Earth Day 2010 Anthology
Call for Submissions
We're gearing up for Earth Day 2010 and we are looking for prose and poetry that shares nature and nature's gifts with readers of every age.
We'll be publishing Nature's Gifts in both print and electronic formats. Fifty percent of the profits for a period of one year from first publication will be donated to The Nature Conservancy to honor their incredible work around the globe. You can learn more about The Nature Conservancy at their website
Submissions will be judged by a panel of three judges, both Vanilla Heart Publishing staff members and contracted editors. Authors whose pieces are selected will be notified by February 1, 2010.
All selected contributors, in addition to receiving the print copy of the published anthology in which they appear, will also be announced on this Website, and on Facebook, MySpace, and Xanga blogs, as well as inclusion in the donation letter to The Nature Conservancy, and be invited to participate in the Vanilla Heart Publishing Earth Day 2010 Celebrations.
Open for submissions September 1-December 31, 2009
Our Newest Anthology,
Nature's Gifts: An Anthology Celebrating Nature and Our Natural WorldSUBMISSION DETAILS
Open to all; Authors under age 18 must have permission from parent or guardian to enter
Poetry - length from short (haiku length) to Epic (300 lines)
Stories - fiction and non-fiction both accepted; length from 300 words to 25,000 words
Authors retain copyright to their contributions and grant to the publisher first print and electronic rights for a period of one year from date of publication.
Selected authors will be asked to sign a publishing agreement prior to publication.
Send email submissions to:
1 comment:
What a fantastic idea! I love this. :D
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