Saturday, November 7, 2020

Colors of Autumn Romance

 My artist's eye loves the colors of Autumn. The rich golds of leaves, dark red berries left on bushes and all the glorious colors of produce.

Fall flowers add color and fragrance.

Look at the gorgeous color of this red onion harvested from my son's garden.
It matches my nail polish! LOL

The color of autumn wines match the season.
I like to celebrate the beauty of fall with
spiced apple wine and my sweet Flyboy.

Grab your honey and make a trip to your local produce stand or better yet, visit the orchard. Go on a hayride or simply enjoy wandering about. Take in all the wonderful colors and scents of the season. Take time to sip some cider and nibble on doughnuts or caramel apples. Romance is all around you in beautiful color!

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