Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Release

Check out this new release from my friend, Shelley Munro!

Wander back to England, the summer of 1940 and sexy Spitfire pilots for your romance fix.

Blurb: Summer, 1940. Britain is at war, and her brave fighter pilots attempt to keep the enemy at bay.

The last thing Pamela Allison wants is another man, especially one like her brutal, now deceased husband. Her managing mother wants her to live with her in London, but Pamela accepts a job from her aunt, working in the family store in the village near Biggin Hill.

Enter Michael Stedman, a Spitfire pilot based at the Biggin Hill airbase. Depressed and a little drunk after the death of his friend, he doesn’t expect to meet a beautiful woman during a night out at the local pub. He’s not looking for anything permanent since a pilot’s life is fraught with danger. All he wants is a little feminine company to take his mind off the war.

London is under siege by the enemy. Bombs drop every night and the danger increases for everyone. Michael and Pamela’s relationship changes and they become lovers. They are happy with their secret liaison until gossip and the past intrude and threaten to destroy everything, including her good reputation.

Read an Excerpt.Note for Readers: You must be over eighteen to read this excerpt

You can find A Discreet Affair at Liquid Silver Books.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The stick is lit. Smoke takes to the air like a runner after the gunshot, but only for a moment does it run. With a sudden yawn, the smoke relaxes and begins to gently twist and turn. A floating spiral, on an upward path.

Scented smoke carries my thoughts, my memories, my spirit with it. I feel lifted, unburdened by physical things. My spirit calls out to my ancestors and to my God. Wings of grey take me to weightlessness. I am free. No pain, no sorrow. I am light.

I bend and arch in the currents. Smiling as I float in this newfound space. Twisting, turning as I soar. My heart beats out a soft drum. It is an empty space as is my soul. I breathe deep; the smoke brings to me words from heavenly voices.

Warm air wraps around my body, across my skin and through my bones. Delicate webs weave me a staircase to follow. Exotic scent beckons to me. Grey wings pull my spirit higher. I feel peace. I am one with the elements of air, earth, water, fire.

A line of smoke rises and splits into two lines forming a pair of wings. They take flight and ramble in time as they play. Circling, twirling, weaving through memories.

The wings begin to fade, the scent lingers. I’m not ready. Take me with you, let me fly some more. The smoke moves as if in slow motion, not waving farewell but giving me a smile. Even when I can’t see it, the scent is there and I will be at peace. I know I am not alone.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday Thirteen - Reasons to Smile

1. To show you’re happy.

2. Like yawns, smiles are contagious.

3. To do a simple act of kindness.

4. Because you are wearing a new shade of lipstick. (After all, a girl cannot have too many shades of lipstick.)

5. You feel confident knowing your best girlfriend will tell you if you have something stuck in your teeth.

6. Because that piece of chocolate cheesecake was amazing.

7. You love the sensation of those new panties against your skin.

8. You feel joy in your heart and love energizes you.
(Or was that an oversized pink bunny that just went by?)

9. If you smile enough, you’ll start to believe your face.

10. You just took a deep breath and realized life is grand.

11. Because happiness is the result of being too busy to be miserable.

12. It takes fewer muscles to smile than frown.

13. My favorite reason: Always smile… because others will think you are up to something. And maybe you are.

What makes you smile?

Check out my Thursday Thirteen - 13 Sexy Quotes on Romance Writers Behaving Badly.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Release - check it out

THE PERFECT DISH by Kristen Painter is now out!

Who doesn't love a hot chef hero?

Blurb: Texas-born Kelly Spicer is not just one of Manhattan's hottest young chefs, he's also one of the city's most eligible bachelors. Desperate to help his grieving sister, Kelly uses the magic cookbook passed down through his family's generations to conjure up a recipe of chocolate-laced persuasion to enlist the help of the only woman he thinks can reach his sister.

Psychologist Meredith Black has buried two husbands,an experience which has made her an expert in grief and pushed her to pen two books that landed her on the Oprah show and the best seller list. A cynic in matters of the heart, her success does nothing to ease her belief that she's a jinx. She vows never to love again and when she makes that sentiment public, dating Kelly becomes her best damage control.

You can find it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tempting Tuesday - excerpt from Tormented Soul

Softly kissing her body as he rose, he held her tight when he thought she would fall over. She gave him a small laugh when he looked into her face. As he placed kisses over her mouth and neck he felt her fingers untie his pants. Her hands stroked his butt, hips and slid into the leather. His eyes rolled back from the delight of her touch. Her mouth trailed down his neck, chest, across his stomach but he stopped her when he thought she was going farther.

He slipped out of his vest, kicked off his boots and lifted her in his arms to carry her to the bed. Holding her against him, he kissed her deeply as he laid her down. She propped herself on her elbows and sent him a smile he couldn’t resist. For the fun of it, he did a strip tease when he took off his pants. He laughed with her as he crawled onto the bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed while bedding a woman. What a refreshing adventure this promised to be!

As he lay on his side, Erick took a finger and followed the outline of her face, her neck, and her breast and down her belly. He stopped to tickle her belly button and then pretended his finger was stuck. Lynn squealed and smacked his hand away. In retaliation he attacked her breasts with fervor. Alternating between the two, he took each nipple into his mouth, teasing her and losing himself in her scent. He could feel her rapid heart beat.

He ran his hand down her thigh and back up to stop at the center of her heat. Lynn arched her body and called out his name. His composure was gone with the way she said it. The desire to be inside her overcame him.

Tormented Soul is the second book in the Soul Series.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Check out this new release from a fellow Diva!

Jamie Purdue has her vacation all planned out. She’s going to watch movies on Lifetime and do a few odd jobs around her parents’ place. Little does she know that Brad and Logan, two gorgeous acquaintances with to-die-for bodies, have other plans for her. And none of those plans involve a paintbrush or shovel.

Brad and Logan aren’t merely the weight-slinging bodybuilders Jamie thinks. They are also hot-blooded Doms with one thing on their mind―gaining Jamie's complete surrender. And they'll use every weapon in their arsenal to get it.

Taking Jamie hostage is only the first step in their deviously sexy plans...

Girl Enslaved is a contemporary menage a trois with BDSM elements.


Monday, January 3, 2011


The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself. - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday Thirteen - 13 Foreplay Fundamentals

1. Fruit. Sensual fruit such as strawberries, grapes and bananas may be easily found in your kitchen and can be a lot of fun to tease with. Try dancing around your partner and feed him bits of fruit while teasing him with your body.

2.Sensual food. Whipping cream (see my 13 Things to Do with Whipping Cream). Chocolate and other sensual foods.

3. A nice beverage. Wine is always nice but a hot cup of coco or tea can be sensual in its own way especially in winter. Try a cup of spicy Masala Chai, or a tea containing yarrow, or better yet the aphrodisiac tea - Black Galingale.

4. Candles. Men have a tendency to prefer candles that smell like food – vanilla, orange spice, melon. Women may prefer floral scents for romance. Cluster candles on a reflective tray. I like to mix the scents – Lavender, vanilla or orange spice, Hawaiian flower, white tea & ginger. Visit a local candle shop and select candles together for a special evening.

5. Sensual music. What gets you in the mood? Soft jazz for a romantic evening of slow love making? Underground dance music for some creative adventuring? Hard rock for some fierce pounding? I suggest picking out the music in advance and being flexible to your mood at the time. One night you might like soft jazz, the next you might choose something louder.

6. Lingerie. Silk boxers for him, g-string for her? Silk slip? Flannel pants and tight cotton tank? Whatever you feel sexy in is what you should choose. However, latest polls show men don’t like lots of lace and buttons/snaps.

7. Sheets. If you’re taking it to bed think of what feels good under you. Don’t always think silk sheets are the best… flannel sheets are very cozy, especially in the northern regions.

8. Blankets. If you visit my house, you’ll notice a variety of cozy, soft blankets on a blanket rack in the great room. They aren’t just for making kids’ forts. Ever try snuggling on a leather couch under a fleece blanket? Try it!

9. Lotions. Keep ones that sensually inspire your mind and ones that can be licked off.

10. Feather. My personal fav! Ever wonder why romance writers love writing plumes so much. Heh, heh. Next time you’re at the zoo, pick up an ostrich feather or visit you local sex shop for some top notch fun feathers.

11. Blindfold, silk scarves, hand cuffs. Need I say anything more?

12. Love coupons. Pick up a booklet of them or print them on the computer. Hide a coupon in a special place for your honey to find. A great teaser!

13. Romantic games. There’s a wide variety out there. A great way to add a little exploration into your love life.

Always remember, laughing, giggling and tickling in bed can be wonderful foreplay move.

Check out my other Thursday 13 at Romance Writers Behaving Badly.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Hotties and Mistletoe

Welcome to another stop on the RWBB Holiday Hoties Tour. It’s a mini tour with prizes and fun. Follow the links below. I hope you started at Romance Writers Behaving Badly blog and just left The Rantings & Ravings of Jeanne St. James
"The mistletoe is hung up near a doorway or in the kitchen and young men have the privilege of kissing girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked the privilege ceases."
The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is one of my favorites and I believe a lot of kissing under the mistletoe has been going on for ages. In today's tradition the part about plucking the berries (which, incidentally, are poisonous), and then all kissing under the mistletoe ends when the berries run out!
Sometimes the kissing hottie comes along with a gift.

As a little girl, my mother told me how a young lady standing under a ball of mistletoe, brightly trimmed with evergreens, ribbons, and ornaments, cannot refuse to be kissed. Such a kiss could mean deep romance or lasting friendship and goodwill. If the girl remained unkissed, she cannot expect not to marry the following year.

I found references of "kissing under the mistletoe" in Celtic rituals and Norse mythology. In Gaul, the land of the Celts, for instance, the Druids considered it a sacred plant. It was believed to have medicinal qualities and mysterious supernatural powers. (Hmm... I wonder what kind of "power" I would have if I wear a piece of mistletoe on my coat. After all... I am Scandinavian.)

The Norse myth of Baldur. Baldur's death and resurrection is one of the most fascinating Norse myths and stands at the beginning of the history of mistletoe as a "kissing" plant.

Baldur's mother was the Norse goddess, Frigga. When Baldur was born, Frigga made each and every plant, animal and inanimate object promise not to harm Baldur. But Frigga overlooked the mistletoe plant -- and the mischievous god of the Norse myths, Loki, took advantage of this oversight.

Ever the prankster, Loki tricked one of the other gods into killing Baldur with a spear fashioned from mistletoe. The demise of Baldur, a vegetation deity in the Norse myths, brought winter into the world, although the gods did eventually restore Baldur to life. After which Frigga pronounced the mistletoe sacred, ordering that from now on it should bring love rather than death into the world.
Happily complying with Frigga's wishes, any two people passing under the plant from now on would celebrate Baldur's resurrection by kissing under the mistletoe.

I have my mistletoe hanging. Do you?

I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. Don't forget, you need to leave a comment on EVERY blog for a chance to win. The next stop on the tour is my good friend,Gem Sivad's Gem's Place. Here is a list of our participants:

1. Jeanne St James-
2. Mary Quast- you are here
3. Gem Sivad-
4. Christa Paige-
5. Savanna Kougar-
6. Dawne Prochilo-