Monday, July 27, 2015

Author Christy Gissendaner Talks About Her Latest Book

Author Interview About Latest Book
Today my good friend, Christy Gissendaner is joining us. Like me she lives in a home full of testosterone with a hubby and three boys out numbering her. Thankfully for us, she finds time to write some amazing stories. Christy writes contemporary paranormal romance who believes laughter and love should go hand in hand.

CLAIMED is one of my favorite books.  I’d certainly vote for super hot Cameron Maddox for US President! The hero is a powerful politician who has his eyes set on the presidency AND a cute little bakery owner. Love it!!!

Christy is a prolific writer and has published with various houses such as Entangled, Etopia, and Liquid Silver Books. 

The plot has humor, intrigue, great dialogue with witty one-liners that will stick with you. The characters are a twist on the usual shifter tale. 
A love between a wolf & dragon?
Anything is possible.
Thanks for joining us, Christy. Congrats on the new book!  How many books do you have written?
Oh goodness no. I’ve lost count actually. Between both names – Christy Gissendaner and Robin Danner – I’m well over thirty works.

Wowza! You certainly have an overactive imagination or a muse with a slave-driving personality. What inspired you to write your latest book?
Hmm…that’s a hard one. I can’t actually remember what inspired me. Probably the title. I came up with it first, and my publisher wanted me to write something hot, funny, and fast. So I did!

 How did you come up with the title?
Shift Happens is just my tongue-in-cheek humor.

I love it!  LOL How do you come up with your characters’ names? LOL! No, I’m serious. I do like to look up baby names to pick my characters’ names. I do sometimes look up their meaning, especially if I’m utilizing mythology.

I’d admit, I do the same but I’ll have to check out that site. If you could have any movie star take on a role as one of your heroes, who would it be?
Oohhhh…Ben Affleck. Just cause I’d love to meet him!

 Yeah, baby! His eyes can be so intense but when he smiles, he looks like he’s hiding a sexy secret. Speaking of sexy secrets, how naughty do you get with your writing?  I’m more of a “sweetly” hot writer. Some of my ratings vary from down and dirty to practically PG-13.

What would you say has been the hardest scenes for you to write?
One of the hardest scenes to date has been a sexual abuse scene one of my heroines suffers. It was very personal and I hope I stayed true-to-life without upsetting too many readers.

I’d agree. What is the strangest thing you’ve Googled while working the story?
Google is my friend! I Google things all the time. In fact, one of my favorite slogans is “Let’s ask The Google” in a mechanical, robotic voice. I Google anything from real estate to legends to foreign phrases. The strangest thing…hmm…I’d have to think about that one. Probably researching the porn industry.

Do you have any rituals while writing?
No rituals really. I snatch writing time when I can. With a full-time day job and three sons, I barely have time as it is!

I feel ya sista!!!  Do you have anything you would like to say to your readers?
(Tapping mic) Is this thing on? Okay, good. Thanks for sticking by me and reading whatever pops into my head!

Time for the Fun stuff:
Favorite drink: Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
Favorite candy: Whatchamacallit
Favorite food: Tacos!
Favorite article of clothing or jewelry: Underwear. Can’t live without it!
Favorite place to read: In the bathtub
Place you want to visit some day: Santorini, Greece

Thanks for joining us, Christy! Let’s go pick up some tacos for lunch. I know the perfect place.


Ellie Reynolds runs a nail salon that caters to shifters of all varieties. The proverbial shift hits the fan when billionaire mogul Jackson Lawrence walks in the door and offers Ellie two million dollars to sell her shop. Ellie has no intention of selling out, especially to someone who plans to bulldoze her shop to the ground and replace it with a fast food joint. Their battle of wit and will is brought to a sudden halt when Jackson’s enemies appear, throwing them into a fight for their lives.

Jackson believed he'd left violence behind when he resigned his position with the Blood Wolves, a secret shifter military group, but someone wants his company's cyber invention and will stop at nothing to get it. He didn't mean to drag Ellie into his mess, but he’s willing to do anything to protect her and the firewall his friend created...anything except fight his attraction to the outspoken redhead he's suddenly responsible for. Jackson soon learns Ellie is hotter than he first gave her credit dragon hot...and life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

 Sometimes shift happens when you least expect it.

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fun Up North

Nothing beats the opportunity to get away for awhile. 
In Michigan, it's called GOING UP NORTH. 

We managed to excape for a few days.

Enjoying some bonding time over coffee and a morning bonfire.

Baseball is done and football has begun.
We spent some time on the beach and in the sun.
Houghton Lake
I'm sure my boys weren't dreaming of football camp that starts tomorrow

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

#TuesdayTeaser - Shift Happens by Christy Gissendaner

Shift Happens (I Heart Shifters, Book 1)
Christy Gissendaner

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Etopia Press

Ellie Reynolds runs a nail salon that caters to shifters of all varieties. The proverbial shift hits the fan when billionaire mogul Jackson Lawrence walks in the door and offers Ellie two million dollars to sell her shop. Ellie has no intention of selling out, especially to someone who plans to bulldoze her shop to the ground and replace it with a fast food joint. Their battle of wit and will is brought to a sudden halt when Jackson’s enemies appear, throwing them into a fight for their lives.

Jackson believed he'd left violence behind when he resigned his position with the Blood Wolves, a secret shifter military group, but someone wants his company's cyber invention and will stop at nothing to get it. He didn't mean to drag Ellie into his mess, but he’s willing to do anything to protect her and the firewall his friend
created...anything except fight his attraction to the outspoken redhead he's suddenly responsible for. Jackson soon learns Ellie is hotter than he first gave her credit dragon hot...and life is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

 Sometimes shift happens when you least expect it.

Rain kept up a staccato rhythm on the tin roof, and her supersensitive hearing picked out every drop. She’d never be able to sleep like this, not while her mind was racked by thoughts of Jackson. The situation was laughable. She should be more worried about her safety and instead all she could think about was the fine-looking man in the room across the hall, like the perfect dimples in his cheeks when he smiled really big, or the perfect symmetry of his gorgeous face. And that ass. She could bounce a quarter off that ass.
She groaned as the familiar heat filled the place between her thighs. She needed something to take her mind off Jackson.
Milk. That’s what she needed. A nice, cool glass of milk.
Well, what she really needed was her vibrator, but it was at home, tucked safely away in her drawer under a bundle of handmade scarves that she’d bought and never worn.
Ellie slid out of bed and tugged the hem of the too-short nightgown. She’d picked out a size eight when she was more like a twelve, so Jackson wouldn’t know her true clothing dimensions. When he’d gone to pay for the items she’d chosen, he’d merely lifted an eyebrow but wisely chosen not to say anything.
 Could she help it if she’d been born with a fondness for sweets? Blame Nana’s genes, not her own lack of will.
Speaking of sweets, cookies would be nice too. She wondered if Jackson had any in the cabinets. He seemed to keep the Montevallo home stocked with foodstuffs since they hadn’t had to stop for groceries.
A few minutes later, with chocolate chip cookies clutched in both hands and a mug of milk hooked around her thumbs, she crept back down the hall toward her room. She bent her head to take a bite of a cookie and lost her grip on the drink. She cursed when the mug fell out of her hands. The milk spilled across her toes and the ceramic shattered when it hit the wooden planks.
“Ellie!” Jackson jerked his bedroom door open and appeared in the doorway, disheveled and entirely too yummy. He wore nothing but boxers and oh geez, he had a six-pack. A perfectly lickable six-pack that made her mouth and sex water. She hoped she wouldn’t drool, although it was a distinct possibility.
“I’m sorry for waking you.”
Jackson ran a hand over his shorn hair. “Fuck. I thought they’d found us.”
“Nope, just the cookie monster.” She held up the cookies in her hands and grimaced. How embarrassing. “Want one?”
He came forward until their toes touched. Hers, milky and chilled. His, warm and dry. She wanted to feel her feet wrapped around his beneath the covers. She wanted to feel everything of his beneath the covers, actually.
His thumb brushed the corner of her lips. “Chocolate,” he explained right before he licked his finger.
Damn her knees. Useless joints that they were. “Umm.”
And damn her larynx for not working properly.
His gaze dropped and she suddenly realized she was in the too-short, too-tight nightgown. Her boobs stretched the cotton material and she didn’t need to
 look down to know she was nipping. If she turned around, he could probably tell she wasn’t wearing panties. She’d never been so self-conscious before, but never had she been in the presence of a hot-ass canine shifter who was practically naked.
Jackson’s expression turned predatory. His cheeks seemed to hollow out, becoming more pronounced, and his nostrils flared as if he’d caught a whiff of something. Perhaps it was her. The quick shower she’d taken had been hours before. Then again, no panties. Perhaps he smelled her scent. She clamped her thighs tight together and prayed he didn’t laugh. The situation was embarrassing enough without suffering unrequited lust.
“Ellie.” He spoke her name again, but it was low-pitched and soft.
Oh God. She wanted to eat the cookies in his bed. But later. Much, much later. “Yeah?”
“I owe you something.” He slid a hand around her waist and cupped the upper swell of her butt. His fingers spread out in a proprietary manner, as if he was sure of his welcome. “I wanted to wait until all this shit was over, but you’re killing me. I can’t hold out any longer.”
Neither could she. She went up on tiptoe and puckered her lips. He stared at her as he traced the seam of her lips with his index fingers. “I think you misunderstand the type of kiss I want from you.”

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Monday, July 20, 2015

Romance Author, Elodie Parkes Talks About Writing

Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal, fantasy, or suspense. Her books are always steamy. 

Her tag is, Cool stories: Hot love scenes.

She works in an antique shop by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home.

Elodie is joining us all the way from Canterbury. Her two dogs are eyeing me and licking their lips. Ah-ha! They know I keep doggie treats handy.

Thank you so much, Elodie for joining us today. Let’s get started. You’ve got ten seconds to describe your writing style. Ready… set… go!
Romantic. Thoughtful. Emotional. Addictive. Erotic.

I love your books Rescuing Cade and A Fairy Tale Romance. I enjoy the twists in your storylines. Do you have any authors who have influenced you or do you have a favorite authors you enjoy?
I’ve purposely not allowed writers and books to influence me. For instance, I love William Gibson books. He can do no wrong in my eyes, but would never attempt to be influenced by his work. I write completely different works. My stories are love stories with twists of paranormal, or suspense, or mystery that are woven into what could happen in real life. I could never approach writing like another author, my story and my characters drive me. I guess that other writers whose books I read lots don’t write erotic romance. I’ve read all Christine Feehan’s Dark series, but when I write paranormal, I don’t feel I’m influenced by her work. I read Henning Mankell and there’s no way I could be influenced to write as he does, because his Swedish environment influences him even though he now lives in Africa. Same with Ruth Rendell, I’ve read nearly all her work. Its good stuff but I’ve felt no influence.
I’ve dot pointed what strikes me about the above author’s work.
  • Ruth Rendell, insight into the dark side of human behavior
  • Henning Mankell, the atmosphere he creates, often wide open, empty spaces, bleakness
  • William Gibson, intelligence, insight into society and the manipulation from powerful people, description, and scene setting.
  • Christine Feehan, the creation of some of the most loveable male characters around, those Carpathians are to die for.
Real life influences me. I get my story ideas as I’m moving through life, from meeting people, seeing buildings, scenery, sign posts, all kinds of things will make a story idea drop into my mind. Then the characters start to talk. I guess that’s a little obtuse, but that’s how it happens for me. One of my vampire romance stories came from driving past a building that had an old Inn sign in the front garden, but the building was clearly not an Inn. There was an air of mystery about the place, though and a story dropped into my head very quickly. I used the name on that sign for the title. Then a paddock full of lovely horses inspired one of my shifter stories. Stories just arrive in my head and have the characters already formed in some magical way. I always fall in love with my characters and miss them like crazy when I have to let them go .

It’s fascinating how story ideas pop up then follow you around. When did you begin writing?
I started writing when I was seventeen, but I quit early on writing fiction because I needed to write academic stuff. After life got in the way for a number of years, I suddenly found my mind was crowded with fiction story ideas again and I went back to writing them.

You are living proof what one can’t escape the writing muse! When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I don’t really. That’s funny huh? I write but I think the definition of a writer has changed along with the radical changes in the publishing world.

When you think about it, writing is an art form. Writing, painting, creating music – whatever your title, you create something wonderful for others to enjoy. What is your writing process?
I don’t have a process per se. I write when I have time. It’s always there nagging me to get back to, but I have to fit it around my day job or starve. I suppose I stay up late writing because I feel peaceful then, but there are no habits attached.

Size counts… on average how loooooonnnnnggg do you like your (um, how do we put it delicately) manuscripts to be; (in words silly, not inches) and how steamy?
I write erotic romance. The love scenes are graphic. My stories must have happy endings and I enjoy that, giving happy endings to characters. I feel as if there are so few in real life. My stories are just told, the length varies from 15 K to 45 K whatever tells the story.

I usually drink tea or wine when I write. I also keep a jar of dark chocolate M&M’s handy. What snacks do you enjoy while you write?
None. I might drink a cup of tea or a glass of water, but I have lots of allergies and have to be careful what I eat.

Food allergies suck. But you stay healthy in the long run!

It’s time to get to the nitty-gritty in reference to writing:
 Are you most productive in the morning, afternoon or are you a night owl?
I am a night owl in all facets of life.

Are you a plotter or a pantster?
Both at different times and mixed together sometimes.

Which is more important: plot or characters?
For me they’re equally important. They drive each other.

Do you ever experience writer’s block?
Not so far. I never have enough hours in the day so there are loads of manuscripts on my desktop in various stages all clamoring to be finished.

Do you write thing at a time or more than one? How do you balance them?
I often write more than one thing at a time, but in general one will take over and I’ll finish it then go on to the next as the other sleeps before I go back for the first creative edit before it goes to the editor and then is submitted.

What is your least favorite part of the writing or publishing process?
Oh hell, marketing, promoting. It’s so time consuming, such a stressful experience and so hard to know what to do for the best. I’d like to reach readers more, and in a more intimate way, but time forbids that for me.

What is your best marketing tip?
I have nothing for you. Try anything and everything to reach your audience.

What advice would you give other writers?
If you love writing, keep at it even in the face of the saturated market, the capricious industry, the negativity and competition, because when a reader tells you they loved your story it makes up for all those things.

WHEW! That was awesome! Thank you so much for joining us today. Girl, you gotta tell me where you got those adorable boots!

She has also released titles as an individual indie author.

Check out her new release from Evernight
An erotic romance, with Dom/sub and spanking elements—a contemporary, magical love story.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Romancing the Wolf - Boxed Set

This awesome set contains some of my favorite authors! 


They’re on the hunt after your heart. Discover 11 brand new passionate tales of friendship, desire, wolves, survival, and redemption. Escape to another world, another place, and another romance…

Warning: Contains wild heroes and heroines, tempestuous passion, old secrets, new discoveries, and pack ties binding them together. Sometimes love’s greatest challenge is romancing the wolf…

Desiree Holt- Heart of the Wolf (The Devora)

Shifter Lia Popescu is desperate to find the book Legends of the Werewolf, her only clue as to what happened to her pack. Her attempts to recover the tome bring her into contact with Riley Morgan, a meeting that explodes with sexual chemistry. She’s losing her heart to the sexy detective. How he will handle knowing the truth about her?

Saranna DeWylde The Ardennes Curse (Woolven Secret)

When Armand Rommulus killed Luc Ardennes in single combat before the Great Council, he was forced to leave his pack and his home—and claim his birthright as the Ardennes Alpha. Victoria Ardennes is prepared to do murder to break the curse tormenting her pack, until she discovers the life she must take is one she’s come to value above all others—even her own. 

Robyn MacKenzie – Chasing the Moon

For the first time in her life, Rayne Adams feels like she’s home in the sleepy little town of Hood River.  Jackson Locke is tense and anxious, and his wolf is itching to break free as the rogue terrorizing the town and his pack continues to elude him. One terrifying night throws Rayne into Jackson’s path and threatens to change everything.

Virginia Nelson - Odd Mate (The Odd Series)

As second to a female alpha, Charly endures the pity of his pack thanks to her mating. Not that he can admit the one wolf he truly loved left him years ago. Gretchen fell in love with a sweet, nerdy bear of a man, but a genetic twist of fate made her flee. When she returns to town, she can’t stay away from Charly. Can a wolf sworn to destroy all coyotes claim a coywolf mate or will he be forced to destroy the one girl he ever loved?

Gayle Donnelly – Running with the Wolf (The Cascadia Wolves)

To escape her abusive ex, Abigail Mann faked her death and fled to a small town in Oregon to start over. Abram Keaton is the most ruthless hunter of the Deschutes Pack. Hungering for the quiet, elusive kindergarten teacher sparks a need deep inside. When Abby’s past comes calling, Abram must make a choice…defy pack law and bring her into his world or let her run and lose her forever.

Cara Carnes - Redemption’s Forgiveness (The Rending)

Surviving as an Outsider was tough, but Felicity faces her harshest battle when she stumbles across a plot to overthrow the trading post, Redemption.  Marek will do anything to protect his pack and their land, including executing any Outsiders who dare enter pack lands. He knows there’s no soft in war—until a curvaceous wolf with more sass than sense limps into Redemption with an impossible tale of betrayal. Can the two discover trust and redemption together?

Brandy Walker – Under Her Spell (Keystone Predators)

The Beta of the Keystone Predators, Diego Mendoza loves his job and the responsibility that comes with it—even the simple task of retrieving his Alpha's cousin from the airport. Part wolf shifter and part witch Daphne Moore had a hell of a time fitting in and everyone wants her to choose. She is ready for a change and a trip to Arizona for her cousin's wedding seems like the perfect start. Diego wants her instantly, but she’s wary. Will Diego be able to enchant the woman who is witch and wolf?

Rebecca Royce - Always (Dragon Wars)

Robbie Owens has fought the dragons for seventeen years, leading his group of secret, elite werewolves. Tatyana Knox is a human in a world where humans are like unicorns—they simply don't exist. She is real, more she’s Robbie's mate. If he can only trust her, they will turn the tide of the war. But the clock is ticking and Tatyana's time with Robbie is almost up.
Jennifer Kacey - Violet's Shadow (Shadow Mates) 

Violet’s spent her whole life searching for where she belongs. Two weeks alone in a secluded cabin is music to her ears, until she sees a shadow in the forest with red glowing eyes. Rayden was sent to protect and guide her. Instead, he finds the mate he’s been unwilling to search for and a passion so fierce he’ll never be able to walk away. Everything she’s ever wanted in life and love is finally at her fingertips if she’s brave enough to embrace…her Shadow

Heather Long - Wolf with Benefits (Wolves of Willow Bend)

After dropping out of college and spending a summer breaking the law, Shiloh Sullivan needs to make amends. When she returns home, her best friend, the wolfish and playful Matt Montgomery, distracts he with a ‘pretend’ relationship, which annoys her parents. They never wanted their children to take the bite.  The friendly-with-benefits arrangement suits Matt fine—makes his mother happy, helps the pack forgive his best friend, and gives him a reason to pry into the secrets Shiloh’s been keeping. Pretending a relationship with a wolf is impossible, the closer they get, the more Matt’s wolf wants to take their con game and make it a mating game. Can he keep his best friend and mate her, too?

Melissa Schroeder - The Alpha's Saving Grace (Lonestar Wolf Pack)

Alpha Jacob Sanderson doesn’t have time for distractions as he hunts a vicious killer attacking his pack. Sheriff Alexandra Littlefoot is his best resource and a woman he can’t seem to resist. As secrets rise to the surface, the killer’s violence escalates and threatens to destroy the entire pack.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Author Alexa Bourne Talks About Writing

On a dark rainy night,
nothing is better than reading a thrilling suspense with a compelling romance to spice it up.


Alexa Bourne is THE author to write such a tale. She has many books out including the fast paced and incredibly hot story Wake Me (Hidden Destiny) and Chasing Gold (Beyond Fairytales) from Decadent Publishing. During her spare time she even offers on-line writing classes!  How cool is that!


Alexa has stopped by to give us a look into her life as a writer.

Thanks for joining us today. Make yourself comfortable. 
Help yourself to some tea and chocolate. 

So tell us, how long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. My first “book” over 100 pages was when I was in middle school a LOOOONG time ago. I have 11 books out and I’m part of 1 anthology that just recently released.

A born writer! What genre and topics do you like to write? Is there a topic you would never write about?
My favorite genre is romantic suspense. After my 11th book came out I finally realized I love writing about people who are thrown out of their element and must find a way to gather their courage. As for something I wouldn’t write about….I’m not sure. At the moment, I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t try.

Sounds like you have a bit of an adventurous writer’s soul. Do you have a special place you like to write or a particular writing process?
I don’t have a specific place I write, but I do have a process. I start each story with only a vague idea of the plot and both main characters. The specifics of the romance, the people and the suspense all come through during the rough draft. The only habit I have is making a soundtrack for each book with at least 1 or 2 songs that specifically represent each couple. I usually listen to that soundtrack over and over as I write that book.

OMG… I do soundtracks too!!! Music always comes up with readers. Do you ever meet your readers?
I have met readers (and love it!). I’ve only had the opportunity to do 1 book signing so far but I look forward to doing more. When I’m able to go to conventions I love to do so. I hope to do more in the next few years.

I love meeting with fans. What is a question most people ask you?
The #1 question I get is “How much money do you make?” I don’t answer it or I might say, “I’m not going to tell you.”

LOL! Hey, summer time is coming fast. I’m sure you hope to find time to read. What is on your TBR pile right now?
The Lair by Emily McKay, Far Gone by Laura Griffin, The Hit by David Baldacci, a bunch of books by Jill Shalvis. Of course there are TONS more in a suitcase, on bookshelves, in boxes in storage….

Ooooo…. I love Jill’s Animal Magnetism series and the baseball novels. Would you say you are a daydreamer?
Not really. I don’t have time to daydream!

As a mom of 3 athletic boys, I don’t have a clue what spare time is. I don’t even have a chance to clean out my purse! Say…if we were to take a sneak peak in your purse, what would we find?
My wallet, promo cards, my headphones for my iphone, a pen & little notepad, tissues and lots of receipts. I know, boring.

I know about “lots of receipts”.  LOL

Time for some fun….

EBooks or Print? Both. I like to travel a lot and the Ebook works best for that.
Wine or beer? Beer, but I wouldn’t say no to a glass of white zin!
Coffee or tea? Tea. My mom’s from England and I grew up on tea.
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Enough said.

What is your biggest “girlish” vice? Earrings. I have more than enough to last me the rest of my life, but if I see earrings in a store when I’m shopping I always check them out. More than once I’ve had my friends help me NOT buy a bunch. I also can’t leave the house without earrings. I can be in sweatpants and makeup-free with my hair in a ponytail, but I have to have at least 1 pair of earrings in. (I have 3 holes in each earlobe.)

Romantic dinner at home or dinner out? How about a romantic dinner out? It’s not really a romantic dinner if you have to clean up after yourself!

What is your favorite flavor or ice cream? Chocolate chip cookie dough. Yum!

Yeah!!! Thanks so much for joining us today, Alexa. Let’s blow this pop stand. I know an ice cream shop that serves the best Choco-chip cookie dough on waffle cones.  My treat!

Find Alexa Bourne

Grownup Fairy Tales Boxed Set

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Asking for Prayers, Good Vibes & Cards For a Special Girl

It’s no secret; authors have two soft spots – shelter animals and kids in need. I'm taking a break from the normal fun-love-sex-romance on the blog to ask a favor... prayers & cards for a special young lady who is like a niece to me. Let’s shower her with cards and well wishes as she fights with complications due to a rare disorder.

Author & Editor of Painted Soul
I was lucky to grow up in an amazing neighborhood and made friends who are still with me today. When I was a year old and 2 year old girl and her family moved into the house across the street from me. She and I have been sister-like pals since. Yes, this is the same gal who traveled to England with me when I was 16 and wrote the first draft of Painted Soul.
Yep… same gal who was the editor on Painted Soul a kazillion years later.

Tricia and I always thought we'd marry handsome men, have beautiful children, and live across the street from each other. We acomplished the first two, but life decided to put Wisconsin between us instead of a street. Over the years, I loved her visits to Michigan and looked forward to taking my boys to Minnesota to visit her, Steve and the girls.

In 1999 we were excited to find we were pregnant “at the same time”. 2000 blessed us, Trish had a little girl in June, I had a boy in July. That summer she came for a visit. I’ll never forget holding beautiful Gabby while she held my Devin and she told me some devastating news.

Gabby was born with a rare disorder that doesn’t allow her to feel pain. It's called congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA). At that time they know of only a few documented cases in the world and life expectancy was not long. After Tricia and Gabby left, I sat at my son’s bedside. I caressed his soft head and cried. Here I had a healthy boy while my best friend’s sweet little girl might not live long enough to attend pre-school. In my heart I knew my friend was strong enough to fight for her precious babe and to give her the best life possible. I was sure Gabby would have her mother's determination and faith.

Tricia's family is full of love, their generosity and spirit are boundless. They have done everything they can to create a normal life for Gabby, while still giving their time and energy to build a global support network and foundation for families in need. See more on their website Gift Of Pain

Because of their carefully selected public appearances, they have brought CIPA to the public. Through education and networking they have found and connected with more people who have it. There are now 100 documented cases in the world. Patients with the disorder are now being connected with talented doctors. Our hopes are to continue networking and increasing the quality and expectancy of these precious lives.

Here is the one of the first features they did... a story featured on 20/20:

This is the most recent apearance in a follow-up program on Oprah shot in 2014:

This is the original piece on Oprah shot in 2005:

 See a trailer for the documentary produced by Melody Gilbert:

Her family has spent a lifetime managing Gabby’s condition. She's now 15, a lively high school student; a top student with a witty sense of humor. Gabby enjoys being outside and hanging with her BFF. She has a huge heart and loves animals. Gabby even managed to convince her mom who is allergic to cats to let her adopt one! When she visits our house, she has to hold Maxwell the guinea pig right away then love up the two dogs. She's going to go crazy when she meets our new cat!

 Because of feeling pain, Gabby has broken many bones including her back. Gabby's 15th Birthday was June 9th and on the 10th she had an 8-hour back surgery. It was her fourth back surgery in two years. Last December she had a spinal fusion but soon developed numbness from her shoulders to her knees.

 The goal of the June 10th surgery was to take out loose screws in the top vertebrae and culture it out for infection. When the surgeons got in there the damage was much worse than they had thought. The top screws had pulled out, ALL screws were loose and very little healing from the December surgery. There is the possibility some of the screws may have caused some permanent damage to the spinal cord. There is a dark cloud of Gabby never walking again, but we don’t think her nature is going allow that to happen. The goal now is to preserve her ability to walk.

 Over the next 6 (maybe longer) Gabby will be going through more surgeries at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN where Gabs has been treated several times she was first diagnosed. The folks at Mayo have grown to know and love her. Unfortunately, Gabby will be 2.5 hours away from her home in Elk River, her beloved cat and sister. Her dad will visit when he can, while Tricia will stay with her.

This family has given so much to help others. Friends of the family decided to help them. There is a Go-Fund-Me account set up to raise money for the family. Her family will rent a place as a “home away from” so they may be with her. There will be travel expenses and unforeseen bills to be covered. Any funds remaining after Gabby is back home will be donated to the foundation and used to provide a fund for other families, like theirs, who need assistance with an unexpected expense. If you’d like to help visit 

 Gabby's sister, Katie, has been the best big sister ever. She just graduated high school with high honors and is planning to college this fall. Steve is a longtime grassroots motorsport participant -- a driver and steward in Rally America. Trish is a stay-at-home Mom who cares for her girls while still finding time to contribute to the community and manage the Gift of Pain foundation. Tricia doesn’t edit as much as she used to, but she’s always there to be a sounding board if I need her for me. I would never be the writer I am today without her help in the beginning.

Please keep this sweet Gabby and her family in your prayers. 
Light a candle. 
Send healing vibes. 

Tricia’s sister and I are asking people to send Gabby a card or postcard – any kind will do, to show that people are hoping for her recovery.
Tell Gabs you are a friend of her Auntie Mary! Thank you!

Mayo Clinic Hospital
St. Mary’s Campus
Attn: Gabby Gingras Rm. MB 8-584
1216 Second St. SW
Rochester, MN 55902