Thursday, August 13, 2015

Arranged Marriage...What?!

Who agrees to an arranged marriage in the 21st century? Beth Malone can’t believe a date request with the 1Night Stand service morphed into an arranged marriage offer. But after a heartbreaking divorce and no knight in shining armor coming to sweep her off her feet, her desire to find that knight and have a family is looking more like a dream than a reality.
After filling out a 1Night Stand questionnaire worthy of the CIA, Christian Ramos is stunned when Madame Eve offers to arrange more than a date for one night: she suggests a wife! What the hell? And after his best friend Jackson Castillo stops laughing, he advises him to consider the offer. Between the fortieth birthday looming on the horizon and his Latino upbringing, Chris is forced to take a hard look at his life. Reality check—time is running out for what he wants—a family and a woman to share his life.
First comes love, then comes marriage isn’t part of their matrimonial situation, but neither Beth nor Christian anticipated the immediate attraction and contentment that comes with saying, “I do.”

I hope you love Chris and Beth as much as I do! Madame Eve definitely knew what she was doing bringing these two lovebirds together!

You could win $25 USD in Amazon funny money to spend on anything you want (heaven knows they get lots of MY money pretty regularly), plus I’m giving away a 3-book e-book bundle—you choose the great reads!—from Decadent Publishing, and a Decadent audiobook of your choice from!

Only one thing is mandatory: You MUST purchase First Comes Marriage ( from Amazon before midnight tonight. It’s only 99 cents, but for the chance to win awesome worth it!  Email me the receipt—a screenshot of the Amazon receipt or confirmation email is fine—BAM! You’re in the running for the big win!

If you read First Comes Marriage and leave a review, please let me know! I plan to give away ANOTHER bag of prizes to one reviewer at the end of August.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Valerie is the co-owner of a Decadent Publishing, as well as Wizards in Publishing, a company that provides editing and formatting services for authors and publishers. Where to find her:

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

#Thursday13 – Reasons to attend the #MontroseBlueberryFestival

I live in a small community in Mid-Michigan and every year during the third weekend in August we host the Montrose Blueberry Festival.  (Yes, we do have many places to pick berries!)  But for those who have never attended our festival, here are a few reasons to zip into my town for a visit.

1.  Blueberries… everything blueberries!  Yummy!  Pie eating contest!
My son is a master pancake flipper

2.   Blueberry pancake breakfast on Sat & Sun.  We serve 4,000 hungry folks.  My family has been working the breakfast for years, so come on it and I’ll take a break to chat.

Gypsy Lady and her wares
3.  Medieval Village & Renaissance Faire.  Montrose is Scottish for “mountain of roses”.  In this hilly farming community, many wild roses grow around fields and in ditches.  Working with the knowledge of our Scottish heritage and members from the greater Renaissance Festival folk from the Shiabruck Medieval Village, we’ve put together an amazing village and faire.  Stop by
 and meet my special friends, Gypsy and Hagrid.  Gypsy made the original necklace Mike McAlister wears in Lonely Soul.

4.   The awesome parade.  

5.  Farmers Market.  The best food to put into your body is wholesome home grown! You simply must get one of Amy’s fruit breads!!!

6.  Flea Market and craft show.  I lose myself in there every year; the boys have to lure me out with chocolate.

7.  Softball, 5-mile road race and horseshoes.  Great opportunities to see some shirtless men!  Did I just write that?

8.  Mud Drag & Mud Bog for those who still enjoy playing in the mud.

9.  The golf scramble is fun and works up an appetite.     

10.   Demolition Derby.  A great way to take out aggression.

11.  The Karaoke contest with a $500 prize. No… you will never hear me. I’d scare everyone away.

12. Wine & Cheese Tasting is a favorite of my coffee club gal pals.

13. Classic Car Show.

Throughout the town and township, there are a ton of rummage sales offering wonderful treasures.  I hope many of you take a break from your busy schedule and visit.  If I’m available, I’ll let you know where the best goodies are.  Hugs! 


It's Blueberry Festival Time.
I recon this here fella is goin give me a ride...
to the flea market and car show.
to the beer tent.
I'll be ridin' all night long.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

#TuesdayTeaser from Handcuffs & Silk

“Grow up, Hunter. Drop this damn beta act and be the alpha you were born to be.”

Hunter glared at his brother for a moment. “Seriously, I feel like there‟s something missing. Maybe I‟m looking for something more permanent. Maybe this one-night stand shit is just that... bullshit. I want to be normal, have a normal life.”

“Are you turning vanilla on me?”

“I don‟t know.”

“From the way you‟ve been whining since you arrived in Vegas,” Jason laughed, “I almost think you‟re in a nesting mode.”


“It‟s an old wives‟ term for when a woman is preparing her house for the arrival of a baby.” His voice turned demanding. “I‟m seeing a strong independence as if you‟re trying to take control of your life. Tell me right now what you want.”

“I want to love, be loved. I want to feel secure. I want a yard, a dog, kids. I want to be exceedingly happy. Is that too much to ask?” Hunter sighed. “God, I sound like a pussy.”

“That‟s a pretty big list for Santa to fill.”

“I‟m so done with the club shit and sex games.”

“Okay, so I can understand wanting to leave the clubs and everything.” Jason spoke in a gentler tone.

“Have you ever truly felt pleasure simply by pleasuring another?”

“I was a lousy sub.” Hunter spoke the words locked in his mind for months.

“You can have it all, you know. Go after what you want. Make it happen.” Jason turned on the barstool and faced the door. “By the way, how will you know her when she walks in?”

“I won‟t.” Hunter thumbed the stem of a blood-red rose laying on the bar next to his drink. “Madame Eve just told me to dress all in black and bring this rose. She said Stephanie would be able to pick me out of a crowd.”

“Stephanie.” Jason rolled the name on his tongue. “What do you know about this woman?”

“Not much. I just have to put faith in Madame Eve and her matchmaking skills.”

“Well, we‟ll see.” With that said, he nodded in the direction of the door. “Pick up your rose.”

Available on AMAZON

Monday, August 10, 2015

Just a Splash of Summertime Citrus

So you're going to the antique festival with your honey and it's 90 degees out. Put your hair up and wear something cute made out of lightweight cotton. I suggest carrying a small spray bottle of this citrus mixture for a quick cool down.

I like to use a small canning jar to mix then pour what I need into a small glass spritzer bottle. Squeeze thejuice from a lime, filter out the pulp and pour the juice into the jar. Add 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol and 3 teaspoons lemon or orange extract or a couple drops of essential oil. Screw the lid on tight and shake well then pour what you need into the spray bottle. Store it in a cooler for added effect. When you feel overheated, give yourself a spritz for a great way to cool down.

If you decide to store any extra for another day, be sure to label it so nobody will try to consume it.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

#Thursday13 - Best Places (on the body) to be Kissed

Okay, I promised I’d post the best places on the body to be kissed.  Unfortunately, dear hubby is out of town so I didn’t get to have the fun of researching this project personally; I had to survey friends.  Thanks to all for your honesty!

1.  Lips
2.   Eyelids
3.  Neck
4.  Inside of the elbow
5.  Inside of the wrist
6.  Palms
7.  Fingertips
8.  Breast
9.  Belly
10.  Inside the hip
11.   Yes… there!
12.   Inside the thigh
13.   Lower back

I think Shoulders is good too.  So maybe a kiss that begins at the nape of the neck and travels across the shoulders and down the back to the little dimple about the butt…(sigh)… should be counted as one kiss.  Hmmm….?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

#HumpDayHottie - Let's Go Fishin'

Poet's Corner - Silver Circle #Poem

Touch the silver chain,
Precious links wound ‘round your neck.

Let your fingers stroke
The tiny silken circles.

The cool of metal
Against the warm heat of skin.

Each link is a word.
            Forming thoughts.
                        Creating ideas.
                                    Weaving stories.

What words do you hear?
            “Once upon a time…”
                                    “In the terror of the storm…”
                                                            “Look to the west, the sun is rising…”

Listen to your heart.
How does your story end?

Search, find the last link.
You know the one, sad but true.

Tired not broken,
Holding the silver circle.

Staying together,
Not willing to be destroyed

                            What are the last words?
                                  I love you eternally.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

#Thursday13 – Picnics, Picnics, Everywhere

A picnic can be a romantic event.
 I remember one time Dearest Hubby and I took two of our boys (when they were very small) to a beach along Lake Michigan. We packed a yummy picnic including juice boxes for the boys and a bottle of wine for us. We sat back, sipped our wine while holding hands while watching our little ones play.

One summer was very hot and we were limited on time due to a busy schedule. We often held a picnic under a tree in our yard, in the garden (where we often ate fresh picked veggies) or on the deck with hubby grilling.

While traveling we had a long layover at Chicago Midway. We spread a blanket under some potted trees. The youngest took a nap, while hubby & I played a game with another son. Nothing is sexier than a man being a good dad.

It is up to you and your honey, but even with the rug-rats around, it is possible to capture a few romantic moments.
Here is my list of places for a picnic.
1. On the beach
2. In a park
3. In the garden
4. On the deck
5. At the zoo
6. On a riverbank
7. In a city plaza
8. Under the stars
9. At an outdoor concert
10. In a public garden
11. On the porch
12. On a tailgate (maybe even at a sporting event)
13. In a pasture (but be aware: cows are very curious)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday Teaser from Slippers & Chains: Sugar Dust by Raven ShadowHawk

Dan loves submissive women and longs to build a harem of willing females to fill what he lovingly calls his ‘Slave Library.’ He shares his plans for sexual bliss with Karen, the first of his submissives in his mind and his heart. But when an unexpected visit from his mother leads to uncomfortable questions about his ex, Dan realizes that past mistakes are catching up to him, faster than he can run.

The first D/s relationship to blend comfortably with her vanilla life is the one Karen shares with Dan. She treasures the freedom in the act of submission and wants nothing more than to share it with her Master for as long as possible. Why then, does he insist on bringing other women into their bed? And why can’t he say he loves her?

As Dan battles his inner demons, Karen hopes a sexy mini break at the exclusive fetish club, Sugar Dust will allow them time to relax and reconnect. There she meets Beth, personification of Dan’s past storming in to demolish her present. Can she show Dan that their relationship is strong enough to break the chains of his past, before Beth drives an immoveable wedge between them with her tales of what once was?

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. . . and so on!

Excerpt (Naughty!)
As Dan parked the car, a low moan quivered from the passenger side. Karen slumped against her seat belt, eyes closed, forehead sweaty. Though she might have argued, Dan had never seen her more beautiful or more desirable. While the car clicked, rumbled, and cooled he stared at her face and longed to touch her, bury himself inside her in every way possible. Instead, he slapped her thigh hard enough to make her yelp.

‘Well done, Kaz. Take it out now.’

She moaned, turning a bleary eye toward him. ‘I still don't get to come?’

The pitiful tilt of her downturned lips softened his intended response. ‘Not yet.’

‘I hate you sometimes.’

‘You'll thank me later. Promise.’

Her fingers slipped beneath the shiny hem of her latex dress. He enjoyed the contrast of her dark skin against the white material as she fumbled around. Seconds later, she held up the remote controlled bullet, wet and gleaming. The musky scent of her frustrations filled the car and Dan breathed deep, filling his nostrils with the wonderful smell.

‘Put it in there.’

Karen shoved the bullet into the glove compartment and composed herself with a series of slow breaths.

‘Better?’ he asked.

‘I suppose.’ Glowering, she clambered from the car and kicked the door shut.

Dan chuckled and when Karen walked around to open his door, the grin grew wider. He stroked her burning cheek with the pad of his thumb. ‘Karen,’ he murmured, ‘my sweet, little Kitten. You'll be okay. Before the night is out you'll get to come.’

She whined. ‘But I need it now.’

He peered over his shoulder, casting a sweeping gaze left and right. The chance to further tease his slave presented itself in the form of a deserted car park. How could he resist?

‘Now?’ he whispered. ‘Here? In the street? I can do that.’ With deft hands, he gripped her slender shoulders and spun her round. Her back pressed flat against his chest, and he stroked the slippery latex clinging to her skin. First her breasts, squeezing the firm globes before skimming down to the small dent of her bellybutton. He tickled her thighs beneath the hem of her dress. She jumped.

‘I could,’ he breathed in her ear, ‘and no one would think anything of it. Not here. I could hold you against the car.’ He did, pushing her hands out to lie flat on the roof. Her cheek touched the metal and he watched the condensation of her breath mingle with the wisps of steam rising from the hot surface. She groaned.

‘I could pull off your knickers.’ Dan released her hands and teased his way back under the dress. He could feel her thighs trembling. ‘Wait, you're not wearing any.’

‘You bloody took them!’

‘I know.’ Dan resisted the urge to check his pocket. He knew they were still there, damp and musky. 

‘One less barrier.’ He flipped the bottom of the dress over Karen's high, round ass and tucked it in around her waist. Both hands stroked her exposed skin, watching the pattern of goose bumps prickling in the cool night air. So fucking beautiful . . .

‘It would only take a few minutes.’ He thrust his hips against her. ‘Wouldn't even have to pull my trousers down all the way. A quick fuck.’ When he nipped her ear, a low growl rumbled at the back of her throat.

Her instant responsiveness made him aware of a tightening across the front of his trousers. He resisted the urge to adjust himself; wouldn't do to let the submissive know that she was actually the one in charge.

‘You'd love that, wouldn't you? A speedy shag against the side of my car in the middle of a public car park. You're such a dirty girl.’

The loud slap of his hand against her ass cheeks made them both jump. The giddy thrill of power made Dan's head spin. His breathing hitched, and he caught the scent of Karen's arousal on his fingers again. It fired his blood as surely as any over the counter aphrodisiac.

‘Do you still need to come? Now?’ As his breathed the words into her ear, Dan walked his fingers over the curve of her bottom. Passed the top of her thighs and round the front to cup her pussy. So hot. So wet. He groaned. ‘You shaved?’

Karen humped his fingers. ‘Of course I did. It's Sugar Dust.’

‘I love it when you're smooth down there. It's so fucking sexy. You missed a bit though.’

‘You try catching everything with a shitty lady-razor.’

‘Don't worry, it's amazing.’ Dan glanced over his shoulder. ‘Don't move.’

The lights in the huge exclusive club made pools of yellow light on the tarmac. Though he heard the faint notes of music from within, he heard no voices. Saw no people. Perfect. He dropped to his knees behind Karen and pressed his nose against her backside. He rubbed his cheek against her lower one then nipped the fleshy underside of her arse. She gasped. He did it again. A third time. The fourth bite drew forth a strangled wail as he brought his teeth together and turned his head from side to side.

‘You're mine,’ he whispered, made bold by her intense responses. ‘This mark proves you're mine.’

Karen sounded like she might be having trouble breathing. ‘You don't need a mark to prove that.’

He traced his finger along her trembling inner thigh. Thick, slippery wetness coated his fingers, a tangible reminder of the day she'd had. He licked it away. ‘You've been so good today. It will be worth it, little Kitten.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Good. You ready?’



Author Bio and Links
Raven ShadowHawk is one face of the author who writes fantasy and horror under a second pseudonym. She is, according to most . . . okay, according to herself, the fun one of the pair.

Living in Leicester, UK with her partner (the Funk Master) and twin sons (known as Sprog1 and Sprog2), Raven writes erotica ranging from sensual and romantic to graphic and totally PWP.

Her interests include badly produced porn, chocolate, dressing up (particularly in matching underwear) and shouting at women who wear stupid shoes and/or skinny jeans.

Discover more about Raven on her blog (
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Out Now! Slippers & Chains: Sugar Dust by Raven ShadowHawk (@ileandraXraven#erotica #bdsm #domination #submission