Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sensual Saturday - Shower Scene from Eagle Dance

In today’s hectic life with busy schedules, it’s hard to find time for each other. Grab the moments when you can. Add a little romance to your life by taking a sensual shower with your honey. (I suggest finding a shower gel or soap you both enjoy and saving it for such an occasion.)

Please enjoy this shower scene from Eagle Dance.

“Damn!” His jaw dropped. She stood gloriously naked, water dripping from her hair into her face. Blonde strands plastered the skin of her shoulders above high breasts. The areolas were like large cherries begging to be plucked, and he had every intention of exploring each inch of her toned belly to the neatly trimmed fair hair at the junction of her thighs. He wanted her long, lean legs wrapped around his waist while she rode him into tomorrow. Blood drained from his brain and rushed to his cock again, and the need to taste and touch her everywhere forced his feet to move.

“Holy shit.” Her eyes grew wide as she gawked at his naked body. Stepping back, she let him slide under the water.

“Is something wrong?” Pleased with his effect on her, he smirked and placed his hands on his hips.

“I wondered what you looked like under all those clothes, but didn’t expect perfection. Wowza.”

He kept his body in peak physical form and secretly coveted her admiration. Moving her soapy hands over his body, she used the slipperiness to her advantage, setting him on fire. He reached out to pull her close for a kiss, but she moved back to skim over his shoulders, massage his neck then up and down his arms. She splayed her long fingers on his chest and across his abs and ribcage.

Even in the military, he’d never been so thoroughly inspected. His beauty knelt and massaged his thighs and calves. She soaped along his hips then cupped his balls and palmed his hard cock. Intense bliss suffused all parts of his body, especially the one in her grasp. Glancing down, he admired the scattering of freckles over her creamy skin. He almost fell out of the tub at the sight of the smooth curve of her backside. Amanda must have noticed her effect on him because she giggled softly. Continuing to stroke and pet him while she rose, she licked water off his belly and chest.

“You are too good to be real. You can’t be human.”With tiny kisses, she sucked droplets off his chin.

“I am.” Tempted to say more, he only chuckled. “Mostly.”

“I could have wild monkey sex with you all night.” she whispered against his lips and continued to stroke his cock.

Ikwe, that can be arranged, but I’d like to slow things down.” Closing his eyes, he focused on her touch.

Whew!!! That was hawt!!! I need a cold shower! 
Want more?

Buy now on Amazon

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

#WednesdayWritingPrompt - Patterning

Patterning is making a list in which you repeat the same form of words to introduce each item. The repetition helps release ideas and feelings. It’s also a chance to play with words. The list becomes a kind of rhythmic writing which can have a very strong effect and may even turn into a poem!

Are you  ready to begin?
Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen (or electronic device).

Write quickly, without thinking too much and enjoy experimenting.
Take one of these opening phrases and write a line with it, then add lines for six minutes. Feel free to share!

Choose from the following:
I feel...
I want...
I don’t want…
My life is…
I wish I could…
In my perfect world…
Today I am…

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Six Sentence Sunday - Love Knot

The breath from her words bounced off his lips back onto her. His lips were so close the heat radiated from them. Her arms locked around his neck as she stood on her tip toes. His mouth set fire to her body as he placed soft kisses along her jaw. Wonderful sensations swirled in her body as he enveloped her in his embrace. Soft lips brushed over hers then he gazed at her with a smirk on his face.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

FREE St. Patrick's Day Read

March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. 
For the entire month of March, I'm offering 
Love Knot on Smashwords for FREE.

CLICK HERE to get Love Knot for FREE!

Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns. Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Irishman, Robbie Mac Donnell never wanted to stay in one place very long. His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone. However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Long Description: Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns.  Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Robbie MacDonnell never wanted to stay in one place very long.  His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone.  However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.

Not a sweet kiss of friendship but an obvious promise of decadent pleasure. With a tilt of his head, Robbie took the kiss deeper. The scent of milled soap and masculinity made her heady. Robbie slowly pulled away, tugging at her lip with his teeth as he did.

"Ah... welcome home?" She choked on the words.

"Aye, I'm happy to be home." The deep sultry voice slid down her body to her feet.

"Easy big boy. What's with the kiss? Sheesh!"

"What's with the kiss?  You're brutal, woman." He grabbed his heart and faked feigned a heart attack.  " You didn't like it?" 

"You are such a goofball.   It's just... you've never done that before."

"I've kissed you before.  Many times actually."

"But not like that."

"That?  Was something wrong with my kiss?"

"No, not at all.  Just different."

" I want to do it more often." He stepped in front of her and again pulled her against his hard body.  "If that is okay."

 "Ah... no complaints here."

 The breath from her words bounced off his lips back onto her. His lips were so close she heat radiated from them.  Her arms locked around his neck as she stood on her tip toes. His mouth set fire to her body as he placed soft kisses along her jaw.  Wonderful sensations swirled in her body as he enveloped her in his embrace.  Soft lips brushed over hers then he gazed at her with a smirk on his face.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tasty Tuesday - St. Patty's Day Treats

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  
 I thought I'd list my favorite St. Patty treats 

1.  Shamrock Cookies.

2. Chocolate-Irish Cream Cheesecake. Get the recipe

3. Irish Black Bun Shamrock Cookies Get the recipe.  

4. Irish Chocolate Ice Cream (You add a cup of Irish whiskey to chocolate ice cream.  Yeah, baby!)

5. Shamrock Milkshake Cupcakes.

6. Black & White Irish Cream Cupcakes.  Get the recipe.  

7. Chocolate Stout Shake.  (Chocolate stout beer + choc. fudge + vanilla bean ice cream + milk = YUMMY!)

8. Toffee-Coffee Brownies.  Get the recipe

9.  St. Patty Cupcakes with green M&Ms

10. Dublin Eggnog.  (Eggnog + double-strength coffee + 6oz of Irish whiskey= wide awake fun)

11. Green beer.  I don't usually drink beer but thought I'd better put it on my list any ways.

12.  Rainbow Cupcakes. This recipe is so cool.  Check it out

13. Toffee Shortbread.  Ah... buttery shortbread, a layer of toffee with chocolate topping.  Sigh.  A favorite sweet among families in Ireland.  Get the recipe

If you've been paying attention, you'll notice McDonald's shamrock shake is not on my list.  I'm trying to watch my calorie intake. Wait a gosh darn minute... I've already had two.  Oops. My bad... so spank me.

I'll leave you with this thought... what better way to burn calories than to get all hot over a sexy Irishman!  Here ya go! 

Check out this FREE St.Patty's Day story

Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns. Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Irishman, Robbie Mac Donnell never wanted to stay in one place very long. His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone. However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.
In honor of St. Patty's Day
Love Knot is 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Love Knot - FREE Read

Mimi Cates is an artist who lives over the coffee shop she owns. Content with her life, she won't allow herself to become to close with her sexy, wanderlust neighbor, despite what her heart tells her.

Irishman, Robbie Mac Donnell never wanted to stay in one place very long. His job as a scientist allowed him to travel the world without ever making permanent ties to anyone. However, when he finds the perfect person and the perfect place to settle down, he's not sure if she'll believe him.

Sunday, March 1, 2020


Wow, how time flies! Today I turn 53. 
My mom was in her late 30's when she had me and I was born between two major blizzards.
Oh, fun fact...I was born in the same hospital as Stevie Wonder.

Let's take a look back at my birth year.

Some major events from 1967:
Super Bowl I: Green Bay Packers vs Kansas City Chiefs - score 35-10

#2 song of the year was "Ruby Tuesday" by the Rolling Stones.
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles was the hot album.

Most popular Movie was The Dirty Dozen but In The Heat of the Night won the Academy award. Mike Nichols won for best director of The Graduate.

The Arrangement by Eliz Kazan was the most popular Fiction book.

The Andy Griffith Show followed by the Lucy Show were the most popular television shows.

The Public Broadcasting System was created.

Louis Leakey announces the discovery of Pre-human fossils in Kenya.

Apollo 1 astronauts are killed when fire broke out in the spacecraft during launch pad test.

The first Boeing 737 takes its maiden flight. (Pretty cool since I'm married to a pilot who flies Boeing airplanes.)

Large demonstrations against the Vietnam War in NY and CA.

Elvis and Priscilla get hitched.

The first automatic cash machine is installed in a London bank.

Worst race riots in US history happen in Detroit. (My home town is Saginaw, a couple hours north.)

Jim Morrison gets into censorship trouble when he sings the word "higher" in the song "Light My Fire" during a television show.

Jungle Book, the last animated film personally supervised by Disney is released.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday Thirteen - 13 Tips for a Romantic Bath

  1. Rose Petals
  2. One of the most common symbols for romance, the rose is not only a beautiful addition to your bath water and/or bath area it is delightfully fragrant as well.
  3. Bubble Bath
    Bubble bath comes in so many varieties it can be hard to choose the right one. If you know your partner has a special favorite, use that one. If not, try something a little creative like bubble bath in a champagne bottle.
  4. Mood Music
    Initiate a romantic environment with a little calm and relaxing mood music. Many stores offer nature or mood themed music. Pick out a CD that will help you create the exact mood you desire.
  5. Candlelight
    Restore that healthy glow with a liberal sprinkling of candlelight. Tea lights are easy to use, make little mess and are easy to throw away once cooled. Don't place candles where you may splash water on them.
  6. Bath Loofah or Accessories
    Why not give each other the ultimate bath and spa experience with a little skin pampering?
    Go shopping together and pick out a few fun bath products in a scent you both love
  7.  Skin Care  Take care of each others' skin and try new exfoliants or other skin improving products.

7.     Hair Care Give each other a complete hair washing, including combing out their hair during the conditioning process

8.     Champagne
Celebrate your time together with a romantic toast. Use this couple time to renew promises or vows with each other. Or, just revel in actually having couple time.
  1. Try a fun, sensual bath game.
  2. Warm, Fluffy Towels
    Put your towels in the dryer for a few minutes for a warm and toasty after-bath treat.
    Take turns drying each other off for a more intimate experience.
  3. Mood Inviting Bath Soak
    Bath soaks are usually a blend of ingredients you add to your bath water to create a desired effect, such as a sore muscle soak, stress-easing soak or relaxation soak. Most bath and body and drug stores carry bath soak products.
  4. Privacy
    A romantic moment is easily ruined with unwanted disruptions. Arrange your water play encounter at a time when you can be together alone. A great way to do this and create the perfect memorable night is staying at hotel with a spa or Jacuzzi tub in your room.  
  5. Shower Power When you don't have time to take a nice bubble bath with your partner, opt for a nice, hot, candlelit shower with incense and music. This is wonderful for mornings because it refreshes the mind for the day.
Massage  Don't let the romance stop after the bath. Give each other a light, lotion-laden massage.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

#WednesdayWritingPrompt - Negative and Positive

Sit comfortably with your notebook and pen.

Positive: List three experiences you have had that were interesting, satisfying, illuminating or uplifting. Choose one of the experiences and write about it for seven minutes, concentrating on your feelings and thoughts.

Negative: List three experiences you have had that upset, angered or disturbed you in some way. Choose one of the experiences and write about it for seven minutes, concentrating on your feelings and thoughts.

Here’s an example from Jim Johnston

I was dizzy by the time I found the room where they did blood tests. Outside, it was a waiting area full of people. I couldn’t sit down, paced up and down. Frightened of a little jab, I sneered at myself. “You’re not a child of ten. You’re supposed to be a man of 32.”

“Something wrong?” The nurse was a slight little thing with kind eyes.

I couldn’t help myself: “it’s the blood, I can’t bear the sight of it.”

 “No problem, “she smiled. “We’ll make sure you don’t see any. You’d be surprised how many we get inhere like that, my little love.”

Little love! I’m over six feet. She barely reached my elbow. We both laughed and suddenly I was half crying, saying. She sat me down with a paper cup of tea. I’ve never felt such a fool in my life!