Thursday, October 8, 2020

Leading Ladies & Fellas

When I was a teenager way back around 1980, my mom belonged to the Harlequin Readers Service and she would receive a box of romance books every month.  She would pour over those books with a hunger only another book lover would understand. Sometimes I'd sneak a book and hide in the basement to discover the adventures that lie within the pages.

Mom’s favorites depicted historical with brawny manly men such as cowboys and damsels in distress or rich educated hunks such as doctors with an established woman in search of a man accepting of her liberation.

As I grew as a reader then became a writer, I came to appreciate the variety of characters behind well written romance stories. Personally, I don’t care for the wimpy gal who can’t tie her shoe without help. However, a gal does have the right to be doted on by a loving man…as long as she tends to her own footwear, unless he’s taking off said footwear to give her peds some undivided attention.  After all, who doesn’t love a good foot massage?

Anyways…..back to my original trail of thought.

Creating characters is actually pretty fun. (That is until they take over a writer’s mind and keep thus writer up all night until a scene or story is finished.) Let’s take the overly confident guy who helps a meek gal find her inner sensuality and eventually turns the table on him. He becomes empty and she is the only one who can fill him. This is much like my characters in Crow Magic. The hero in this story is the first of several Native American shifters I create; this one is a Crow shaman.

Let me tease you with a couple characters…. 
how about a dominating hot cop and a submissive lawyer? Sounds hot! In Handcuffs & Silk, the rough, tough female cop learns a bit about herself when she has a one night stand with a hot male big-city lawyer who’s a bit submissive and passive. 

The hero in Eagle Dance is a huge man with wild hair who is a big softie inside. He is looking for a woman to appreciate the simple things with him. He's the second Native American shifter, a sexy eagle and retired Marine. His leading lady is chasing a ghost but slows down for pizza and a hot shower scene. 

I’m a sucker for a good romance story with well built characters. 
(Not referring to muscular build…well maybe. Duh!) Nonetheless, 
I believe heroes can have weakness and leading ladies can be strong. They are certainly fun to create!

What kinds of characters in leading roles do you prefer?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Special Guest Teaser from Loving Sage by Dominique Eastwick

Dominique Eastwick one of my favorite fellow authors at Decadent Publishing. I love her writing style and the ability to write anything from Historical such as the House of Lords series to Paranormal Romance like the Zodiac Shifters Anthology 

 However, I'm a sucker for dragons, and was introduced to dragons and much more in the Wiccan Haus series for which Dominique and several other great authors write. Wiccan Haus resort is located on an island off the coast of Maine. The island is protected by a mystical fog and magical boundary. The spa is meant to be relaxing and there is always a story to tell. Readers will ride emotional roller-coasters and fall in love.

Let's take the ferry and check into the Wiccan Haus Resort 
and enjoy the latest tale from Dominique Eastwick!


A mate who doesn’t remember him…
Chad Kodiak has everything he could want in a mate. She is as beautiful as she is kind. For seven long years, he lives on the island housing the Wiccan Haus, guarding and protecting. Hoping one day his mate might remember who he is.

Memories long repressed…
Sage Rowan loves her life. She loves the island and loves helping people. Years have passed since tragedy hit her family, and she has finally found peace. Or so she thinks until a trip to a sweat lodge reveals memories long suppressed. Can she trust those around her or the life she has led?.

Can a bear shifter protect what is his without ever letting on they are mates? Or will the forces working against them force his hand too soon. Things are churning around them, and only they can make it happen.

Welcome back to the Wiccan Haus.


Award Winning Author, Dominique Eastwick currently resides in North Carolina with her husband, two children, crazy lab and lazy cat. When she's not busy writing, she loves to capture life through the lens of her camera.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

#TastyTuesday - Minnesota Sticky Buns

 Mom and Dad just got back from being with family in Minnesota. Of course we talked about the food and now the guys are craving Aunt Rosemary's stick buns. 

Yum! Can you smell the caramel and cinnamon?

Mom gave me the recipe and at big family gatherings the rolls are still the highlight (and the most requested breakfast item). The Minnesota family tradition continues.

Gram tells the kids they have to share.

While on our family vacation last summer, Mom made the rolls for our growing family. This was the first time with our new daughter-in-law and significant other. As usual, there were no leftovers.

Mom and Dad have been married for 64 years, still find romance in the kitchen.

Overnight Caramel Rolls


2 loaves frozen bread dough (cut into 24 pieces) or frozen rolls (24 little rolls)

1 pkg (cook-type) butterscotch pudding

4 Tbsp milk

3/4 c brown sugar

1 stick butter

1/2 tsp cinnamon


Lightly grease a 9x13 inch pan. Cut loaf of bread dough into 12 pieces, place in pan.

Mix butterscotch pudding, milk, brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter in a saucepan over medium heat until dissolved. Pour over dough. Set on counter overnight.


In the morning, back at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before inverting onto a plate.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Monday Morning Hero

 Birds often think they can fly through our log home in the woods, but quickly learn it is impossible. 

Today a little feathered friend saw stars after he bounced off one of the great windows above the deck. Flyboy, gently handled the tiny critter until he regained some balance. 

After a short rest, the Nuthatch flew off with a squeak of thanks. 


Nothing beats a sexy hero with gentle hands.

Love is A Puffy Apple Pancake

Today's word is LOVE. While I was doing my morning yoga, LOVE was the word that came into my mind. Being September, the word APPLE also comes to mind.

Sunday at Grams was about food, family, fun and love. I hope to install such a traditional tine in our family. So let's see what we can make with love and apples.

I'm a bit of a messy cook.

Today's breakfast is Puffy Apple Oven Pancake. A perfect dish served in a cast iron pan on a rainy fall morn.
Over medium heat, cook apples in butter until they turn golden.

Add the batter and place in the oven at 420 for 20 min.

The result is a lovely puffy pastry.

I think my guys liked the dish. 

This is a cookbook I often go to. It's filled with family friendly meal ideas and fun little stories.
If you enjoy reading cookbooks, this is a good one! 

Williams-Sonoma Family Meals: Creating Traditions in the Kitchen 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Beautiful Begining

The beginning can set the tone of the entire day so take a moment to think about it. 
Choose one word, perhaps the first word that comes to mind, of how you want to feel, be or accomplish today. 

My word today is "creative".  I want to feel creative and be creative.

Realistically,  my day involves laundry and cleaning the house. But for breakfast I'm trying a new recipe... chive and cream cheese omelets for Flyboy & me. I also hope to get some blog posts done and work on Hawk's Honor.
But for now, I'll start my day and set the tone. I take a deep breath, enjoy the moment and say the word " Creative."

Friday, October 2, 2020

#MIchigan #Meditation

 Time spent in nature is an opportunity to rejuvenate the soul.

Try a moment of Michigan Meditation.

My state of Michigan is known for nature. I was blessed to have worked for the Department of Natural Resources for a time. Every day I walked the 81 acres of marshland I was charged with and started the day with peace, wonder and beauty.

Yesterday was the first day of bow hunting season and hunters took to the woods, including my flyboy. Like many hunters, he didn't see a deer but simply enjoyed being in nature. Curious squirrels teased him while he sat enjoying the sounds and smells of the woods. 

You don't have to be a hunter to enjoy Michigan Meditation, or even be in the state. Find a spot outdoors, on your porch, in a park; and take a moment to listen, look and smell. Feel the peace.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Thursday Thirteen - 13 "Love Surprises"

Little things mean alot. 
I'm sure you've heard that before... but it's true. 
Simple things such as a smile can brighten one's day. 

My flyboy hubby is gone often so I enjoy hiding things in his suitcase.  When my mom was alive, living in an apartment, I'd have fun leaving goodies in her fridge or on her dresser for her to find. When Football Moms were allowed to decorate the boys' locker room, we'd leave encouraging notes and candy on our sons' locker doors. I enjoy leaving a cute little card on my secretary's keyboard.

Here's a list of some items for you to leave in often over looked places for your honey or someone special to find.

For your honey:
1. Handcuffs.

2. A sexy photo of yourself.

3. A pair of panties scented with a favorite fragrance.

4. Favorite candy. Sweet for a sweetie.

5. A key (to your heart).

6. A love poem.

7. A love letter.

8. Love coupons.

For someone special:
9. A greeting or inspirational card.

10. A photo of the two of you in a cute frame.

11. A small book. (Inspirational, poetry, romance, comedy)

12. Favorite CD.

13 Favorite magazine. (Magnolia, Taste of Home, Oprah are my favs to give to a gal or a hunting magazine for a guy)

Other items may include Hersey kisses, a teddy bear, jewelry, a list of why that person is special to you, small artwork, and a small bottle of their favorite fragrance.

What other items can you think of?

Special Thanks to Cary Ann's Hallmark in Flushing, MI
for keeping me well stocked in "little things."

Check out more fun Thursday 13 lists HERE

Lunch With Love

Nothing is sexier than a man who cooks, except for the food. 

Hubby grilled some chicken breasts for me to use as my work lunches.
Deliciously seasoned breasts served on a bed of mixed greens, dried cranberries and shredded parmesan cheese...yum!

I'd rather have a glass of white wine, but water with a slice of lemon will make to do.