Showing posts with label messes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label messes. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clear the Clutter

Is your desk piled high with papers? Is your purse disorganized? Does your closet look like a tornado hit? Does clutter make your life feel like a constant obstacle course?

Clutter and disorganization can distract you and waste your energy.

Take a deep breath and make the decision to begin clearing the clutter in your life. Start small; organize one small area such as a shelf, a drawer, or your purse. You don't want to overwhelm yourself! Work your way to the big things.

As you clean that desk or the closet you may also be clearing the clutter of old attitudes, grudges, and negativity. This simple cleaning will also cleanse your spirit.

When you clean out a closet, attend to paperwork, organize your personal life, you'll find you have more energy to focus on the things that are important to you.

I find that after cleaning my desk, I have a burst of creativity, my writing muse is happy, and I write like crazy.

Don't get me wrong... I still wish I had a maid!