest: 46"
Eye color: Green 
Join me tomorrow for my interview with John.
Let's discover the real man behind the handsome face.

Special thanks to Claudia McKinney 
of Phatpuppy Creations for giving permission to use her images in this interview.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 3, 2014

Baby, It’s Cold Outside Blog Hop - Jan. 3-5

Here’s a little tease from a work in progress, Eagle Dance. This book is part of a collection of Native American shifter stories that take place in a sweet little log cabin on Cherry Lane, at the Mountain Castillo Resort. The scene opens with our couple arriving at the cabin with some takeout pizza and other “necessities” for some hot romance on a cold winter night. I’ve taken the liberty of breaking the excerpt into smaller tid-bits to wet your appetite.

*This is from a WIP/not professionally edited*

She hated storms of any kind. He held her hand while effortlessly plowing through the storm. The simple gesture spoke fathoms. He pointed out the splendor of nature cloaked in a blanket of snow. Within moments, his deep voice lulled her nerves.

After traveling down a winding lane deeper into the woods, they found the cabin. Trudging through a foot of snow from the truck they found seasoned wood stacked neatly on the quaint porch. She carried their dinner while he brought in their overnight bags. Burgundy drapes covered the windows lining log walls. Hardwood floors covered with Turkish rugs and woodland décor gave the place a cozy atmosphere. River rock formed the new fireplace and chimney. A bar made from logs and rock graced one end of the room with a small refrigerator located underneath.

She slid the pizza box on the coffee table, set the bag of syrups on the counter then placed the ice cream in the tiny freezer. Hanging her coat on a hook behind the door, she slipped off her boots onto a matt. A fruit and cheese basket including two bottles of wine rested on the bar. Picking up a note, she quickly scanned it.

“The basket is from Madame Eve.” She noticed Dyami paused from building a fire to listen as she read. “Take a step into the past before you dance into the future. There is not greater feeling in the world than moving together to a piece of music and letting the world around you disappear; except for looking into the soul of your partner and seeing yourself.”

“For some reason she reminds me of a shaman.” He shook his head.

“Yeah, this makes her sound like a real mystical lady.” She put the odd message down and picked up the bottles. “Do you prefer red or white?”

“Let’s start with the red.” He shucked off his coat and wet boots, then proceeded to light the fire. “The white might be sweeter and perfect for later.”

Her body trembled with anticipation of what later would entail. “Would that be before or after dessert?”

He kept his back to her and answered with a deep chuckle. Squatting over the hearth, his baggy pants pulled tight over his thighs and revealed a squeezable butt. Biting her lip in frustration, she turned her attention to their dinner. The man oozed sexual aura. On the other hand, something about him seemed familiar. 

A click of the stereo launched music creating a melody with crackling flames, she swayed her hips in rhythm. She opened the wine. Dyami stood behind her and set two glasses on the table next to the open pizza box.

Without a word, he slid his hands around her waist and moved with her. Leaning into him, he drew her into his arms. He nuzzled her neck sending shivers of excitement along her spine.

“Do you like to dance?”

“I love to.” She turned to face him and rested her hands on his chest. “When I was a little girl, I’d dance with my dad by standing on his feet. Now I can’t find a dance partner tall enough.”

“I think we are a perfect fit.” He pulled her tight to emphasize the truth to his words.

His voice dropped and the richness struck a chord of arousal. A faint aroma of musk tempted her to kiss him. His soft lips responded to hers with the casualness if they’ve kissed hundreds of times.

Under her palms, his heartbeat echoed hers. He picked up the beat of the music. She followed his lead and slid her arms around his neck. Catching one hand in his, he led her into a dance. She floated on air until the song finished. He stopped and his hands gripped her waist. His pale eyes sparkled in the firelight.

“I would like nothing more than to continue dancing with you, but I’m starving.” His voice deep with regret reminded her of the pizza cooling on the table.

Moral to the story: when it’s cold outside warm up with pizza, wine and dancing with your honey.

Dyami Schafer is a Chippewa Eagle shifter.
Stay tuned for a release date on Dyami and Amanda’s story, Eagle Dance.
Here's a little eye candy...


Feel free to enjoy Seth and Lucy’s story in Crow Magic, the same little cabin but in warmer weather.

Now available. Click here to buy or read an excerpt.

Join the fun of Baby, It's Cold Outside Blog Tour
for a chance to win a FREE Download of Crow Magic.

Brought to readers and book lovers by

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday 13 - Sexy New Year's Resolutions

So many New Year Resolutions are made and quickly forgotten. Not only are these promises easily forgotten when we are caught up in the hustle of everyday life, but also we can forget about the love in our lives. Try making a few resolutions that won't be forgotten and easily obtainable. Make your relationship with that special someone a priority, put pleasure first on your resolution list.

1.  Plan to have more sex. We schedule time to shop, get our hair done, and take the kids to soccer... Being spontaneous is not always easy and by some simple plans to be more sexual, you'll actually end up having more sex. 

2. Get away from it all. Send the kids away for the weekend or escape for a night alone. Grab a movie, dinner and a romp in a cheap hotel. Use this time to NOT talk about family, friends or work. Focus on each other.

3. Do some redecorating in the bedroom. Our surrounding have a significant impact on how we feel. Turn your bedroom into a sensual room. Add some sexy satins, new pillows, mirrors, incense or candles, artwork to create an environment to bring out your sexual animal.

4.  Exercise more. I'm talkin' the horizontal mambo three /four times a week. Not only are calories being burned in a super fun way, but with each orgasmic session your endorphins (the chemical in your brain that makes you happy) will do miracles for your mood and zest for life!

5. Stop the sensory deprivations. Get off the computer; turn off the cell phone, put down the e-reader. It's time to get your hands into life! Cook with your honey and savor every tasty moment. Inhale life's scents and enjoy the fragrance of the world around you whether it is a sensual perfume or the way the air smells after a rain shower. Gaze into your partner's eyes and drown in the lipid pools of desire.  

6. Save your money and give each other full body massages. Invest in some scented massage candles and let your inhibitions fly out the window. Pick up some edible massage oil. Don't leave out the happy ending!

7. Eat in bed. Whipped cream, chocolate body paint, honey dust! Decadent and suggestive foods coupled with steamy sex make a rather delicious combination.

8. Make food a sensual part of your life. Forget the chips and go for the juicy, creamy and succulent stuff. Fresh strawberries, ripe peaches, and bananas can be cut into bite sizes. Finger food can be very sensual; take your time eating to experience the textures and flavors. Savoring food can be great practice for savoring sex.

10.  Make yourself feel sexier every day. Go through your panty drawer and buy yourself some new sexier styles. Lose the flannels, the old rugby jersey and stop lounging about with holey socks. Try some sexy silk pajamas or simple lingerie you can wear under your clothes. Treating yourself to sexier underclothes will help you tap into your sexy side. Indulge in a new fragrance that makes your partner hot. Wax, shave, work out... whatever makes you feel good about yourself and sexy.

11.  Have an affair - with your partner of course!  Here's your chance to have fun with a sexual fantasy.    Share your fantasies with each other or create one together then act on them.  Dress  as a seductive stranger and meet at a secret location, hotel, or bar.  Have fun with costumes, they can be just what you need to get started.

12.  Get back to the basics.  Rediscover the art of kissing.  Spend a night simply "making out".  Just be careful if you go "parking".  Be open and honest with your partner by sharing what really turns you on.  Be romantic by leaving notes with hints and sexy suggestions where your honey will find them.  Take time to explore each other's bodies to learn likes and dislikes.  Be open to pleasure.

13.  Be more playful and creative.    Try something sexually new.  Play with sex toys.  Visit a swingers' club.  Get a book on sexual positions and try all of them at least once.  For a more spiritual sex life, study Kama Sutra.  Take a class on strip tease or belly dancing.  Pick up a couple sex games and play.  Feel free to visit your local adult store, the staff is very discreet and helpful.
CLICK HERE for more Thursday 13 from some amazing authors.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Humpday Hottie - Happy New Year

Today's Humpday Hottie wishes you a Happy New Year.

Please spend the new year helping those who need it most.
Donate and/or volunteer at your local animal shelter/rescue.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tasty Tuesday - New Years Eve Dinner for Two

So, you’ve decided to skip the crowds and spend New Year’s Eve at home with your honey. These suggestions should go well with most types of champagne (in general, when serving champagne, it’s best to stick with lightly spiced Cantonese cuisine, particularly seafood dishes). If you’re serving wine, a German Riesling would be a good choice.

Start with some Spring Rolls as an appetizer. Feel free to nibble on them with some wine while preparing the main dish together.

Main Dish – Shrimp in Lobster Sauce


  • Fresh shrimp, deveined and butterflied, 10 - 15 per person
  • 4 to 8 spring onion (green onions, scallions), chopped
  • 2 large garlic cloves, chopped or minced
  • 2 cups of chicken stock (2 cups water with chicken bouillon powder, or chicken broth)
  • 4 tablespoons of sweet white wine, such as sweet Glen Ellen White Zinfandel
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons of Cornstarch and 1/2 cup of water
  • 4 egg whites, beaten with 1/4 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil for stir-frying
  • 1 to 2 cups pork fried rice (1 cup for 2 people, 2 cups for 3 or more)


Rinse the shrimp in warm water and pat dry. Rinse the spring onions, drain and chop. Chop or mince the garlic cloves.
Combine the chicken stock, white wine, soy sauce, and sugar and set aside. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch into 1/2 cup water. Whisk the egg whites into 1/4 cup water and set aside.
  Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok, large pot, or frying pan or skillet on medium high to high heat.
Stir fry the garlic and spring onions for about 30 seconds to a minute, taking care not to burn the garlic.
Add the shrimp and stir fry for 2 minutes.
Add the chicken broth mixture, bring to a boil and boil about 1 minute.
Re-stir the cornstarch and water mixture and stir it into broth. Immediately afterward, slowly pour in the egg whites, breaking them up by gently stirring them with a fork (the author recommends stirring them twice across and then twice across again in a tic tack toe pattern). Be careful not to over stir the egg whites.
The dish is ready when the sauce begins to boil and thicken. Serve over the pork fried rice and steamed Snow Peas.
Be sure to have some Fortune Cookies for after the meal.



Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Mojo - Time to get out of the pajamas?

Here it is...
the Monday between the holidays.
Who wants to get out of their pajamas?
Meet John Quinlan,
the most tattooed male romance cover model in the world.
If you want more of this hottie,
join me next week when I interview him!
We'll start on Monday to give you a dose of Mojo and run all week!

Pajamas optional.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Shirtless Sunday

Some of my writer friends started doing a Shirtless Sunday on Facebook and Twitter.
I couldn't be left out!
Gotta love Reggie Bush's sweet smile.
Yep, I'm watching the Lions play today!