Saturday, August 17, 2013

Shiabruk Saturday

Yep... I'm still at the Blueberry Festival.

I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends who travel with the Shiabruk and attend our festival to represent our Scottish heritage.

Three generations of dancers in the same family.
Hedwig & her dragon named Blueberry
Proud in a kilt
Queen of Shiabruk with Lady Margaret of Montrose
Lady Leigh with her swords
Robin the Bard
My best pal, the lovely Gypsy Lady

Capt. Stouty Macaw


Friday, August 16, 2013

Fun Friday

While I'm off working at the Montrose Blueberry Festival, I'll leave you with some fun.

The hero in Crow Magic is a Native American Shifter and the story came from the stories told every summer around the campfire at our family cottage in Michigan. Our neighbor, Indian Dave, used history, legends, and spiritual lore to weave fantasy and reality into timeless tales. My favorites included Spirit Animals and Shifters.

“Once a man opens himself to the Great Spirit, a guardian spirit in the form of an animal will be gifted upon him. This animal is a part of his soul. Some may choose his animal spirit, others will be born with theirs; the spirit within the chosen gives the body the ability to shift from human to animal The man may need to control instinctive urges as well as listen to the animal’s wisdom. The animal spirit can sense good and evil as well as the man’s one true love, the mate for both man and beast. ”Indian Dave
What kind of animal spirit would you have?
Think about it and then enter my Crow Magic Tour Contest.
Rafflecopter code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday 13 - Why Visit the Montrose Blueberry Festival

I live in a small community in Mid-Michigan and every year during the third weekend in August we host the Montrose Blueberry Festival. (Yes, we do have many places to pick berries!) But for those who have never attended our festival, here are a few reasons to zip into my town for a visit.

Master griller
1. Blueberries… everything blueberries! Yummy! Pie eating contest!

2. Blueberry pancake breakfast on Sat & Sun. We serve 4,000 hungry folks. The sausages are the kids favorites. My family has been working the breakfast for years. My eldest and several other varsity
football players will be flipping pancakes. So come on it and I’ll take a break to chat.

Gypsy Lady
The Queen with my dog, Maggie
3. Medieval Village & Renaissance Faire. Montrose is Scottish for “mountain of roses”. In this hilly farming community, many wild roses grow around fields and in ditches.

Working with the knowledge of our Scottish heritage and members from the greater Renaissance Festival folk from the Shiabruck Medieval Village, we’ve put together an amazing village and faire.
Stop by and meet my special friends, Gypsy and Hagrid. Gypsy made the original necklace Mike McAlister wears in my book "Lonely Soul".

4. The awesome Super Parade with over 100 entrees.   It’s a blast!

5. Farmers Market. The best food to put into your body is wholesome home grown!

6. Flea Market and craft show. I lose myself in there every year; the boys have to lure me out with chocolate.

7. The teen dance, Carnival and Midway. Great ways to keep the teens busy so you can have some alone time with your honey.

8. Mud Drag &Mud Bog for those who still enjoy playing in the mud.

9. An awesome beer tent with live entertainment and Michigan Wine & Spirits Tasting. Live music and a karaoke contest. No way… you won’t hear me sing!

10.Classic Car Show.

11. Golf Scramble featuring a chicken & rib dinner and loads of prizes. The money raised goes to our local food pantry.

12. Softball, 5-mile road race and horseshoes.

13. Great opportunities to see a lot of friends and make new ones!

Throughout the town and township, there are a ton of rummage sales offering wonderful treasures. I hope many of you take a break from your busy schedule and visit. If I’m available, I’ll let you know where the best goodies are. Hugs!

Visit for more info

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Humpday Hottie - Shifter Techumseh Crow

Meet the hero from CROW MAGIC.
Tecumseh Crow is a Shawnee who communicates with his spirit animal in his soul and can shift at will into a large, black crow. He uses his magic and body to deliver souls to the light.
Be sure to enter the Crow Magic Book TOUR WIDE Contest for a chance to win one of three wonderful prizes.

Rafflecopter code:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Teaser - Changing Her Mind by Stevie MacFarlane

Please welcome Stevie MacFarlane with a teaser from her first novel and the beginning of the O'Malley stories we've fallen in love with. We want more of this Irish family!
~ Blurb
Mason is in love, and being a traditional kind of guy he expects traditional things—like rings, rice, and church bells. Rebecca is in love too, although she prefers to think of it as being ‘in lust’. Oh, she wants him, badly in fact, but if it’s all the same to him she’ll just skip the church and rice bit and go straight to the blazing hot sex.
Unfortunately for her, and for her sweet bottom, it isn’t all the same to him. Mason is a reasonable man most of the time, or at least that’s what he tells himself, but he is determined to change Rebecca’s mind about marriage by almost any means necessary. As his frustration level skyrockets he begins to realize he might be a little more traditional and a little less reasonable than he thought. He’s willing to give her something blazing hot alright, but until they tie the knot it won’t be blazing hot love she’ll get, it will be a blazing hot bottom.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Grand Prize Winner Announced

The grand prize winner
of the $100 Gift Card is...

Book Attict from Kristabel Reed's blog

Monday Mojo - Strange Sex Fact

 Feeling  blue or a little down in the dumps?
Here's news for you!
Semen is a natural antidepressant
 Semen might just be your scientifically proven pick-me-up. Research psychologist Jesse Bering published an article in Scientific American, which stated that semen is packed full of natural mood-enhancers. Indeed, semen only contains around one to five per cent sperm, while the rest is made up of over 50 components including prolactin, oxytocin, serotonin and estrone, which are natural antidepressants.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sneek Peak Sunday - Handcuffs & Silk

Please enjoy this sneak peak from Handcuffs & Silk.
Hunter's brother, Jason, is keeping him company while waiting
for the date Madame Eve from 1 Night Stand set up for him.

His brother frowned. “Are you seriously thinking about leaving the lifestyle?”

“Maybe.” Hunter played with the sweat dripping down his glass of ice water. “I don’t know where I fit in. Am I capable of being the center of the world for someone? Or will I always fight for every morsel of affection?”

“Grow up, Hunter. Drop this damn beta act and be the alpha you were born to be.”

 Hunter glared at his brother for a moment. “Seriously, I feel like there’s something missing. Maybe I’m looking for something more permanent. Maybe this one-night stand shit is just that... bullshit. I want to be normal, have a normal life.”

“Are you turning vanilla on me?”

“I don’t know.”

Visit Sneak Peek Sunday for many other amazing authors.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ella’s Turning What? Birthday Blog Hop

Friday August 9th - Sunday August 11th, 2013

Summers were spent at the family cottage in Michigan.
Each July 4th became an extra special celebration; my sister shared her birthday with the nation. Surrounded by extended family and friends we ate watermelon and drank champagne while watching fireworks and listening to tales told around the bonfire.
We often included our neighbors and while munching on smores we listened to “Indian Dave” a member of the local Chippewa tribe weave his tales of animal spirits and men who could shift into creatures.  My sister would braid my hair so I could pretend to be a Native American with an animal spirit and dance around the fire.

Now that we are older, I am still jealous she has the best birthday party in the world, she still braids my hair, and I am the weaver of tales about handsome men with spirit animals in their hearts who can change from human to creature.

Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.

 Be sure to enter my Crow Magic Tour contest via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

Happy 40th Birthday Ella Jade
Join the fun and visit more author pages and contests.

**Blog Hop Grand Prize**We're giving away a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (Winners choice) Gift Card. All you have to do is leave a comment on any/all the blog posts and leave your email address. The more places you comment the more chances you have to win.

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.”  ~ Chief Tecumseh  

Be sure to enter my Crow Magic Tour Contest for a chance to win one of three wonderful prizes.
1. Handmade beaded bracelet
2. Handmade beaded earrings
3. Free download of Handcuffs & Silk
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday 13 - Things to do during football practice

I'm a football mom with three football players - an 8 year old youth player, an 8th grader and a senior who plays on a championship team. This week is conditioning but next week starts the heavy duty 2-A-Days. Son #1 drives himself but a bunch of mom's will attend these "awful but necessary" practices. We use this time to offer water, Gatorade and fruity ice pops to the boys as well as plan the team meals, spirit stuff we do in the locker room and simply gossip.

As an author, I sometimes use football practice an a quiet opportunity to edit. My friends often offer to read for me, especially the juicy scenes.  Here's a list for mom's every where of things to do while they are stuck at the field waiting for their boys.

1. Read.  (My personal favorite.)
2. Form a book club with other parents.
3. Make a grocery list.
4. Knit.
5. Hit the track and walk.
6. Take photos. (My second fav.)
7. Use to the time to have an uninterrupted phone conversation.
8. Give yourself a manicure.

Okay, now let's list a few "sexy" ideas.

9. Write a love letter to your honey.
10. Grab some lingerie catalogs and place an order.
11. Plan a romantic dinner for two.
12. Sext with your honey if he isn't with you.  If he is with you but out on the field watching, it might be rather fun.  LOL
13. Make a list of things you would like to try in the bedroom but been afraid to ask. I'm sure your honey will enjoy this "honey-do list".

Hubby with our #1.