Monday, August 12, 2013

Grand Prize Winner Announced

The grand prize winner
of the $100 Gift Card is...

Book Attict from Kristabel Reed's blog

Monday Mojo - Strange Sex Fact

 Feeling  blue or a little down in the dumps?
Here's news for you!
Semen is a natural antidepressant
 Semen might just be your scientifically proven pick-me-up. Research psychologist Jesse Bering published an article in Scientific American, which stated that semen is packed full of natural mood-enhancers. Indeed, semen only contains around one to five per cent sperm, while the rest is made up of over 50 components including prolactin, oxytocin, serotonin and estrone, which are natural antidepressants.


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sneek Peak Sunday - Handcuffs & Silk

Please enjoy this sneak peak from Handcuffs & Silk.
Hunter's brother, Jason, is keeping him company while waiting
for the date Madame Eve from 1 Night Stand set up for him.

His brother frowned. “Are you seriously thinking about leaving the lifestyle?”

“Maybe.” Hunter played with the sweat dripping down his glass of ice water. “I don’t know where I fit in. Am I capable of being the center of the world for someone? Or will I always fight for every morsel of affection?”

“Grow up, Hunter. Drop this damn beta act and be the alpha you were born to be.”

 Hunter glared at his brother for a moment. “Seriously, I feel like there’s something missing. Maybe I’m looking for something more permanent. Maybe this one-night stand shit is just that... bullshit. I want to be normal, have a normal life.”

“Are you turning vanilla on me?”

“I don’t know.”

Visit Sneak Peek Sunday for many other amazing authors.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ella’s Turning What? Birthday Blog Hop

Friday August 9th - Sunday August 11th, 2013

Summers were spent at the family cottage in Michigan.
Each July 4th became an extra special celebration; my sister shared her birthday with the nation. Surrounded by extended family and friends we ate watermelon and drank champagne while watching fireworks and listening to tales told around the bonfire.
We often included our neighbors and while munching on smores we listened to “Indian Dave” a member of the local Chippewa tribe weave his tales of animal spirits and men who could shift into creatures.  My sister would braid my hair so I could pretend to be a Native American with an animal spirit and dance around the fire.

Now that we are older, I am still jealous she has the best birthday party in the world, she still braids my hair, and I am the weaver of tales about handsome men with spirit animals in their hearts who can change from human to creature.

Lucy Richards is tired of being timid around men. Hoping to overcome her fears and feel like a real woman, she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who will fulfill that goal. Eve arranges a one-night stand with a handsome Shawnee shaman who will teach Lucy to use her womanly power and take her to unimaginable heights.

Shape shifter Seth Crowe is a Keeper of the Spiritual Law who carries souls from darkness to light, and enjoys using his body to accomplish his magic.

Tucked away in the Castillo Poconos Resort, Seth helps Lucy find spiritual and sexual freedom, never dreaming he might find his own mate in the bargain.

 Be sure to enter my Crow Magic Tour contest via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

Happy 40th Birthday Ella Jade
Join the fun and visit more author pages and contests.

**Blog Hop Grand Prize**We're giving away a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (Winners choice) Gift Card. All you have to do is leave a comment on any/all the blog posts and leave your email address. The more places you comment the more chances you have to win.

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.”  ~ Chief Tecumseh  

Be sure to enter my Crow Magic Tour Contest for a chance to win one of three wonderful prizes.
1. Handmade beaded bracelet
2. Handmade beaded earrings
3. Free download of Handcuffs & Silk
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday 13 - Things to do during football practice

I'm a football mom with three football players - an 8 year old youth player, an 8th grader and a senior who plays on a championship team. This week is conditioning but next week starts the heavy duty 2-A-Days. Son #1 drives himself but a bunch of mom's will attend these "awful but necessary" practices. We use this time to offer water, Gatorade and fruity ice pops to the boys as well as plan the team meals, spirit stuff we do in the locker room and simply gossip.

As an author, I sometimes use football practice an a quiet opportunity to edit. My friends often offer to read for me, especially the juicy scenes.  Here's a list for mom's every where of things to do while they are stuck at the field waiting for their boys.

1. Read.  (My personal favorite.)
2. Form a book club with other parents.
3. Make a grocery list.
4. Knit.
5. Hit the track and walk.
6. Take photos. (My second fav.)
7. Use to the time to have an uninterrupted phone conversation.
8. Give yourself a manicure.

Okay, now let's list a few "sexy" ideas.

9. Write a love letter to your honey.
10. Grab some lingerie catalogs and place an order.
11. Plan a romantic dinner for two.
12. Sext with your honey if he isn't with you.  If he is with you but out on the field watching, it might be rather fun.  LOL
13. Make a list of things you would like to try in the bedroom but been afraid to ask. I'm sure your honey will enjoy this "honey-do list".

Hubby with our #1.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tasty Tuesday with a Teaser - Cream Puffs from Eva Lefoy

Desserts and hot chefs go together!

When I wrote a hot dessert chef, I had to pair him with a woman who liked desserts. After all, a vegetarian and a butcher just don’t go together  :)  So I came up with a woman called Violet Cunningham. She not only likes desserts, she has a favorite one: raspberry cream puffs.

Now, cream puffs aren’t that hard to make, as I later discovered after the writing group took me under their wing and into the kitchen.  Since I’m not really an ardent baker – I make really good brownies, but don’t do the fancy stuff – I thought there must be some trick to them. There’s not. Especially if you’ve got a good hand mixer!

Here’s the tried-and-true ancient Betty Crocker recipe we made:

1 C water

1/2 C butter

1 C flour

4 Eggs

Filling – whipped cream, etc.

Confectioner’s sugar

Heat oven to 400. Heat water and butter to a boil. Stir in flour. Stir vigorously over low heat about 1 minute or until mixture forms a ball. * Note: I took the pan off the heat and used a mixer to do this. Much easier! * Remove from heat. Beat in eggs all at once, continue beating until smooth. *Note: again, I found the hand mixer indispensable! * Drop dough by scan 1/4 cup fulls 3″ apart on ungreased backing sheet. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until puffed and golden.  Cool away from draft.

Pull out any filaments of soft dough. Carefully fill with whipped cream. Replace tops; dust with confectioners’ sugar. Refrigerate.

 Be careful – they don’t last long!

There’s another recipe in the back of my book, Sweet Cravings, out now from Decadent Publishing and below is an excerpt that should get your whipped cream whipping.


I ducked into the kitchen before the bored-looking maître d’ could accost me and found myself heating up at the sight of a stainless steel table. Sous-chefs in white hats and dishwashers with racks of clean plates bustled back and forth down the aisle in front of me, but I didn’t spot the pastry chef in their midst. I almost gave up and left before noticing the light was on in the “secret kitchen.” I gulped.

My knees went weak, and I stood frozen to the spot. Inside me, determination, embarrassment, and heady desire warred. I wanted so bad to turn and walk out, find another caterer, and be done with it. But I couldn’t. There’d be questions. Chuck would want to know why he wasn’t getting the best French-trained chef in town, and I’d be up shit creek without a paddle. What could I say? Sorry, I didn’t mean to have hot, sweaty sex with the guy—if I’d known you’d need him the next week, I would have waited? 

Remembering the hot sex had my traitorous feet moving forward, toward the door instead of away. Wrong direction, I told them. Shut up and go with it, my pussy ordered. I bit my lip, swallowed my pride, and knocked.

The door opened and the man himself appeared wearing a chef’s coat splattered with pretty light pink frosting and powdered sugar. One whiff of him convinced me he’d taste positively delicious. My stomach let out a loud rumble, and I put my hand over it to try and squelch the embarrassing sound. 

His mouth fell open when he caught sight of me. In fact, he seemed kind of stunned for a second. My fight-or-flight response kicked in. I swiveled on my heel, but he grabbed my elbow and tugged me inside his secret domain once more. “Mademoiselle,” he murmured low and rich as fudge pudding. “How nice to see you again. Please, come in.” 

I glanced at his face from under my lashes and found him smiling at me, looking as though he might actually be glad to see me again. Part of me stiffened, vibrating with nervous energy. The rest of me tingled in saucy anticipation. The promise of man and dessert made one once more for my licking pleasure had me close to giggling with happiness as the door snicked shut. As he twirled me in his arms and drew me close, the all-important notes clutched in my hand could have jumped a shuttle for Mars for all I cared. 

His mouth surged over mine, his lips warm, wet, and insistent, as though he needed to make up for lost time. I heartily seconded the sentiment, and the kiss turned from buttery hot and soft to spicy and decadent with a touch of dare.

I opened my mouth to let his tongue in, and we both moaned at the intrusion, his hips bucking against mine as he pressed my butt into the table. I clutched his shoulders, pulling him closer as my initial embarrassment waned. He tasted of sweet pastry, and I savored the flavor as I relaxed in his arms. God, the hungers the man awoke in me with just one kiss! 

I’d dressed “professionally” for the occasion—stockings, skirt, silk work blouse, light blazer, and heels—so it wasn’t a surprise to feel the heat of his hand brush along the smooth stocking covering my thigh. But I let out a yelp as his strong fingers ripped through the material and pushed the stocking aside, delving under the crotch of my panties, headed directly toward my wetness.

“Spread for me,” he growled.

My sex clenched but my tremulous legs parted, obeying his command to give him easy access. Long, thick fingers slid through my dampness until they were coated with my slick cream before plunging inside my wet core. I moaned into his kiss at the glorious pressure and he chuckled. His other arm held me close as his mouth continued to plunder mine, setting up a tantalizing rhythm with his tongue and his fingers that my body could not ignore. My head rolled back and my hips rocked into his thrusts. I emitted soft, mewling cries every time his cock ground against my clit. It felt so good I thought I’d died and gone to pink frosting heaven. “Oh, God. Please. Just a little more….”

He quickly upped his game, nibbling down the column of my neck and then moving his fingers up to my clit, circling it with my own slippery juices until I was on the brink of breaking apart and screaming my head off. Then he abruptly pulled his hand away. “Dinner.”

“W-what?” Every brain cell in my mind struggled to comprehend the concept of language. It seemed so foreign, so far away, so unnecessary. My hot button throbbed with frustration. I’d been so close….

“Dinner. Have dinner with me. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

I panted, trying to form words. No matter how I rocked my hips, he remained just out of reach from where I needed him most. My fingers dug into his back, silently demanding satisfaction. But he gave me none.

“Say yes,” he commanded. “Or this ends here. Now.”

His demand seemed simple enough and since agreeing would get me everything I so badly wanted I said, “Yes.”


See what else Violet and her sexy chef Max do in his secret kitchen, and if you have time, whip up a batch of cream puffs to eat while you read! 


~ Eva Lefoy



Tasty Tuesday - Role Playing & Screaming Orgasms

In the heat of summer spice up the night with a little role playing. 
Your honey can be a bartender and you are... well... you!
You walk up to him (the bar) and say,
 "Hey there handsome. How about you give me a Screaming Orgasm?"
1 oz vodka
1 1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur

Pour first vodka, then Bailey's, then Kahlua into a cocktail glass over crushed ice. Stir.

Caution: use only high quality vodka. Cheap vodka can cause the Bailey's to curdle. Test your brand of vodka by mixing 1 Tsp each of vodka and Bailey's first.

How this scene plays out is strictly up to you.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Crow Magic Review & Contest

Crow Magic received a 4-STAR review

"This was a far different installment to the 1Night Stand series that I am familiar with, and will certainly appeal to some readers far more than the more formulaic story arc that is more traditional in the series.  Mary Quast has created a short erotic story that nearly screams for a full length story, but that is due to the lovely characterization,  the volumes of information and the strong spiritual journey that the reader follows with Lucy as she meets and enjoys her one night with Tecumseh"

1. Handmade beaded bracelet
2. Handmade beaded earrings
3. FREE download of Handcuffs & Silk

Friday, August 2, 2013

Flirty Friday - Fun Firty Lines

1. Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
2. I know milk does good for the body but DAMN how much did you drink?
3. Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?
4. I want to taste something sweet,could i taste your lips?
5. Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Oh wait, it’s just a sparkle.