Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thrusday Thirteen - 13 Ways to Use Whipping Cream


Okay… I’m writing this due to demand. Come on folks, give me a break. This list was hard to put together. After a couple ideas and a few cans, I kept getting too distracted to continue. Sheesh!


1.       Of course… top off some yummy chocolate pudding, or hot apple pie, or ice cream. Wait a minute. Come on now… let’s add some spice to it!

2.       Dip strawberries into it and feed them to your special someone. Swirl the whipping cream upon the lips and lick off together.

3. Make a whipping cream bikini or matching whipping cream undies and lick them off each other.
Ali Larter's famous whipped cream bikini scene

4.       Place cut up banana pieces, strawberries, pop rocks candy onto naked belly (or any body part of your choosing) add chocolate syrup then top with whipping cream. Allow your dear honey bunny to lick it off. If you’re daring, try this and add a scoop of ice cream. Wowza!

5.       “Hershey's syrup, whipped cream, and a Catwoman mask.” – Men’s Health magazine. Okay…? Sorry, I can’t do the Catwoman mask thing.
6. Now this old album cover gives me a few ideas I simply can’t express in words.
What’s an album? If you don’t know… you shouldn’t be reading this post.

7.       Oh, you need the obvious idea? Then simply cover your partner’s hottest spots. You have to lick the cream away to get to the “goodies”. Duh.

8.       Need a little warmth while you play with all this whipping cream? Try this recipe:  1 cup heavy cream, whipped, add 1 ounce orange liqueur such as Grand Marnier, and whip together. Ladies - let your honey put this mixture wherever you might want him to pay a lot of attention to, cut he’ll probably be there awhile.

9.       Add some strawberry syrup to the whipping cream then put it in the freeze for a bit before placing dollops onto nipples. The flavor and the cold enhances the … uh… pleasure.

10.   Run a line of whipping cream along the backbone of your partner then slowly… I mean slowly lick it off. Don’t ever rush licking. A burp or gas of any kind can be rather embarrassing in a moment of passion. 

11.   Whipping cream, blindfold, handcuffs, and pineapple flavored edible warming oil. Need I say more?

12.   Arm yourselves with cans of whipping cream; be sure to be naked, commence whipping cream war. Note: shower afterwards may be just as much fun as the war.

13.    “Have your guy lie back comfortably on the bed; spray whipped cream from his naval to his upper thighs. Begin slowly licking it off the body areas above and below his package. After each lick, kiss his mouth with your lips covered in whipped cream, bring your mouth back below his belt. Slowly lick all the whipped cream off his body — except the cream directly covering his penis and testicles. Not until he’s aching should you finally indulge there.” – Cosmopolitan magazine. (Recommended by Laura Berman, PhD, sex therapist and creator of the DVD series Dr. Berman Can Help)




Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Humpday Hottie

 Wanted a man who empties the dishwasher.
And if you want to really sweep me off my feet load it too …..then baby I’m all yours. The sight of you with those plates in your hand has me tingling from head to toe. Oh I’m all yours darlin’ and I ain’t ever gonna let you go.

What do you think ladies….does a man who will do the dishes start your engine?


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tasty Tuesday - Oatmeal Cookie shot

I belong to a Coffee Club, a fun group of Divas who drink coffee when we meet in the morning. But when we meet at night...we just drink.  On Friday, I was given an Oatmeal Cookie and I don't mean the one with oats & raisins.  It was delicious.



  • 1-ounce Jagermeister
  • 1-ounce Irish Cream Liqueur
  • 1-ounce Butterscotch Schnapps
  • 1/2-ounce Cinnamon Schnapps
  • Raisins, for garnish, optional


Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass over ice.

Here are a few variations.

Dirty Oatmeal recipe

This is a layered shot - the Bailey's must be on top.

Oatmeal Cookie recipe

Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sneak Peek Sunday

Welcome to the Sneak Peek Sunday Blog Hop
Please click on the link at the end to take you to other Sneak Peeks.
The blades of the chopper sliced through the heat of the night as it flew over the City of Lights. Casinos glowed in various hues of blue, plum, gold, green, and silver, casting a magical aura. Spotlights danced in the night, graceful fingers tickling the sinister side of Vegas. Unsuspecting people moved about, flitting from place to place, searching for excitement and fulfillment while cars in traffic jams occasionally brought the pulsing arteries in the heart of the city to a temporary halt.

Being a Las Vegas cop, Steph recognized the evil lurking in the shadows of the beautiful city, also known as Sin City. As the chopper made a turn, she viewed the vast landscape as an artist‟s canvas. The awesome structures designed and built by nameless men. So many lives below. Where there is sin and sadness, one will also find love and happiness.

With a deep sigh, Steph continued to gaze at the site, wondering where she fit into the street party of existence. Not a single malicious bone in her body, yet a monster lurked inside, crying to be set free. And, despite the desire to have a special someone to share a lifetime of love and happiness, meaningless one-night stands never filled the emptiness inside. Lately, living and breathing her job had become her reason for lack of a social life. That, and always being looked at as one of the guys and a hard ass.

Some of the cops‟ wives had made it their mission to fix her up with someone. Despite their efforts to feminize her, she intimidated the men they‟d found for her. Not considered butch—she had all the right curves in all the right places and could wear sexy clothing that normally only looked good on a model—but everyone knew how tough she could be.

Controlling the power hidden deep inside her proved to be difficult and had ruined many relationships. Her last boyfriend liked to try kinky things, but had his limits. She‟d gone out with a guy who‟d insisted she be submissive to him, but that felt completely false and ended shortly after it began. 

What’s wrong with me?

Today's Sneak Peek is from:

Available from Decadent Publishing and Amazon

For more Sneak Peeks CLICK HERE.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sultry Saturday Night Floor Play

So it’s nice quiet night and it’s just the two of you; time to have a cheap date night. Spring time still has cold nights perfect for a fire in the fireplace.

Hmmm…the room is lit by firelight and candles.  Fluffy pillows are tossed onto the floor.  Spread a soft blanket or two next to the pillows.  Hmm…sounds nice doesn’t it?  Romantic lighting, sensual fabrics, you just need skin to skin contact and you’ll be all set for a deeply intimate encounter.

Pour a glass of wine and drop your clothes. It’s time for some Floor Play!

Lie down and get comfortable.  Blindfold your honey and straddle him, letting your legs rest along side of his body.  Begin by dripping warmed massage oil over his body, rubbing it in with long sensual strokes.  The key to sensual massage is to adore every inch of your partner’s body.  Enchant his senses by varying the intensity of your touch and being creative.  Use your fingertips, knuckles, and the heel of your hand, your elbows, and your forearms. 

Tease him with an ostrich feather from head to toe, and then pleasure him orally for a few moments.  Go back to massaging him.  Slip a piece of ice into your mouth and let it melt.  Delight his senses with your cold mouth on his hot body.

Rip off his blindfold (or not) and have your way with him. 

Repeat this process only with you wearing the blindfold.  Ask him to drip wine down your back then lick it off for an erotic effect.

Enjoy your night with each other!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Fetish Friday - Handcuffs

Handcuffs are an important accessory for a cop costume but also can be a lot of fun in the bedroom. Keep in mind, handcuffs used in sex play are made to be comfortable and safe so don’t borrow your buddy’s police issue. Having restricted movement will intensify the senses and make for very sensual loving.

A recent study found that men who engage in bondage say they feel less sad, nervous or hopeless than men do generally. They're not markedly different from other men-bondage may be just a way "to express their heightened interest in sex and sexual permissiveness," says Richard O de Visser, PhD, author of the study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. "It's simply a sexual interest that's attractive to a minority, and not indicative of past abuse or difficulty with 'normal' sex," Visser says.
Handcuffs can make for some erotic fun.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

The Power of a Woman

The empowerment of a women begins within herself,
if that women loves herself;
she has that authority to love anyone she chooses.
The power of a women becomes even stronger
when she finds herself and knows who she is;
and doesn't let anyone tell her otherwise.
The power of a women can make her strong enough
to stand on her own two feet; and finally that women is independent .
She will not be afraid to ask for help or help herself.
The power of a women is stronger then the grip of a
lions teeth when his prey is in his mouth.
The power of a women is a power no man could live without ,
because without a women there can be no man.
The power of a women is endless;
so stand tall, and represent for all the women in the world.
© Tiffany Mitchell
Dedicated to: Women all over the world



Sneak Peek Sunday - Crow Magic

His mission of spying on the woman Madame Eve matched for him changed into an all-morning event. The minute Lucy walked out of the cottage he’d sensed her spirit calling to him and begging release. It was apparent as soon as she stepped off the porch to follow the crow that she would make a transformation easily. Her innocence brought out his protective streak, yet he wanted to teach her everything and take her to heights of passion. His pride swelled that he’d been the chosen one for the task.

Of all the people he’d met and the women he experienced intimately, she hypnotized him with her words. He lusted after not only her beauty but her soul, with the hesitant demeanor and even her wild hair separating her from all others. Beautiful organic shades of red and orange were revealed as the locks danced in the wind. Never had he seen hair like that before. So alive!

Her pale skin altered his opinion of the color white. He’d always considered the pallid shade boring. Her skin was that of an angel, light as the beach sand, smooth as milk and honey. He recognized the presence of the Water Spirit and noticed a calming of her aura. Her invitation to sit with her on the beach delighted him. He’d smelled magic in the blood he drew on her wrist. Her lovely eyes focused his attention on the eagerness of her soul yearning to be set free, stirring a longing obscured under personal responsibilities. His crow begged to claim her. Could it be possible she possessed a spirit animal akin to his own?

Because of her keen response to the bird, he predicted her reaction to the man would be more fervent. His cock grew hard, his palms itched to touch the milky skin and he hungered to taste her.

“You have been a mouse too long.” He whispered to the wind, “It is time to let the fiery angel fly. Trust me. Believe in me. I will show you how to soar.”

The crow within demanded to possess her. Mine.

Taken from Crow Magic
Available from Amazon and Decadent Publishing
CLICK HERE for more Sneak Peak Sunday snippets

Friday, May 10, 2013

That's What I'm Talking About...: Review: Crow Magic by Mary Quast

The first review of Crow Magic is in! Three out of five isn't bad. This is a very unique story and may not be for everyone. Feel free to click on the link to read the full review. -M

That's What I'm Talking About...: Review: Crow Magic by Mary Quast:

Crow Magic is a story filled with spirituality and self-awareness. The author uses Native American culture and beliefs to spin her own tale of romance centered around inner peace and freedom. While I found much of the culture presented entertaining, at times I felt the spirituality of the story was heavy-handed and overshadowed the romance.

In the beginning of the book, Lucy finds herself alone with an attentive crow at the secluded resort. She begins a dialogue with the alert bird that was a bit goofy and silly. Personally, I'd be freaking out if a crow pulled out my hair band and stared at me. However, after a while, her odd behavior is attributed to a history of abuse and the scene makes more sense in that light.

The overall “courtship” between Seth and Lucy was based on her spiritual and sexual awakening. Seth uses his powers to free her mind and body, allowing her to become centered and at peace with her own self. Because of this, I felt that the story wasn’t very romantic in the traditional sense of the genre. However, Seth realizes almost immediately that his connection to Lucy is deeper than that of previous charges, so he pursues her more intimately. 

Overall, Crow Magic is an enjoyable story with an interesting concept. It is filled, and at times overfilled, with spiritual awakening, using sex as part of the process. The connection between the primary couple isn't as steamy as in other 1NS stories, because the focus of the relationship is equally physical and spiritual. I liked that Lucy was able to shed her past and let out the awakened spirit inside of her. I think that those with an interest in Native American culture will enjoy this novella; however, if you are turned off by spirituality, you probably won't like the novella as much. 

Flirty Friday - Magic of the Mouth

The mouth is perhaps the sexiest part of the body.  It is always visible but constantly changing.  Please enjoy these quotes I found for this week's Flirty Friday.


'Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.' - Anonymous

'Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.' - Chinese Proverb

'Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.' -Rene Yasenek

'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein

'To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first.' - Janeane Garofalo

'Stolen kisses are always sweetest.' - Leigh Hunt

'In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek.' - French Proverb

I hope your day is as radiant as your smile.

I get the best feeling in the world when you say "Hi" or smile at me, because I know that even for a second that I've crossed your mind.

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?