Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday 13 - Valentine Ideas

Trying new things together brings back the feelings of excitement and the thrill that you felt when you first fell in love. So for this Valentine's Day, do something new and adventurous together. Use Valentine's Day as a marker for starting to incorporate novel experiences into your schedule. Each of you can brainstorm a list of new places you'd like to see or things you'd like to try together. Make a goal to try one new activity each month or weekend, depending on what your schedule allows.

1.      Take a confectionary class. If you can convince your honey to attend it will be twice as fun.

2.      Gaze at artwork while nibbling on chocolate and listening to jazz music. Many art galleries hold special Valentine events with a special sweet reception and live local music. Check to see if your local art museum is hosting an event.

3.      Find out if your local history museum has an exhibition on historical wedding attire. Displays of this kind often feature not only gowns but also undergarments, traditions, and cakes.

4.      If you live in a warm climate (or feeling adventurous in the north) go for a night time stroll.

5.      Sign up for salsa or swing dance lessons.  Many studios will host a fun dance party. Or... a night night dancing in your own living room can be very romantic.

6.      Dinner and the theater. Many historic theaters offer an evening beginning with champagne, dessert buffets, flowers and candy all in a candlelit lobby. Then sit back and enjoy a show or performance.

7.      Go ice skating. Local ice rinks may open to offer specials for the holiday. Outdoor rinks are fun and you can enjoy a break in a warming house with some hot cocoa. Skiing and snowboarding can be fun too!

8.      Have a cheap night in. Cuddle up with your loved one as you watch the classic "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and the passionate "Moulin Rouge." Best movie double feature ever.

9.      Simply relax. If you have crazy busy schedules then perhaps a night of doing absolutely nothing is in order. It’s nice to just snuggle.

10.  Go to a spa or create a do-it-yourself spa in your home. Take a bath together, use oils and give each other a massage.

11.  Make each other cards or write each other love letters. Create handmade coupons with gifts your partner can use anytime and insert into the card for your honey.  Don’t limit cards to each other… make cards or write letters to others who are important in your life. It’s a nice time to let others know how much you appreciate them.

12.  Host a Valentine’s Day Party. Blow up balloons with prizes (such as chocolate kisses) in them. Add paper hearts around the room for people to write “secret messages” on.

13.  Of course, my favorite involves cooking up some romance in the kitchen. Choose a fun or favorite dish to prepare together. Drink wine and have some strawberries with whipped cream handy while you heat up some fun. Don’t forget something chocolate for dessert!

In honor of Valentine's Day I'm offering a coupon 
to pick up my V-Day story, Queen of Hearts
for FREE from Smashwords.
Use Coupon Code WD94A 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

HumpDay Hottie - V-Day Hotness

For Valentine's Day I couldn't decide between the two?
What do you think?



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday Teaser - Queen of Hearts

Can bestfriends admit to their feelings and take their relationship one step farther? 
Or will crossing the line be the end?

Jenny has secretly lusted for her sexy next door neighbor for years but won't cross that invisible line dividing friendship and romance even if it is Valentine's Day.

Josh is done with his provocative life and ready to settle down. With a few tricks up his sleeve and the Valentine's Day costume party, he takes a chance on seducing his best girl pal.

Will the Queen of Hearts allow herself to be seduced by Madd Hatter's kiss and offer of more?

Available on Smashwords.
Use coupon Code WD94A for a FREE download
Valid until Feb. 28, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Mojo - When the dude needs some inches

Many men who are concerned with their penis's small stature suffer from "dysmorphophobia," a condition where people see some imaginary flaw in physical appearance as real — in this case a false perception of penis inadequacy, the researchers say.

According to LiveScience's Bad Medicine columnist, Christopher Wanjek, "Many men long to have something longer, even though few have a penis that is too small to copulate or pleasure their partner. This anxiety over size is called penile dysmorphophobia, and it is on the rise worldwide as men turn to pornography and compare notes."

Today many men turn to Penis Extenders. Ads plaster various magazines with promises. The issue of what works and what doesn't has even made the national news.

Here's a bit of interesting SEX TRIVIA:


During the height of the Roman Empire around 300AD penis extenders were invented in the East. These sexual aids were for men who had erectile problems and still wanted to pleasure their partners. These extenders, which fit over men’s penises, were first mentioned in the Indian sex manual, the Kama Sutra.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Humpday Hottie - Wine Anybody?

Brrrr... I'm sick of winter. I could really go for a cup of hot wine.
Not exactly what I meant, but I'll take it!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tasty Tuesday - Hot Chocolate Covered Cherry

Here in Michigan and across the country the temps are low and the snow is deep. After the morning coffee is finished, I clean out the pot and fill with water. I try to keep a pot of hot water available all day for my snowmen to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa when they come in from the cold. 

While at the grocery the other day, I checked out the discounted liqueur and found a bottle of Michigan Cherry.
An decadent idea came to me.

Make a cup of hot cocoa (I prefer Hersey's Dark Chocolate Cocoa)
Add 1 TBSP of coffee creamer
Add 1 shot (or more) of the Cherry liqueur
Feel free to top with whipping cream & a cherry.

I call it a Hot Chocolate Covered Cherry.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Mojo- Cock Ring Trivia

 COCK RING - A cock ring is most often used to make an erect penis harder and bigger, to keep it that way for a longer amount of time, and to delay and heighten orgasm. Cock rings work by constricting blood flow, keeping blood in the shaft of the penis. When a wearer finally does ejaculate, the sensation is more intense, since it took a longer time to come, and because the penis is filled with additional blood.

Men use cock rings with partners and/or by themselves. Some are actual rings as their name suggests, made of metal or rubber.
The Chinese have always been known for their historic out of the box sexual practices.  During the Jin and Song Dynasties in 1200AD the cock ring made its way into the public life.  Apparently, the first documented rings were made from the eyelids of goats with eyelashes intact.

No... goat.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Flirt

Going out for the first time or have a blind date?
Here's a couple simple tips to read a guy's flirting.

The head tilt. If your date tilts his head slightly when he looks at you, you can bet he's subconsciously showing you he likes you.

The eyebrow flash. In other words, watch for your man to lift his eyebrows when he looks over at you. Though subtle, men tend to lift their eyebrows quickly when they see someone they're attracted to. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Teaser - Sex, Lies, and Vampires by Katie MacAlister

After falling in love with Katie MacAlister’s writing style and characters I HAD to have more. So… the next time I took Mom to the book store, I found another. This book was originally published in 2005.

Sex, Lies, And Vampires

 I love the quirky heroine in this story, the 3rd book in The Dark Ones series. (Yep… still haven’t picked up the 1st yet.) This book was so fun to read, I couldn’t put it down. Perfect with a glass of red wine, a comfy blanket and cozy chair on a cold winter day.

Nell is a historian...and a charmer. When she inadvertently becomes involved with the supernatural world, Nell meets a Dark One (vampire) known as The Betrayer. Despite the scary title, The Betrayer (actually named Adrian) is incredibly sexy, and the chemistry between them becomes overwhelming. There is a lot of sexual tension and loads of romance. He tries to show his big bad self that all should fear, and she responds by calling him a fluffy pet name like sugarpants. Throw in some re-animated mummies, demons, kidnappings, and misunderstandings and you have the basic plotline of Sex, Lies and Vampires.