Saturday, June 6, 2020

A Meditation Moment

Living in the woods can be a form of meditation and I find it very comforting. 

Every morning I do 15 minutes of yoga on the back deck (front porch if it's raining,).
When I gaze into the woods, peace and calm wash over me.

Sometimes, hubby and I will sit on the deck to enjoy our morning coffee. We both feel that wonderful calm but it also lightens our hearts. Being together and sharing such a moment refreshes our love as well.

You don't have to live in the woods for this experience. 
Simply, look up. 

Do you see trees or buildings? Admire what they are and the majesty of it. Take a few deep breaths and slowly exhale. Feel the moment. If you are with your honey, embrace each other in a cozy hug and look up together. Feel your heartbeats.

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