Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday Teaser - New Release from Sara Daniel

Please welcome a fellow DP author and writer pal...
Sara Daniel
She's giving away a $25 Amazon Gift card !

My favorite school assignment ever was modernizing and retelling a fairy tale (sophomore English – Aced it AND got extra credit – Thanks  Ms. Seckler!), so when Decadent Publishing put out the call for a retelling of a Grimm’s Fairy Tale, my hand immediately shot in the air. I was given The Three Army Surgeons, an obscure, somewhat gruesome story that was definitely not a romance. (Read it here.)

At the beginning of the initial brainstorming, I thought, “You have got to be kidding me. What I have I gotten myself into?” But then I plunged in. Before long, I was giggling as I typed because Once Upon a Marriage was SO MUCH FUN to write. Yep, favorite assignment ever!

Time is running out for Armina Keer to have the baby she’s always wanted. Before she can move on with her life, she needs her estranged husband to sign their divorce papers. When she can’t get him to respond, her meddling uncles arrange for a trip to his inn. Despite vowing to guard her broken heart, she has to settle the past before she can have a future.

Ian Keer might not deserve a second chance with his wife, but he’s not going to give up one either, not with the immediate flaming attraction still between them. While her uncles’ antics wreak havoc on life at The Inn, he offers her the ultimate gamble: Spend the night with him, and afterwards he’ll sign the papers if she still wants to leave.

With everything riding on one night together, Ian must convince her that their love is strong enough the second time around, and Armina must decide if love is worth sacrificing her dreams.

Once Upon a Marriage
Retelling The Three Army Surgeons
By Sara Daniel


“You hate me,” Ian whispered, feeling more nauseous than if he’d ingested a prosthetic eyeball. How could she not hate him when she believed their personal relationship had meant less to him than an employment issue?

Armina gazed beyond his left shoulder. “I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you. When we got married, I understood you had a strong work ethic combined with an unusual drive to succeed and a consuming passion for the Inn. I knew I’d come in second to this place.”

He opened his mouth, wanting to argue, but couldn’t. If she’d made him choose, he wouldn’t have picked her.

“I thought I was okay with it,” she continued. “After all, I loved the Inn, too, and wanted you to realize your vision for it. Turns out I wasn’t okay. I didn’t realize how distant second place actually was.” She shrugged her slim shoulders. “Live and learn, right?”

Not right. He wanted to take back the lesson and teach her about real love instead. “You never should have had to settle for second place. With me or with anyone else. No one has the right to ask that of you.”

“Agreed.” Her voice came out stronger, her shoulders squared, and she looked him directly in the eye. “Now you understand why I want a divorce.”

Buy links:

Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sara Daniel writes what she loves—irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. She lives her own happily-ever-after romance with her hero husband. Connect with her online at:
Subscribe to Sara’s newsletter: http://eepurl.com/rx_AL

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Mojo - Book Hangover

Due to the storm with the wonderful lightening show last night I stayed up reading and now am suffering a Book Hangover.

Book Hangover:
Book hang-o-ver (hang-oh-ver)

1. The inability to start a new book because you are still living in the old book's world 
2. The inability to function at work/school because you were up all night binge-reading
3. The headache you get after staying up into the wee hours of the morning staring at teeny tiny print.  

So what am I going to do today? 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

Independence Day has always been special to my family. We trace our heritage to Capt. James Avery who served under Gen. George Washington during the fight for New York. Thank you to my ancestor and his contemporaries for what they believed in and fought for.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tasty Tuesday - New Release from Sarah Castille

New Release! Sexy fighter romance Yield to Me by Sarah Castille

Pick up for your summer reading at $2.99

Below the belt, no-holds-barred attraction...

Amateur MMA fighter, Marcy Foster is determined to win the state championship. But dark secrets and a broken trust mean there's one submission she just can’t master. Fortunately Club Excelsior has hired a coach who knows all the right moves.

Sexy, confident and commanding, fight consultant Jax demands control, both in and out of the ring. But once he has Marcy against the ropes, Jax knows he’s in too deep. He has the dominance to give her what she needs, but once he unleashes her hidden passions, there's no going back.

Under Jax's skilled hands, Marcy submits to her deepest desires. But when her personal and professional worlds collide, she is forced to face a brutal truth—yielding to her darkest needs may be the one thing that costs her the fight...and her heart.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Sarah Castille, writes contemporary erotic romance and romantic suspense featuring blazingly hot alpha males and the women who tame them. A recovering lawyer and caffeine addict, she worked and traveled abroad before trading in her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home in shadow of the Rocky Mountains. Readers can find her at sarahcastille.com.

“Mount.” Jax beckoned her forward, his voice curiously husky, and for a moment she wondered if his touching exercise had affected him as much as her.

Marcy crawled up his body and then sat astride his abdomen in Full Mount. God, his stomach was rock hard. Just like the rest of him.

Jax’s body stiffened beneath her. “Christ, Marcy. Are you trying to kill me?”

Puzzled, she shrugged. “I thought you wanted me like this.”

“I do. No. Hell. I mean…to practice the submission, you need to be in High Mount.”

Understanding dawned and she tried and failed to repress a smile. “Am I mounted too low for you, Jax?” She was sorely tempted to give a little wiggle because she could feel something hard pressing into her ass and she was desperate to know if he was wearing a cup. In all her years of training she’d never affected a guy this way and she had to bite back a laugh.

His eyes blazed with liquid heat and his voice dropped to a husky bark, “Move up.”

Marcy eased herself up, her thighs parting wider as she positioned herself high on his chest, her knees under his armpits. “High Mount is easier with female fighters. Your chest is so broad…”

He cut her off with a low growl. When she glanced down to see what she’d done to irritate him this time, she was caught in the blistering heat of his gaze.

“I’m on to you, little fighter.” His eyes glinted, amused. “Don’t think for a minute you’ll distract me from doing what I came here to do.”

A smile curled her lips. All week she’d had to listen to the fighters at the gym talking about the aura of mystique surrounding Jax and his “fighter whisperer” ways. And yet his visible discomfort at her position on top of him made him seem all too human. All too male. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

He raised an eyebrow and exhaled through gritted teeth. “How about we try for Mid Guard?” The warmth of his breath caressed her inner thighs and heat flooded her veins. How unprofessional. She’d practiced this position countless times with other fighters in the club. Not once had she ever wanted to tear off their clothes and…

“Actually, probably better if we move to Full Guard.” Jax bucked suddenly, throwing Marcy forward and onto her hands and knees, a standard defense to High Guard, but one that put her breasts within an inch of his lips.

Her nipples tightened and she quickly rolled to her back to hide her body’s response.

Jax moved into position on top of her, taking his weight on his elbows, his legs tucked between hers. So hot. So heavy. So masculine.

Dominant. Controlling.

Arousal coursed through her veins and she tried to think of anything but the erotic weight on top of her.
Coach. Training. Professional. But her body, now a live wire, wasn’t on board.

“How do you want me?” Her breathy voice shaded into a whisper.

Sarah's newsletter for info about new releases: http://bit.ly/LgFZlb

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sarahcastilleauthor
Twitter (@sarah_castille): http://www.twitter.com/sarah_castille


Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Mojo - Thinkin' About Sex

Oh, YES he is!
41% of men would like to have sex more frequently. 
Only 29% of women share this urge.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Fitness Friday - Kegel for the V

Of all the muscles you want to tone for summer, the pelvic floor — otherwise known as your vagina muscles — is probably dead last. Kegel exercises, which do for your pelvic floor what crunches do for your abs, have myriad benefits. They help with urinary incontinence, pelvic prolapse, and supposedly make you some sort of lady sex wizard. So if you want to be better at sexing and don’t like peeing yourself, Kegels are for you!

For the adventurous gal, try Kegel weights. Try the Intimina Laselle Kegel Exercisers from prominent sex toy company LELO. They provide a bit of resistance needed to build the pelvic floor strength. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday 13 - Hot Cover Rejects

I've been given the task of pouring over thousands of images of hot men to pick ONE for the cover of Eagle Dance. After three migraines and a cazillion photos, I still don't have an image. Who knew a handsome Native American who is a bit rough around the edges would be so hard to find.

I've selected many but due to licensing of the photo, or the model being too young or too something... alas...we cannot use.
 I will prevail!

Here are a few of the rejects:

For more THURSDAY 13 from other awesome authors

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Mojo - Long Sperm

So...the day started with a couple sex scientists sitting in a lab.
"What do you want to do today?" Said one.
"I don't know," the other replied. "What do you want to do?"

 By the end of the day they knew:
The average adult testicle 
contains enough sperm to measure a quarter of a mile laid out end to end.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Fitness Friday - Turn The Cheat Around

Feeling guilty about all the wonderful food you enjoyed at your niece's graduation party? 
Don't beat yourself up! It takes a lot of calories—3,500—to gain a pound of body fat. So really, that one off day doesn't usually result in any significant weight gain. It's about what you do the next day and the day after that's really important—so don't stay off-track. So be sure to whittle away at those extra calories over the next day or two, preferably by boosting exercise rather than eating too little. Starvation is not the healthy answer!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Author Interview with Brina Brady

Brina Brady is the author of the hot new book, Rent Me, available on Amazon and Smashwords. Brina's genre is M/M erotic contemporary romance and she's been busy promoting this story with a little bit of taboo and a whole lot of HOT. I managed to catch up with her for a little interview.

Let's just jump in, what’s the kinkiest, sexiest thing you’ve ever done?
My best friend and I got trapped in a boat with these two guys we picked up. We both were having sex with our male partners in the same room. The strangest thing is we bumped into each other some how. Weird. Way back when I was young and crazy.

Oh, the days of being young and crazy. Now we're older and...maybe I better not continue that thought. LOL
How naughty do you get with your writing?  Are we talking just suggestion or downright bondage?
Extremely naughty.  Bondage and explicit sexual encounters for the two males. My story was a bout a Rent Boy and he was not shy.

No, he certainly isn't shy but that's what I love about him. What’s the best thing you’ve ever written—the best line?
This is from Bend Over, my WIP from Brennen.
No one will ever know my secret unless one of them tells on me. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to hell for what I had done. Certain sins were unforgivable especially when both the Reverend and Mom warned me many times.

Sweet! Oh, you are such a tease!
If you could have any movie star take on a role as one of your heroes, who would it be?
I want the young Travis Fimmel with his long blond hair to be Shane O’Rourke in my new novel Bend Over. I would want the young Charlie to be Brennen.

I L O V E Travis Fimmel. One of my characters was based on his delicious looks. Size counts… on average how loooooonnnnnggg do you like your (um, how do we put it delicately) manuscripts to be; (in words silly, not inches) and how steamy?
I like novels to be at least 100,000 words and very steamy.

Steamy is good!  What are the hardest scenes to write for you?
I wrote a lap dance scene between two men and that was difficult.

How close in real life, have you gotten to one of your fantasies?
Not close at all since I write about two men sleeping together and I am a woman.

LOL. What bit of romantic advice would you give your readers?
Be honest and faithful.

And finally… anything you would like to share with us, an excerpt, a tidbit, or anything else about yourself?    
I am a Los Angeles retired high school teacher. I worked in the Juvenile correction facilities and loved it. Now, I write and read.

Write, read, write, read... that's a perfect life!  Thanks for joining use today, Brina!  I hope all our readers check out your new book, Rent Me.

Rent Boy Brennen wants to belong to his lover Dmitri Dubrovsky. The Russian mobster controls every inch of his life in and out of bed. Brennen works for Dmitri’s escort service. His only desire is to please his lover.

When Dmitri marries Nika, his lover moves him out of their home to an apartment in Beverly Hills and tells him nothing has changed. 

What is Brennen going to do now?