Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Visit From Spazz - #SpiritAnimal

My Native American Shifter Romance series Legend of the Spirit feature heroes who know their Spirit Animal not only intimately but can actually physically transform into the animal.

In Native American and some other cultures, a Spirit Animal (or Totem Animal) refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics the person shares. They represent traits and strengths we should be honoring in our lives at certain points. Sometimes, the animal possesses traits you are meant to learn. During short visits, the animal may be delivering a message to lesson.

While sitting on my deck enjoying my morning coffee, Spazz the Red Squirrel paid me a visit. 

Squirrels embody the idea of resourcefulness and preparing for the future, but also balance the seriousness of life with playfulness and passion. These furry little animals remind us to quit taking life so seriously all the time and make time for fun. Let go of worries and stress. Laugh, enjoy the world! This balance helps you face your future and whatever it brings.

Red Squirrels reflect your guiding spirit. A reminder that each one of us has a good opportunity to make our own fun.

Sitting on the deck, hubby and I enjoy watching Spazz. The little critter rules the back yard with a furry fist and fears no one. He certainly brings laughter and reminds us to be lighthearted.

Do you have a favorite backyard critter 
you enjoy watching?

I don't feature a squirrel shifter in my books 
but I do have crows, eagles, hawks, and wolves. 

Check out the first in the Legend of the Spirit series

Monday, June 1, 2020

Meet Hawke of Hawk's Honor, 3rd book in the Legend of the Spirit series


Corporal Jamie Hawke
Native American Chippewa from Michigan
Hawk shifter

 His nature makes him observant, cunning, and decisive, with a mind that can plot strategy and a heart that makes him very protective of those he cares for.

A marine in a Special Ops Unit aka the Spirit Walkers, is made up primarily of Native American shifters. Cpl. Hawke is well liked and respected by his comrades. He teaches others to be observant and to pay attention to what is often overlooked. He is known to find the positive in every situation which he often uses to maintain the mood of his unit and push them to give 200%. 

His bright outlook fades when he is critically wounded helping his team accomplish their last assignment on tour. Shot while in hawk form, bullets sliced through the muscles of his back and shoulder, putting him on a long road to recovery.

 Deeply but very secretly, in love with his female commanding officer, St. Sgt. Andrea “Andy” Nelson. Knowing she's is mate, he hides his affection well. Acting on his feelings would go against not only military policy but also his own personal beliefs. He doesn't have relations with other women because of his principles, keeping his heart (and body) pure for his mate. He maintains a deep sense of honor for her, his teammates and his country. To him…honor is everything.
Photo: Dyami Thomas

 His avoidance of relationships with women gives him a sense of innocence despite being war torn veteran. His eyes are dark and sharp; face is angular like a warrior.  His stature is not large and dominating but rather average with a hard body, giving him the ability to move silently and shift to a hawk at will in less than a blink of an eye. He strives to overcome the pain when he shifts from man to bird, but he's grateful he can still fly.  

He spends time recovering with a fellow marine wounded in the same battle. As they prepare for their final physical to qualify for the next tour, Jamie's drive falters and his outlook on honor changes. His wolf-shifting buddy suggests an online dating service, 1 Night Stand, to get him out of a funk. Hawke won’t do it, he still pines for his commander and his honor to her. However, his friend is really good at convincing people to do things. 

Get ready for his story in HAWK'S HONOR ... my current work in progress.

Special Thanks goes to Dyami Thomas, who named the hero in the book, Eagle Dance, and has been my Native American consultant for the characters of the Legend of the Spirit series since 2014. His inspiration has helped publishers include more Native American models for book covers. Please follow this wonderful young man if you seek inspiration, joy and truth along this journey we call life.


Monday Morning Madness - An Ah-ha Moment

I can't believe I never noticed before, or even knew it at all. 
Maybe it's just because of being Monday... 
but I learned something this morning.

I never knew you could stack a bowl on a coffee mug to help keep the coffee warm.

Who knew?

I wonder what the rest of this day will bring.

Do you ever have one of the hand slapping the forehead, ah-ha moments?

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Six Sentence Sunday - Handcuffs & Silk

Read six sexy lines taken from the book Handcuffs & Silk

Approaching his head, she bent down and took his mouth in a deep kiss then blindfolded him with the silk scarf.
Running her hands along the sides of his body, from under his armpits all the way to his waist and across his thighs, erotic ideas swirled in her mind of what to do with him.

She reached out to touch his rod. Soft yet hard, as if ancient silk wrapped across steel, slid under her fingers. She bent down and ran her tongue along the length to taunt him, and it jumped with her stroke.

Available from Decadent Publishing and Amazon.

Wake Up With Yoga, Go to Bed Happy

Today was day #6 of doing yoga.
I've been doing yoga every morning outside and I must say it feels great!

My doctor highly recommended yoga to ease the pain of fibromyalgia. The stretching is very important the the benefits of relieving stress is a plus. At first yoga and all the poses seemed complicated and overwhelming but I quickly learned it isn't. By simply breaking down poses and finding easy routines on YouTube, I built up my confidence. I'm not doing fancy handstands or sweat producing flows... just easy, mindful movements.

I love doing yoga outside. Living in the woods has a calming meditative effect. Being on my deck in the woods connects me to nature. On a rainy day, I was on my front porch. 

Maggie hasn't tried yoga yet, but hovers close by.

My hour long morning routine includes: 
      doing 15 minutes of yoga (I do the video plus some poses I like from a night time video)
      eat breakfast with coffee or tea
      write in my diet journal or write list of things I want to accomplish that day
      sometimes I jump in the pool for a quick workout, sometimes doing more yoga in the water
      fill the feeding stations (bird feeders) and take my dog for a walk

I find doing morning yoga has increased my energy level. I'm ready to face the day! It certainly has reduced my stress level and I've improved how I handle stress. I've found it helps me focus on the day. While doing yoga, I focus on the moment; my breathing, the music, the sounds of nature. When I sit down at breakfast I easily make a to-do list for the day which keeps my focused on tasks all day. (I'm easily distracted and often overwhelmed with daily activities.)  

The one thing I've noticed is how my sleep has improved, I feel rested when I wake. I'm happier all day, able to take on the cantankerous moods of my guys and have energy for my honey at night.

Yoga doesn't have to be done along either; have your honey join you. It can be good for your relationship and sex life. Check out this article regarding Poses for Building Intimacy and Trust. Here is a great article from Yoga Journal regarding The Truth About Yoga and Sex.  I told you, I like that Yoga Journal group! If you're feeling adventurous, check local listing of yoga studios near you for classes and special events.

My favorite videos include a morning one by Sarah Beth. Check out her You Tube channel for more info. She suffers from an autoimmune disease so she's sensitive to needs of those challenged. My morning choice is 10 Minute Morning Yoga for Beginners.

My favorite night relaxing yoga video comes from Yoga Journal. I like the 15 Minute Relaxing Practice with Jason Crandell. It's so good, sometimes I almost fall asleep on the floor!

I like the way I feel and I'm hoping to continue my journey with yoga.

Do you do yoga?

What is your morning routine?

Friday, May 29, 2020

Enjoy a Sweet Sunset

Every summer until I was around 12, my family would travel to Paw Paw to visit St. Julian Winery. The tour was pretty much the same but just as fun. My parents would purchase cases of wine after what felt like hours of wine tasting. We would then drive over to South Haven, find a spot on the beach for a picnic and swim until late afternoon. We continued this tradition for several years after my siblings married and started having kids. With a caravan of cars, I had my pick of who I wanted to travel with.
Great memories.

St. Julian has a tasting room in Frankenmuth so I don't have to travel as far as my parents.

I found a delightfully sweet red wine by mistake. I fell in love with the label. Isn't it gorgeous?

Sunset Michcato is top of my list for a light sweet red.

This succulently sweet red blend is made from grapes grown in the Lake Michigan Shore Appellation. It was released in May, 2017 to celebrate Michigan Wine Month and was part of the Pure Michigan summer 2017 campaign. The goal of the winemaker was to create a wine that embraced everything Michigan. Michigan grown grapes, Michigan-proud label, and expected to be enjoyed on a beach in Michigan at sunset.

If you enjoy sweet wines, I recommend you try this one.
It pairs nicely with cheese & crackers.
Take it outside and enjoy a sunset this weekend with your honey.

St. Julian also makes a Sunset Michcato White.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Benefits of Waking Early #Healthy #Romance

Starting the day early can be good for your health and relationship.


Greet the day. Maybe make a ritual of positive thinking or being thankful for your blessings. Or simply give your honey a kiss. Let your heart feel light. Don't lay in bed for long, get out and get started.

Enjoy the peace. The quietude of the morning is good for the soul. Use the time to breathe, mentally and physically.  Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the sunrise. If you've missed the sunrise then take in the wonderful colors of the morning. Use your senses to smell, feel and even taste the day. These are little things often overlooked in our busy lives. 


Use the quiet of the morning for thinking and organizing. Plan your day. If you are with your honey, discuss plans for the day. Decide on meals and activities. Use a few moments to share a memory of love...maybe something you did together on a similar morning... a memory of why you fell in love. Dream a little... talk about future plans, trips, etc.


The morning is a perfect time for mediation, yoga, and any form of exercise. Breathing deeply increases oxygen in your body and is good for the brain. Morning stretches helps improve flexibility all day. Take the dog for a stroll with your honey. Go to the gym together. Morning cardio is great for the heart. 
Prepare a healthy breakfast and enjoy the meal together on the patio. 


Quiet time in the morning is perfect for soft kisses, flirty smiles and lots of eye contact. Have a laugh over crazy hair. Laughter is important in a relationship and giggles in the morning makes the heart light all day. Touching is important, so start the day off right with lots of it.    
And... if you have time, enjoy a little morning lovin'.   

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Moment of Calm - Porch Pets

In these stressful times, it's important to take pause.
Welcome to my porch. 
Have a seat.
Take a deep breath and relax. 

It has been said, "A picture worth a thousand words" but sometimes words aren't needed.

Mona snoozes while Maggie keeps watch.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Memorial Day 2020 - Heartbreak or Love?

I know many people are planting gardens or enjoying small gatherings, but there really isn't anything romantic about this holiday. It's more about heartbreak...or maybe not.

 Memorial Day is a day to remember those who served this country and died while serving. My family is lucky in the fact that since the Revolutionary War, my ancestors came back from every war they fought in. (Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Right?)

However, there have been some great uncles and friends of the family who didn't come back from war. Men and women who were loved by others and then gone in an instant.

It's important to teach the younger generations about the price of war.
The heartbreak and the love.
State and Local Communities have war memorials, 
check with your Chamber of Commerce to find out what is closest to you.

Whenever, my family travels to Washington DC, 
we make a point of showing respect and visiting the war memorials.  

Photo credit: M. Quast 8/2016
These men are still loved by those who they served with.
Photo credit: M. Quast 8/2016

I would like to take a pause and say a prayer of thanks to all who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.
A red carnation represents Pure Love.
Photo credit: M. Quast 8/2016

I know 2020 is probably going to go down as one of the worst years ever... but at least we have it. 
They don't.
My youngest son, Nathan, reading names on the wall.
Photo credit: M. Quast 8/2016

Think of the kind of love one would have to sacrifice his/her life for the ideals of our country.
It's love, people...true patriotism is based on LOVE.
The Trinity of a Soldier - God, Family, Country

Stay safe my fellow Americans.