Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday Mistletoe

"The mistletoe is hung up near a doorway or in the kitchen and young men have the privilege of kissing girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked the privilege ceases." 
The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is one of my favorites and I believe a lot of kissing under the mistletoe has been going on for ages. In today's tradition the part about plucking the berries (which, incidentally, are poisonous), and then all kissing under the mistletoe ends when the berries run out!
As a little girl, my mother told me how a young lady standing under a ball of mistletoe, brightly trimmed with evergreens, ribbons, and ornaments, cannot refuse to be kissed. Such a kiss could mean deep romance or lasting friendship and goodwill. If the girl remained unkissed, she cannot expect not to marry the following year. 

I found references of "kissing under the mistletoe" in Celtic rituals and Norse mythology. In Gaul, the land of the Celts, for instance, the Druids considered it a sacred plant. It was believed to have medicinal qualities and mysterious supernatural powers.  (Hmm... I wonder what kind of "power" I would have if I wear a piece of mistletoe on my coat. After all... I am Scandinavian.)
The Norse myth of Baldur. Baldur's death and resurrection is one of the most fascinating Norse myths and stands at the beginning of the history of mistletoe as a "kissing" plant. 
Baldur's mother was the Norse goddess, Frigga. When Baldur was born, Frigga made each and every plant, animal and inanimate object promise not to harm Baldur. But Frigga overlooked the mistletoe plant -- and the mischievous god of the Norse myths, Loki, took advantage of this oversight.
Ever the prankster, Loki tricked one of the other gods into killing Baldur with a spear fashioned from mistletoe. The demise of Baldur, a vegetation deity in the Norse myths, brought winter into the world, although the gods did eventually restore Baldur to life.
After which Frigga pronounced the mistletoe sacred,
 ordering that from now on it should bring love rather than death into the world.

Happily complying with Frigga's wishes, any two people passing under the plant from now on would celebrate Baldur's resurrection by kissing under the mistletoe. 
I have my mistletoe hanging. 
Do you?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Coming Soon...Taming Rachel

She knows what she wants. He recognizes what she needs. With the help of Madame Eve and a silk scarf, they set the sheets on fire. Will a rekindled flame die in the morning or blaze even higher?

Rachael Willis signed up for a 1Night Stand with hopes of finding something  missing in her life. Is it a coincidence her date is scheduled during a class reunion? Why did the one person she’s avoided for years have to show up?

Dusty Stiles never recovered from the one that got away. Madame Eve is his last hope to get her back.

Will one night be enough to erase the pain of the past and rekindle the passion they once shared?

Monday, April 4, 2016

Great Gift Ideas - Candles = Romance, Love & Meditation

I love candles. I often use them on my porch or around the bonfire for soft lighting. A candle lit during meditation or while soaking in the bath is soothing and lifts a tired spirit. Candles are a great way to pamper yourself, add a bit of ambiance to a room as well as make a perfect gift.

Attention gals... I'm hosting a PartyLite Party.

Attention writer pals...
there are some awesome items perfect for author contests and give-aways.

Forbidden Fantasy
Indulge your fantasies with provocative fragrances that seduce the senses.

Forbidden Fruits
There is a tempting fragrance for every mood

Forbidden Sensations with Fig Fatale, a sensual massage candle. 
Set a romantic mood with the candle's soft flicker and the rich scent of Fig Fatale. Burn for at least 10min to create a luxurious pool of natural wax, coconut oil and almond oil. Snuff out the candle, then drizzle warm oil onto skin and massage in for a silky sensation. 

For a lighter touch and gift ideas check out the new fragrances and exclusive decor.

Check out the link, shop online!!! 
Just type in Mary Quast as your host.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday Teaser - New Audio Books from Historical Romance Author Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser has an amazing 2-book tour happening RIGHT NOW! 
Wanna know the best part? 
They are now offered as AUDIO BOOKS!!!  
Squeeeeee... check them out!
In the Roaring Twenties…

 The Mysterious Mrs. Pennybaker
A former Hello Girl during WWI, widowed Ariel Pennybaker served her country proudly. She now carries on her late husband’s legacy…a home for the many returning, injured soldiers.

With her year of mourning nearly at an end, she’s had enough of her self-imposed celibacy. It’s time to get back in the game.

A chance meeting with a handsome WWI aviator has her imagining thoroughly naughty thoughts. When a second man walks into her life, her naughty thoughts turn downright decadent. What better way to fulfil her fantasies than by sharing both men’s beds.

As tempting as the idea is, Ariel has a huge secret, one she must protect at all costs. And, it’s possible one or both of her lovers is not what he seems.

The Muse:
Decadence, freedom and illegal activities…

Everything a sheltered debutante in the mid-1920s could want. When Hyde Park socialite Susan Leland meets up with Evan Forrester for the second time, she makes no excuses for their first meeting—an auto accident in which she broke the young artist’s wrist. She finds the handsome Evan both infuriating and intriguing, yet not quite as intriguing as sultry torch singer Holly Winters, a performer at Susan’s favorite supper club.

A chance to make amends…

By posing nude for Evan to paint. When Susan balks, Evan, not wanting to deal with an innocent, sends her away but not before the arrival of his next model, Holly Winters. As Susan’s preparing to leave, the beautiful and talented singer convinces her to come back the next day—so they can pose together.

Will Susan find happiness in the arms of Evan Forrester—or another?

The Mysterious Mrs. Pennybaker


The Muse

Author Bio
Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet, which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published twenty-two books in both full-length and novella format. Nancy is currently working on a Valentine’s story for 2016, her next Rock and Roll novella, and a steamy contemporary featuring a sexy, kilt-wearing Scot.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy loves spending time with her five grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Author Links
Twitter:  @nfraserauthor

Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Fun with Author Alexa Bourne

Romantic Suspense author Alexa Bourne is no stranger to Romantic Interludes. Alexa is a teacher by day and a romance writer by nights, weekends, and all school holidays. She also teaches online classes for writers throughout the year. She writes romantic suspense and contemporary romance and is thrilled to have the chance to share her stories with readers everywhere.
When she’s not concocting sinister plots and steamy love scenes or traveling and exploring new cultures, Alexa spends her time reading, watching brainless TV, and thinking about exercising. Okay, she also spends way too much time interacting with readers and writers on social media sites. But don’t tell her editors!
 Let's welcome her today as our special guest!  
Happy Holiday Alexa!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Do you have a favorite holiday movie? I do! I love almost any version of A Christmas Carol. I will watch cartoon versions, TV movie adaptations, stage productions. As a middle school teacher, I’ve had my students perform the play for other classes and I’ve guided student groups to create their own version of the play. I love the story of Scrooge and how his heart opens to the world around him. I love that the movie expresses what our world should be like no matter what our differences are.

My favorite version of the movie is the 1951 black and white version starring Alistair Sim. I don’t know why this is my favorite. I think part of it might be because in that time period, Hollywood didn’t have all the bling and pizzazz with movie production it has now, but the actors still managed to give such a charming life to an age-old story we can all relate to.

The years I lived alone, several hundred miles from my family and with no money to fly home, it became a tradition to watch it on Christmas Eve. After dinner, I would plug in the Christmas tree lights, light up candles in the living room, open my gifts people had sent me, and then sit on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate while I watched the movie. (Don’t worry. I wasn’t alone for the whole holiday! I worked early Christmas morning & then spent the day with my closest friend and her family.)  

How about you? Do you have a favorite holiday movie? What is it that draws you to the story?

Find out more about Alexa Bourne and her books on her website

Social Media:

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fun Friday with author Gina Wynn

·      Gina Wynn joins us today to give us a little insight into her new book, 
Her Undercover Christmas.
Christmas is approaching and Phil is a girl out to get what she wants—the life of her choosing. She wants it all: a good looking man, his money, and the respect he commands. She just needs to throw her lot in with her criminal cousins for one day. Long enough to pull off a theft and come to the attention of the man she desires. But the job goes wrong.

Bastian is a man on the run—from a lifestyle he never chose and can’t seem to escape. One last favor before he disappears for good, and then he can start afresh somewhere new. But the favor balloons into more than he anticipated, and suddenly there are two of them on the run, and two of them snowed in and hiding out in his one last safe place.

Can a woman who thinks she knows where she belongs help a man who has never really belonged anywhere?

        Gina, thanks for stopping by today and congrats on your latest release. We've love to hear... what was the inspiration behind Her Under Cover Christmas? 
Over the past few years, I’ve started a tradition for myself of reading Christmas stories in December. I like to finish my final one on Christmas Eve night, so December is a bit of a reading frenzy if I find a lot of holiday themed books. I particularly love Christmas chick lit/romance/WF by British authors because I love reading about Christmas in England.

Bastian and Phil have a very unconventional Christmas. For a start, they’re accidentally hiding out together, and I’ve given them a lot of snow. I love the magic of Christmas, I love the idea of snow covered fields, and I love fires to keep characters warm. Christmas trees also feature as Phil shares my love of Christmas. She has very fond memories of childhood Christmases, and Bastian tries to recreate some of what she loves for her. He doesn’t quite get it right but points for trying.

·         You sound like a person who gets excited about Christmas.
I love Christmas. :-) When I was younger, I loved it for the obvious reasons—no school, overdosing on TV and, obviously, PRESENTS! Now, though, I love the time I get to spend with my family, and I love making the time of year really special for my children because I want them to remember their Christmases as I do—safe, magical times.

So, I rearrange the furniture, decorate the house and try to fill it with those wonderful smells of Christmas, and I spend time watching Christmas movies with them. I am a sucker for a Christmas movie, and a good Christmas book. At the beginning of December, I bring out all of the picture books with a Christmas theme that we’ve managed to collect over the years, and it’s fun to see the children rediscover them. For me, I have started a tradition of spending my December reading Winter/Christmas themed books. I try to finish the last one on Christmas Eve to be ready for the big day itself.

I eagerly anticipate snow all through December, but it’s only fun if we’re able to stay home and watch it from inside or go into the garden to play in it. All three of my babies were born with snow outside—although all in different months of the year. My third was possibly the most awkward because we had to make the trip to the hospital on a day when my other children were sent home from school and people were trying not to travel. Still, at least she maintained the snow births.
There aren’t any snow birth babies in Her Undercover Christmas, but there is plenty of snow, and there is a real Christmas tree. I’m a little ashamed to admit I’ve lost the real tree over the past few years, and opted instead for an artificial one as the children like to put it up early in December. Maybe I just need a Bastian.

Visit Gina at:
Website URL:
Facebook author page:
Twitter handle: @Gina_Wynn
Pinterest Page:
Goodreads page:

About Gina:

From a magical land of castles and kings (Okay, it’s England), Gina doesn’t feel as old as she looks, owns three children (aged 2, 5 and 7) who can’t be tamed, and writes in spare – usually stolen – time. She sometimes bakes—not always with quite the desired results, and has found the only solution to keeping the characters in her head quiet is to placate them with lots of other lovely books and worlds. As well as Her Undercover Christmas, Gina has written two other books. Her Dollmaker’s Desire is also published by Decadent Publishing, and What You Wish For is published by Three Worlds Press.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday Teaser - Simple Treasures from Alex Bourne

Alexa Bourne has a sexy new book that is a must have for the holiday season. 
Check out this hot new romantic suspense.
Take-charge bodyguard Colin Munro believes working for the International Protective Network will be the perfect occupation for him. Unfortunately, his trial assignment is protecting a woman who has no intention of blindly following orders. Aye, he’ll bring the bonnie lass in line because there’s no way he’ll allow her to ruin his chance of securing his dream job.

Physically and emotionally scarred during her stint as a U.S. soldier, Joanna Grainger wants nothing more than to enjoy life. New Year's Eve in Edinburgh marks the beginning of her transformation. But when she witnesses a crime no one believes occurred, her plans come to a screeching halt. To make matters worse, her sexy but headstrong bodyguard has no compassion for her or the victim.
As danger hunts them during one of the busiest times of the year, Joanna must convince Colin she's a worthy partner. But first, can she convince herself?

Joanna bolted upright. Darkness wrapped her in its hideous embrace. And silence reigned. Her heart raced. She flattened her hands on the mattress beneath her.

Mattress. Bed. Colin’s hotel room.

Rustling sounds came from the floor. The bedside lamp flickered on. Colin propped himself up, one knee bent and an arm dangling over it. He squinted against the brightness. “Are you all right?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” She brushed her fingers under her eyes.

“Don’t be daft, lass.”

“I had a bad dream.” She smoothed her hair back off her face. Moisture beaded at her temples.

“Here we call it a nightmare.” He smiled, and at once she relaxed her shoulders.

“Americans do, too.” After another deep breath, she said, “I’ll be all right.” Once her heart rate slowed to normal. With her forearm, she wiped perspiration from her forehead.

He stood, padded into the bathroom, and ran the faucet. When he returned, he sat beside her, tucked his finger under her chin, and pressed the cloth to her cheek. The cool moisture soothed her burning skin.

She reached up and covered his hand with hers. “I can do that.”

“I know.” He brushed her fingers away. “But you’ll not.”

After a few seconds, he moved the wet towel across her forehead and to her other cheek.
When he reached her neck, she sighed and closed her eyes for a few valuable seconds.
“Thank you.”

His gentle caress reminded her how much she’d missed simple comfort…from anyone.

“You’re welcome.” The cloth soon disappeared. “Now, will you tell me what you dreamed about?”

“Mark Rawlings. I dreamed I was back in the train car and he was bleeding out on the floor. The guy with him faded into the background, but I could see the man’s hands and lips moving. I couldn’t hear anything, though. Then somebody jabbed me with something, and my blood drained out of my body, but there was nothing I could do. The guy standing stayed in front of me. There was another voice, but the words were garbled.”

“Did you see anyone else?”

“No, but at the end I wasn’t paying attention. I was losing consciousness.” She tilted her head to one side and into her palm. “Colin, what am I going to do if we don’t find the professor’s attacker soon?”

We’ll take it one day at a time.” Strong, confident, able to leap tall buildings and all…even in the middle of the night.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday Teaser - New Release from Jeanette Collins

 Check out this teaser from the new book, Elena Chavez by Jeanette Collins.

Chapter One

       Deputy Dale Jackson watched rain course down the windows of the squad car, flow into the gutter to be carried to the arroyo then on to the Rio Grande. The little New Mexico town had sweltered in the heat for weeks, but today, clouds had built up over the mountains and the rain swept through the canyons to drench the dusty streets. He was relieved to see it, but it gave him a sense of isolation, of being left behind, and for a brief minute, left him uncertain he was in the proper place. Should he have stayed in Santa Fe? Was he doing the right thing with his life? He brushed these thoughts away. At midnight, he returned to the Sheriff’s Office, his shift over.
Dale sauntered in, where Agnes Peralta, the mature, brown-haired night secretary, waited to close up and go home.
“Hi, Dale. How about this rain?”
       “Good stuff, Agnes,” he answered. “Any messages for me?”
       She stood up from the desk and got her purse from a drawer. “Uh-uh. It’s been quiet tonight. The heat has slowed things down, but it will be jumping again once people get some moisture in their bones. Anything to report?”
       He shook his head. “No. I’ll see you to your car.”
       Agnes locked up, sprinted for her car, and heaved herself in. With a wave to him, she left. Odd that folks waited, anxious for rain, then acted like a drop or two would melt them like sugar.
       He got in his car and headed down Main Street toward home. At Apache, he was cut off by a speeding car and became instantly angry. He took off after them, noting the number on the Texas plate, a yellow Ford with a dented left rear fender. If he’d been in the squad car, he could have turned on the lights and siren and scared the hell out of the fool. At the next corner, he pulled in front of the Ford and got out, rose to his full height, and strolled toward the car, his hand on his pistol butt. He never knew what might happen.
       He made a circular motion with his other hand, and the woman lowered the window. Young, black hair, dark eyes, fear in her face.
       He leaned down. “Going mighty fast, ma’am. You almost hit me.”
       The rear seat was empty, and he glanced at her. “Let me see your license and registration, please.”
       She rummaged in her purse then in the glove compartment and handed him those. Texas, again. Elena Chavez, age twenty-five, no restrictions, about to expire.            Registration was current.
       He gave them back to her. “You have your insurance card?”
       She handed him a ragged piece of paper, also about to expire. “Have you been drinking?”
       “No, I haven’t,” she murmured, her sultry, smoky voice inviting.
       Practiced, he decided and regarded her with suspicion. “I’ll take your word for it. You’re headed for trouble if you don’t slow down.”
       She smiled. “I got lost.”
       Doubtful. “Are you living around here?”
       “On Second Street. In the apartments.”
       Tired, Dale worked to contain his irritation. “Well, can you make it the three blocks without tearing up the road?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll let it go this time, but if I catch you racing around town again, you’re gonna face a big ticket. And get your paperwork in order. Your documents are about to expire.”
       Her voice curled around him. “I’m sorry, Officer.”
       He regarded her for another moment. White blouse, cut low, lush breasts.            “Okay.”
       At his car, he shook the rain off his hat, and got in. As he approached the corner, she sped away.
       Damn, an outlaw! He had an impulse to chase after her and drag her off to jail. He saw his hands on her, those frightened eyes, her dark hair tumbling, and went on home. He would not forget Elena Chavez. She would turn up again, and he would be on guard.

#ElenaChavezNovel   #DecadentPublishing

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Her Undercover Christmas

Let's kick off December with a holiday themed book from Decadent Publishing and Gina Wynn.

Christmas is approaching and Phil is a girl out to get what she wants—the life of her choosing. She wants it all: a good looking man, his money, and the respect he commands. She just needs to throw her lot in with her criminal cousins for one day. Long enough to pull off a theft and come to the attention of the man she desires. But the job goes wrong.

Bastian is a man on the run—from a lifestyle he never chose and can’t seem to escape. One last favour before he disappears for good, and then he can start afresh somewhere new. But the favour balloons into more than he anticipated, and suddenly there are two of them on the run, and two of them snowed in and hiding out in his one last safe place.

Can a woman who thinks she knows where she belongs help a man who has never really belonged anywhere?

He shrugged her off his shoulder and stood her close to his body, hand clamped firmly across her mouth.

“What are you doing?” She’d get them both discovered, and the boys after him left Joe looking like a pre-schooler who’d missed naptime.

She shook her head and he loosened his grip as her teeth grazed his skin. “My mother told me stories about you.”

“Well, well. I didn’t know I was quite so widely known to have become part of London lore. That must put me in the same league as legends like the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas. I’m honoured.” He kept his arm wrapped around her waist.

“More like Wee Willie Winkie or that thing lurking under the bed.” She bent her leg and stamped on his toe.

“Try harder,” he whispered into her ear. “Not only do I have boots with superior grip, they have steel toe caps. And, if you recall, you have bare feet.”

She wriggled, grinding her body against his. He looked into her eyes, focusing on the confusion he found there.

“If you do that again, I’ll kiss you.”

She stopped, and he would have plucked his words from the air to shove back down his throat…but the thought of her lips teased him, still. He let his hands fall away from her as sudden need pulsed through him.

“You’re free to go. Tell your mother you met her bogeyman, her personal Pitch Black, whatever. You won’t see me again. And I won’t hurt you.” He turned to go. “Or kiss you, so don’t worry.” His last words were a regrettable afterthought.

“I…I can’t. I don’t know how to get home. My cousins brought me.”

He held his sigh in his chest and faced her. “There’s a bus stop over there, and busses stop at it all day long.”

She cast a glare in his direction that almost had a look of Rosa, and huffed out a determined breath. “Well, good. I didn’t want you to carry me about, anyway, like some abducting, murdering, debauching Neanderthal. Yet, now you expect me to conjure a bus to get home, in a strange place, when it looks like we’re expecting snow. Some gentleman you are.”

“I never claimed to be that, JB.”

She closed her eyes and let out a low groan. “Stop calling me that stupid name. Phil. I’m Phil.”

He swallowed hard and took a small step away before recovering himself. Bollocks, and shit and bollocks again. Of course, Rosa didn’t have son. She had a daughter…with eyes so full of fear as they peered out from her darkened bedroom, until Rosa noticed her watching the adults talk and sent her back to bed, that the memory haunted him when he slept. He’d always lurked in the shadows of Rosa’s life, unwilling for anyone but Rosa to see him, especially anyone so scared. But…he juggled his thoughts. Time had moved on. He’d grown older…so had Rosa’s daughter. Twelve years had passed. She wasn’t eleven anymore, that much he could tell from her bad attitude, with no need for some of the more appealing visual cues. His gaze took her in once more, lingering a little longer than necessary on her curves. Rosa’s “beautiful” comment made a little more sense with the new information. He clenched his hands into fists, counting off the reasons not to embroil himself in the situation furthertoo young, Rosa’s daughter, and he’d think of a third.

He reached for her again, drawing her back into his arms and cradling her against his chest. “Well then, that changes everything. I thought you’d stood me up.”

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About Gina:
From a magical land of castles and kings (Okay, it’s England), Gina doesn’t feel as old as she looks, owns three children (aged 2, 5 and 7) who can’t be tamed, and writes in spare – usually stolen – time. She sometimes bakes—not always with quite the desired results, and has found the only solution to keeping the characters in her head quiet is to placate them with lots of other lovely books and worlds. As well as Her Undercover Christmas, Gina has written two other books. Her Dollmaker’s Desire is also published by Decadent Publishing, and What You Wish For is published by Three Worlds Press.