Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Say hello to Dustin Stiles, the hero in Taming Rachael.

Rachael Willis signed up for a 1Night Stand with hopes of finding something that is missing in her life. Is it a coincidence her date is scheduled during a class reunion? Why did the one person she’s avoided for years have to show up?

Dustin Stiles never recovered from the one that got away. Madame Eve is his last hope to get her back.

Will one night be enough to wash away the pain of the past and rekindle the passion they once shared?

Monday, June 19, 2017

Once upon a spirit animal...

“Once a man opens himself to the Great Spirit, a guardian in the form of an animal spirit will be gifted upon him. When this awakening happens, the animal is a part of his soul. The spirit within the chosen gives the body the ability to shift from human to creature at will. The man must maintain control over the magical power and instinctive urges. However, it is most wise for the man listen to the animal’s wisdom. The spirit can sense good and evil as well as the man’s one true love, the mate for both man and beast.” – Indian Dave

Indian Dave rented the cottage next to ours and every summer he shared wonderful stories with me and my cousins around the evening bonfires. He taught us customs, legends, dances and the importance of the harmony between nature and the spirit world. 

Animals and humans inhabit the physical world together. The spiritual world is made up of angles, archangels, departed loved ones and animal spirit guides (aka Totem Animals). All these beings help protect, educate heal and inspire us along our life path journey. Animal spirit guides choose their human and come into their life for a reason. The spirit animal will offer insight, power and guidance, helping them with their duties. In return the human honors the wisdom and knowledge the animal gifts upon him.

The tales Indian Dave wove during my childhood inspired the Native American heroes in my Legend of the Spirit series I've created for Decadent Publishing's 1 Night Stand series. In my book, Eagle Dance, I even mention Indian Dave and the summers spent at the cottage became the foundation upon which I built the story. I'm drawn toward the magic and mystery of a person having a spirit animal.

If you had a spirit animal, which do you think it would be?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tuesday Teaser - It's Baseball Time!

It's Baseball Season and I've been cheering on my Tigers.

I think more women are watching the games just to get a glimpse of our hot manager, Brad Ausmus.

Ahem... right ladies?

In honor of this wonderful season and hot baseball guys...
 I recommend reading Lucky 13 (Deadlines & Diamonds) by my friend Morgan Kearns.

Tragedy made it possible for Enrique Santiago to take over as Left Fielder for the Las Vegas Rockets. Talent keeps him there, giving him everything a guy could want. Except a woman to share it with. 

A painful past with one very prominent reminder molded Shayne Xavier into the woman she is. She isn’t bitter or jaded, though. She’s a realist. Men can’t be depended upon and only lead to broken promises and shattered hearts. 

Unaware of the demons of her past, Ricky tries to offer strength as Shayne’s life spins out of control. Sometimes Happily-Ever-After is too good to be true. Will Shayne and Ricky ever be able to restore the luck of his Lucky 13?

Get it today on Amazon                                           Visit Morgan Kearns website

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Taming Rachel excerpt

Rachel Willis signed up for a 1 Night Stand with hopes of finding something that is missing in her life. Is it a coincidence her date is scheduled during a class reunion? And why did the one person she’s avoided for years have to show up?
Dusty Stiles never recovered from the one that got away. Madame Eve is his last hope to get her back.
Will one night be enough to erase the pain of the past and rekindle the passion they once shared?
Deep in thought and alone, she continued to watch the fountains. The scrape of a chair nearby distracted her. Large, warm hands grasped her shoulders. She jumped but couldn’t turn to see who stood behind her. The sweet melody of citrus with a hint of spice tickled her nose. The signature scent and familiar touch belonged to only one man.
“Hello, Rachel.” A man’s deep voice washed over her as he caressed her nape with his lips.
“Hello, Dusty.” The words came out with a sigh. “It’s been a long time.”
“Too long, babe.” He pulled her back against his broad chest.
“You’re awfully brave to come up to me like this. You startled me, and I could have cracked one of your ribs with my elbow.” She playfully jabbed at him.
“You could never hurt me.” He ran his hands down her arms and pinned her elbows at her sides. “At least not physically.”
“Is that what you think?” She stiffened in his grasp.
“Baby, there are ways you could kill me.” The silken tone still softened her dissent. “You are fucking gorgeous in this dress. I imagine you wearing something like this as a wedding gown.”
Her stomach flipped with excitement at his praise. The strapless white bustier dress bared her shoulders. A tilt of her head gave him easier access to her neck, where he placed soft kisses. He slid his hand under her arm and around her satin-covered torso. He would be pleased at what lay hidden under the layers of lace making up the skirt. Wait a minute. The white stockings and satin thong were meant to impress her date, not him! She tried to pull away, but he held her firm.
“I saw you watching me, and I know that expression in your eyes.” His voice caressed her ear, sending waves of heat through her. “Come with me.”

 Taming Rachel Buy Links

Friday, May 26, 2017

Amaretto Brownies

I love finding yummy recipes using some of my favorite ingredients... that is anything with chocolate! I highly recommend making this with your honey.  Nothing is better than having fun together in the kitchen!

Amaretto Brownies
1 1/2 sticks butter                                           1/4 tsp. salt
6 oz/ semi-sweet chocolate                            1 1/2 c. nuts chopped pecans & walnuts mixed
3 whole eggs                                                   1/3 c. amaretto liqueur
1 1/3 c. sugar
3/4 c. flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish.  melt butter in microwave.  Add chocolate and stir continuously with spoon until melted.  Add eggs and sugar.  Stir well.  Add flour and salt.  Stir well.  Add pecan and walnut mix.  Stir well.  Spread into prepared pan.  Bake for 30-35 minutes.  Cool.  When cool, poke with fork.  Pour amaretto over brownies.  Refrigerate overnight.  Makes 24 servings.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tasty Teaser - First Chapter from Taming Rachel

This book begins with a prologue, however, I've selected the first chapter. Please enjoy this tease from the newly released 

Chapter One

Ten years had passed since their college graduation. Tired of the typical class reunion socializing, Rachel stepped into the shadows to sip her wine. To most people, being in a room containing several ex-lovers could be a bit of a downer, but enough time had passed and everyone greeted each other like old friends. The evening consisted of meeting spouses, seeing photos of children, and hearing about various occupational paths. Of course, gossip of divorces topped the conversations.

Some were using the opportunity to network for their careers. The school district she worked for had made some drastic cuts, leaving her jobless. All her belongings were in storage, and she lived out of a suitcase while job hunting. Surely there had to be districts looking for an innovative art teacher. A couple of classmates who held positions as principals offered their business cards with the promise to accept her resume.

A loud shout drew her attention. Members of the championship football team were honored guests at her class reunion. Gazing across one of the finest rooms in the Vegas Castillo Hotel, she watched her twin brother, Bill, ham it up with old friends. He wore a permanent smile as he laughed with his long-lost, but not forgotten, teammates. She suspected after being blessed with fatherhood and a job as a corporate lawyer, he didn’t see much of his college buddies. With animated gestures, they were talking about the season of fame. One fellow gently tossed the championship football with the players’ signatures to a couple of guys. What a rough and burly bunch they still were.

She loved her brother but often wondered if she’d made a mistake going to the same college as him. During their four years, she enjoyed the popularity that went along with being the star quarterback’s sister. She’d tolerated the overbearing nature of her twin who criticized her choice of men, even if she dated one of his close friends. Any man he pushed her toward never seemed to satisfy her and became one more in a string of onenight stands.

Lucky for her, he stayed out of her love life after his wedding. Most of the men she knew had married and settled into neat, scheduled lives. So much had changed over time; once lean, vigorous bodies had given in to the softness of sedimentary lifestyles revolving around their budding families.

One man managed to still have his muscular physique and remain as hot as ever; Dustin “Dusty” Stiles, the legendary linebacker who’d led the team in tackles. Back in the day, the girls on campus considered him the epitome of tall, dark, and hunky. From the stares he received as he walked past them, they still deemed him so. He wore his black tie loosened around the open collar of the white dress shirt tapering down to his narrow waist. Black pants covered the world’s perfect butt and thighs. Polished Durango boots with silver tips reflected his cowboy side.

Rachel had managed to dodge him all night. She’d evaded everything regarding him for years. After college, she left Michigan and her family to move to a small town in New York. She didn’t see much of her brother and always avoided discussing news of his friends, especially after what happened with Dusty after Bill’s wedding.

However, any thoughts of him usually accompanied a self-induced orgasm. No other man she’d dated could compare to him. He pushed her to sexual heights not reached since. She loved what he did to her and hated how he used her. Memories of how she gave in to him time and time again still generated pain in her heart. She missed his friendship, his dominant qualities, and his magical touch. He haunted her.

Time had passed. According to the talk of the night, he’d moved to Wyoming for work as an engineer on the wind turbines but ended up making a fortune when oil was discovered on the property he bought. They were different people now, but what if they still had that volatile magnetism between them?

Putting down his signature rum and coke on a nearby table, he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt. She watched his hands, remembering how they strummed her body like a guitar. Heat spread down her spine and pooled between her thighs. Standing sideways, he rolled the sleeves, baring his strong forearms; the flash of a watch made her blink. The black cowboy hat he wore shadowed his face, but she swore he sent a fleeting look in her direction. A slow grin appeared on his face. Part of her wished to be the recipient of the smile instead of those he conversed with. He radiated brilliance with perfect teeth, and memories of those lips made her hotter.

Single women flirted with him while several married ones undressed him with their eyes. One of the flirty females took his hat for a moment. He held out his hand and flashed a sharp glance at the woman. With a blush, she complied and gave it back. His dark hair worn cropped close in a military style reflected his assertive and compelling personality. His nose no longer possessed the familiar bump she recalled him having as a result of its being broken twice. She bit her lip and recalled how she spent many quiet moments caressing his nose and face with her fingertips and lips.

Moving around the room with ease and chatting with her brother and friends, he carried an air of dignity. He walked with a slight limp and managed to make that sexy! She thought back to the game that ended his football career. The injury cost him his scholarship and depression knocked on his door, but, with her help, he kept his spirits up. They often studied together, played cards, or just hung out. Time created a wonderful friendship. Funny how simple, sweet sociable chats often ended with him inside her. She warmed with the recollection of sitting naked on his lap while his leg rested in a cast.

Needing a change, she stepped outdoors onto a patio and debated whether to stay at the reunion a while longer or head to her room and call it a night. One of her sorority sisters followed her outside.

“Are you okay?” Brenda asked.

“I’m fine…just needed some air.” Taking a deep breath, she relaxed.

“Too many exes in one room?” She flipped her hair.

“You could say that.”

“You were such a wild child, Rachel Willis.” Leaning against the railing, Brenda took a slow sip of her Long Island Ice Tea. “You had it all…good grades, popularity, and the hot guys. What was it you used to say?”

“Guys were like a box of chocolates, and I simply had to sample them all so I could decide what kind of guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

“I can’t believe with all that sampling, you didn’t find a favorite flavor.” Brenda raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t sleep with them all, did you?”

“Of course not all of them! But, damn, who could resist popping a guy’s cherry?”

“For sure. Virgin Destroying Squad to the rescue. God we were nuts.” Brenda snorted in an unladylike manner.

“Seriously though, I didn’t have to screw a guy to figure out if I liked him or not. I didn’t enjoy being controlled by those so-called experienced guys with their macho attitudes of possession.” She turned to her friend. “Remember the guy I left at the movie theater? He told me he didn’t want me wearing nail polish! I hadn’t even kissed him, and he went all freaky on me, telling me what to do!”

“He had to hitch a ride back to campus because you had the car.” She laughed. “What a dweeb. Do you know whatever happened to him?”

“I heard he’s on his third wife.”

They paused to share a quick giggle.

“But, if memory serves me, you had a thing for virgins.”

“They were so sweet.” She played coy. “I felt sorry for the cuties coming to college intact. It was my duty to help them out. They will always remember me being their first.”

“You were afraid of being forgotten? Pft.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “Those boys caused your emotional downfall. You used the ability to dominate guys as a way to just get an itch scratched rather than developing a relationship. A guy who knew what he wanted and how to get it would have had you wrapped around his pinky. You should have left the boys alone and focused on the right man.”

“Puh-lease! Not again.” She rolled her eyes. “You’ve been giving me this speech since our senior year.”

“Alright, I’ll lay off the lecture crap. But you know I’m right.” Brenda gave her a quick hug. “I’m so glad you came. I can’t imagine being at a class reunion without you.”

“You had a great idea for these mini-reunions. I didn’t make it to Michigan when they celebrated the real anniversary of the championship game on campus last year. I won’t make it to the official reunion in October. I even missed the mini-reunion in Chicago last month.”

“You’ve had a lot on your plate with losing your job and moving. It surprised me when you said you were coming to Vegas, though.” Brenda winked at her.

“You are such a liar. You were the one who convinced me to try Madame Eve’s service to find that man with experience.” She smirked. “Even my brother and mother are in on this.”


“I’ve been feeling a bit lonely for a year and confided in my mom.” She shifted on her feet to ease a small ache. “Somehow she managed to bring it up to my sister-in-law who told my brother. My brother told mom to tell me to go through Madame Eve’s elite dating service. They were both all over me when I signed up and had a date.”

“They only care about you and want you happy. To be honest, I have faith in her and1Night Stand. Hey, she brought me and my sex god back together. Some things are just meant to be.” Brenda shrugged. “I had no idea she’d have a match for you so quickly, though. How convenient to have your date during our reunion. Say, when are you meeting him?”

“I don’t know. According to a note in my room, he will find me.” She picked up a small bowl of nuts off a nearby table and nibbled on a few. “I don’t know a thing about him. Madame Eve insists he is perfect and told me to trust her on this.”

“Wow! Sounds so hot! What if it’s somebody from our class?” Waving off Rachel’s offer of nuts, she drew her phone out of her purse.

“Eww.” She wrinkled her nose and set the bowl down. “I’m not into married men with beer bellies.”

“Hey, my man is still as buff as the day we graduated.” Holding up her phone, Brenda flashed a photo of a handsome man in swim trunks. “It’s okay. You can peek. Just don’t touch.”

“True, he is a hottie.” Would she ever find the one who would rock her world? “You are so lucky to have your perfect guy.”

“Time to take a selfie. Smile, sister.” Brenda held up her phone, slipped an arm around her waist, and snapped a photo. “Seriously, Rach, why didn’t you ever have a real relationship with any of your flings?”

“The only one who I wanted saw me as nothing more than a friend with benefits. I guess he didn’t care enough to see me more than a fuck buddy.” She glanced over her shoulder to the party behind her.

“Your brother probably scared him off.” After a pause, her friend leaned in to whisper, “That good, huh?”

“Oh lord, try amazing.” She met her friend’s eyes. “He understood exactly what I wanted or needed, even if I didn’t really know myself. He cultivated my unruly ways.”

“Tell me, who was this magnificent farmer who plowed you good?”

Casting her eyes downward, she shook her head. If she put his name on her lips, a rush of emotions would bubble to the already fragile surface.

“Wait a minute, I remember a guy. He’s here tonight, isn’t he?” Brenda grabbed her by the elbow. “It’s Wild Stiles, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” She nodded then took a drink.

“Oh…wow. He’s become super successful. What a catch. He’s looking like a cross between John Cena and a dark-haired Channing Tatum tonight. Total hotness.” Brenda fanned her face. “And here you are, still waiting for your 1Night Stand man to show up, tame you, and capture your heart. He’ll have some B…I…G shoes to fill.” She let out a whistle. “I’m sure the man capable of tying you down, in more ways than one, will find you. Maybe it’ll be tonight. If Madame Eve’s man doesn’t turn out, I think you should consider swallowing your pride and have Mr. Orgasm for breakfast. He might be the only one to pacify you after this dry spell you’ve had.”

“Brenda, you’ve had too much to drink.” She laughed and pointed at her friend’s empty glass. “The past is in the past. Besides, I don’t know if there is anyone who can, as you say it, tame me.” 

“Whatever.” She waved a hand in the air. “I’m off to find my man and hit the dance floor. I’ll catch you later.” Brenda left her to wallow in her own thoughts. Pulling the thin strap of her small purse across her chest, she stopped at the railing to watch the fountains in the courtyard and recollect the last ten years. She kept in touch with few of her old friends, preferring to spend time with new acquaintances. After graduation, she took a teaching position in the Appalachian Mountains. Working with kids made her happy, and she’d found a guy who took her mind off Dustin for a while. They experimented with bondage in the bedroom and even went to a BDSM club a couple times. Sadly, one evening, he turned into a disillusioned self-proclaimed king of kink. Not comfortable with the role he wanted her to play in his messed-up fantasies, she ended the relationship.

I was so stupid. I should have avoided anyone who resembled him. What is it about that man that stays under my skin?

Three years had passed since the failed relationship. In the meantime, her life continued in a strict management of time. She gave up any semblance of a social existence and returned to school, expecting a master’s degree would cement her teaching position. Unfortunately, it hadn’t. She closed her eyes and set her determination to focus on the future. She needed to find a new job and start living again. At the moment, her carefully controlled life remained packed away in cardboard boxes. She would have to be content with her battery-operated boyfriend for a while.

Opening her eyes, she watched the fountains dance. A laughing couple walked past, arm in arm. They stopped for a moment, and the woman placed her hand on her rounded belly. The man positioned his hand on hers, and they shared a smile. A pang of jealousy reminded Rachel of a forgotten dream involving a good man and family. She wished for what they had. She deserved love, security, and good old-fashioned human companionship. Maybe her taste in men held her back. She shook her head when the image of Dustin appeared. No more bad boys!

Before her world collapsed, she’d sought release from her loneliness and reached out to Madame Eve’s dating service as Brenda recommended. The forms she filled out for 1Night Stand contained enough information to give her a night with a hot stud. Why did Madame Eve have to find a guy now? The timing couldn’t be worse to start a relationship. Maybe the guy would be a no-show.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Couple Fun – Make a Wish Jar

Flyboy and I enjoying junking together. Using the ads in the paper, we carefully plot out our adventure visiting yard, garages and barns. We find all sorts of treasures. I love to collect jars... clear, glass jars to display candies and cookies. I found a unique and fun idea using jars.

Couples often look for ways to entice a partner to expand his or her perspectives on the possibilities in or even out of the bedroom. Often planning a special romantic evening as a surprise for your honey often doesn’t go as arranged. Kids, pets, families, work… so many things may interrupt. It would be much easier to plan something with your partner rather than planning a surprise.

Keep two “wish” jars in the kitchen, one for each or you. Next to them keep a stack of index cards. Whenever something comes to mind that would be fun to do together, it gets written down on an index card and dropped into the appropriate jar.

Create a ritual for the “big drawing”. At the beginning of each month, sit down at the end of the day with a glass of wine and some cheese. Pick five cards at random from each other’s jar. Read them over, talk about them and maybe even negotiate a bit.  The only rule is you have to agree on two activities to be done during the next month.

Start your jar today for some fun!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tasty Tuesday - A Man Who Cooks Is Sexy

My honey loves to cook. He is the master of the grill and smoker. He’s even amazing at cooking over the bonfire! BBQ ribs over the fire pit…yum! Smoked pulled pork is a favorite. Steak off the grill with a creamy mushroom sauce is mouthwatering. I’m a sucker for his foodie skills. Hey, I admit I’m totally turned on by a man cooking for me!

Even with three boys, we’ve managed to have a bit of romance while cooking together. The boys enjoy cooking with us but often “gross out” and tell us “that’s weird” when we get a little shmexy.
Visit the grocery or farmers’ market together and plan the meal together. Farmers’ Markets are our favorite. The boys taste test and purchase item they want to consume and not share with each other while hubby and I hold hands, strolling along.

Prepare an appetizer to nibble on while cooking the main meal. Feed small slices of cheese, sausage and fruit to each other. I enjoy the classic eye rolls when I tell my honey how much I like his (smoked) sausage. Enjoy a cocktail or fresh lemonade.

My sons are growing up in an environment where we all help with meal prep. College boy often phones his dad while he’s grilling at the frat house. High school boy is simply hungry all the time and grazes often. Middle school boy is adventurous and has begun cooking small things.

After a wonderful home-cooked meal, enjoy some quiet time with dessert or an after-dinner drink. Sit back and enjoy. 

As soon as I'm done with my glass of wine I'll let my man know how much I appreciate his cooking skills. Now where is that chocolate sauce?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tasty Tuesday - Take-Out

If the weather is yucky or you simply don’t want to leave the house but still want to have “date night”, a romantic evening can still happen. If you’re like me, there will be a handful of take-out menus stuffed into a drawer or phone book. This is the time when those come in handy. Order from a favorite restaurant; pick it up or have it delivered.

While waiting for the food, create a romantic spot to eat. Spread a blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace. Clear off the coffee table and add a candle, then pop in a romantic comedy. If weather isn’t a problem, add a tablecloth to your picnic table and light several candles.

When the take-out or delivery food arrives, pop open a bottle of wine or your favorite beverage. Take a moment to feed each other. Try to avoid heavy discussions such as money, schedules, or work. Relax and have fun and enjoy each other. Add a fun dessert such as strawberries dipped in chocolate and whipped cream you make together.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

New Release - Sex, Heat and Hunger: Part 2 by Whitley Cox

Sex, Heat and Hunger: Part 2
The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series Book 4

Release Day April 29th 2017

From handshake to obsession…

Emma Everly only ever dreamed of meeting a man like millionaire project developer James Shaw. She never imaged she would fall in love with him, a man so intense, so dominating he radiates power and control no matter where he goes. What begins as a sex-only arrangement for pleasure becomes a heated, hungry, all-consuming obsession. James claims the keys to her heart and her mind, opening them to the wilder side of sex and bondage. But her painful history with relationships gets in the way of accepting that he finds her beautiful and worthy of love.
James is devoted to caring for Emma’s every need, but his past haunts him, too. Guarded and evasive, he avoids Emma’s questions, unwilling to divulge his secrets. She knows the only way to truly earn James’ trust and get him to open his heart is to show him just how committed she is. Despite her lingering fears and people determined to tear them apart, can she go all-in and give herself entirely to him, body and soul?

Turning around and taking me in his arms, he kissed me soundly, his tongue wasting no time with formalities and wedging its way between my lips, savouring me, tasting me. I tasted him in return, whimpering slightly as the rush of need ran rampant through me. I wilted against him and let his big hands cradle my back, arching me against him so I could feel just how much me missed me.
“Hi,” I managed to say after I caught my breath, James’ cobalt eyes twinkling with love. I ran my hands up and into his hair, pulling ever so slightly on the dark silky strands.
He growled low and manly. “God, I missed you.” His lips against my neck, peppered kisses up one side and down the other.
“I missed you too.” I put the grocery bag up on the counter and went over to peek inside the oven; it was chicken parmesan —yum. “I thought we were just going to take my parents out for dinner tonight, and then maybe eat in tomorrow night. You said you had to work late.”
He lifted one sexy shoulder. “Yeah, I know, but I worked so much over the last three days that I’m just drained, and I want to make a good impression on your folks. And I’m dying to fuck you. Serious blue-balls here.” He pinned me against the counter with his hard body. “It’s been a long hard week. Very hard, if you get my drift. And you smell so damn good.” He thrust his hips into mine, deftly rotating them, my eyes closed from the delicious friction against my clit. Even with layers of clothes between us, the man drove me wild, made me swoon, made me yearn to yield to him. “Do we have time for a quickie before they get here?” He wiggled his eyebrows and then tilted his head down to nip at my neck.
“Probably not.” I pouted. “They’ll be here any minute. Are you nervous?” I reluctantly pushed out of his grasp and started putting the groceries away in the fridge.
“No. Well, maybe a little. I haven’t really done the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing before, and I really want them to like me. I’m kind of in love with their daughter, you know? Besotted in fact.” I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. “Oh yeah…” He nodded. "I bought a Word of the Day Calendar, I need to keep up with your verbose loquacity, and today’s word was besotted.
He poured a glass of Zinfandel and handed it to me as I giggled at his use of the new word, his playful grin making my knees weak and my core tighten in need.
“I know.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes, so I was eye level with his mouth. “They’ll love you, don’t worry. And I’m besotted with you too.”
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock on the microwave,  it said six thirty —show time!
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About the Author
Whitley Cox is an English Major turned Psych Major, who after all was said and done came out with a B.A. in Psychology, and then subsequently moved to Indonesia to teach English. But after finding out that the school was not on the up and up (when Immigration came to scope out the teachers she was forced to hide in a closet because the school had not actually purchased a work permit for her), she broke her contract and took off traveling. Only to then return home and start working with children on the Autism spectrum as an intervention therapist, and begin writing her first book.
A West Coast baby born and raised, Whitley is married to her high school sweetheart and together they have a spirited toddler and a fluffy dog. She spends her days making food that gets thrown on the floor, vacuuming Cheerios out from under the couch and making sure that the dog food doesn’t end up in the air conditioner. But when nap time comes, and it’s not quite wine o’clock, Whitley sits down, avoids the pile of laundry on the couch, and writes.
A lover of all things decadent; wine, cheese, chocolate and spicy erotic romance, Whitley brings the humorous side of sex, the ridiculous side of relationships and the suspense of everyday life into her stories. With mommy wars, body issues, threesomes, bondage and role playing, these books have everything we need to satisfy the curious kink in all of us.
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