Tuesday, January 20, 2015

OUT NOW - To Rome with Lust (Mount trilogy #3) by K D Grace (@kd_grace)

Are you in the mood for a steamy tale for the weekend? 
Even though it's the third book in the series, it can be read stand alone. But I guarentee you'll be hooked and pick up the other two. You'll thank me later.

The adventure that Rita Holly began in The Mount in London and Nick Chase took up in Vegas continues when a sizzling encounter on a flight to Rome has journalist, Liza Calendar, and perfumer, Paulo ‘The Nose’ Delacour, in sexy olfactory heaven. The heir apparent of Martelli Fragrance, Paulo wants Liza’s magnificently sensitive nose to help develop Martelli’s controversial new line. Paulo has a secret weapon; Martelli Fragrance is the front for the original Mount, an ancient sex cult of which he is a part, and Paulo plans to use the scent of sex to enhance Martelli’s Innuendo line. As Liza and Paulo sniff out the scent of seduction, they become their own best lab rats. But when someone steals the perfume formulas and lays the blame at Liza’s feet, she and Paulo must sniff out the culprit and prove Liza’s
innocence before more is exposed than just secret formulas.

‘People are looking. We should stop.’ Liza barely got the words out before he leaned in just a tiny bit further and, in his enthusiasm, his lips brushed hers. Everything spiked in a sharp stab of scent that settled right between her legs, as they both gasped and sat back, eyes wide, fingers pressed to lips. A flight to Paris was called over the intercom immediately after one to Frankfurt and, in the jostling and shifting and gathering of belongings, no one was paying any attention to them. Though she wasn’t sure it would have made any difference even if they’d suddenly been center stage. Their gaze locked on each other, cheeks flushed, chests heaving, they sat locked in a moment so tight, so full that its breaking apart was inevitable. It was ridiculous. She was seconds away from coming, and his cock was about to burst his trousers and his lips, my god his lips, she could think of so many places on her body she wanted those lips.

‘I have to know,’ he gasped. ‘Surely you want to know too.’ Then he did the unthinkable. He curled his fingers into the back of her hair and pulled her to him. This time their lips met with a clash of teeth and a gasping swallow of oxygen that transitioned into parted lips and darting tongues and an absolute explosion of scent. If he had smelled amazing by himself, if his scent had sharpened hers to the cutting edge of orgasm, then the mixing and blending that happened when they touched, when those two scents came together was shattering.

‘I’ve never smelled anything like it,’ she breathed into his mouth.

‘Me neither,’ He bit her lower lip and tugged and their blended smell became darker, more spicy, tones of earth and sea, pepper and honey and my god the guy could kiss!

She came first with a guttural grunt that began deep in her center and washed over her like a riptide. She tried desperately to hide it, but he knew it. He felt it, she even thought he smelled it, and he tightened his fist in her hair, breathing her into his open mouth. Both his hands then slid to her shoulders in a grip that was almost painful as he pulled back, his gaze locked on hers, and his whole body convulsed, and again, and again, his deep mocha gaze holding her tight as pupils dilated and eyelids shuddered.
For a moment they sat stunned, staring at each other, struggling to catch their breath. He looked shell-shocked, and she must have looked at least as bad. ‘I’m sorry,’ they both said at the same time as they mirrored each other in a nervous laugh.
Then the intercom called the flight to Rome. ‘That’s my flight,’ she gasped, suddenly awash in a wave of embarrassment. She grabbed her bag and her laptop and fled, feeling certain everyone was watching, feeling certain everyone knew exactly what they had done. She left quickly, babbling on about duty free and gifts, sounding like a total idiot. It didn’t matter though, at the end of the day, she’d never see the man again. And she’d never smell him again. That saddened her.

Author Bio:
Voted ETO Best Erotic Author of 2014, and a proud member of The Brit Babes, K D Grace believes Freud was right. In the end, it really IS all about sex, well sex and love. And nobody’s happier about that than she is, otherwise, what would she write about?

When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening. When she’s not gardening, she’s walking. She walks her stories, and she’s serious about it. She and her husband have walked Coast to Coast across England, along with several other long-distance routes. For her, inspiration is directly proportionate to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She also enjoys martial arts, reading, watching the birds and anything that gets her outdoors.

KD has erotica published with SourceBooks, Xcite Books, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and others.

K D’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels include, The Initiation of Ms Holly, Fulfilling the Contract, The Pet Shop. Her paranormal erotic novel, Body Temperature and Rising, the first book of her Lakeland Witches trilogy, was listed as honorable mention on Violet Blue’s Top 12 Sex Books for 2011. Books two and three, Riding the Ether, and Elemental Fire, are now also available.

K D Grace also writes hot romance as Grace Marshall. An Executive Decision, Identity Crisis, The Exhibition are all available.

Find KD Here:
Websites: http://kdgrace.co.uk/       
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KDGraceAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KD_Grace         
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kdgraceauthor/

Monday, January 19, 2015

NEW RELEASE - The Trouble With Bree by Kristen Strassel

Kristen Strassel is one of my fav NA authors. Toss contemporary romance with some paranormal and add a dash of rock-n-roll is her usual recipe for an amazing book. This year she is releasing two new stories. The first is a novella about a young mother who is lucky to find the right guy releases TODAY!
The trouble with Bree is... 
Bree Farrell is ready to turn her life around. A twenty-one-year-old mother of two, she's not sure where to start. She could use a little help, but her string of horrible ex-boyfriends keep setting her back. First step: she's swearing off men forever. Or at least until she gets back on her feet. 

Josh Maxwell got a second chance at life, and now he wants to help kids who are in the same situation he was in. His new job as the coordinator at a preschool for underprivileged kids is the perfect place to do that. 

On paper, the school policy for staff not to get involved with the families of the students makes perfect sense. But when Bree meets the new coordinator of her son's school, she and Josh learn that some rules are made to be broken, no matter what the consequences.

Josh accepted the paperwork but put it aside without looking at it. He smiled so easily, I didn’t think much of it when it was meant for Landon, but now it was all for me, and it was dangerous. My heart stuttered a couple times, confused by all the messages in my brain that were telling me it’s never gonna happen.
“Our goal at Head Start is to get kids ready to learn. We evaluate each student to make sure they’re in the best group and get them prepared to start school. We’ll have kids from a lot of different backgrounds, and they’ll all have different strengths, but the cool thing is they’ll usually work together and make each other better.”
“I like that approach. Do you teach at all?” He’d be great at it.
Josh shook his head. “No. I coordinate the programs and make sure they all go according to plan.”
“With a room full of four-year-olds?” I asked. “You must be new at this.”
“I am.” Josh laughed, running his hand through his hair and leaning forward, his voice hushed. “Don’t tell Landon this is my first time.”
I looked back at the boys and bit my lip. “I can’t make any promises.”
“I guess I’ll have to stay in your good graces.” Josh raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any other kids?”
“Oh God, no.” That sounded really bad. I laughed. “I didn’t mean it like that. But my hands are full with two.”
Everyone I knew who had two kids agreed with my theory. After the first baby, there was this euphoria. I made a human being inside my body. I managed to keep him alive for almost a year at that point. It was an invincible feeling. If I could do that, I could do anything, right? Including have another baby. But the level of difficulty when I added another child to the mix multiplied exponentially. And the finesse I needed to handle it didn’t come right away.
Josh nodded. “I get it.”
“Do you have any kids?” He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, but then of course, neither was I.
He shook his head. “Just the sixty that will be here.”
“You look fantastic for having so many kids.” I giggled. Crap. I went from zero to flirt without even thinking about it.
“So do you.” My eyes widened, and he backpedaled. “I mean, for having two.”
“Thanks.” My cheeks flushed, and I looked back at the boys.
“Do you have any questions, Ms. Farrell?” Thankfully Josh was wrapping this up before we got ourselves in trouble.
“You can call me Bree.” I don’t think anyone had called me Ms. Farrell before. I thought about his question before I answered. I didn’t want to miss anything important and put Landon behind because I thought the school coordinator was hot. I had no idea how old he was. He didn’t seem that much older than me, yet his shit was so much more together than mine.
I wanted to know what made him tick.
 “I do have a question, but it’s not about Landon. I’m starting school this semester, too, and I was wondering, how did you decide you wanted to do this?”

“That’s a great question, Bree.” Josh’s eyes lit up. “Maybe I could tell you about it over dinner?”

Visit Kristen Strassel

Friday, January 16, 2015

Welcome Home

A good friend of mine is returning home this week. He proudly serves in the US Marine Corps. For the last year he was on tour in Afghanistan.  He is also my main sounding board and research contact for creating the Marines and their stories in my Legend of the Spirit series.

He’s been very generous guiding me through the rank and file of mixing my imagination with the reality of the USMC. Best of all, we’ve shared a lot of laughs. I think he might have a little writer living inside him.

Previously on this blog, I’ve discussed who couples separated by miles and time can keep their fire alive. It takes a special person to serve this country and an extra special person to love him.

First I’d like to thank his beautiful wife, Annie, for letting me borrow her man and pick his brain. I try to leave as much mind intact after I was done but he was a little twisted to begin with. LOL Just kidding. And.. special thanks to the man himself…“Whiskey Rick”… for his service to this country and my muse.

The book “Hawk’s Honor” is dedicated to “Whiskey Rick” and Annie.

Keep in mind, while many of our service men and women return home, more are just beginning their tours. Authors Supporting Our Troops will be collecting books again to send out those stationed abroad. I will post info when it comes in.
semper fi
Proud to be a Marine’s daughter.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Facebook Diet

How long are you on Facebook? How often do you check it during the day? Is it interfering with your work?


Here are few steps to go on a Facebook Diet.

1. Turn on Tag Review to avoid being distracted by everyone tagging you. Feel free to remove yourself from tags.

2. Turn off Facebook Chat. It can sucker you in.

3. Select Stop Notifications to prevent you from being notified every time someone comments on a post you’ve liked/commented on.

4. Hide your Sidebar and you’ll your Facebook Ticker. Put away the temptation to look.

5. Try the Chrome plug in “Newsfeed Eradicator for Facebook”.  It will replace your newsfeed with motivational quotes.

6. Turn off all game notifications.

7. Me? I’m not all that tech savvy and would spend too much time trying to figure out how to do all the above. So I just take a kitchen timer and keep it next to my computer. I set a time and when the dinger rings, I close Facebook. (I also do not have FB on my phone.)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Tasty Tuesday–Spike Your Cocoa

Last week the temps here in Michigan were flirting with zero. My friends in Minnesota experienced frigid temps. (Lets look for a baby boom in nine months.) Cold temp means opportunity to warm up by cuddling with a mug of hot chocolate.

cocoa stationI have a hot cocoa station in my kitchen for the kids. I found some decorative canning jars and filled them with various ingredients. Powder cocoa mix, mini marshmallows, flavored creamer. Keep mugs or cups handy. Use mugs with names to prevent confusion or use a variety of cups for fun.




For the adults, keep flavored schnapps handy. A shot of peppermint is michigan-cherry liqueurdelicious. My favorite is Michigan Cherry liqueur – tastes like a hot chocolate covered cherry!



For a bit of romance… sip a mug of spiked hot cocoa while cuddling with your honey. 

I’m Back…Did You Miss Me?

Sometimes in a writer’s world real life unfortunately takes over. Such has been the case for me lately.
I am now officially a member of the “Sandwich” Generation. This group of 40-50 years old find themselves still raising their families while also caring for aging parents.  I was born at the end of the Baby Boom to a 40 year old mom and a WWII vet dad. With dad gone, it’s time for my siblings and I to step up. As the youngest, I’m the Medical Advocate and guardian of my 87 year old mom.
She’s a great gal but health problems have made her fragile. My brother, sister and I strive to make what is left of her golden years to be joyful. As a child, I watched my parents love and care for my grandparents. One grandma lived with us for a couple years before passing. I hope I set a positive example to my boys on what it means to be a family and take care of each other.
While mom still has most of her mind she enjoys proof reading my writing and embroidering pillow cases. I’m sure she’ll hound me to get at least three books published this year.
Needless to say, I’m back and hope to get this blog fired up and running smoothly again. Look forward to favorite posts such as Tasty Tuesday and #HumpdayHottie as well as fun guest interviews,  romance tips, blurbs, and teasers.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Mojo - Minty Fresh Oral Sex

Want to have a little fun with your man? 
Try one of these tips before oral sex.

* Rinse your mouth out with an anticeptic mouthwash. Tingly!

* Use a mint just before. The feeling that a man will have on his penis from that mint is not only cool and refreshing but very exciting. 
* Suck on an ice cube. A little fire and ice action.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sultry Sunday Floor Play

A nice quiet Sunday and just the two of you;
 the room is lit by firelight and candles.  Fluffy pillows are tossed onto the floor.  Spread a soft blanket or two next to the pillows.  Hmm…sounds nice doesn’t it?  Romantic lighting, sensual fabrics, you just need skin to skin contact and you’ll be all set for a deeply intimate encounter.

Pour a glass of wine and drop your clothes. It’s time for some Floor Play!

Lie down and get comfortable.  Blindfold your honey and straddle him, letting your legs rest along side of his body.  Begin by dripping warmed massage oil over his body, rubbing it in with long sensual strokes.  The key to sensual massage is to adore every inch of your partner’s body.  Enchant his senses by varying the intensity of your touch and being creative.  Use your fingertips, knuckles, and the heel of your hand, your elbows, and your forearms. 

Tease him with an ostrich feather from head to toe, and then pleasure him orally for a few moments.  Go back to massaging him.  Slip a piece of ice into your mouth and let it melt.  Delight his senses with your cold mouth on his hot body.

Rip off his blindfold (or not) and have your way with him. 

Repeat this process only with you wearing the blindfold.  Ask him to drip wine down your back then lick it off for an erotic effect.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sinful Saturday

Grandma always told me the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... 
then she gave me this recipe 
Absolutely Sinful Chocolate Chip Cookies.

  • 2 1/2 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/4 cups white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2/3 cup sour cream
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1.     Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In the microwave or over a double boiler, melt unsweetened chocolate and butter together, stirring occasionally until smooth. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt; set aside.

2.     In a medium bowl, beat sugar, eggs, and vanilla until light. Mix in the chocolate mixture until well blended. Stir in the sifted ingredients alternately with sour cream, then mix in chocolate chips. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.

3.     Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container.

Try it... I dare you.