I was at Trev's soccer game this weekend when I saw one of the other moms. She wasn't limping with pain in her legs like the last time we met. I commented on well she looked and she proceed to tell me a story of an old wives' tale regarding Ivory Soap. A friend of hers told her to hold a bar of soap (he preferred Ivory) for a few moments, it would take the pain away. She tried it, and to her surprise... it worked!
Just the mention of old wives' tales and Ivory Soap took me back to my childhood and the time spent with my maternal grandmother. She used Ivory Soap for everything... liquid for dishes, bar for bath, flakes for laundry. I loved that clean fresh smell of her pillow cases. Ivory Soap has been around for so long, it makes one wonder if some of those tales of this miracle cleaner are true.
To get a stain out - attack it right away by rubbing a bar of Ivory Soap directly on the stain, rinse.
This cleaner will remove coffee stains, berry stains, even mildew from garment! Ivory Soap is very mild; with an almost neutral pH, no perfumes, no moisturizers, no other chemical additives. It is gentle enough for baby clothes and those with sensitive skin.
As a child, my family spent much of the summer at our cottage that had no indoor plumbing. Gram would give my cousins and I a bar of Ivory Soap and send us to the lake to wash up. We had so much fun playing with that floating bar until it became so full of sand it eventually sunk and was never found. Needless to say, Gram managed to get us clean and keep us out of her hair for a while!
Laundry day at Grams was a blast! She had an old washing machine. One that you had to push the garments through a wringer into a tub of clear water to rinse then wring them again. I helped her on the days she had to do her personal items such as bras and girddles. But it was such fun to push, pull, dip, and wring the items all while enjoying that wonderful Ivory Soap smell.
Checking my cupboards, I realized I don't have any Ivory Soap. I think I will run to the market today to pick up a bar or two. After all, it works on dirty faces, grimy little hands, and will take stains off my son's shirts in a gentle manner. Maybe I'll try it for pain, too. Hmmm... I think I'll keep a bar in my bathroom... just for that wonderful smell.
Tah, tah... I'm off to the market. Have a great week!
Will it remove grass stains? With two little boys I'm forever tackling grass stains. More often than not, I lose!
P.S. Your pictures are inspiring. LOL
Actually, I prefer Biz. It works miracles for me. I have three boys, a hubby who hunts, a dog who loves mud ... we live in the woods near a pond. Talk about dirt! An overnight soak in Biz cleans anything.
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