Showing posts with label #ActorInterview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ActorInterview. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

On Deck With John Quinlan

 The best part about being a writer is the people you meet. I’ve been blessed with my friendship with cover model and actor, John Quinlan. 

Lucky for us, he’s taken some time from his busy schedule to stop by for a visit. It's a sunny afternoon in the woods, and we're relaxing on the deck. Join us and sit back. We opened a big bottle of Faygo Red Pop and have the blender making slurpees to share. 

John has graced many covers.

It’s great to see you, John. I think it’s amazing of how you went from The World’s Most Tattooed Male Cover Model to becoming an actor. I admire how dedicated you are and how you put 100% of yourself into whatever you are working on.

In December of 2013, you made your acting debut as hit man Beckett Taylor in Debra Anastasia’s Return to Poughkeepsie . Then you were selected as a lead actor in Jillian Bullock’s film ‘A Sense of Purpose – Fighting for Our Lives’.


It’s great seeing you again, John. (Hands John a Slurpee.) What have you been up to?

I always have some kind of a project on the table working towards my goals and achieving many dreams. Most recently I was filming in New York as I was signed on as the role of Marvel villain character Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich) for the TV/Web Series: Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021). Paul Giamatti is the actor who portrayed Rhino in the 2014 film, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Paul is a very talented actor and I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason and God above. My goal is to portray Rhino on the Silver Screen as many on set thought my performance was worthy. Maybe Paul will have a conflict with another film project in the near future leaving the role of Rhino open for another actor to fill. I told my grandfather a week before he passed away in 2013 I'd make it big as an actor. This would definitely fulfill my promise to him.

Do you enjoy being the bad guy? Are you the villain with a heart of gold?

When I think about it, I always seem to take on bad guys and villain roles. Many have told me I play those roles very well. I have too much respect for this business not to take every role seriously and give it my all. I guess I truly am a bad guy with a heart of gold as people say these roles are nothing like the real John.

 I think you have that bad guy scowl down. That with the tats and all those muscles give you that bad boy look. I remember you have always been into fitness and given some great advice to my boys. You even made a special appearance on Fitness Friday. How has your workout regimen changed over the years?

My regimen is still basically the same. I've always had a phrase that as we all get older one has to train smarter not harder. I train now more like a boxer to keep myself in shape and remain as injury free as I possibly can.

 Is it difficult to maintain your buffness?

 You are too kind Mary, as far as maintaining buffness I will let you and everybody else be the judge of that.

Everyone agrees, hands down… you maintain your buffness very well. Readers, you would absolutely LOVE his New England accent. (Passes napkins to our readers to wipe the drool off their chins.) John, you are such a busy guy. Take a minute and walk us through a day in your life.

My life is not much different than many of you. I try to get up early and train as I like to start my day physically and mentally on the right foot. I usually try to make some healthy food for my day at that time as well. When I am with my kids I try to give them my complete attention as quality time with them is very important to me I focus on my work as it is very important, although I try not to take it too seriously as life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

You are such a busy guy, what do you enjoy doing most when you’re not working?

I try to keep myself fit as time moves forward so I guess that is my hobby. As we get older you never know when your last day is going to be. My goal is to watch my kids grow up and have their own kids. I want to be here and see them be successful. I truly want to be around to witness all of this and I think keeping myself healthy to the best of my ability will help me do that.

John is all about FAMILY and makes time to be with his kids.

You are such a softie, John. *Sigh* You also have a big heart. I remember you always enjoyed helping various charities.

 I have participated in many charities over the years. I enjoy helping people and if I can do things to make people's lives better is a win-win for everyone There is truly no set number as there are an infinite amount of charities I would promote today. Every charity has the same goal which helps those who are struggling and trying to overcome some kind of adversity.  

Is Greek Pizza still your favorite dish? We featured a recipe for Greek Pizza HERE.

Greek pizza I would say still remains the number one favorite dish although I do have a soft spot for authentic Italian dishes. I love salty things instead of sweet when I am craving comfort food, that's for sure.

During a previous interview, (Living the Fantasy with John Quinlan) you mentioned candles being an element for a romantic evening. Describe what you would consider a romantic event.

I think, most importantly, for anything to be considered a romantic event there would have to be a good chemistry between both people. Trust, communication, and mutual love are three things which can make any event a romantic one. Ideally, a nice restaurant with candles and each being completely focused on one another is perfect. 

Since Thanksgiving is around the corner… tell us what Turkey Day is like at your house.

There is nothing scientific about this answer Mary when it comes to Thanksgiving. Every food you can imagine and having at least a double or triple amount of it will be routine. I make the most of this holiday because it is the best eating day of the year! It only comes one day a year so have no regrets at the dinner table. I guarantee that I will not have any regrets when I fall asleep watching football on TV after the food malay is completed.

That sounds like a great day and very similar to ours. It's been great visiting with you, John. I appreciate you taking time out from your busy life to share with us. Any last words to our readers.?

I would like to thank you Mary for interviewing me here sitting on your back deck drinking this Michigan based hometown favorite Faygo Red Pop Slurpee. You're the best, invite me back again soon :)

 Oh, we’ll certainly have you back. It’s always fun to have you. Cheers to all and a Happy Thanksgiving!


 Find John Quinlan: