Friday, May 17, 2013

Fetish Friday - Handcuffs

Handcuffs are an important accessory for a cop costume but also can be a lot of fun in the bedroom. Keep in mind, handcuffs used in sex play are made to be comfortable and safe so don’t borrow your buddy’s police issue. Having restricted movement will intensify the senses and make for very sensual loving.

A recent study found that men who engage in bondage say they feel less sad, nervous or hopeless than men do generally. They're not markedly different from other men-bondage may be just a way "to express their heightened interest in sex and sexual permissiveness," says Richard O de Visser, PhD, author of the study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. "It's simply a sexual interest that's attractive to a minority, and not indicative of past abuse or difficulty with 'normal' sex," Visser says.
Handcuffs can make for some erotic fun.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

The Power of a Woman

The empowerment of a women begins within herself,
if that women loves herself;
she has that authority to love anyone she chooses.
The power of a women becomes even stronger
when she finds herself and knows who she is;
and doesn't let anyone tell her otherwise.
The power of a women can make her strong enough
to stand on her own two feet; and finally that women is independent .
She will not be afraid to ask for help or help herself.
The power of a women is stronger then the grip of a
lions teeth when his prey is in his mouth.
The power of a women is a power no man could live without ,
because without a women there can be no man.
The power of a women is endless;
so stand tall, and represent for all the women in the world.
© Tiffany Mitchell
Dedicated to: Women all over the world



Sneak Peek Sunday - Crow Magic

His mission of spying on the woman Madame Eve matched for him changed into an all-morning event. The minute Lucy walked out of the cottage he’d sensed her spirit calling to him and begging release. It was apparent as soon as she stepped off the porch to follow the crow that she would make a transformation easily. Her innocence brought out his protective streak, yet he wanted to teach her everything and take her to heights of passion. His pride swelled that he’d been the chosen one for the task.

Of all the people he’d met and the women he experienced intimately, she hypnotized him with her words. He lusted after not only her beauty but her soul, with the hesitant demeanor and even her wild hair separating her from all others. Beautiful organic shades of red and orange were revealed as the locks danced in the wind. Never had he seen hair like that before. So alive!

Her pale skin altered his opinion of the color white. He’d always considered the pallid shade boring. Her skin was that of an angel, light as the beach sand, smooth as milk and honey. He recognized the presence of the Water Spirit and noticed a calming of her aura. Her invitation to sit with her on the beach delighted him. He’d smelled magic in the blood he drew on her wrist. Her lovely eyes focused his attention on the eagerness of her soul yearning to be set free, stirring a longing obscured under personal responsibilities. His crow begged to claim her. Could it be possible she possessed a spirit animal akin to his own?

Because of her keen response to the bird, he predicted her reaction to the man would be more fervent. His cock grew hard, his palms itched to touch the milky skin and he hungered to taste her.

“You have been a mouse too long.” He whispered to the wind, “It is time to let the fiery angel fly. Trust me. Believe in me. I will show you how to soar.”

The crow within demanded to possess her. Mine.

Taken from Crow Magic
Available from Amazon and Decadent Publishing
CLICK HERE for more Sneak Peak Sunday snippets

Friday, May 10, 2013

That's What I'm Talking About...: Review: Crow Magic by Mary Quast

The first review of Crow Magic is in! Three out of five isn't bad. This is a very unique story and may not be for everyone. Feel free to click on the link to read the full review. -M

That's What I'm Talking About...: Review: Crow Magic by Mary Quast:

Crow Magic is a story filled with spirituality and self-awareness. The author uses Native American culture and beliefs to spin her own tale of romance centered around inner peace and freedom. While I found much of the culture presented entertaining, at times I felt the spirituality of the story was heavy-handed and overshadowed the romance.

In the beginning of the book, Lucy finds herself alone with an attentive crow at the secluded resort. She begins a dialogue with the alert bird that was a bit goofy and silly. Personally, I'd be freaking out if a crow pulled out my hair band and stared at me. However, after a while, her odd behavior is attributed to a history of abuse and the scene makes more sense in that light.

The overall “courtship” between Seth and Lucy was based on her spiritual and sexual awakening. Seth uses his powers to free her mind and body, allowing her to become centered and at peace with her own self. Because of this, I felt that the story wasn’t very romantic in the traditional sense of the genre. However, Seth realizes almost immediately that his connection to Lucy is deeper than that of previous charges, so he pursues her more intimately. 

Overall, Crow Magic is an enjoyable story with an interesting concept. It is filled, and at times overfilled, with spiritual awakening, using sex as part of the process. The connection between the primary couple isn't as steamy as in other 1NS stories, because the focus of the relationship is equally physical and spiritual. I liked that Lucy was able to shed her past and let out the awakened spirit inside of her. I think that those with an interest in Native American culture will enjoy this novella; however, if you are turned off by spirituality, you probably won't like the novella as much. 

Flirty Friday - Magic of the Mouth

The mouth is perhaps the sexiest part of the body.  It is always visible but constantly changing.  Please enjoy these quotes I found for this week's Flirty Friday.


'Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.' - Anonymous

'Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.' - Chinese Proverb

'Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.' -Rene Yasenek

'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein

'To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first.' - Janeane Garofalo

'Stolen kisses are always sweetest.' - Leigh Hunt

'In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek.' - French Proverb

I hope your day is as radiant as your smile.

I get the best feeling in the world when you say "Hi" or smile at me, because I know that even for a second that I've crossed your mind.

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday 13 - Ways to Feel Sexy

Real sexiness is all about confidence and how you feel about yourself. It doesn't matter what your body shape is or the size of your dress. Sexy is a feeling from the inside and you can bring it out in simple ways.

1.      Wear lingerie that flatters you. Visit your local intimate apparel shop where they can measure your and find styles suitable. Lover’s Lane is great at helping you find that super sexy lingerie to hide scars or other unfavorable body spots.
2.      Wear silk panties under your jeans. Nobody knows they are there, but you do!  And it feels soooo niiiiice!
3.      Do your makeup and hair. Don’t look like a streetwalker or a runway model. Find something to flatter your face shape and eyes.
4.      Work out. Even a 20 min walk each day will  make you healthier and give you better posture. When you hold your head up your aura fills with confidence.
5.      Make note of items in your wardrobe that make you feel sexy. A white blouse? A pair of boots? Feel free to wear them often.
6.      Accept compliments regarding your looks and abilities.
7.      Learn more about pleasing your partner. Simply ASK.
8.      Be the dominant one in your next love-making session.
9.      Plan at least one sensual experience a week for your love. Work with the fives senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. Pick one and focus on it.
10.  Take a shower or a bubble bath with your honey.  Soaping each other up can be an erotic exploration. 
11.  If you're unsure about how to do something, become knowledgeable about it. Don’t be afraid to check out books or surf the Internet. Confidence is an incredible aphrodisiac.
12.  Allow yourself to feel sexy. Is there something that is hanging on to you, preventing you from relaxing about sex?
13.  Most importantly, don't worry about your appearance. Everyone has flaws; just no one else cares about them as much as you do.
Thank you DOVE for he outstanding campaign.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday Temptations - Chocolate & Wine

I love chocolate (the darker, the better).
I love cherries and I love wine.
 On a whim, I bought a bottle of Cocobon Wine. I liked the description on the lable.
Experience Cocobon, a harmonious blend that tantalizes the senses and transports you along a spell-binding journey to Nirvana. Become immersed in deep crimson tones that deliver decadent aroma and flavor, from dark cherry to rich vanilla, mocha and cocoa.
Oh the lable wasn't kidding!  This beverage is an orgasm for the tounge.
When inhaling the arroma, the scent was sharp but sublte with only the faintest hint of berries.  The smell carries dark raspberries with vanilla and the flavor is even better. At first you taste a rich full flavor of red fruits. The soft, mild tannins were completely overpowered by the luscious flavors of rich vanilla and dark chocolate. This powerful combination then melted into a blueberry finish with just a hint of bite to help the flavor linger on in the mouth. Even after you swallow, the flavors continue to dance on the back of your tongue.
I highly recomend to enjoy this drink slowly for the wonderful experience! 
Perhaps the wine is so appealing because it was created by a lady winemaker Georgetta Dane.
It takes a woman to know what a woman really wants in a wine!
She continues her journey at Cocobon, where she harnesses the power of all her senses and creates a Zen-like balance at the intersection of art, science, and soul.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Cinco De Mayo

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday that commemorates the Mexican army's victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The date is perhaps best recognized in the United States as a date to celebrate the culture and experiences of Americans of Mexican ancestry.

Special events and celebrations highlight Mexican culture, especially in its music and regional dancing. Grab some friends and host a party or spend the night in with your honey. Prepare a Mexican meal, make some margaritas, throw a couple Mexican blankets over the couch, light some candles and create your own sensual adventure. Check local costume shops for Cinco de Mayo outfits and do some role playing or dancing.

For some amazing Margarita recipes check out The Best Margaritas of Texas.

Visit the Food Network for some yummy recipes to celebrate the holiday.

If you need help turning a hum-drum day into a Mexican fiesta you need a little help from CHEF AARÓN SÁNCHEZ. Sanchez is the Owner/Executive Chef of Centrico & Paladar as well as a Food Network Star & Cookbook Author Award-Winning Chef. Check out his website.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sensual Saturday - History of Kissing


Humans have a long history of kissing. Europeans kiss both cheeks. Parents kiss their child's cheek. The Intuit rub noses. The French kiss by... well… you know. Kissing, both casual and romantic, is a common practice, but we really don't know where or how it began.

There are several different theories as to how kissing all began:

*       * In ancient times, a mother would chew up food and pass it directly to the mouth of her baby. What started as a sign of affection between mother and child most likely spread to romantic relationships. However, some cultures had the same practice of passing food to their children, but knew nothing about kissing.

*       * Some believed that our souls lived in our breath and that kissing brings your soul together, thus combining you together for eternity. This is a romantic theory, but not really one that can be proven true.

*       * Kissing gets you close enough to your partner to smell their scent, giving you knowledge of the person. Animals practice a similar behavior by rubbing against each other.

The theories are just that though. There is no proof or record of where and how kissing originally began. We do know that Europeans were kissing during the Greek and Roman times. It also appears that some form of kissing may have started in India as there are texts from around 1500 B.C. that describe the custom of rubbing noses together, now commonly referred to as 'Eskimo Kissing'.

While we don't know for sure when or where kissing first began, the reference to 'Eskimo Kissing' supports the theory that kissing gets you close to your partner in order to pick up on their scent. When you inhale your partner's scent, you subconsciously learn a lot about the other person by their smell. As we previously noted, most animals engage in a similar behavior.

It seems then that the modern romantic kiss most likely evolved as a way of unconsciously testing the genetic fitness of a potential mate. While this may be the underlying reason as to why we began kissing, it's not really the main reason as to why we continue to practice it. The reason is simple: it feels good, it evokes feelings of passion, and it's a physical connection between us and our partners.

However the kiss began, we're thankful. :)